• 【节制教育手册是否促进寻求健康的行为?】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1097/00152192-200607000-00007 复制DOI
    作者列表:O'Connell B,Wellman D,Baker L,Day K
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:This study reviewed whether participants who were given a continence education package, which included a Continence Educational Brochure (CEB), and who indicated that they were bothered by incontinence symptoms changed health-seeking behaviors about their incontinence problem because of being given the brochure. METHOD:This study used a descriptive and exploratory design. Participants were given the CEB and asked to read the information. They were also asked to complete a continence questionnaire and mail this back to the research team. Participants who indicated that they were bothered by a continence problem and consented to being interviewed were telephoned 2 to 3 months later. They were asked questions to determine their actions and progress in relation to managing their continence problem and whether the CEB had influenced their behavior. SETTING AND SUBJECT:A total of 631 participants (352 females, 55.8%; 279 males, 44.2%) from 4 rural and regional settings in Victoria, Australia, participated. Of this sample, 111 participants (78 females, 70.3%; 33 males, 29.7%) who reported that they were bothered by a continence problem were interviewed 3 months after being given the CEB. RESULTS:Two thirds of the total sample of participants (n=111) sought help for their continence problem. Approximately 70.3% (n=78) continued to have a continence problem. Of this group, 84.6% were still bothered by the continence problem and 65.4% had taken action to treat their incontinence. Forty-nine participants (44.1%) indicated that they had discussed the issue of bladder or bowel problems with someone directly because of this study or the information contained in the brochure. More than 94% of participants who remembered the CEB indicated that they believed the brochure would be helpful if given to other people. CONCLUSIONS:These findings suggest that the CEB prompted individuals to discuss their continence problem and in fewer cases to seek professional help. Given these findings, distribution of a continence education package is advocated as a continence health promotion strategy.
  • 【雌性大鼠母体行为期间表达Fos的纹状体终末神经元的内侧视前区和腹床核的投影位点。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1046/j.1365-2826.1997.t01-1-00597.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Numan M,Numan MJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Medial preoptic area (MPOA) and ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (VBST) neurons are involved in maternal behavior, but the neural sites to which the maternally relevant neurons project have not been determined. Since MPOA and VBST neurons express Fos during maternal behavior, we used a double-labeling immunocytochemical procedure to detect both Fos and a retrograde tracer, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), in order to determine where these Fos neurons project. On Day 4 postpartum, fully maternal females were separated from their litters. On Day 5, WGA was iontophoretically injected into one of the following regions known to receive MPOA and/or VBST input: Lateral septum, medial hypothalamus at the level of the ventromedial nucleus, lateral habenula, ventral tegmental area, retrorubral field, or periaqueductal gray. On Day 7, females received a 2-h test with either pups or candy, after which they were perfused and their brains were processed for the detection of Fos and WGA. As expected, females tested with pups had more Fos-containing neurons in the MPOA and VBST than did females tested with candy. After WGA injections into several brain sites, the number of double-labeled cells observed in the MPOA and VBST was greater for the maternal females when compared to the non-maternal females. Therefore, these results pinpointed neural circuits that were activated during maternal behavior. For the maternal females, Fos-containing neurons in the MPOA projected most strongly to the medial hypothalamus at the level of the ventromedial nucleus and to the lateral septum, while Fos-containing neurons in the VBST projected most strongly to the retrorubral field, ventral tegmental area, and medial hypothalamus. Although relatively few MPOA and VBST neurons which expressed Fos during maternal behavior projected to the periaqueductal gray, these Fos-expressing neurons made up a relatively large proportion of the MPOA and VBST projection to the periaqueductal gray. This study suggests that MPOA and VBST efferents project to a variety of regions to promote full maternal responsiveness.
