• 【欧洲男性和非洲女性对非裔美国人基因组的贡献增加。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s00439-006-0261-7 复制DOI
    作者列表:Lind JM,Hutcheson-Dilks HB,Williams SM,Moore JH,Essex M,Ruiz-Pesini E,Wallace DC,Tishkoff SA,O'Brien SJ,Smith MW
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The differential relative contribution of males and females from Africa and Europe to individual African American genomes is relevant to mapping genes utilizing admixture analysis. The assessment of ancestral population contributions to the four types of genomic DNA (autosomes, X and Y chromosomes, and mitochondrial) with their differing modes of inheritance is most easily addressed in males. A thorough evaluation of 93 African American males for 2,018 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers, 121 X chromosome SNPs, 10 Y chromosome haplogroups specified by SNPs, and six haplogroup defining mtDNA SNPs is presented. A distinct lack of correlation observed between the X chromosome and the autosomal admixture fractions supports separate treatment of these chromosomes in admixture-based gene mapping applications. The European genetic contributions were highest (and African lowest) for the Y chromosome (28.46%), followed by the autosomes (19.99%), then the X chromosome (12.11%), and the mtDNA (8.51%). The relative order of admixture fractions in the genomic compartments validates previous studies that suggested sex-biased gene flow with elevated European male and African female contributions. There is a threefold higher European male contribution compared with European females (Y chromosome vs. mtDNA) to the genomes of African American individuals meaning that admixture-based gene discovery will have the most power for the autosomes and will be more limited for X chromosome analysis.
    背景与目标: :非洲和欧洲的雄性和雌性对单个非裔美国人基因组的不同相对贡献与利用混合分析对基因进行定位有关。在男性中,最容易解决对祖先种群对四种基因组DNA(常染色体,X和Y染色体以及线粒体)及其不同遗传方式的贡献的评估。彻底评估了93名非洲裔美国男性的2018个常染色体单核苷酸多态性(SNP)标记,121个X染色体SNP,由SNP指定的10个Y染色体单倍群和六个定义mtDNA SNP的单倍群。在X染色体和常染色体混合物级分之间观察到的明显缺乏相关性支持了在基于混合物的基因作图应用中对这些染色体的单独处理。欧洲的遗传贡献在Y染色体上最高(非洲最低)(28.46%),其次是常染色体(19.99%),然后是X染色体(12.11%)和mtDNA(8.51%)。基因组区室中混合组分的相对顺序验证了以前的研究,该研究表明性别偏向的基因流与欧洲男性和非洲女性的贡献增加有关。在非裔美国人的基因组中,欧洲男性的贡献比欧洲女性高出三倍(Y染色体与mtDNA),这意味着基于混合物的基因发现将对常染色体具有最大的作用,并且在X染色体分析中将受到更大的限制。 。
  • 【药物见解:男性激素避孕的最新进展。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/ncpendmet0069 复制DOI
    作者列表:Amory JK,Page ST,Bremner WJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :As there are limitations to current methods of male contraception, research has been undertaken to develop hormonal contraceptives for men, analogous to the methods for women based on estrogen and progestogens. When testosterone is administered to a man, it functions as a contraceptive by suppressing the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland. Since these hormones are the main stimulatory signals for spermatogenesis, low levels of LH and FSH markedly impair sperm production. After 3-4 months of testosterone treatment, 60-70% of men no longer have sperm in their ejaculate, and most other men exhibit markedly diminished sperm counts. Male hormonal contraception is well tolerated, free of serious adverse side effects, and 95% effective in the prevention of pregnancy. Importantly, male hormonal contraception is reversible, with sperm counts usually recovering within 4 months of the discontinuation of hormone treatment. Because exogenous testosterone administration alone does not completely suppress sperm production in all men, researchers have combined testosterone with second agents, such as progestogens or gonadotropin-releasing-hormone antagonists, to further suppress secretion of LH and FSH and improve suppression of spermatogenesis. Recent trials have used combinations of long-acting injectable or implantable forms of testosterone with progestogens, which can be administered orally, by injection or by a long-acting implant. Such combinations suppress spermatogenesis to zero without severe side effects in 80-90% of men, with near-complete suppression in the remainder of individuals. One of these testosterone and progestogen combination regimens might soon bring the promise of male hormonal contraception to fruition.
