1. In this study we have compared the effects of parainfluenza-1 respiratory tract viral infection on the density and function of ETA and ETB receptors in rat and mouse tracheal airway smooth muscle. 2. The bronchoconstrictor effect of inhaled methacholine was significantly enhanced in virus-infected rats, at both 4 and 12 days post-inoculation. That is, the concentration of methacholine causing an increase in resistance of 100% (PC100 methacholine) was significantly lower in virus-infected animals at both 4 and 12 days post-inoculation (n = 6-8; P < 0.05). 3. Total specific binding of [125I]-endothelin-1 and the relative proportions of ETA and ETB binding sites for [125I]-endothelin-1 were assessed in tracheal airway smooth muscle in parainfluenza-1-infected rats and mice at days 2, 4 and 12 post-inoculation using the ligands BQ-123 (1 microM; ETA receptor-selective) and sarafotoxin S6c (100 nM; ETB receptor-selective). Total specific binding in mice was significantly reduced at day 2 post-inoculation (n = 5; P < 0.05) but not at days 4 and 12 post-inoculation (n = 5). In control mice, the proportions of ETA and ETB binding sites were 53%11% at day 4 (P < 0.05). By day 12 post-inoculation, the proportion of ETA and ETB binding sites in tracheal smooth muscle from mice infected with parainfluenza-1 was not significantly different from control.

In rat tracheal airway smooth muscle, neither total specific binding nor the ETA and ETB binding site ratio (64%36%) were significantly altered in virus-inoculated rats at days 2, 4 or 12 post-inoculation (n = 5). 4. Parainfluenza-1 infection in mice had no effect on the sensitivity or maximal contractile effect of endothelin-1 in tracheal smooth muscle at days 2, 4 or 12 post-inoculation (n = 4). In contrast, contraction in response to the ETB receptor-selective agonist sarafotoxin S6c was attenuated by 39% at day 2 and by 93% at day 4 post-inoculation (P < 0.05). However, by day 12 post-inoculation, contractions to sarafotoxin S6c were not significantly different between control and virus-infected mice. In parainfluenza-1-infected rats, there were small but significant reductions in the sensitivity to carbachol, endothelin-1 and sarafotoxin S6c whilst the maximal responses to the highest concentrations of these agonists were not significantly altered by virus infection (n = 8). 5. BQ-123 (3 microM) had no significant effect on cumulative concentration-effect curves to endothelin-1 in tracheal preparations from control mice (n = 4) or parainfluenza-1-infected rats (n = 8). In contrast, in tissues taken from virus-infected mice at day 4 post-inoculation, BQ-123 caused a marked 9.6 fold rightward shift in the concentration-effect curve to endothelin-1 (n = 4). 6. In summary, we have demonstrated that parainfluenza-1 infection in mice transiently reduced the density of tracheal airway smooth muscle ETB receptors and this was reflected in reduced responsiveness to the ETB receptor-selective agonist sarafotoxin S6c. In contrast, whilst parainfluenza-1 infection in rats was associated with the pathological features and bronchial hyperresponsiveness common to respiratory tract viral infection, there was no selective down-regulation of ETB receptor expression or functional activity. The reasons for these species differences are not clear, but may relate to differences in the airway inflammatory response to parainfluenza-1 virus.


1.在这项研究中,我们比较了副流感1呼吸道病毒感染对大鼠和小鼠气管气道平滑肌中ETA和ETB受体的密度和功能的影响。 2.在感染后的第4天和第12天,吸入乙酰甲胆碱在病毒感染的大鼠中的支气管收缩作用显着增强。也就是说,在接种病毒后的第4天和第12天,引起病毒感染的动物中,引起100%耐药性增加的乙酰甲胆碱(PC100乙酰甲胆碱)的浓度显着降低(n = 6-8; P <0.05)。 3.在第2天,在副流感-1感染的大鼠和小鼠的气管气道平滑肌中评估[125I]-内皮素-1的总特异性结合以及[125I]-内皮素-1的ETA和ETB结合位点的相对比例。 ,接种后第4和第12个,使用的是配体BQ-123(1 microM;对ETA受体具有选择性)和sarafotoxin S6c(100 nM;对ETB受体具有选择性)。接种后第2天(n = 5; P <0.05),小鼠的总特异性结合显着降低,但接种后第4和12天(n = 5)则没有。在对照小鼠中,第4天ETA和ETB结合位点的比例为53%(P <0.05)。接种后第12天,副流感1感染小鼠气管平滑肌中ETA和ETB结合位点的比例与对照组无显着性差异。

在大鼠气管气道平滑肌中,两者均没有特异性结合在接种后第2、4或12天(n = 5),用病毒接种的大鼠中的ETA和ETB结合位点比例(646%)也没有明显改变。 4.小鼠副流感1感染在接种后第2、4或12天(n = 4)对气管平滑肌中内皮素1的敏感性或最大收缩作用没有影响。相反,接种后第2天对ETB受体选择性激动剂sarafotoxin S6c的响应收缩减弱了39%,在第4天减弱了93%(P <0.05)。然而,到接种后第12天,对照小鼠和病毒感染的小鼠对sarafotoxin S6c的收缩没有显着差异。在感染副流感1的大鼠中,对卡巴胆碱,内皮素1和sarafotoxin S6c的敏感性有较小但显着的降低,而对这些激动剂的最高浓度的最大反应并未因病毒感染而明显改变(n = 8)。 5. BQ-123(3 microM)对对照小鼠(n = 4)或副流感1感染大鼠(n = 8)的气管制剂中内皮素1的累积浓度效应曲线没有显着影响。相反,在接种后第4天从感染病毒的小鼠中获取的组织中,BQ-123在向内皮素1的浓度效应曲线中引起了明显的9.6倍向右移位(n = 4)。 6.总之,我们已经证明小鼠副流感1感染会暂时降低气管气道平滑肌ETB受体的密度,这反映在对ETB受体选择性激动剂sarafotoxin S6c的反应性降低。相比之下,虽然大鼠副流感1感染与呼吸道病毒感染常见的病理特征和支气管高反应性有关,但没有选择性下调ETB受体的表达或功能活性。这些物种差异的原因尚不清楚,但可能与对副流感1病毒的气道炎症反应差异有关。

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