    背景与目标: : 视前区 (MPOA) 和纹状体 (VBST) 神经元的腹床核参与母体行为,但尚未确定与母系相关的神经元投射到的神经部位。由于MPOA和VBST神经元在母体行为中表达Fos,因此我们使用双标记免疫细胞化学程序来检测Fos和逆行示踪剂小麦胚芽凝集素 (WGA),以确定这些Fos神经元的投射位置。产后第4天,将完全的产妇与产仔分开。在第5天,将WGA离子电渗注射到以下已知接受MPOA和/或VBST输入的区域之一: 外侧隔膜,腹内侧核水平的下丘脑内侧,外侧habenula,腹侧被盖区,脑后野,或导水管周围灰色。在第7天,雌性接受了2小时的幼崽或糖果测试,然后对其进行灌注,并对其大脑进行处理以检测Fos和WGA。正如预期的那样,与用糖果测试的雌性相比,用幼崽测试的雌性在MPOA和VBST中具有更多的含Fos的神经元。在将WGA注射到多个大脑部位后,与非母体女性相比,在MPOA和VBST中观察到的双标记细胞数量更多。因此,这些结果确定了在母体行为期间激活的神经回路。对于母体女性,MPOA中含Fos的神经元最强烈地投射到腹内侧核水平的下丘脑内侧和外侧隔,而VBST中含Fos的神经元最强烈地投射到脑后野,腹侧被盖区和下丘脑内侧。尽管在投射到导水管周围灰色的母体行为中表达Fos的MPOA和VBST神经元相对较少,但这些表达Fos的神经元在MPOA和VBST投射到导水管周围灰色的比例相对较大。这项研究表明,MPOA和VBST传出剂投射到各个地区,以促进孕产妇的全面反应。
  • 【作为大脑可塑性框架的音乐训练: 行为、功能和结构。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2012.10.011 复制DOI
    作者列表:Herholz SC,Zatorre RJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Musical training has emerged as a useful framework for the investigation of training-related plasticity in the human brain. Learning to play an instrument is a highly complex task that involves the interaction of several modalities and higher-order cognitive functions and that results in behavioral, structural, and functional changes on time scales ranging from days to years. While early work focused on comparison of musical experts and novices, more recently an increasing number of controlled training studies provide clear experimental evidence for training effects. Here, we review research investigating brain plasticity induced by musical training, highlight common patterns and possible underlying mechanisms of such plasticity, and integrate these studies with findings and models for mechanisms of plasticity in other domains.
    背景与目标: : 音乐训练已成为研究人脑中与训练相关的可塑性的有用框架。学习演奏乐器是一项高度复杂的任务,涉及几种模态和高阶认知功能的相互作用,并导致行为,结构和功能在从数天到数年内的时间范围内发生变化。虽然早期的工作侧重于音乐专家和新手的比较,但最近越来越多的受控训练研究为训练效果提供了明确的实验证据。在这里,我们回顾了研究由音乐训练引起的大脑可塑性的研究,强调了这种可塑性的常见模式和可能的潜在机制,并将这些研究与其他领域的可塑性机制的发现和模型相结合。
  • 【芒果中吡虫啉和硫丹的持久性行为。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s00128-012-0902-6 复制DOI
    作者列表:Bhattacherjee AK
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Imidacloprid was sprayed on mango cv. Dashehari at 0.3 mL L(-1) of water during pre-bloom stage with 6-8 cm panicle size (first week of March) to control hopper and carbosulfan was sprayed at 2.0 mL L(-1) of water in the trees of mango hybrid (H-1000) during fruit development stage (first week of May) to control leaf webber. Residues of both the insecticides were analysed in peel, pulp and fruit at different stages of fruit development and maturity. The initial residues of imidacloprid, after 30 days of spraying, were 1.21, 0.56 and 1.77 mg kg(-1) in peel, pulp and whole fruit, respectively. The residues persisted in peel for 60 days and in pulp for 50 days and dissipated with a half-life of 38 days. Mature Dashehari fruits at harvest (after 85 days of spraying) were free from imidacloprid residues. Carbosulfan in mango peel dissipated from 5.30 mg kg(-1) (after 1 h of spraying) to 0.05 mg kg(-1) at the time of harvest (after 45 days of spraying). Carbosulfan residue in pulp was very low (0.08 mg kg(-1)) after 1 h of spraying, which increased gradually to 0.90 mg kg(-1) after 10 days and finally came down to 0.04 mg kg(-1) after 26 days of spraying. The insecticide residue was not detected in the pulp at the time of harvest. The residues persisted in pulp for 26 days and in peel for 45 days and degraded with a half-life of 7 days. The dissipation of both imidacloprid and carbosulfan followed first order rate kinetics in whole fruit (peel + pulp). Therefore, the safe pre-harvest intervals were suggested to be 55 days for imidacloprid and 46 days for carbosulfan before consumption of mango fruits after spraying of these insecticides.