    背景与目标: :由于目前男性避孕方法的局限性,已经进行了研究以开发男性荷尔蒙避孕药,类似于基于雌激素和孕激素的女性避孕方法。当男人服用睾丸激素时,它通过抑制垂体促黄体生成激素(LH)和促卵泡激素(FSH)的分泌而起避孕作用。由于这些激素是精子发生的主要刺激信号,因此低水平的LH和FSH明显损害了精子的产生。经过3-4个月的睾丸激素治疗后,60-70%的男性不再有精子射精,其他大多数男性的精子数量也明显减少。男性荷尔蒙避孕药耐受性好,没有严重的不良副作用,并且95%的预防怀孕有效。重要的是,男性荷尔蒙避孕是可逆的,在停止激素治疗后的4个月内,精子数量通常会恢复。由于单独使用外源性睾丸激素并不能完全抑制所有男性的精子产生,因此研究人员已将睾丸激素与第二种药物(如孕激素或促性腺激素释放激素拮抗剂)联合使用,以进一步抑制LH和FSH的分泌并改善对精子发生的抑制作用。最近的试验已将长效可注射或可植入形式的睾丸激素与孕激素结合使用,可以口服,注射或长效植入物给药。这样的组合在80-90%的男性中将精子发生抑制为零而没有严重的副作用,而在其余个体中则几乎完全被抑制。这些睾丸激素和孕激素联合治疗方案之一可能很快会带来雄激素避孕的希望。
  • 【热应激对雄性小鼠体内和体外受精能力的影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1071/rd05022 复制DOI
    作者列表:Yaeram J,Setchell BP,Maddocks S
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :A study was conducted to determine whether following exposure of male mice to high temperatures, the ability of their spermatozoa to fertilise ova was reduced, especially during the period before the males became completely infertile. Male mice placed in a microclimate chamber at 36 degrees C for two periods, each of 12 h on successive days, were less able to fertilise control females in vivo when mated and, even in those females that became pregnant, litter size was reduced. However, these effects were associated with falls in testis weight and numbers of spermatozoa in the testis and epididymis. To determine whether the effect on fertility was a result of the decreased spermatozoa numbers, spermatozoa were collected from the epididymides of heated and control males. Equal numbers of motile spermatozoa from an unselected sample or those subjected to a swim-up procedure to separate those that were motile from the immotile ones in the sample were then mixed in vitro with oocytes from superovulated normal females. Similar numbers of spermatozoa from both control and heated males bound to the zona pellucida but smaller percentages of the oocytes were fertilised by spermatozoa from the heated males and fewer of these spermatozoa penetrated the ova. The effects were first seen 7 days after the heat exposure and became more obvious after 10 or 14 days.
    背景与目标: :进行了一项研究,以确定在雄性小鼠暴露于高温之后,其精子受精卵的能力是否降低,尤其是在雄性小鼠完全不育之前的时期。将雄性小鼠在36摄氏度的小气候室内放置两次,每次连续12h,连续交配时,它们在体内不能使对照雌性小鼠受精,即使在那些怀孕的雌性小鼠中,其产仔数也会减少。然而,这些影响与睾丸重量的下降以及睾丸和附睾中精子数量的减少有关。为了确定对生育力的影响是否是精子数量减少的结果,从加热和对照雄性的附睾中收集精子。然后,将来自未选择样品的等量活动精子或经过泳动程序分离出样品中不活动精子的活动精子与来自超排卵正常雌性的卵母细胞体外混合。结合在透明带上的对照雄性和受热雄性的精子数量相似,但是受热雄性的精子受精的卵母细胞受精的百分比较小,并且这些精子很少渗透到卵子中。在暴露于热的7天后首次见到这种效果,在10或14天后更加明显。
  • 【[非洲男性乳腺癌,瓦加杜古大学教学医院(布基纳法索)的Apropos 5例)。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Sano D,Dao B,Lankoandé J,Touré B,Sakandé B,Traoré SS,Wandaogo A,Dakouré R,Sanou A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :A retrospective study of male breast cancer was undertaken at Ouagadougou University Teaching Hospital over a 3 year period (1993-1996). Authors report 5 cases representing 4.16% of all breast cancers. The patients' mean age was 61 years. The average duration of signs and symptoms before the diagnosis was 13 months. Clinically all the 5 cases presented advanced cancers (4 T4N2M0, 1 T4N2M1 according to UICC TNM System) with size ranging from 5.5, to 11.5 cm. Histology found: 2 medullary infiltrating carcinoma, 1 canalar infiltrating carcinoma, 1 colloid mucous carcinoma and 1 lobular infiltrating carcinoma. All patients had mastectomy associated with axillary clearance in 4 cases. Radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonotherapy were not associated because unavailable in Burkina Faso. Three patients died: the first, 10 days after surgical treatment and the 2 others respectively after 14 and 17 months. We have lost sight 1 patients. The last one is still alive. Authors find that to get better prognosis, it is important to improve medical and technical means, to increase information and to promote early detection.
