Board certification is a means of demonstrating expertise above the minimum licensing standards. For many health care professionals, this credential is a necessity. As pharmacists become involved in more advanced patient care services, board certification becomes an essential component to ensuring quality care. The prevalence of United States pharmacy practice faculty members who are board certified, however, is unknown. In addition, to our knowledge, factors that serve to motivate or discourage faculty from obtaining board certification have not been previously described; thus, 900 pharmacy practice faculty members listed in the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) online directory were invited to complete an online survey regarding motivators and barriers for board certification. In addition, a list of board-certified pharmacists, obtained from the Board of Pharmacy Specialties, was used to check the board certification status of all pharmacy practice faculty members listed in the AACP directory. In 2011, the prevalence of board certification among the 2867 pharmacy practice faculty members was 37% (1063 pharmacists), with the highest prevalence found among assistant professors (39.4%). A total of 322 faculty members (36% response rate) completed the survey; of these, 308 self-identified as pharmacy practice faculty, and their responses were included in the analysis. Current board certification in pharmacy specialties was reported by 163 respondents (52.9%); 14 (4.5%) were previously certified. Among the 308 respondents, the most common perceived reason why pharmacy practice faculty become board certified was the desire to be recognized as an expert in the field (71.5%). Those who were currently board certified indicated personal growth as the most important reason (60.1%). Those previously certified indicated no perceived benefit as the most common reason for not recertifying (71.4%). Among those never certified, no perceived need (52.0%) or benefit (44.8%) were the most common reasons for not becoming certified; however, a majority of those never certified (68%) stated that they would become board certified if there was no associated cost and they were confident they would pass. To increase the prevalence of board certification in pharmacy practice faculty at U.S. schools and colleges of pharmacy, the benefits of this credential must be addressed at each institution. Steps should be taken to assist and encourage board certification.


:董事会认证是一种展示最低许可标准之上的专业知识的方式。对于许多医疗保健专业人员而言,此证书是必不可少的。随着药剂师参与更高级的患者护理服务,董事会认证已成为确保高质量护理的重要组成部分。但是,尚不知道获得董事会认证的美国药学实践教职人员的患病率。此外,据我们所知,以前没有描述过用来激励或劝​​阻教师获得董事会认证的因素;因此,邀请了美国药学院联合会(AACP)在线目录中列出的900名药学实践教师完成了有关董事会认证激励因素和障碍的在线调查。此外,还使用了从药房专业委员会获得的经董事会认证的药剂师名单,以检查ACPCP目录中列出的所有药学执业教职人员的董事会认证状态。 2011年,在2867名药学实践教师中,董事会认证的患病率为37%(1063位药剂师),在助理教授中患病率最高(39.4%)。共有322名教职员工(36%的回应率)完成了调查;其中,有308位自称药学专业的教师,他们的回答也包括在分析中。 163名受访者报告了当前的药学专业委员会认证(52.9%); 14(4.5%)位先前得到认证。在308位受访者中,药房实践教师获得董事会认证的最常见原因是希望获得该领域专家的认可(71.5%)。目前获得董事会认证的人指出,个人成长是最重要的原因(60.1%)。那些先前获得认证的人表示,没有被认可的利益是不进行重新认证的最普遍原因(71.4%)。在那些从未获得认证的人中,没有被认可的需求(52.0%)或收益(44.8%)是未获得认证的最常见原因;但是,大多数从未认证的人(68%)表示,如果没有相关成本,他们将成为董事会认证的人,他们有信心会通过。为了提高美国药学院和药学院药房实践教师的董事会认证普及率,必须在每个机构中都使用此证书的好处。应该采取步骤来协助和鼓励董事会认证。

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