    背景与目标: : 吡虫啉喷洒在芒果上。在开花前阶段以0.3 mL L(-1) 的水进行Dashehari,穗大小为6-8厘米 (3月的第一周) 以控制料斗,并在果实发育阶段 (第一个) 的芒果杂种 (H-1000) 的树木中喷洒2.0 mL L(-1) 的水5月的一周) 来控制叶韦伯。在果实发育和成熟的不同阶段,分析了两种杀虫剂在果皮,果肉和果实中的残留。喷洒30天后,吡虫啉的初始残留量分别为1.21,0.56和1.77 mg kg(-1),在果皮,果肉和整个水果中。残留物在果皮中持续60天,在纸浆中持续50天,并消散,半衰期为38天。收获时成熟的Dashehari果实 (喷洒85天后) 不含吡虫啉残留物。芒果果皮中的硫丹从5.30 mg kg(-1) (喷雾1小时后) 消散至收获时 (喷雾45天后) 的0.05 mg kg(-1)。喷洒1小时后,纸浆中的硫丹碳残留量非常低 (0.08 mg kg(-1)),10天后逐渐增加到0.90 mg kg(-1),最后在喷洒26天后降至0.04 mg kg(-1)。收获时未在果肉中检测到杀虫剂残留物。残留物在纸浆中持续26天,在果皮中持续45天,半衰期为7天。吡虫啉和硫丹的耗散均遵循整个果实 (果皮果肉) 的一级速率动力学。因此,建议在喷洒这些杀虫剂后食用芒果果实之前,吡虫啉的安全收获前间隔为55天,而硫丹的安全收获前间隔为46天。
  • 【努力控制、暴露于社区暴力和攻击行为: 探索青春期的交叉滞后关系。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1002/ab.21717 复制DOI
    作者列表:Esposito C,Bacchini D,Eisenberg N,Affuso G
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Self-regulation processes and violent contexts play an important role in predicting adolescents' aggressive behavior; less clear is how all three constructs are linked to each other over time. The present study examined the longitudinal relations among adolescents' self-reported effortful control (EC), exposure to community violence, both as a witness and as a victim, and aggressive behavior. Participants were 768 Italian adolescents (358 males) living in a high-risk context, with a mean age at T1 of 11 years in the younger cohort and 14 years in the older cohort. In a four-wave cross-lagged panel design, low EC was a strong predictor of aggressive behavior across each time point, whereas aggressive behavior was found to positively predict adolescents' violence exposure both as witnesses and victims. Some evidence of transactional relations was also found between adjustment problems and exposure to community violence and between EC and externalizing problems. Moreover, EC was indirectly related to exposure to violence through externalizing problems, and mediated the relation of witnessing community violence to aggression, thus supporting the view that top-down regulatory processes play a complex role in the development of violence and other externalizing problems. The importance of considering interventions that take in account these complex relations is discussed.
