Imidacloprid was sprayed on mango cv. Dashehari at 0.3 mL L(-1) of water during pre-bloom stage with 6-8 cm panicle size (first week of March) to control hopper and carbosulfan was sprayed at 2.0 mL L(-1) of water in the trees of mango hybrid (H-1000) during fruit development stage (first week of May) to control leaf webber. Residues of both the insecticides were analysed in peel, pulp and fruit at different stages of fruit development and maturity. The initial residues of imidacloprid, after 30 days of spraying, were 1.21, 0.56 and 1.77 mg kg(-1) in peel, pulp and whole fruit, respectively. The residues persisted in peel for 60 days and in pulp for 50 days and dissipated with a half-life of 38 days. Mature Dashehari fruits at harvest (after 85 days of spraying) were free from imidacloprid residues. Carbosulfan in mango peel dissipated from 5.30 mg kg(-1) (after 1 h of spraying) to 0.05 mg kg(-1) at the time of harvest (after 45 days of spraying). Carbosulfan residue in pulp was very low (0.08 mg kg(-1)) after 1 h of spraying, which increased gradually to 0.90 mg kg(-1) after 10 days and finally came down to 0.04 mg kg(-1) after 26 days of spraying. The insecticide residue was not detected in the pulp at the time of harvest. The residues persisted in pulp for 26 days and in peel for 45 days and degraded with a half-life of 7 days. The dissipation of both imidacloprid and carbosulfan followed first order rate kinetics in whole fruit (peel + pulp). Therefore, the safe pre-harvest intervals were suggested to be 55 days for imidacloprid and 46 days for carbosulfan before consumption of mango fruits after spraying of these insecticides.


吡虫啉喷洒在芒果上。在开花前阶段以0.3 mL L(-1) 的水进行Dashehari,穗大小为6-8厘米 (3月的第一周) 以控制料斗,并在果实发育阶段 (第一个) 的芒果杂种 (H-1000) 的树木中喷洒2.0 mL L(-1) 的水5月的一周) 来控制叶韦伯。在果实发育和成熟的不同阶段,分析了两种杀虫剂在果皮,果肉和果实中的残留。喷洒30天后,吡虫啉的初始残留量分别为1.21,0.56和1.77 mg kg(-1),在果皮,果肉和整个水果中。残留物在果皮中持续60天,在纸浆中持续50天,并消散,半衰期为38天。收获时成熟的Dashehari果实 (喷洒85天后) 不含吡虫啉残留物。芒果果皮中的硫丹从5.30 mg kg(-1) (喷雾1小时后) 消散至收获时 (喷雾45天后) 的0.05 mg kg(-1)。喷洒1小时后,纸浆中的硫丹碳残留量非常低 (0.08 mg kg(-1)),10天后逐渐增加到0.90 mg kg(-1),最后在喷洒26天后降至0.04 mg kg(-1)。收获时未在果肉中检测到杀虫剂残留物。残留物在纸浆中持续26天,在果皮中持续45天,半衰期为7天。吡虫啉和硫丹的耗散均遵循整个果实 (果皮果肉) 的一级速率动力学。因此,建议在喷洒这些杀虫剂后食用芒果果实之前,吡虫啉的安全收获前间隔为55天,而硫丹的安全收获前间隔为46天。

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