• 【在来自喀麦隆和加蓬的野生非人类灵长类动物粪便样本中检测与丝状曼森氏菌密切相关的丝虫DNA。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/s13071-020-04184-1 复制DOI
    作者列表:Gaillard CM,Pion SD,Hamou H,Sirima C,Bizet C,Lemarcis T,Rodrigues J,Esteban A,Peeters M,Mpoudi Ngole E,Mombo I,Liégeois F,Martin C,Boussinesq M,Locatelli S
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:The Onchocercidae is a family of filarial nematodes with several species of medical or veterinary importance. Microfilariae are found in the blood and/or the dermis and are usually diagnosed in humans by microscopy examination of a blood sample or skin biopsy. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate whether filariae DNA can be detected in faecal samples of wild non-human primates (NHPs), whether the detected parasites were closely related to those infecting humans and whether filarial DNA detection in faeces is associated with co-infections with nematodes (Oesophagostumum sp. and Necator sp.) known to cause blood loss while feeding on the host intestinal mucosa. METHODS:A total of 315 faecal samples from 6 species of NHPs from Cameroon and Gabon were analysed. PCRs targeted DNA fragments of cox1 and 12S rDNA genes, to detect the presence of filariae, and the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2), to detect the presence of Oesophagostomum sp. and Necator sp. infections. RESULTS:Among the 315 samples analysed, 121 produced sequences with > 90% homology with Onchocercidae reference sequences. However, 63% of the 12S rDNA and 78% of the cox1 gene sequences were exploitable for phylogenetic analyses and the amplification of the 12S rDNA gene showed less discriminating power than the amplification of the cox1 fragment. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the cox1 sequences obtained from five chimpanzee DNA faecal samples from Gabon and two from Cameroon cluster together with Mansonella perstans with high bootstrap support. Most of the remaining sequences clustered together within the genus Mansonella, but the species could not be resolved. Among the NHP species investigated, a significant association between filarial DNA detection and Oesophagostomum sp. and Necator sp. infection was observed only in gorillas. CONCLUSIONS:To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting DNA from Mansonella spp. in faecal samples. Our results raise questions about the diversity and abundance of these parasites in wildlife, their role as sylvatic reservoirs and their potential for zoonotic transmission. Future studies should focus on detecting variants circulating in both human and NHPs, and improve the molecular information to resolve or support taxonomy classification based on morphological descriptions.
    背景与目标: 背景:弓形虫科是丝状线虫科,具有多种医学或兽医学意义。微丝虫病存在于血液和/或真皮中,通常通过血液样本或皮肤活检的显微镜检查在人类中得到诊断。这项研究的主要目的是评估是否可以在野生非人类灵长类动物(NHPs)的粪便样本中检测到丝虫DNA,检测出的寄生虫是否与感染人类的​​寄生虫密切相关,以及粪便中丝状DNA的检测是否与大肠杆菌相关。 -感染线虫(食道线虫(Oesophagostumum sp。)和线虫(Necator sp。))的食物,在进食宿主肠粘膜时会引起失血。
    方法:共分析了喀麦隆和加蓬6种NHPs的315份粪便样本。 PCR靶向cox1和12S rDNA基因的DNA片段,以检测丝虫的存在,以及内部转录的间隔区2(ITS2),以检测食管食管菌(Oesophagostomum sp)的存在。和Necator sp。感染。
    结果:在分析的315个样品中,有121条产生的序列与Onchocercidae参考序列具有> 90%的同源性。但是,有63%的12S rDNA和78%的cox1基因序列可用于系统发育分析,并且12S rDNA基因的扩增显示出比cox1片段弱的鉴别力。系统发育分析表明,从加蓬的五只黑猩猩DNA粪便样品和喀麦隆的两个黑猩猩DNA粪便样品中获得的cox1序列与具有高自举支持的曼氏菌一起被发现。其余大多数序列在曼森氏菌属中聚集在一起,但无法解析。在所调查的NHP物种中,丝状DNA检测与食管食管菌sp之间存在显着关联。和Necator sp。仅在大猩猩中观察到感染。
  • 【从加蓬返回的游客中,肺外肺吸虫病具有不同寻常的关节炎和皮肤特征。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.tmaid.2006.01.003 复制DOI
    作者列表:Malvy D,Ezzedine KH,Receveur MC,Pistone T,Mercié P,Longy-Boursier M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Paragonimiasis is a helminthic disease that affect accidentally man after consumption of raw or poorly cooked crustacean dishes. The clinical feature is represented mainly by pulmonary signs. Extra-pulmonary manifestations including arthritic and skin attempt remain less frequent. The case is described of a young white French woman who become infected with Paragonimus while travelling to Gabon for a tourist trip. Clinical presentation accounted for extensive recurrent pruritic urticarian subcutaneous induration, permanent assymetrical pauciarthritis associated with joint swelling, and marked eosinophilia. Diagnosis was reached using serological testing showing seroconversion for specific antibodies. The patient was cured with a single oral dose of praziquantel. Even if the condition is rare among tourists to endemic zones, it must be considered when hypereosinophilia occurs in the returning traveller and migrant.