    背景与目标: : 自我调节过程和暴力环境在预测青少年的攻击行为中起着重要作用; 不太清楚的是随着时间的推移,所有三个结构如何相互联系。本研究调查了青少年自我报告的努力控制 (EC),作为证人和受害者暴露于社区暴力以及攻击行为之间的纵向关系。参与者为768名生活在高风险环境中的意大利青少年 (358名男性),在T1时,年轻队列的平均年龄为11岁,而老年队列的平均年龄为14岁。在四波交叉滞后面板设计中,低EC是每个时间点攻击行为的有力预测指标,而攻击行为被发现可以积极预测青少年作为证人和受害者的暴力暴露。在调整问题和社区暴力暴露之间以及欧共体和外部化问题之间,也发现了一些交易关系的证据。此外,欧共体通过外部化问题与暴力接触间接相关,并调解了目睹社区暴力与攻击的关系,从而支持自上而下的监管程序在暴力和其他外部化问题的发展中起着复杂作用的观点。讨论了考虑这些复杂关系的干预措施的重要性。
  • 6 Alcohol and suicidal behavior in adolescents. 复制标题 收藏 收藏

    【青少年的酒精和自杀行为。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Sher L,Sperling D,Zalsman G,Vardi G,Merrick J
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :This review describes epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, treatment and prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescents. As one of the leading causes of death of young adults, adolescent suicide has become a public health problem and an increase in the adolescent suicide rate has been observed over the past several decades. One important risk factor thought to contribute to the recent rise in suicidal behavior among young adults is increasing alcohol abuse among adolescents. The link between alcohol and suicide in adolescents is complicated and multiple risk factors are important in explaining and understanding suicidal behavior among adolescents. Comorbid psychopathology, which is common among adolescent alcohol abusers, substantially increases the risk for suicide behavior. Availability of alcohol and guns at home may also contribute to suicide risk in adolescents. Studies of stress hormones, brain neurotransmitters, hereditary factors, behavioral measures and gender differences shed light in understanding this complex phenomenon. Ideally, treatment of adolescents who receive a diagnosis of an alcohol use disorder and co-occurring suicidality should follow an integrated protocol that addresses both conditions. Future studies of psychological and neurobiological mechanisms of suicidality in adolescents with alcohol and/or substance abuse are merited.
    背景与目标: : 这篇综述描述了青少年自杀行为流行病学,病理生理学,危险因素,治疗和预防。作为年轻人死亡的主要原因之一,青少年自杀已成为公共卫生问题,并且在过去几十年中观察到青少年自杀率上升。被认为是导致年轻人自杀行为最近上升的一个重要危险因素是青少年酗酒增加。青少年酒精与自杀之间的联系很复杂,多种危险因素对于解释和理解青少年的自杀行为很重要。在青少年酗酒者中常见的合并症精神病理学大大增加了自杀行为的风险。家里有酒精和枪支也可能导致青少年自杀风险。对应激激素,脑神经递质,遗传因素,行为措施和性别差异的研究为理解这一复杂现象提供了启示。理想情况下,接受酒精使用障碍和同时发生自杀的诊断的青少年的治疗应遵循解决这两种情况的综合方案。值得对酗酒和/或滥用药物的青少年自杀的心理和神经生物学机制进行进一步研究。
  • 【一项一分钟干预改变口腔自理行为的随机对照试验。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1177/154405910708600711 复制DOI
    作者列表:Sniehotta FF,Araújo Soares V,Dombrowski SU
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Non-compliance with oral self-care recommendations, despite education and motivation, is a major problem in preventive dentistry. Forming concrete if-then action plans has been successful in changing self-care behavior in other areas of preventive medicine. This is the first trial to test the effects of a brief planning intervention on interdental hygiene behavior. Two hundred thirty-nine participants received a packet of floss, information, and a flossing guide. They were randomly assigned to a control or an intervention group. The intervention took 1.16 minutes and consisted of forming a concrete plan of where, when, and how to floss. Baseline measures and two-week and two-month follow-ups included self-report, residual floss, and theory of planned behavior variables. The intervention significantly affected flossing in that group at two-week and two-month follow-ups, as compared with the control group. This study provides evidence for the effects of a concise intervention on oral self-care behavior.