    背景与目标: :在瓦加杜古大学教学医院进行了为期3年(1993年至1996年)的男性乳腺癌回顾性研究。作者报告了5例病例,占所有乳腺癌的4.16%。患者的平均年龄为61岁。诊断前平均体征和症状持续时间为13个月。临床上,所有5例患者均出现晚期癌(根据UICC TNM System,4例T4N2M0、1例T4N2M1),大小在5.5至11.5厘米之间。组织学发现:2个髓样浸润癌,1个管状浸润癌,1个胶体粘​​液癌和1个小叶浸润癌。所有患者均进行了伴有腋窝清除术的乳房切除术4例。放疗,化学疗法和激素疗法没有联系,因为布基纳法索无法使用。 3例患者死亡:第一例,手术治疗10天后死亡,另外2例分别在14个月和17个月后死亡。我们失去了视力1名患者。最后一个还活着。作者发现,要获得更好的预后,重要的是改善医学和技术手段,增加信息并促进早期发现。
  • 【自我选择显着有助于更快,更远距离的男性和女性助行器的较低肥胖。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/sj.ijo.0803457 复制DOI
    作者列表:Williams PT
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:Cross-sectional studies show that active individuals are leaner than their sedentary counterparts. The purpose of this paper is to determine the extent that this is due to self-selection bias, specifically to initially leaner men and women choosing to exercise longer and more intensely. METHODS:Walking quantity (weekly distance) and intensity (speed) were compared to current body mass index (BMI) (BMI(current)) and BMI at the start of walking (BMI(starting)) in 20,353 women and 5174 men who on average had walked regularly for exercise for 7.2 and 10.6 years, respectively. RESULTS:The relationships of both BMI(current) and BMI(starting) to both distance and intensity were nonlinear (convex). On average, BMI(starting) explained >70% of the association between BMI(current) and intensity, and 40 and 17% of the associations between BMI(current) and distance in women and men, respectively. Although the declines in BMI(current) with distance and intensity were greater among fatter individuals than leaner individuals, the portions attributable to BMI(starting) remained relatively constant regardless of fatness. Thus, self-selection bias accounted for most of the decline in BMI with walking intensity and smaller, albeit significant, proportions of the decline with distance. CONCLUSION:Although walking intensity and walking distance are both strongly associated with greater leanness, intensity is less likely to be causally related to leanness than is distance, and the latter should be encouraged for reversing or preventing weight gain.
    背景与目标: 目的:横断面研究表明,活跃的人比久坐的人更苗条。本文的目的是确定这是由于自我选择偏见所致,特别是针对最初较苗条的男性和女性,他们选择运动时间更长,强度更大。
    结果:BMI(电流)和BMI(起始)与距离和强度的关系均为非线性(凸)关系。平均而言,女性的BMI(开始)解释了> 70%的BMI(当前)与强度之间的关联,而男性和女性分别解释了BMI(当前)与距离之间的40%与17%之间的关联。尽管较胖的个体的BMI(当前)随距离和强度的下降幅度更大,而较瘦的个体更显着,但无论肥胖程度,可归因于BMI(起始)的部分都保持相对恒定。因此,随着步行强度的增加,自我选择偏见是BMI下降的主要因素,而随着距离的减小,自选偏差则占较小的(尽管很明显)比例。
  • 【男性乳腺癌中ERBB2基因状态和17号染色​​体异常的评估。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1097/01.pas.0000213354.72638.bd 复制DOI
    作者列表:Fonseca RR,Tomás AR,André S,Soares J
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Male breast cancer (MBC) is an uncommon neoplasm that shares several biologic characteristics with its female counterpart. In the latter, abnormalities in the expression and/or copy number of the ERBB2 gene are present in 10% to 30% of invasive carcinoma and behave as poor prognostic markers. ERBB2 abnormalities have also been reported in MBC, yet at lower frequency, but their prognostic significance remains controversial. Furthermore, no study has addressed the impact of chromosome 17 abnormalities in MBC survival. In this study, the ERBB2-gene status (overexpression and amplification) and chromosome 17 numerical abnormalities were investigated in a series of 50 archival cases of MBC. The results, together with patient's age, histologic grade, pathologic stage, and estrogen receptor status were correlated with overall survival. ERBB2-protein overexpression was present in 7 cases (14%), ERBB2-gene amplification in 4 (8%), and aneuploidy of chromosome 17 in 12 cases (33.3%). The pathologic stage, ERBB2 overexpression and ERBB2 amplification were significantly correlated with overall survival (P=0.002, 0.016, and 0.009, respectively). No correlation was observed between chromosome 17 aneuploidy and overall survival. Therefore, despite their low incidence in MBC, expression abnormalities of ERBB2 behave, together with the pathologic stage of the tumor, as predictors of overall survival, akin to what has been reported for its female counterpart.