    背景与目标: :肺吸虫病是一种蠕虫病,在食用生的或煮熟的甲壳类菜肴后,意外地影响了人。临床特征主要表现为肺部症状。包括关节炎和皮肤尝试在内的肺外表现仍然较少见。该病例描述了一位年轻的法国白人妇女,她在前往加蓬进行旅游时被帕拉基米乌斯感染。临床表现为广泛的复发性瘙痒性荨麻疹皮下硬结,伴有关节肿胀的永久性不对称性睑缘炎和明显的嗜酸性粒细胞增多。使用显示特定抗体血清转化的血清学检测方法进行诊断。口服吡喹酮治愈了病人。即使在流行地区的游客中这种情况很少见,回返的旅行者和移民中发生嗜酸性粒细胞增多症时也必须加以考虑。
  • 【加蓬中部恶性疟原虫感染的描述表明,有症状的青少年和成年人中寄生虫的密度很高。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/s12936-019-3002-9 复制DOI
    作者列表:Zoleko Manego R,Koehne E,Kreidenweiss A,Nzigou Mombo B,Adegbite BR,Dimessa Mbadinga LB,Akinosho M,Matthewman J,Adegnika AA,Ramharter M,Mombo-Ngoma G
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Malaria remains a public health issue, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa with special features of seriousness in young children and pregnant women. Adolescents and adults are reported to have acquired a semi-immune status and, therefore, present with low parasitaemia. Children are understood to present with a much higher parasitaemia and severe malaria. It is a concern that effective malaria control programmes targeting young children may lead to a delay in the acquisition of acquired immunity and, therefore, causing a shift in the epidemiology of malaria. Prevalence and parasitaemia were explored in adolescents and adults with Plasmodium falciparum infections compared to young children in the area of Lambaréné, Gabon as an indicator for semi-immunity. METHODS:A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Centre de Recherches Médicales de Lambaréné (CERMEL) during a 6-month period in 2018. Symptomatic patients, of all ages were screened for malaria at health facilities in Lambaréné and Fougamou and their respective surrounding villages in the central region of Gabon. Plasmodium falciparum infections were determined either by rapid diagnostic test (RDT) or by microscopy. Descriptive analysis of data on parasite densities, anaemia, and fever are presented. RESULTS:1589 individuals screened were included in this analysis, including 731 (46%) adolescents and adults. Out of 1377 assessed, the proportion of P. falciparum positive RDTs was high among adolescents (68%) and adults (44%), compared to young children (55%) and school children (72%). Out of 274 participants assessed for malaria by microscopy, 45 (16%) had a parasite count above 10,000/µl of which 9 (20%) were adults. CONCLUSION:This study shows a high rate of P. falciparum infections in adolescents and adults associated with high-level parasitaemia similar to that of young children. Adolescents and adults seem to be an at-risk population, suggesting that malaria programmes should consider adolescents and adults during the implementation of malaria prevention and case management programmes with continuous care, since they also act as reservoirs for P. falciparum.
    背景与目标: 背景:疟疾仍然是一个公共卫生问题,尤其是在撒哈拉以南非洲地区,在幼儿和孕妇中具有严重的严重特征。据报告,青少年和成年人具有半免疫状态,因此寄生虫血症低。据了解,儿童患寄生虫病和严重疟疾的比例更高。令人关注的是,针对幼儿的有效疟疾控制计划可能会导致获得性免疫力获得延迟,从而导致疟疾流行病学发生转变。在加蓬的Lambaréné地区,与青少年相比,恶性疟原虫感染的青少年和成年人的患病率和寄生虫血症被发现是半免疫指标。
    结果:1589名被筛选的人被纳入该分析,包括731名(46%)青少年和成人。在评估的1377例中,青少年(68%)和成人(44%)中恶性疟原虫阳性RDT的比例较高,而幼儿(55%)和小学生(72%)较高。在通过显微镜评估为疟疾的274名参与者中,有45名(16%)的寄生虫计数高于10,000 / µl,其中9名(20%)是成年人。
  • 【怀孕期间的泌尿生殖道血吸虫病与低出生体重分娩有关:对加蓬孕妇及其后代的前瞻性队列分析。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.ijpara.2016.11.001 复制DOI
    作者列表:Mombo-Ngoma G,Honkpehedji J,Basra A,Mackanga JR,Zoleko RM,Zinsou J,Agobe JC,Lell B,Matsiegui PB,Gonzales R,Agnandji ST,Yazdanbakhsh M,Menendez C,Kremsner PG,Adegnika AA,Ramharter M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :An estimated 40 million women of childbearing age suffer from schistosomiasis. Animal models indicate a deleterious effect of maternal schistosomiasis on pregnancy outcomes. To date there is a lack of epidemiological evidence evaluating schistosomiasis-related morbidity in pregnancy. This study was designed to describe the impact of urogenital schistosomiasis on pregnancy outcomes in a highly endemic region of central Africa. Pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Fougamou and Lambaréné, Gabon, were consecutively screened for the presence of Schistosoma haematobium eggs in diurnal urine samples. Maternal and newborn characteristics assessed at delivery were compared between infected and uninfected mothers. The impact of maternal schistosomiasis on low birth weight and preterm delivery was assessed using logistic regression analysis. Urogenital schistosomiasis was diagnosed in 103 (9%) of 1115 pregnant women. Maternal age was inversely associated with the prevalence of urogenital schistosomiasis, with a higher burden amongst nulliparous women. Low birth weight was more common amongst infants of S. haematobium-infected mothers. This association was unaffected by controlling for demographic characteristics, gestational age and Plasmodium infection status (adjusted Odds Ratio 1.93; 95% confidence interval: 1.08-3.42). Other risk factors associated with low birth weight delivery were underweight mothers (adjusted Odds Ratio 2.34; 95% confidence interval: 1.12-4.92), peripheral or placental Plasmodium falciparum infection (adjusted Odds Ratio 2.04; 95% confidence interval: 1.18-3.53) and preterm birth (adjusted Odds Ratio 3.12; 95% confidence interval: 1.97-4.96). Preterm delivery was not associated with S. haematobium infection (adjusted Odds Ratio 1.07 95% confidence interval: 0.57-1.98). In conclusion, this study indicates that pregnant women with urogenital schistosomiasis are at an increased risk for low birth weight deliveries. Further studies evaluating targeted treatment and prevention programmes for urogenital schistosomiasis in pregnant women and their impact on delivery outcomes are warranted.