    背景与目标: : 尽管受过教育和动机,但不遵守口腔自我保健建议是预防牙科的主要问题。制定具体的if-then行动计划已成功地改变了预防医学其他领域的自我护理行为。这是第一个测试简短计划干预对齿间卫生行为影响的试验。两百三十九名参与者收到了一包牙线,信息和牙线指南。他们被随机分配到对照组或干预组。干预花费了1.16分钟,包括在哪里,何时以及如何使用牙线形成具体计划。基线测量以及两周和两个月的随访包括自我报告,残留牙线和计划行为变量理论。与对照组相比,该干预在两周和两个月的随访中显着影响了该组的牙线。这项研究为简明干预对口腔自我护理行为的影响提供了证据。
  • 【使用计划行为理论预测非处方药的自我药物治疗。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1177/1359105312465912 复制DOI
    作者列表:Pineles LL,Parente R
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Millions of people worldwide use over-the-counter analgesics on a regular basis; yet little is known about how decisions to self-medicate are made. This study used the theory of planned behavior to explore the influence of beliefs about medicines (Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire) and individual pain experience as predictors of intent to self-medicate. Both emerged as significant predictors of intent to self-medicate. Furthermore, intent to self-medicate significantly predicted reported use of analgesics. These findings indicate that use of over-the-counter pain medication is more likely when the value of the pain relief is greater than concerns about harm.
    背景与目标: : 全世界有数百万人定期使用非处方止痛药; 然而,对于如何做出自我药物的决定知之甚少。这项研究使用计划行为理论来探索对药物的信念 (关于药物的信念问卷) 和个人疼痛体验的影响,以此作为自我治疗意图的预测指标。两者都成为自我治疗意图的重要预测指标。此外,自我药物治疗的意图显著预测了镇痛药的使用。这些发现表明,当缓解疼痛的价值大于对伤害的担忧时,使用非处方止痛药的可能性更大。
  • 【改善生活方式和行为疗法可有效降低肥胖非糖尿病精神分裂症患者的体重并提高血清脑源性神经营养因子水平。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.psychres.2012.11.020 复制DOI
    作者列表:Kuo FC,Lee CH,Hsieh CH,Kuo P,Chen YC,Hung YJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The goal of the study was to elucidate the relationship between serum circulating brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and body weight reduction via lifestyle modification and behavior therapy in obese non-diabetic patients with chronic schizophrenia. Thirty-three obese non-diabetic subjects with schizophrenia treated with stable antipsychotic medication in a day-care unit for at least 3 months were recruited. Thirty age-, body weight-matched subjects without psychiatric disorders were enrolled as controls. All participants underwent a 10-week weight reduction program, including lifestyle modification, psychosocial treatment, behavior therapy and exercise in the day-care unit. Blood biochemistry, serum BDNF, adipokine (adiponectin), inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6) and oral glucose tolerance test were evaluated before and after the program. Serum BDNF concentrations were significantly lower among patients with schizophrenia compared to control subjects. Serum BDNF levels were significantly increased following the weight reduction program. Elevations in serum BDNF levels were positively correlated with body weight and body mass index reduction. Altogether, our results demonstrate that a non-pharmacological weight reduction program effectively reduces body weight with significant elevation of serum BDNF levels in obese non-diabetic patients with schizophrenia.
    背景与目标: : 该研究的目的是阐明肥胖的非糖尿病慢性精神分裂症患者血清循环脑源性神经营养因子 (BDNF) 与通过改变生活方式和行为疗法减轻体重之间的关系。招募了33名肥胖的非糖尿病精神分裂症患者,他们在日托病房接受了稳定的抗精神病药物治疗至少3个月。纳入了30名年龄,体重匹配的无精神疾病的受试者作为对照。所有参与者都接受了为期10周的减肥计划,包括改变生活方式,心理社会治疗,行为治疗和在日托单元进行锻炼。方案前后分别进行血生化、血清BDNF、脂肪因子 (脂联素) 、炎症标志物 (C-反应蛋白、肿瘤坏死因子-α 和interleukin-6) 及口服葡萄糖耐量试验。与对照组相比,精神分裂症患者的血清BDNF浓度显着降低。减肥计划后,血清BDNF水平显着增加。血清BDNF水平升高与体重和体重指数降低呈正相关。总之,我们的结果表明,在肥胖的非糖尿病精神分裂症患者中,非药物减肥计划可有效降低体重,并显着提高血清BDNF水平。
  • 【自由意志信念可以预测对不道德行为和刑事处罚的态度。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1073/pnas.1702119114 复制DOI
    作者列表:Martin ND,Rigoni D,Vohs KD
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Do free will beliefs influence moral judgments? Answers to this question from theoretical and empirical perspectives are controversial. This study attempted to replicate past research and offer theoretical insights by analyzing World Values Survey data from residents of 46 countries (n = 65,111 persons). Corroborating experimental findings, free will beliefs predicted intolerance of unethical behaviors and support for severe criminal punishment. Further, the link between free will beliefs and intolerance of unethical behavior was moderated by variations in countries' institutional integrity, defined as the degree to which countries had accountable, corruption-free public sectors. Free will beliefs predicted intolerance of unethical behaviors for residents of countries with high and moderate institutional integrity, but this correlation was not seen for countries with low institutional integrity. Free will beliefs predicted support for criminal punishment regardless of countries' institutional integrity. Results were robust across different operationalizations of institutional integrity and with or without statistical control variables.