    背景与目标: :男性乳腺癌(MBC)是一种罕见的肿瘤,与女性乳腺癌具有某些生物学特性。在后者中,ERBB2基因表达和/或拷贝数异常存在于10%至30%的浸润性癌中,并表现为不良的预后指标。在MBC中也有ERBB2异常的报道,但频率较低,但其预后意义仍存在争议。此外,还没有研究解决17号染色​​体异常对MBC生存的影响。在这项研究中,对一系列50例MBC存档病例中的ERBB2基因状态(过表达和扩增)和17号染色​​体数字异常进行了研究。结果,以及患者的年龄,组织学等级,病理分期和雌激素受体状态与总体生存率相关。 ERBB2蛋白过表达7例(14%),ERBB2基因扩增4例(8%),染色体17的非整倍性12例(33.3%)。病理分期,ERBB2过表达和ERBB2扩增与总生存率显着相关(分别为P = 0.002、0.016和0.009)。在第17号染色​​体非整倍性与总体存活率之间未发现相关性。因此,尽管其在MBC中的发病率较低,但ERBB2的表达异常以及肿瘤的病理阶段仍可作为总体存活率的预测指标,类似于其女性对应物的报道。
  • 【在对照横断面研究中,年轻男性癌症幸存者中雄激素缺乏症的患病率和后果。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1210/jc.2006-2744 复制DOI
    作者列表:Greenfield DM,Walters SJ,Coleman RE,Hancock BW,Eastell R,Davies HA,Snowden JA,Derogatis L,Shalet SM,Ross RJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Testosterone replacement in hypogonadal males improves body composition, sexual function, and health-related quality of life. Male cancer survivors are at risk of androgen deficiency; however, when and in whom testosterone should be replaced remain unanswered questions. OBJECTIVE:The aim of our study was to define the prevalence of androgen deficiency in this patient group through assessment of testosterone levels and related measures. DESIGN:This was a cross-sectional, observational study of cases and controls. We recruited 176 cancer survivors and 213 controls, aged 25-45 yr. RESULTS:Of cancer survivors, 97% had received chemotherapy and 40% radiotherapy. Cancer survivors had lower total testosterone (tT) levels than controls (mean difference 2.67 nmol/liter; 95% confidence interval 1.58-3.76; P = 0.003), and 24 of 176 (13.6%; 95% confidence interval 9.3-19.5) had a tT less than 10 nmol/liter, which was less than 2.5% centile for controls. Cancer survivors had a greater fat mass, higher fasting insulin and glucose levels, increased fatigue, and reduced sexual function and health-related quality of life. In both cohorts, the tT correlated negatively with insulin levels and negatively with body fat mass; however, the difference in tT between them was independent of fat mass. We measured tT and SHBG and calculated bioavailable testosterone. The changes in calculated bioavailable testosterone were similar to tT. CONCLUSIONS:A significant proportion of young male cancer survivors had a frankly low tT associated with an increased fat mass and insulin level compared with controls. These factors would be predicted to improve in response to testosterone replacement therapy and provide a powerful argument for an interventional study of testosterone therapy in young male cancer survivors.
    背景与目标: 背景:性腺功能减退男性中的睾丸激素替代可改善身体组成,性功能以及与健康相关的生活质量。男性癌症幸存者有雄激素缺乏症的风险;然而,何时何地应更换睾丸激素仍未解决。
    结果:在癌症幸存者中,有97%接受了化疗,而40%接受了放疗。癌症幸存者的总睾丸激素(tT)水平低于对照组(平均差异2.67 nmol /升; 95%置信区间1.58-3.76; P = 0.003),其中176人中有24位(13.6%; 95%置信区间9.3-19.5) tT小于10 nmol /升,对于对照而言,小于2.5%百分位。癌症幸存者的脂肪量更大,空腹胰岛素和葡萄糖水平更高,疲劳加剧,性功能下降以及与健康相关的生活质量下降。在这两个队列中,tT与胰岛素水平呈负相关,与体脂质量呈负相关。但是,它们之间的tT差异与脂肪量无关。我们测量了tT和SHBG,并计算了生物利用睾丸激素。计算的生物利用睾丸激素的变化与tT相似。
  • 【Y染色体平衡易位易位病例中男性不育的细胞学和分子学研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.3892/mmr.2017.6835 复制DOI
    作者列表:Wang D,Chen R,Kong S,Pan QY,Zheng YH,Qiu WJ,Fan Y,Sun XF
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Y-autosomal translocation has been previously reported in association with male infertility; however, the mechanisms of Y-autosomal translocation and non‑obstructive azoospermia or severe oligospermia remain unclear. G‑banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were performed to analyze the translocation of chromosomes, and a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping assay was used to test mutations. The present study describes three new cases with a de novo balanced translocation t(Y;13), t(Y;9) and t(Y;6). To further explore the genotype‑phenotype correlation, G‑banding and FISH were performed and indicated the presence of a derivative chromosome. The SNP genotyping assay using a microarray revealed no abnormality, especially in the Y chromosome. Molecular deletion analysis demonstrated that no microdeletion was detected in the azoospermia factor region of the Y chromosome in the examined, infertile men. Based on these observations, the authors proposed the hypothesis that a position effect involving unknown spermatogenesis regulatory gene(s) serves a key role in male infertility.