    背景与目标: :估计有4000万育龄妇女患有血吸虫病。动物模型表明母亲血吸虫病对妊娠结局具有有害作用。迄今为止,缺乏流行病学证据来评估孕妇血吸虫病相关的发病率。本研究旨在描述非洲中部高度流行地区的泌尿生殖道血吸虫病对妊娠结局的影响。连续筛查了在加蓬富加穆和朗伯内的产前诊所就诊的孕妇,尿液中是否存在血吸虫性血吸虫卵。比较感染和未感染母亲的分娩时评估的母婴特征。使用逻辑回归分析评估了母亲血吸虫病对低出生体重和早产的影响。 1115名孕妇中有103名(9%)诊断为泌尿生殖道血吸虫病。产妇年龄与泌尿生殖道血吸虫病的患病率成反比,未生育妇女的负担较高。低出生体重在感染链球菌的母亲的婴儿中更为常见。通过控制人口统计学特征,胎龄和疟原虫感染状况(调整后的赔率比1.93; 95%置信区间:1.08-3.42),该关联不受影响。与低出生体重分娩相关的其他危险因素是体重过轻的母亲(调整后的几率为2.34; 95%的置信区间:1.12-4.92),外周或胎盘恶性疟原虫感染(调整后的几率为2.04; 95%的置信区间:1.18-3.53)和早产(调整后的赔率3.12; 95%置信区间:1.97-4.96)。早产与沙门氏菌感染无关(调整后的赔率比1.07 95%置信区间:0.57-1.98)。总之,这项研究表明,泌尿生殖道血吸虫病孕妇的低出生体重分娩风险增加。有必要进行进一步的研究,评估孕妇泌尿生殖道血吸虫病的靶向治疗和预防计划及其对分娩结果的影响。
  • 【在加蓬开始抗逆转录病毒治疗的HIV感染患者中,免疫重建炎症综合症的发生率较低:一项前瞻性队列研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s15010-017-1000-9 复制DOI
    作者列表:Janssen S,Osbak K,Holman R,Hermans S,Moekotte A,Knap M,Rossatanga E,Massinga-Loembe M,Alabi A,Adegnika A,Meenken C,van Vugt M,Kremsner PG,Meintjes G,van der Poll T,Grobusch MP
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :There is a paucity of data on the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) in the Central African region. We followed ART-naive HIV-infected patients initiating antiretroviral therapy in an HIV clinic in Gabon, for 6 months. Among 101 patients, IRIS was diagnosed in five. All IRIS cases were mucocutaneous manifestations. There were no cases of tuberculosis (TB) IRIS, but active TB (n = 20) was associated with developing other forms of IRIS (p = 0.02). Six patients died. The incidence of IRIS is low in Gabon, with mild, mucocutaneous manifestations.