    背景与目标: : 自由意志信仰会影响道德判断吗?从理论和实证的角度回答这个问题是有争议的。本研究试图通过分析来自46个国家 (n = 65,111人) 的居民的世界价值调查数据来复制过去的研究并提供理论见解。证实了实验结果,自由意志信念预测了对不道德行为的不容忍以及对严厉刑事处罚的支持。此外,自由意志信念与对不道德行为的不容忍之间的联系受到国家机构完整性差异的调节,机构完整性的定义是国家对公共部门负责的程度,无腐败。自由意志信念预测了机构完整性高和中等国家的居民对不道德行为的不容忍,但是对于机构完整性低的国家却没有这种相关性。自由意志信念预测,无论国家的机构完整性如何,都将支持刑事处罚。在机构完整性的不同操作中,无论有无统计控制变量,结果都是稳健的。
  • 【糖蜜暗物质自组装行为的研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s11356-012-1364-4 复制DOI
    作者列表:Hatano K,Komatsu I,Aoyagi N,Takahashi K,Kubota K
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :We have previously demonstrated that dark materials (DM) in acidified molasses are effectively adsorbed to Amberlite XAD7HP resin and are eluted from the resin with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide. In this paper, we have characterized the self-assembly behavior of molasses DM by using dynamic and static light scattering in combination with isoelectric focusing and infrared absorption spectroscopy in order to better understand the resin adsorption mechanism. One of DM derivatives, X-G2, contained carboxyl and hydroxyl groups and had a weight-average molar mass of 9.39 × 10(3) to 4.42 × 10(4) at pH 2.1-11.5. The aggregates retained their spherical shape over the full pH range and the large gyration radius (66.4-80.0 nm) indicated that the inner structure was loosely packed. Furthermore, X-G2 had an isoelectric point of 1.8, and its density increased sharply at pH 5.9 and then approached a nearly constant value under alkaline conditions. In summary, the self-assembly processes of DM are controlled by intermolecular hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic interactions. The aggregates adsorb to the resin through hydrophobic interactions and are eluted when excess carboxylate anions are generated.
