Health disparities, defined as a significant difference in health between populations, are more common for diseases of the respiratory system than for those of other organ systems, because of the environmental influence on breathing and the variation of the environment among different segments of the population. The lowest social groups are up to 14 times more likely to have respiratory diseases than are the highest. Tobacco smoke, air pollution, environmental exposures, and occupational hazards affect the lungs more than other organs and occur disproportionately in ethnic minorities and those with lower socioeconomic status. Lack of access to quality healthcare contributes to disparities. The executive committees of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and European Respiratory Society (ERS) established a writing committee to develop a policy on health disparities. The document was reviewed, edited, and approved by their full executive committees and boards of directors of the societies. This document expresses a policy to address health disparities by promoting scientific inquiry and training, disseminating medical information and best practices, and monitoring and advocating for public respiratory health. The ERS and the ATS have strong international commitments and work with leaders from governments, academia, and other organisational bodies to address and reduce avoidable health inequalities. Their training initiatives improve the function of healthcare systems and health equality. Both the ATS and the ERS support all aspects of this document, confer regularly, and act together when possible, but the activities to bring about change may vary because of the differences in the continents where the two organisations carry out most of their activities. The ATS and ERS pledge to frame their actions to reduce respiratory health disparities. The vision of the ATS and ERS is that all persons attain better and sustained respiratory health. They call on all their members and other societies to join in this commitment.


:由于人口对环境的影响以及不同人群之间环境的变化,健康差异被定义为人群之间健康的显着差异,因此呼吸系统疾病比其他器官系统更常见。最低的社会群体患呼吸道疾病的可能性是最高的群体的14倍。烟草烟雾,空气污染,环境暴露和职业危害对肺部的影响比其他器官更多,并且在少数民族和社会经济地位较低的人群中不成比例地发生。缺乏优质医疗保健的机会加剧了差距。美国胸科学会(ATS)和欧洲呼吸学会(ERS)的执行委员会成立了一个写作委员会,以制定有关健康差异的政策。该文件由其整个执行委员会和协会董事会进行了审核,编辑和批准。该文件表达了一项政策,旨在通过促进科学探究和培训,传播医学信息和最佳实践以及监测和倡导公共呼吸健康来解决健康差异。 ERS和ATS拥有强大的国际承诺,并与政府,学术界和其他组织机构的领导人合作,以解决和减少可避免的健康不平等现象。他们的培训计划改善了医疗保健系统的功能和健康平等。 ATS和ERS都支持本文档的各个方面,定期举行会议,并在可能的情况下共同行动,但是,由于两个组织执行其大部分活动的大陆不同,因此带来变革的活动可能会有所不同。 ATS和ERS承诺采取行动减少呼吸系统健康差异。 ATS和ERS的愿景是所有人都能获得更好和持续的呼吸健康。他们呼吁所有成员和其他社会加入这一承诺。

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