    背景与目标: :中非地区缺乏有关免疫重建炎症综合症(IRIS)的数据。我们追踪了未接受过ART感染的HIV感染者在加蓬一家HIV诊所开始抗逆转录病毒治疗的情况,为期6个月。在101例患者中,有5例被诊断出IRIS。所有IRIS病例均为皮肤粘膜表现。没有结核病(IRIS)病例,但活动性结核病(n = 20)与发展其他形式的IRIS相关(p = 0.02)。 6例患者死亡。在加蓬,IRIS的发生率很低,具有轻度的粘膜皮肤表现。
  • 【利用非洲森林象的遗传图谱推断加蓬保护和发展景观中的种群结构,运动和栖息地使用情况。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/cobi.12161 复制DOI
    作者列表:Eggert LS,Buij R,Lee ME,Campbell P,Dallmeier F,Fleischer RC,Alonso A,Maldonado JE
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Conservation of wide-ranging species, such as the African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis), depends on fully protected areas and multiple-use areas (MUA) that provide habitat connectivity. In the Gamba Complex of Protected Areas in Gabon, which includes 2 national parks separated by a MUA containing energy and forestry concessions, we studied forest elephants to evaluate the importance of the MUA to wide-ranging species. We extracted DNA from elephant dung samples and used genetic information to identify over 500 individuals in the MUA and the parks. We then examined patterns of nuclear microsatellites and mitochondrial control-region sequences to infer population structure, movement patterns, and habitat use by age and sex. Population structure was weak but significant, and differentiation was more pronounced during the wet season. Within the MUA, males were more strongly associated with open habitats, such as wetlands and savannas, than females during the dry season. Many of the movements detected within and between seasons involved the wetlands and bordering lagoons. Our results suggest that the MUA provides year-round habitat for some elephants and additional habitat for others whose primary range is in the parks. With the continuing loss of roadless wilderness areas in Central Africa, well-managed MUAs will likely be important to the conservation of wide-ranging species.
    背景与目标: :保护广泛的物种,例如非洲森林象(Loxodonta cyclotis),取决于提供栖息地连通性的完全保护区和多用途区(MUA)。在加蓬保护区甘巴保护区(包括2个国家公园,由含有能源和林业特许权的MUA隔开),我们研究了森林象,以评估MUA对广泛物种的重要性。我们从大象粪便样本中提取了DNA,并利用遗传信息识别了MUA和公园中的500多个个体。然后,我们检查了核微卫星和线粒体控制区序列的模式,以按年龄和性别推断种群结构,移动模式和栖息地使用情况。人口结构薄弱但重要,并且在雨季分化更加明显。在MUA内,在旱季,雄性与湿地和热带稀树草原等开放栖息地的联系要强于雌性。在季节内和季节间发现的许多运动都涉及湿地和毗邻的泻湖。我们的研究结果表明,MUA为某些大象提供了全年栖息地,为主要分布在公园内的其他大象提供了额外的栖息地。随着中部非洲无路荒野地区的持续流失,管理完善的MUA对保护范围广泛的物种可能很重要。
  • 【蝙蝠是加蓬的金黄色葡萄球菌复合物稀有库。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2016.11.022 复制DOI
    作者列表:Held J,Gmeiner M,Mordmüller B,Matsiégui PB,Schaer J,Eckerle I,Weber N,Matuschewski K,Bletz S,Schaumburg F
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The colonization of afro-tropical wildlife with Staphylococcus aureus and the derived clade Staphylococcus schweitzeri remains largely unknown. A reservoir in bats could be of importance since bats and humans share overlapping habitats. In addition, bats are food sources in some African regions and can be the cause of zoonotic diseases. Here, we present a cross-sectional survey employing pharyngeal swabs of captured and released bats (n=133) in a forest area of Gabon. We detected low colonization rates of S. aureus (4-6%) and S. schweitzeri (4%) in two out of four species of fruit bats, namely Rousettus aegyptiacus and Micropteropus pusillus, but not in insectivorous bats. Multilocus sequence typing showed that S. aureus from Gabonese bats (ST2984, ST3259, ST3301, ST3302) were distinct from major African human associated clones (ST15, ST121, ST152). S. schweitzeri from bats (ST1697, ST1700) clustered with S. schweitzeri from other species (bats, monkeys) from Nigeria and Côte d'Ivoire. In conclusion, colonization rates of bats with S. aureus and S. schweitzeri were low in our study. Phylogenetic analysis supports an intense geographical dispersal of S. schweitzeri among different mammalian wildlife hosts.