    背景与目标: 以前已经报道过Y-常染色体易位与男性不育有关。但是,Y常染色体易位和非阻塞性无精子症或严重少精子症的机制仍不清楚。进行了G带和荧光原位杂交(FISH)来分析染色体的易位,并使用单核苷酸多态性(SNP)基因型分析法来测试突变。本研究描述了三个新病例,它们具有新的平衡易位t(Y; 13),t(Y; 9)和t(Y; 6)。为了进一步探讨基因型与表型的相关性,进行了G谱带和FISH并表明存在衍生染色体。使用微阵列的SNP基因分型分析没有发现异常,特别是在Y染色体中。分子缺失分析表明,在所检查的不育男人的Y染色体的无精子因子区域中未检测到微缺失。基于这些观察,作者提出了一个假设,即涉及未知精子发生调控基因的位置效应在男性不育中起关键作用。
  • 【随访5年以上对男性尿道狭窄治疗效果的评价】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Khenifar E,Guerder L,Jeldi A,Bittard H
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :149 cases of urethral stricture were treated in the Urology Department from 1971 to 1984. All of these patients have therefore been treated with a minimal follow-up of 5 years. There were 87 cases of post-traumatic stricture, 53 of whom were lost to follow-up during the survey, 8 died and 26 patients were able to be reviewed. The remaining 62 cases consisted of post-infectious strictures, with 37 patients lost to follow-up during the survey, 1 patient who died and 24 patients who were reviewed. The patients reviewed were assessed according to the criteria of the SFU (French Urology Society) survey. Direct vision internal urethrotomy was performed in 33 cases with 18 very good or good results (54%), segmental resection was performed in 10 cases with 7 very good or good results, urethroplasty was performed in 4 cases with 2 good results and 2 urethral dilatations were performed with 2 good results. The failures were essentially treated by more complex surgery (urethroplasty).
    背景与目标: 从1971年至1984年,泌尿外科对149例尿道狭窄患者进行了治疗。因此,所有这些患者均接受了最少5年的随访。共有87例创伤后狭窄病例,其中53例在随访期间遗失随访,8例死亡,26例能够接受检查。其余62例由感染后狭窄组成,在调查期间遗失37例患者,其中1例死亡,24例接受了复查。根据SFU(法国泌尿外科学会)调查的标准对接受检查的患者进行评估。直视内尿道切开术33例,非常好或好(18%)(54%),节段性切除10例,好或好7例,行尿道成形术4例,好转2例,尿道扩张2例进行了2项良好结果。失败基本上是通过更复杂的手术(尿道成形术)来治疗的。
  • 【咖啡和咖啡因的摄入量与男性不育:系统评价。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/s12937-017-0257-2 复制DOI
    作者列表:Ricci E,Viganò P,Cipriani S,Somigliana E,Chiaffarino F,Bulfoni A,Parazzini F
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Semen quality, a predictor of male fertility, has been suggested declining worldwide. Among other life style factors, male coffee/caffeine consumption was hypothesized to influence semen parameters, but also sperm DNA integrity. To summarize available evidence, we performed a systematic review of observational studies on the relation between coffee/caffeine intake and parameters of male fertility including sperm ploidy, sperm DNA integrity, semen quality and time to pregnancy. METHODS:A systematic literature search was performed up to November 2016 (MEDLINE and EMBASE). We included all observational papers that reported the relation between male coffee/caffeine intake and reproductive outcomes: 1. semen parameters, 2. sperm DNA characteristics, 3. fecundability. All pertinent reports were retrieved and the relative reference lists were systematically searched in order to identify any potential additional studies that could be included. RESULTS:We retrieved 28 papers reporting observational information on coffee/caffeine intake and reproductive outcomes. Overall, they included 19,967 men. 1. Semen parameters did not seem affected by caffeine intake, at least caffeine from coffee, tea and cocoa drinks, in most studies. Conversely, other contributions suggested a negative effect of cola-containing beverages and caffeine-containing soft drinks on semen volume, count and concentration. 2. As regards sperm DNA defects, caffeine intake seemed associated with aneuploidy and DNA breaks, but not with other markers of DNA damage. 3. Finally, male coffee drinking was associated to prolonged time to pregnancy in some, but not all, studies. CONCLUSIONS:The literature suggests that caffeine intake, possibly through sperm DNA damage, may negatively affect male reproductive function. Evidence from epidemiological studies on semen parameters and fertility is however inconsistent and inconclusive. Well-designed studies with predefined criteria for semen analysis, subject selection, and life style habits definition, are essential to reach a consistent evidence on the effect of caffeine on semen parameters and male fertility.