    背景与目标: : 我们先前已经证明,酸化糖蜜中的深色物质 (DM) 有效地吸附在Amberlite XAD7HP树脂上,并用0.1 M氢氧化钠从树脂中洗脱。在本文中,我们通过使用动态和静态光散射结合等电聚焦和红外吸收光谱来表征糖蜜DM的自组装行为,以便更好地了解树脂的吸附机理。X-G2,DM衍生物之一含有羧基和羟基,在pH 2.1-11.5下的重均摩尔质量为9.39 × 10(3) 至4.42 × 10(4)。聚集体在整个pH范围内保持其球形形状,并且大的回转半径 (66.4-80.0 nm) 表明内部结构松散堆积。此外,X-G2的等电点为1.8,其密度在pH 5.9时急剧增加,然后在碱性条件下接近几乎恒定的值。总之,DM的自组装过程受分子间氢键和疏水相互作用控制。聚集体通过疏水相互作用吸附到树脂上,并在产生过量的羧酸根阴离子时洗脱。
  • 【承诺关系中MSM与性风险行为相关的关系特征。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1089/apc.2012.0198 复制DOI
    作者列表:Hoff CC,Chakravarty D,Beougher SC,Neilands TB,Darbes LA
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Understanding situations that increase HIV risk among men who have sex with men (MSM) requires consideration of the context in which risky behaviors occur. Relationships are one such context. This study examines the presence and predictors of unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) in the past 3 months among 566 MSM couples. A majority of couples allowed sex with outside partners. Overall, 65% of the sample engaged in UAI with primary partner, including nearly half of discordant couples. Positive relationship factors, such as attachment and intimacy, were associated with an increased likelihood of UAI with primary partner. Meanwhile, 22% of the sample engaged in at least one episode of UAI with an outside partner, half of whom were discordant or unknown HIV status outside partners. Higher levels of HIV-specific social support, equality, and sexual agreement investment were significantly associated with a decreased likelihood of engaging in UAI with a discordant or unknown HIV status outside partner. HIV-positive men in discordant relationships had two and one half times the odds of having UAI with a discordant or unknown HIV status outside partner as their HIV-negative partners. Many MSM in relationships, including some in serodiscordant ones, engage in UAI with primary partners. Potential explanations include relationship closeness, relationship length, and agreement type. In addition, relationship context appears to have a differential impact upon UAI with primary and outside partners, implying that prevention messages may need to be tailored for different types of couples. Prevention efforts involving MSM couples must take into account relationship characteristics as couples balance safer sex and HIV risk with intimacy and pleasure.
    背景与目标: : 了解与男性发生性关系的男性 (MSM) 中增加艾滋病毒风险的情况,需要考虑发生危险行为的背景。关系就是这样一种背景。这项研究调查了566对MSM夫妇在过去3个月中无保护的肛门性交 (UAI) 的存在和预测因素。大多数夫妇允许与外部伴侣发生性关系。总体而言,65% 的样本与主要伴侣进行了UAI,包括近一半的不和谐夫妇。积极的关系因素,例如依恋和亲密关系,与主要伴侣发生UAI的可能性增加有关。同时,样本的22% 与外部伴侣进行了至少一次UAI发作,其中一半是外部伴侣不和谐或未知的HIV状态。较高水平的HIV特异性社会支持,平等和性协议投资与参与UAI的可能性降低显着相关。处于不和谐关系中的HIV阳性男性与不和谐或未知HIV状态的UAI作为其HIV阴性伴侣的可能性是UAI的两倍半。许多处于关系中的MSM,包括一些处于不和谐关系中的MSM,都与主要合作伙伴进行UAI。潜在的解释包括关系密切,关系长度和协议类型。此外,关系背景似乎对与主要和外部伴侣的UAI产生了不同的影响,这意味着可能需要为不同类型的夫妇量身定制预防信息。涉及MSM夫妇的预防工作必须考虑到关系特征,因为夫妇在更安全的性行为和艾滋病毒风险与亲密关系和愉悦之间取得平衡。
  • 【自杀行为中血浆水平的脑源性神经营养因子降低,但血清浓度降低: 系统评价和荟萃分析。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1002/brb3.706 复制DOI
    作者列表:Salas-Magaña M,Tovilla-Zárate CA,González-Castro TB,Juárez-Rojop IE,López-Narváez ML,Rodríguez-Pérez JM,Ramírez Bello J
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: INTRODUCTION:Suicide is known as a major health concern worldwide. There is evidence for the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in suicide behavior. Therefore, this factor has been proposed as a biomarker for suicide behavior. Clinical studies have measured BDNF concentrations at central and peripheral levels. As a consequence, the aim of this study was to assess BDNF levels in blood plasma and serum to see whether there is a difference in concentrations in patients with suicide behavior when compared to those in controls, using a meta-analysis approach. METHODS:We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis. The search strategy was performed using three databases: PubMed, EBSCO and ScienceDirect. The meta-analysis included a total of nine case-control studies, six measured the BDNF level in serum and three in plasma in suicide behavior. RESULTS:A decrease in BDNF levels in plasma was observed (d = -0.73, 95% CI -1.42 to -0.03 pg/ml). In the case of serum concentrations, no BDNF differences were encountered between cases and controls (d = 0.09, 95% CI -0.31 to 0.13 ng/ml, p(Q) = .92). CONCLUSIONS:According to the results found in the present meta-analysis, the plasma BDNF level could be suggest as a potential biomarker in suicide behavior. However, since the number of studies included in the analysis is limited, a larger number is necessary to determine conclusively the role of BDNF as a biomarker in suicide behavior.