    背景与目标: 金黄色葡萄球菌和衍生的枝状葡萄球菌schweitzeri对亚热带野生生物的定殖仍然是未知的。由于蝙蝠和人类共享重叠的栖息地,蝙蝠中的水库可能很重要。此外,蝙蝠是某些非洲地区的食物来源,并且可能是人畜共患病的原因。在这里,我们介绍了一项横断面调查,该调查采用了在加蓬森林地区捕获和释放的蝙蝠(n = 133)的咽拭子。我们在四种果蝠中发现了金黄色葡萄球菌(4-6%)和瑞氏链球菌(4%)的低定殖率,这四种果蝠分别是埃及伊士鲁埃特氏菌和小粉虱,但在食虫蝙蝠中却没有。多基因座序列分型显示,来自加蓬蝙蝠的金黄色葡萄球菌(ST2984,ST3259,ST3301,ST3302)与非洲主要的人类相关克隆(ST15,ST121,ST152)不同。来自蝙蝠(S1697,ST1700)的S. schweitzeri与来自尼日利亚和科特迪瓦的其他物种(蝙蝠,猴子)的S. schweitzeri聚在一起。总之,在我们的研究中,金黄色葡萄球菌和schweitzeri蝙蝠的定殖率很低。系统发育分析支持瑞氏链球菌在不同哺乳动物野生动植物宿主之间的强烈地理分布。
  • 【1965年描述了来自加蓬东北部的两种新的Hylopanchax Poll&Lambert微型物种(Cyprinodontiformes:Procatopodidae),并根据形态,色泽和骨病学对该属进行了更新诊断。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/jfb.14606 复制DOI
    作者列表:Bragança PHN,van der Zee JR,Sonnenberg R,Vreven EJWMN
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Two new species of the lampeye genus Hylopanchax are described from the Ivindo River basin in the Ogowe River drainage. Hylopanchax multisquamatus, new species, and Hylopanchax thysi, new species, differ from congeners by the presence of a hyaline urogenital male papilla with small black spots and a dark-brown reticulate pattern on the flanks of both males and females in preserved specimens. Hylopanchax multisquamatus is distinguished from congeners by the number of scales on the mid-longitudinal series (27-30 vs. 19-26, respectively) and by the relative anterior/posterior flank scale depth ratio (140%-150% vs. 170%-220%). Hylopanchax thysi is distinguished from all other congeners, except Hylopanchax paucisquamatus, by the presence of vertebrae (30 vs. 31-33) and is further distinguished from H. multisquamatus by the presence of a deeper caudal peduncle and much larger anterior flank scales. It is distinguished from H. paucisquamatus by the presence of a hyaline urogenital male papilla with small black spots and a dark-brown reticulate pattern on the flanks of both males and females in preserved specimens. Osteological data of Hylopanchax are presented for the first time, and an updated diagnosis based on external morphology, colouration pattern and osteology is provided. An osteological comparison with closely related species belonging to the genera Procatopus, Hypsopanchax and "Hypsopanchax" is presented. (a) A truncate and slightly downward-directed anterior process of the angulo-articular and (b) a guitar-shaped lachrymal with both its anterior and posterior margins sharply curved are here considered as diagnostic features of Hylopanchax.
    背景与目标: :从Ogowe河流域的Ivindo河流域描述了灯眼眼属Hylopanchax的两个新种。 Hyquapanchax multisquamatus(新物种)和Hyhypanchax thysi(新物种)与同类动物不同,在保存标本中存在透明的泌尿生殖系统雄性乳头,该雌性乳头上有小黑点,并且在雌雄双方的侧面都有棕褐色网状图案。鳞翅目与中同类动物的区别在于纵向纵向系列的鳞片数量(分别为27-30与19-26)和相对的前/后胁腹鳞片深度比(140%-150%与170%) -220%)。 thyhypanchax thysi因存在椎骨而与所有其他同类动物(除了Hylopanchax paucisquamatus有所区别)(30 vs. 31-33),并由于存在较深的尾柄和更大的前胁鳞而与多鳞H.区别开来。在保存标本中,有透明的泌尿生殖器雄性乳头具有小黑点,并且在雌雄双方的侧面都有深褐色的网状图案,因此它与丘脑锥虫区别开来。首次展示了Hylopanchax的骨学数据,并提供了基于外部形态学,着色模式和骨学的最新诊断。提出了与属于Procatopus,Hypsopanchax和“ Hypsopanchax”属的密切相关物种的骨学比较。 (a)踝关节的截断和略向下指向的前突,以及(b)前缘和后缘都急剧弯曲的吉他状泪小管在这里被认为是Hypanpanx的诊断特征。
  • 【来自加蓬的半免疫成年人和接触疟疾的儿童的抗体识别恶性疟原虫成熟的配子体感染的红细胞。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/s12936-017-1827-7 复制DOI
    作者列表:Gebru T,Ajua A,Theisen M,Esen M,Ngoa UA,Issifou S,Adegnika AA,Kremsner PG,Mordmüller B,Held J
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Transmission of malaria from man to mosquito depends on the presence of gametocytes, the sexual stage of Plasmodium parasites in the infected host. Naturally acquired antibodies against gametocytes exist and may play a role in controlling transmission by limiting the gametocyte development in the circulation or by interrupting gamete development and fertilization in the mosquito following ingestion. So far, most studies on antibody responses to sexual stage antigens have focused on a subset of gametocyte-surface antigens, even though inhibitory Ab responses to other gametocyte antigens might also play a role in controlling gametocyte density and fertility. Limited information is available on natural antibody response to the surfaces of gametocyte-infected erythrocytes. METHODS:Ab responses to surface antigens of erythrocytes infected by in vitro differentiated Plasmodium falciparum mature gametocytes were investigated in sera of semi-immune adults and malaria-exposed children. In addition, the effect of immunization with GMZ2, a blood stage malaria vaccine candidate, and the effect of intestinal helminth infection on the development of immunity to gametocytes of P. falciparum was evaluated in malaria-exposed children and adults from Gabon. Serum samples from two Phase I clinical trials conducted in Gabon were analysed by microscopic and flow-cytometric immunofluorescence assay. RESULTS:Adults had a higher Ab response compared to children. Ab reactivity was significantly higher after fixation and permeabilization of parasitized erythrocytes. Following vaccination with the malaria vaccine candidate GMZ2, anti-gametocyte Ab concentration decreased in adults compared to baseline. Ab response to whole asexual stage antigens had a significant but weak positive correlation to anti-gametocyte Ab responses in adults, but not in children. Children infected with Ascaris lumbricoides had a significantly higher anti-gametocyte Ab response compared to non-infected children. CONCLUSION:The current data suggest that antigens exposed on the gametocyte-infected red blood cells are recognized by serum antibodies from malaria-exposed children and semi-immune adults. This anti-gametocyte immune response may be influenced by natural exposure and vaccination. Modulation of the natural immune response to gametocytes by co-infecting parasites should be investigated further and may have an important impact on malaria control strategies.