    背景与目标: 背景:精液质量是男性生育能力的预测指标,在世界范围内都有下降的趋势。在其他生活方式因素中,假设男性饮用咖啡/咖啡因会影响精液参数,但也会影响精子DNA的完整性。为了总结现有证据,我们对咖啡/咖啡因摄入量与男性生殖力参数(包括精子倍性,精子DNA完整性,精液质量和怀孕时间)之间的关系进行了观察性研究的系统综述。
    方法:进行了系统的文献检索,直至2016年11月(MEDLINE和EMBASE)。我们纳入了所有报道男性咖啡/咖啡因摄入量与生殖结果之间关系的观察性论文:1.精液参数; 2.精子DNA特性; 3.生育力。检索所有相关报告,并系统搜索相关参考文献列表,以识别可能包含的任何其他潜在研究。
    结果:我们检索了28篇报告咖啡/咖啡因摄入量和生殖结果的观察信息的论文。总体而言,他们包括19,967名男性。 1.在大多数研究中,精液参数似乎不受咖啡因摄入量的影响,至少不受咖啡,茶和可可饮料中的咖啡因的影响。相反,其他贡献表明含可乐的饮料和含咖啡因的软饮料对精液量,数量和浓度有负面影响。 2.关于精子DNA缺陷,咖啡因的摄入似乎与非整倍性和DNA断裂有关,但与DNA损伤的其他标志无关。 3.最后,在一些(但不是全部)研究中,男性喝咖啡与怀孕时间延长有关。
  • 【一种新的同二倍体鱼类,它是由雌性鲤鱼×雄性钝嘴鲷的种间杂交衍生而来的。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04582-z 复制DOI
    作者列表:Wang S,Ye X,Wang Y,Chen Y,Lin B,Yi Z,Mao Z,Hu F,Zhao R,Wang J,Zhou R,Ren L,Yao Z,Tao M,Zhang C,Xiao J,Qin Q,Liu S
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :It is commonly believed that hybridization might lead to the formation of new polyploidy species, but it is unclear whether hybridization can produce a new homodiploid species. Here, we report the spontaneous occurrence of a new crucian carp-like homodiploid fish (2n = 100) that originated from the interspecific hybridization of female common carp (Cyprinus carpio, Cyprininae, 2n = 100) × male blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala, Cultrinae, 2n = 48). The phenotype and reproductive traits of this new crucian carp-like homodiploid fish were found to be very similar to those of the existing diploid species (diploid crucian carp; Carassius auratus). FISH and 5S rDNA analyses revealed that the genotype of the crucian carp-like homodiploid fish differs from those of its parents but is closely related to that of diploid crucian carp. The results provide evidence of the existence of a possible route through which the distant hybridization of this cross can generate crucian carp. The new type of homodiploid fish is of great value in fish genetic breeding and for studying the early evolutionary process.
    背景与目标: :通常认为杂交可能导致新的多倍体物种的形成,但尚不清楚杂交是否可以产生新的同二倍体物种。在这里,我们报道了一种新的cru鱼状同二倍体鱼(2n = 100)的自发发生,该鱼起源于雌性鲤(Cyprinus carpio,Cyprininae,2n = 100)×雄性钝嘴鲷(Megalobrama amblycephala, Cultrinae,2n = 48)。发现这种新的cru鱼状同二倍体鱼的表型和繁殖性状与现有的二倍体物种(二倍体cru鱼; Car鱼)非常相似。 FISH和5S rDNA分析表明,the鱼状同二倍体鱼的基因型与其亲本不同,但与二倍体cru鱼密切相关。结果提供了存在可能的途径的证据,该杂交的远距离杂交可通过该途径产生cru鱼。新型同二倍体鱼类在鱼类遗传育种和研究早期进化过程中具有重要价值。
  • 【在雌雄大鼠的青春期前后进行性腺切除后,对乙醇诱导的条件性味觉厌恶敏感性的差异出现。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2012.11.020 复制DOI
    作者列表:Morales M,Spear LP
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :We have previously demonstrated that gonadectomy either prior to (early) or after (late) puberty elevated ethanol consumption in males to levels similar to intact adult females-effects that were attenuated by testosterone replacement. To assess whether alterations in the aversive effects of ethanol might contribute to gonadectomy-associated increases in ethanol intake in males, the present study examined the impact of gonadectomy on conditioned taste aversions (CTA) to ethanol in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. Animals were gonadectomized, received sham surgery (SH) or non-manipulated (NM) on postnatal (P) day 23 (early) or 67 (late) and tested for CTA to ethanol in adulthood. Water-deprived rats were given 1 hr access every-other-day to 10% sucrose followed by an injection of ethanol (0, 1g/kg) for 5 test sessions. Test data were analyzed to determine the first day significant aversions emerged in each ethanol group (i.e., sucrose intakes significantly less than their saline-injected counterparts). Early gonadectomized males acquired the CTA more rapidly than did early SH and NM males (day 1 vs 3 and 4 respectively), whereas a gonadectomy-associated enhancement in ethanol CTA was not evident in late males. Among females, gonadectomy had little impact on ethanol-induced CTA, with females in all groups showing an aversion by the first or second day, regardless of surgery age. These data suggest that previously observed elevations in ethanol intake induced by either pre- or post-pubertal gonadectomy in males are not related simply to gonadectomy-induced alterations in the aversive effects of ethanol indexed via CTA.