  • 【加热过程中奥氏体晶粒生长行为的新研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04371-8 复制DOI
    作者列表:Xu D,Ji C,Zhao H,Ju D,Zhu M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :In this paper, the effects of the heating temperature and holding time on the austenite grain growth of SCM435 steel were studied and analyzed in terms of the average, macro-axis and minor-axis size of the grains. The results indicated that the classical Sellars model was highly consistent for describing the growth stage of the new austenite but poorly described the initial nucleation-growth stage and stability stage of the austenite. A new model that expresses the average austenite grain growth of SCM435 steel was developed, and the values calculated based on this model were highly consistent with the actual measured values. The standard deviation and expected grain-size expressions increased as the heating temperature and holding time increased. The macro-axis and minor-axis size of the grains were linearly correlated with the average size, and the ratio of the macro-axis to the minor-axis size remained generally constant during grain growth. Furthermore, this paper provides a new way of thinking about heredity in materials science from the perspective of mathematical characteristics.
    背景与目标: : 本文从晶粒的平均尺寸,宏观轴尺寸和短轴尺寸出发,研究和分析了加热温度和保温时间对SCM435钢奥氏体晶粒长大的影响。结果表明,经典的Sellars模型在描述新奥氏体的生长阶段方面高度一致,但对奥氏体的初始成核生长阶段和稳定阶段的描述却很差。建立了一种新的表达SCM435钢平均奥氏体晶粒长大的模型,基于该模型计算的值与实际测量值高度吻合。标准偏差和预期晶粒尺寸表达式随着加热温度和保温时间的增加而增加。晶粒的大轴和短轴尺寸与平均尺寸线性相关,并且在晶粒生长过程中,大轴与短轴尺寸的比率大致保持恒定。此外,本文从数学特征的角度为材料科学中的遗传问题提供了一种新的思路。
  • 【重症监护病房主要噪声源的行为观察。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.jcrc.2013.06.006 复制DOI
    作者列表:Xie H,Kang J,Mills GH
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: PURPOSE:This study aimed to investigate the behavior patterns of typical noise sources in critical care wards and relate their patterns to health care environment in which the sources adapt themselves in several different forms. METHODS:An effective observation approach was designed for noise behavior in the critical care environment. Five descriptors have been identified for the behavior observations, namely, interval, frequency, duration, perceived loudness, and location. Both the single-bed and the multiple-bed wards at the selected Critical Care Department were randomly observed for 3 inconsecutive nights, from 11:30 pm to 7:00 am the following morning. The Matlab distribution fitting tool was applied afterward to plot several types of distributions and estimate the corresponding parameters. RESULTS:The lognormal distribution was considered the most appropriate statistical distribution for noise behaviors in terms of the interval and duration patterns. The turning of patients by staff was closely related to the increasing occurrences of noises. Among the observed noises, talking was identified with the highest frequency, shortest intervals, and the longest durations, followed by monitor alarms. The perceived loudness of talking in the nighttime wards was classified into 3 levels (raised, normal, and low). Most people engaged in verbal communication in the single-bed wards that occurred around the Entrance Zone, whereas talking in the multiple-bed wards was more likely to be situated in the Staff Work Zone. As expected, more occurrences of noises along with longer duration were observed in multiple-bed wards rather than single-bed wards. "Monitor plus ventilator alarms" was the most commonly observed combination of multiple noises.

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