    背景与目标: 背景:疟疾从人到蚊子的传播取决于配子细胞的存在,即被感染宿主中疟原虫的性生活阶段。存在天然获得的针对配子体的抗体,并且可以通过限制循环中配子体的发育或在摄入后中断蚊子的配子的发育和受精来控制传播。迄今为止,尽管对其他配子体抗原的抑制性抗体应答也可能在控制配子体密度和繁殖力中起作用,但大多数对性阶段抗原的抗体反应的研究都集中在配子体表面抗原的一个子集上。关于对配子体感染的红细胞表面的天然抗体反应的信息有限。
  • 【[双重锥虫体下陈腐揭示了居住在加蓬的一名法国人中的西非锥虫病]。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.annder.2008.09.023 复制DOI
    作者列表:Hope-Rapp E,Moussa Coulibaly O,Klement E,Danis M,Bricaire F,Caumes E
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), an endemic disease, is currently reemerging in Africa with an estimated incidence of 45,000 new cases per year. It is caused by Trypanosoma brucei subspecies and transmitted by day-biting tsetse flies. PATIENTS AND METHODS:We report a case of West African trypanosomiasis due to Trypanosoma brucei gambiense involving a Frenchman living in Libreville, Gabon. The patient presented with fever and polyadenopathies as well as two skin ulcerations highly suggestive of trypanosomiasis. Microscopic examination of cutaneous and peripheral blood smears confirmed the diagnosis of haemolymphatic infection with T. b. gambiense with trypanosomal chancres. Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid was normal. The patient was successfully treated with pentamidine isethionate. CONCLUSIONS:Recognition of cutaneous manifestations may allow a rapid diagnosis of African trypanosomiasis that is essential for timely and efficient treatment and survival.
    背景与目标: 背景:人类锥虫病(昏睡病)是一种地方性疾病,目前正在非洲重新流行,估计每年发生45,000例新病例。它是由布鲁氏锥虫亚种引起的,并且是由叮咬的采采蝇传播的。
    病人和方法:我们报告了一例西非锥虫病,该病例是由法国人居住在加蓬利伯维尔的布鲁氏锥虫引起的。该患者出现发烧,多腺病以及两次皮肤溃疡,强烈提示锥虫病。皮肤和外周血涂片的显微镜检查证实了T. b的血淋巴感染的诊断。甘菊与锥虫性小结。脑脊液检查正常。该患者已成功使用喷他is乙羟乙磺酸盐治疗。
  • 【克林霉素与奎宁联合在加蓬一个乡村药房中治疗单纯性疟疾的疗效。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1046/j.1365-3156.1997.d01-411.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Vaillant M,Millet P,Luty A,Tshopamba P,Lekoulou F,Mayombo J,Georges AJ,Deloron P
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: The efficacy of a 3-day clindamycin-quinine regimen to treat clinical malaria attacks was investigated in 256 children from western Gabon. Treatment was well tolerated by all of the children and its efficacy was higher than 97% by day 20. Thus this 3-day clindamycin-quinine regimen might constitute a potential alternative to chloroquine for treating clinical malarial attacks in children from Gabon.

    背景与目标: 在来自加蓬西部的256名儿童中研究了为期3天的克林霉素-奎宁方案治疗临床疟疾的疗效。所有儿童对这种疗法的耐受性都很好,到20天时其疗效已超过97%。因此,这种3天的克林霉素-奎宁方案可能替代氯喹,用于治疗加蓬儿童的临床疟疾。
  • 【加蓬的两种野生加拉戈物种中胃肠道寄生虫的多样性和患病率。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2018.04.035 复制DOI
    作者列表:Boundenga L,Moussadji C,Mombo IM,Ngoubangoye B,Lekana-Douki JB,Hugot JP
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :In this study, we characterize the diversity and estimated infection levels of gastrointestinal parasites circulating in two galago species, Galago demidoff and G. thomasi in two sites situated in the Southeastern forests of Gabon. Our study reveals that eleven parasites including nine helminthes (Ascaris spp., Ankylostoma spp., Dicrocoelium spp., Gongylonema spp., Oesophagostomum spp., Lemuricola spp., Strongyloides spp. Trichostrongylus spp. and Trichuris spp.) and two protozoans (Balantidium spp. and Entamoeba spp.) may infect Galago spp. with high infection rates. The results show that: a very similar parasite spectrum is found in both host species; all the taxa identified were previously observed in other Primate species and/or Man. They also show that age, gender and forest type may influence infection rates and/or parasite diversity found in a particular host and/or geographic area.