    背景与目标: :我们以前已经证明,在青春期之前(早期)或青春期之后(晚期)进行性腺切除术会使男性的乙醇消耗量增加到与完整的成年女性相同的水平,这种作用会因睾丸激素的替代而减弱。为了评估乙醇的厌恶作用改变是否可能与男性进行性腺切除术相关的乙醇摄入量增加有关,本研究检查了性腺切除术对雄性和雌性Sprague-Dawley大鼠对乙醇的条件性味觉厌恶(CTA)的影响。在出生后(P)第23天(早期)或67(后期)对动物进行性腺切除术,进行假手术(SH)或不进行操作(NM),并在成年期测试其对乙醇的CTA。每隔一天给缺水的大鼠1小时使用10%的蔗糖,然后注射乙醇(0,1g / kg)进行5次测试。分析测试数据以确定每个乙醇组在第一天就出现了明显的厌恶感(即蔗糖摄入量明显少于其注射生理盐水的对应物)。早期进行过性腺切除的男性比早期SH和NM男性(分别为第1天,第3天和第4天)更快地获得了CTA,而在晚期男性中,与性腺切除术相关的乙醇CTA的增强并不明显。在女性中,性腺切除术对乙醇诱导的CTA几乎没有影响,所有组中的女性在第一天或第二天都表现出厌恶感,无论手术年龄如何。这些数据表明,先前观察到的男性青春期前或青春期后性腺切除术诱导的乙醇摄入量增加与单纯性腺切除术诱导的通过CTA索引的乙醇的厌恶作用改变无关。
  • 【产前暴露于抗真菌药物可能会改变雄性后代的生殖器距离:一项初步研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/s12940-017-0263-z 复制DOI
    作者列表:Mogensen DM,Pihl MB,Skakkebæk NE,Andersen HR,Juul A,Kyhl HB,Swan S,Kristensen DM,Andersen MS,Lind DV,Jensen TK
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Vaginal candidiasis is frequent among pregnant women and it is treated with anti-fungal medication (conazoles). Conazoles have anti-androgenic properties and prenatal exposure in rodents is associated with a shorter (less masculine) anogenital distance (AGD) in male offspring. To our knowledge this has never been studied in humans. METHOD:In the Odense Child Cohort pregnant women residing in Odense municipality, Denmark, were recruited at gestational age 8-16 weeks between 2010 and 2012. Of the eligible 2421 mother-child pairs, 812 mother-son pairs were included. Questionnaire data on medicine use were collected in first and third trimester and physical examination at age 3 month was performed. Ano-scrotal distance; measured from the centre of anus to the posterior base of scrotum (AGDas). Ano-cephalad distance; measured from the centre of anus to the cephalad insertion of the penis (AGDap) and penile width; measured at the base of the penis. RESULTS:Eighty seven women had used antifungal medicine during pregnancy. Maternal use of oral fluconazole (n = 4) was associated with a 6.4 mm shorter AGDas (95% CI: -11.9;-0.9) in the male offspring. Use of antifungal vaginal tablets (n = 21), was associated with a non-significantly shorter AGDas (-1.9 mm; 95% CI: -4.3; 0.5) whereas exposure to vaginal cream (n = 23) was not associated to AGDas. Use of antifungal medicine in the window of genital development between 8 and 14 weeks of gestation was associated with a larger reduction in AGDas than exposure outside this window. Antifungal medicine intake was not associated with AGDap and penil width. CONCLUSION:Our preliminary findings prompted us to hypothesize that maternal use of conazole antifungal medication during pregnancy may affect the masculinization of male offspring. If confirmed, pregnant women should be advised to use antifungal medicine with caution.
    背景与目标: 背景:阴道念珠菌病在孕妇中很常见,并用抗真菌药物(康唑)治疗。康唑具有抗雄激素特性,在啮齿动物中产前暴露与雄性后代较短(男性较少)的生殖器距离(AGD)有关。据我们所知,这从未在人类中研究过。
    结果:87名妇女在怀孕期间使用了抗真菌药。母体后代母体口服氟康唑(n = 4)与AGDas短6.4mm(95%CI:-11.9; -0.9)有关。使用抗真菌阴道片(n = 21)与AGDas短得多(-1.9mm; 95%CI:-4.3; 0.5)有关,而暴露于阴道乳霜(n = 23)与AGDas无关。在妊娠8到14周之间的生殖器发育窗口中使用抗真菌药物,与在该窗口以外暴露相比,AGDas的减少幅度更大。抗真菌药物的摄入与AGDap和阴茎宽度无关。
  • 【吗啡预暴露对大麻素诱导的雄性大鼠空间记忆障碍的影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2013.07.054 复制DOI
    作者列表:Farahmandfar M,Kadivar M,Naghdi N,Choopani S,Zarrindast MR
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :In the present study, we investigated the effects of repeated morphine pre-treatment on impairment of spatial memory acquisition induced by intra dorsal hippocampus (intra-CA1) administration of the non-selective cannabinoid CB1/CB2 receptor agonist, WIN55,212-2 in adult male rats. 2-day version of Morris water maze task has been used for the assessment of spatial memory. On the training day, rats were trained by a single training session of eight trials and 24 h later a probe trial test consist of 60s free swim period without a platform and the visible test was administered. Animals received pre-treatment subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of morphine, once daily for three days followed by five days drug-free treatment before training trials. The results indicated that bilateral pre-training intra-CA1 infusions of WIN55,212-2 (0.25 and 0.5 μg/rat) impaired acquisition of spatial memory on the training and test day. The amnesic effect of WIN55, 212-2 (0.5 μg/rat) was prevented in rats previously injected with morphine (20 mg/kg/day × 3 days, s.c.). Improvement in spatial memory acquisition in morphine-pretreated rats was inhibited by once daily administration of naloxone (1 and 2 mg/kg, s.c.) 15 min prior to injection of morphine for three days. The results suggest that sub-chronic morphine treatment may produced sensitization to cannabinoids, which in turn reversed the impairment of spatial memory acquisition induced by WIN55,212-2 and mu- opioid receptors may play an important role in this effect.
