The impact of 17beta-estradiol and antiestrogens on uterine cancer cells is poorly understood. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of 17beta-estradiol, 4-hydroxytamoxifen, raloxifene and ICI 182 780 on the cell proliferation of six uterine cancer cell lines: HeLa, HEC-1-A, KLE, RL-95-2, Ishikawa and EN-1078D. The effects of these compounds on the cell proliferation of the six uterine cancer cell lines were studied in the presence and absence of estrogens (phenol red and serum deprivation of sex steroids). In a general manner, 17beta-estradiol and 4-hydroxytamoxifen showed similarities in their effects whereas raloxifene showed a different pattern of cell proliferation (agonistic and antagonistic) and ICI 182 780 had antagonistic activity. In the presence and absence of estrogens, we observed that each cell line had diverse expression of ERalpha, ERbeta, GPR30 and REA. GPR30 mRNA expression was significantly reduced in a serum/phenol-free medium. REA mRNA expression was not influenced by the media. Results demonstrated the importance of removing phenol red and the use of deprived serum when studying uterine cancer cells in relationship with 17beta-estradiol and antiestrogens. The affinity of each compound to the binding of ERalpha and ERbeta was very similar with the exception of raloxifene that had a preference for ERalpha binding. Akt phosphorylation/activity was reduced in cells cultured in a phenol red- and steroid-free culture medium indicating that the presence of steroids in the culture media can influence the activity of this survival pathway. Our results suggest that the expression of ERalpha, ERbeta and GPR30 are influenced by sex steroids and might play a role in the response of cells to 17beta-estradiol and antiestrogens but are not the only factors involved in this process.


:17β-雌二醇和抗雌激素对子宫癌细胞的影响知之甚少。这项研究的目的是确定17β-雌二醇,4-羟基他莫昔芬,雷洛昔芬和ICI 182780对六种子宫癌细胞系HeLa,HEC-1-A,KLE,RL-95-2的细胞增殖的影响,石川和EN-1078D。在存在和不存在雌激素(酚红和血清性甾体剥夺)的情况下,研究了这些化合物对6种子宫癌细胞系细胞增殖的影响。通常,17β-雌二醇和4-羟基他莫昔芬的作用相似,而雷洛昔芬显示不同的细胞增殖模式(激动和拮抗),ICI 182780具有拮抗活性。在存在和不存在雌激素的情况下,我们观察到每种细胞系均具有不同的ERalpha,ERbeta,GPR30和REA表达。在无血清/无酚的培养基中,GPR30 mRNA表达显着降低。 REA mRNA表达不受培养基的影响。结果表明,在研究与17β-雌二醇和抗雌激素有关的子宫癌细胞时,去除酚红的重要性和使用剥夺血清的重要性。每种化合物对ERalpha和ERbeta结合的亲和力非常相似,但雷洛昔芬对ERalpha结合有优先选择。在不含酚红和类固醇的培养基中培养的细胞中,Akt磷酸化/活性降低,表明培养基中类固醇的存在会影响该存活途径的活性。我们的结果表明,ERalpha,ERbeta和GPR30的表达受性类固醇的影响,可能在细胞对17beta-雌二醇和抗雌激素的反应中起作用,但不是参与此过程的唯一因素。

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