    背景与目标: :在这项研究中,我们描述了在加蓬东南森林中两个地点的两个加拉戈物种加拉戈·德米多夫和托马斯·G。thomasi中循环的胃肠道寄生虫的多样性和估计的感染水平。我们的研究揭示了11种寄生虫,其中包括9种蠕虫(A虫属,脚突动物属,双囊纲属,弓形纲属,食管造口菌属,Lemuricola属,Strongyloides属,Trichostrongylus spp。和Trichustrongylus spp。和Trichustrongylus spp。和Trichustrongylus spp。和Trichustrongylus spp。和Trichustrongylus spp。(三毛)。菌和Entamoeba菌)可能会感染Galago菌。感染率很高。结果表明:在两种寄主物种中都发现了非常相似的寄生虫谱;先前在其他灵长类和/或人类中观察到的所有分类单元。他们还表明年龄,性别和森林类型可能会影响在特定宿主和/或地理区域中发现的感染率和/或寄生虫多样性。
  • 【Lp(a)/ apo(a)系统的遗传学,来自加蓬的本地黑人非洲人口。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201512 复制DOI
    作者列表:Schmidt K,Kraft HG,Parson W,Utermann G
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Plasma lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) is a quantitative trait associated with atherothrombotic disease in European and Asian populations. Lp(a) concentrations vary widely within and between populations, with Africans exhibiting on average two- to threefold higher Lp(a) levels and a different distribution compared to Europeans. The apo(a) gene locus on chromosome 6q26-27 (LPA, MIM 152200) has been identified as the major quantitative trait locus (QTL) for Lp(a) concentrations in Europeans and populations of African descent (North American and South African Blacks) but data on autochthonous Black Africans are lacking.Here, we have analysed Lp(a) plasma concentrations, apo(a) isoforms in plasma and four polymorphisms in the LPA gene in 31 African families with 54 children from Gabon. Weighted midparent-offspring regression estimated a heritability h2=0.76. The correlation of Lp(a) levels associated with LPA alleles identical by descent (IBD) resulted in a heritability estimate of 0.801. Our data demonstrate that Lp(a) concentrations are highly heritable in a Central African population without admixture and high Lp(a) (median 43 mg/dl). LPA is the major QTL, explaining most or all of the heritability of Lp(a) in this population.
    背景与目标: :血浆脂蛋白(a)(Lp(a))是与欧洲和亚洲人群中的动脉粥样硬化血栓形成疾病相关的定量性状。 Lp(a)浓度在人群内部和人群之间差异很大,与欧洲人相比,非洲人的Lp(a)水平平均高出2到3倍,分布也有所不同。染色体6q26-27(LPA,MIM 152200)上的apo(a)基因基因座已被确定为欧洲人和非洲人后裔(北美和南非黑人)Lp(a)浓度的主要定量性状基因座(QTL) ),但缺乏有关当地黑人非洲人的数据。在此,我们分析了31个非洲家庭(有54名加蓬儿童)的血浆Lp(a)血浆浓度,血浆apo(a)亚型以及LPA基因的四个多态性。加权的中父母-后代回归估计遗传力h2 = 0.76。与血统相同的LPA等位基因相关的Lp(a)水平的相关性(IBD)导致遗传度估计为0.801。我们的数据表明,Lp(a)的浓度在没有混合和高Lp(a)(中值43 mg / dl)的中非人群中是高度可遗传的。 LPA是主要的QTL,解释了该人群Lp(a)的大部分或全部遗传力。
  • 【Bathymodiolus sp。的双重共生。来自加蓬大陆边缘(东南大西洋)的甲烷渗流引起的贻贝:16S rRNA系统发生和g中共生体的分布。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1128/AEM.71.4.1694-1700.2005 复制DOI
    作者列表:Duperron S,Nadalig T,Caprais JC,Sibuet M,Fiala-Médioni A,Amann R,Dubilier N
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Deep-sea mussels of the genus Bathymodiolus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) harbor symbiotic bacteria in their gills and are among the dominant invertebrate species at cold seeps and hydrothermal vents. An undescribed Bathymodiolus species was collected at a depth of 3,150 m in a newly discovered cold seep area on the southeast Atlantic margin, close to the Zaire channel. Transmission electron microscopy, comparative 16S rRNA analysis, and fluorescence in situ hybridization indicated that this Bathymodiolus sp. lives in a dual symbiosis with sulfide- and methane-oxidizing bacteria. A distinct distribution pattern of the symbiotic bacteria in the gill epithelium was observed, with the thiotrophic symbiont dominating the apical region and the methanotrophic symbiont more abundant in the basal region of the bacteriocytes. No variations in this distribution pattern or in the relative abundances of the two symbionts were observed in mussels collected from three different mussel beds with methane concentrations ranging from 0.7 to 33.7 microM. The 16S rRNA sequence of the methanotrophic symbiont is most closely related to those of known methanotrophic symbionts from other bathymodiolid mussels. Surprisingly, the thiotrophic Bathymodiolus sp. 16S rRNA sequence does not fall into the monophyletic group of sequences from thiotrophic symbionts of all other Bathymodiolus hosts. While these mussel species all come from vents, this study describes the first thiotrophic sequence from a seep mussel and shows that it is most closely related (99% sequence identity) to an environmental clone sequence obtained from a hydrothermal plume near Japan.
