Subjective tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence of an external source. Tinnitus is often accompanied by hearing loss but not everyone with hearing loss experiences tinnitus. We examined neuroanatomical alterations associated with hearing loss and tinnitus in three groups of subjects: those with hearing loss with tinnitus, those with hearing loss without tinnitus and normal hearing controls without tinnitus. To examine changes in gray matter we used structural MRI scans and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and to identify changes in white matter tract orientation we used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). A major finding of our study was that there were both gray and white matter changes in the vicinity of the auditory cortex for subjects with hearing loss alone relative to those with tinnitus and those with normal hearing. We did not find significant changes in gray or white matter in subjects with tinnitus and hearing loss compared to normal hearing controls. VBM analysis revealed that individuals with hearing loss without tinnitus had gray matter decreases in anterior cingulate and superior and medial frontal gyri relative to those with hearing loss and tinnitus. Region-of-interest analysis revealed additional decreases in superior temporal gyrus for the hearing loss group compared to the tinnitus group. Investigating effects of hearing loss alone, we found gray matter decreases in superior and medial frontal gyri in participants with hearing loss compared to normal hearing controls. DTI analysis showed decreases in fractional anisotropy values in the right superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculi, corticospinal tract, inferior fronto-occipital tract, superior occipital fasciculus, and anterior thalamic radiation for the hearing loss group relative to normal hearing controls. In attempting to dissociate the effect of tinnitus from hearing loss, we observed that hearing loss rather than tinnitus had the greatest influence on gray and white matter alterations.


:主观耳鸣是在没有外部来源的情况下对声音的感知。耳鸣常伴有听力障碍,但并非每个有听力障碍的人都会出现耳鸣。我们在三组受试者中检查了与听力损失和耳鸣相关的神经解剖学改变:患有耳鸣的听力损失者,没有耳鸣的听力损失者和没有耳鸣的正常听力对照者。为了检查灰质的变化,我们使用了结构MRI扫描和基于体素的形态测量(VBM),并使用扩散张量成像(DTI)来确定白质束方向的变化。这项研究的主要发现是,相对于耳鸣者和听力正常者,仅听力损失的受试者在听觉皮层附近既有灰白色变化,也有白质变化。与正常的听力对照者相比,我们没有发现耳鸣和听力丧失的受试者的灰色或白色物质显着变化。 VBM分析显示,相对于那些有听力损失和耳鸣的人,没有耳鸣的听力损失的人的前扣带回和上,内侧额回中的灰质减少了。感兴趣区域分析显示,与耳鸣组相比,听力损失组的颞上回额外减少。单独调查听力损失的影响,我们发现与正常听力对照相比,患有听力损失的参与者的上,内侧额回回中的灰质减少。 DTI分析显示,相对于正常听力对照,听力损失组右上,下纵筋膜,皮质脊髓束,额枕下束,枕上束膜和丘脑前部辐射的分数各向异性值均已降低。在试图从耳聋中分离出耳鸣的效果时,我们观察到耳聋而不是耳鸣对灰色和白色物质的变化影响最大。

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