An estimated 40 million women of childbearing age suffer from schistosomiasis. Animal models indicate a deleterious effect of maternal schistosomiasis on pregnancy outcomes. To date there is a lack of epidemiological evidence evaluating schistosomiasis-related morbidity in pregnancy. This study was designed to describe the impact of urogenital schistosomiasis on pregnancy outcomes in a highly endemic region of central Africa. Pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Fougamou and Lambaréné, Gabon, were consecutively screened for the presence of Schistosoma haematobium eggs in diurnal urine samples. Maternal and newborn characteristics assessed at delivery were compared between infected and uninfected mothers. The impact of maternal schistosomiasis on low birth weight and preterm delivery was assessed using logistic regression analysis. Urogenital schistosomiasis was diagnosed in 103 (9%) of 1115 pregnant women. Maternal age was inversely associated with the prevalence of urogenital schistosomiasis, with a higher burden amongst nulliparous women. Low birth weight was more common amongst infants of S. haematobium-infected mothers. This association was unaffected by controlling for demographic characteristics, gestational age and Plasmodium infection status (adjusted Odds Ratio 1.93; 95% confidence interval: 1.08-3.42). Other risk factors associated with low birth weight delivery were underweight mothers (adjusted Odds Ratio 2.34; 95% confidence interval: 1.12-4.92), peripheral or placental Plasmodium falciparum infection (adjusted Odds Ratio 2.04; 95% confidence interval: 1.18-3.53) and preterm birth (adjusted Odds Ratio 3.12; 95% confidence interval: 1.97-4.96). Preterm delivery was not associated with S. haematobium infection (adjusted Odds Ratio 1.07 95% confidence interval: 0.57-1.98). In conclusion, this study indicates that pregnant women with urogenital schistosomiasis are at an increased risk for low birth weight deliveries. Further studies evaluating targeted treatment and prevention programmes for urogenital schistosomiasis in pregnant women and their impact on delivery outcomes are warranted.


:估计有4000万育龄妇女患有血吸虫病。动物模型表明母亲血吸虫病对妊娠结局具有有害作用。迄今为止,缺乏流行病学证据来评估孕妇血吸虫病相关的发病率。本研究旨在描述非洲中部高度流行地区的泌尿生殖道血吸虫病对妊娠结局的影响。连续筛查了在加蓬富加穆和朗伯内的产前诊所就诊的孕妇,尿液中是否存在血吸虫性血吸虫卵。比较感染和未感染母亲的分娩时评估的母婴特征。使用逻辑回归分析评估了母亲血吸虫病对低出生体重和早产的影响。 1115名孕妇中有103名(9%)诊断为泌尿生殖道血吸虫病。产妇年龄与泌尿生殖道血吸虫病的患病率成反比,未生育妇女的负担较高。低出生体重在感染链球菌的母亲的婴儿中更为常见。通过控制人口统计学特征,胎龄和疟原虫感染状况(调整后的赔率比1.93; 95%置信区间:1.08-3.42),该关联不受影响。与低出生体重分娩相关的其他危险因素是体重过轻的母亲(调整后的几率为2.34; 95%的置信区间:1.12-4.92),外周或胎盘恶性疟原虫感染(调整后的几率为2.04; 95%的置信区间:1.18-3.53)和早产(调整后的赔率3.12; 95%置信区间:1.97-4.96)。早产与沙门氏菌感染无关(调整后的赔率比1.07 95%置信区间:0.57-1.98)。总之,这项研究表明,泌尿生殖道血吸虫病孕妇的低出生体重分娩风险增加。有必要进行进一步的研究,评估孕妇泌尿生殖道血吸虫病的靶向治疗和预防计划及其对分娩结果的影响。

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