    背景与目标: :在本研究中,我们研究了重复吗啡预处理对非选择性大麻素CB1 / CB2受体激动剂WIN55,212-2背侧海马内(CA1内)给药引起的空间记忆获得障碍的影响在成年雄性大鼠中。莫里斯水迷宫任务的2天版本已用于评估空间记忆。在训练当天,通过八次试验的单次训练对大鼠进行了训练,并且在24小时后,探针试验测试包括无平台的60秒钟自由游泳期,并进行了可见测试。在训练试验前,动物每天接受一次皮下(s.c.)皮下注射吗啡治疗,连续三天,然后进行五天的无毒治疗。结果表明,WIN55,212-2(0.25和0.5μg/大鼠)的双训练前CA1内输注在训练和测试当天损害了空间记忆的获取。在事先注射吗啡(20 mg / kg /天×3天,s.c.)的大鼠中,WIN55,212-2(0.5μg/大鼠)的记忆消除得到了预防。在吗啡注射3天前每天15分钟每天一次给予纳洛酮(1和2 mg / kg,皮下注射),抑制了吗啡预处理大鼠的空间记忆获得性改善。结果表明,亚慢性吗啡治疗可能对大麻素产生致敏作用,从而逆转了由WIN55,212-2引起的空间记忆获得障碍,而多阿片受体可能在这种作用中起重要作用。
  • 【冒险的男性行为的代价:在一个性单态灵长类灵长类动物的季节性生存中存在性别差异。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1098/rspb.2008.0200 复制DOI
    作者列表:Kraus C,Eberle M,Kappeler PM
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Male excess mortality is widespread among mammals and frequently interpreted as a cost of sexually selected traits that enhance male reproductive success. Sex differences in the propensity to engage in risky behaviours are often invoked to explain the sex gap in survival. Here, we aim to isolate and quantify the survival consequences of two potentially risky male behavioural strategies in a small sexually monomorphic primate, the grey mouse lemur Microcebus murinus: (i) most females hibernate during a large part of the austral winter, whereas most males remain active and (ii) during the brief annual mating season males roam widely in search of receptive females. Using a 10-year capture-mark-recapture dataset from a population of M. murinus in Kirindy Forest, western Madagascar, we statistically modelled sex-specific seasonal survival probabilities. Surprisingly, we did not find any evidence for direct survival benefits of hibernation-winter survival did not differ between males and females. By contrast, during the breeding season males survived less well than females (sex gap: 16%). Consistent with the 'risky male behaviour' hypothesis, the period for lowered male survival was restricted to the short mating season. Thus, sex differences in survival in a promiscuous mammal can be substantial even in the absence of sexual dimorphism.
    背景与目标: :男性过高的死亡率在哺乳动物中广泛存在,通常被解释为增强男性生殖成功的性选择性状的代价。经常会采用性别差异来冒险行为,以解释生存中的性别差距。在这里,我们的目的是隔离和量化在一个小的有性单态灵长类动物(灰色老鼠狐猴Microcebus murinus)中两种潜在危险的男性行为策略的生存后果:(i)大多数女性在南方南方的大部分时间里冬眠保持活跃;(ii)在短暂的年度交配季节,雄性广泛漫游以寻找雌性。我们使用了马达加斯加西部Kirindy Forest的M. murinus种群的10年捕获标记捕获数据集,对统计学上的性别特异性季节性生存概率进行了建模。出人意料的是,我们没有发现任何证据表明冬眠的直接生存益处,男性和女性之间没有差异。相比之下,在繁殖季节,雄性的存活率低于雌性(性别差距:16%)。与“危险的男性行为”假说相一致,降低男性生存期的时间仅限于短交配季节。因此,即使在没有性二态性的情况下,在混杂哺乳动物中,生存中的性别差异也可能很大。

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