    背景与目标: :Bathymodiolus(Bivalvia:Mytilidae)属的深海贻贝在其g中带有共生细菌,并且在冷渗漏和热液喷口处是主要的无脊椎动物。在3,150 m的深度处,在东南大西洋边缘的一个新发现的冷渗漏区(靠近扎伊尔河道),收集了一个未描述的比目鱼种类。透射电镜,比较16S rRNA分析和荧光原位杂交表明,该比毛菌属。生活在与硫化物和甲烷氧化细菌的双重共生中。观察到the共生细菌在the上皮细胞中有明显的分布模式,其中硫营养型共生菌占根尖区,而甲烷营养型共生菌在细菌细胞的基底区更丰富。在从三个不同的贻贝床收集的贻贝中,甲烷浓度范围为0.7至33.7 microM的贻贝中,未观察到这种分布模式或两个共生体的相对丰度的变化。甲烷营养共生体的16S rRNA序列与已知的其他营养双歧贻贝的甲烷营养共生体的16S rRNA序列最密切相关。出人意料的是,硫营养型Bathymodiolus sp。 16S rRNA序列不属于所有其他嗜水梭菌宿主的硫营养共生体的单系序列。虽然这些贻贝物种全部来自通风孔,但这项研究描述了渗水贻贝的第一个硫营养序列,并表明它与从日本附近的热液羽流获得的环境克隆序列最密切相关(99%序列同一性)。
  • 【加蓬的恶性疟原虫分离株的DHFR和DHPS基因型与乙胺嘧啶和环鸟嘌呤的体外活性相关,但与磺胺多辛-乙胺嘧啶的治疗功效无关。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/jac/dkg294 复制DOI
    作者列表:Aubouy A,Jafari S,Huart V,Migot-Nabias F,Mayombo J,Durand R,Bakary M,Le Bras J,Deloron P
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVES:To assess the relationship between the presence of DHFR and DHPS mutations in Plasmodium falciparum, parasite in vitro resistance, and in vivo efficacy of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS:Measurement of SP treatment efficacy in malaria-infected children in Gabon was combined with in vitro tests of susceptibility to pyrimethamine and cycloguanil, and molecular genotyping at several DHFR and DHPS loci of parasites isolated before treatment. DHFR was studied at codons 108, 51, and 59, whereas DHPS gene was typed at positions 436, 437, 540 and 581. RESULTS:SP treatment was effective in 86% of children by day 28. Seventy-five percent of isolates were in vitro resistant to pyrimethamine and 65.5% to cycloguanil. No mutation was detected at codons 540 and 581 of the DHPS gene. Most isolates (71.8%) presented with the triple mutant DHFR genotype, whereas 64.3% combined at least three DHFR and one DHPS mutations. The increase in the number of DHFR mutations was associated with an increase in in vitro resistance to pyrimethamine and cycloguanil; three DHFR mutations conferred pyrimethamine and to a lesser extent cycloguanil resistance. Treatment failures only occurred with isolates presenting at least two DHFR mutations (S108N and C59R) and one DHPS mutation (S436A or A437G), but SP treatment of infections with such parasites gave treatment success in 82.0% of children. CONCLUSIONS:DHFR mutations that lead to high-level in vitro resistance to pyrimethamine plus 1-2 DHPS mutations are not sufficient to induce in vivo failure of SP treatment in young children from Gabon.
    背景与目标: 目的:评估恶性疟原虫中DHFR和DHPS突变的存在,寄生虫的体外抗药性以及磺胺多辛-乙胺嘧啶(SP)治疗的体内疗效之间的关系。
    病人和方法:结合加蓬疟原虫的体外测试,对乙胺嘧啶和环鸟嘌呤的敏感性以及在治疗前分离出的几个寄生虫的DHFR和DHPS位点的分子基因分型,结合SP治疗效果的测量。 DHFR在密码子108、51和59上进行了研究,而DHPS基因在436、437、540和581位进行分型。
    结果:到28天,SP治疗对86%的儿童有效。75%的分离株对乙胺嘧啶具有体外抗药性,对环鸟嘌呤有65.5%的抗药性。在DHPS基因的密码子540和581处未检测到突变。大多数分离株(71.8%)表现出三重突变DHFR基因型,而64.3%结合了至少三个DHFR和一个DHPS突变。 DHFR突变数目的增加与体外对乙胺嘧啶和环鸟嘌呤的抗性增加有关。三个DHFR突变赋予了乙胺嘧啶,并在较小程度上赋予了环鸟嘌呤耐药性。只有出现至少两个DHFR突变(S108N和C59R)和一个DHPS突变(S436A或A437G)的分离株才发生治疗失败,但是SP感染这种寄生虫的感染使82.0%的儿童获得治疗成功。
    结论:导致高水平的体外对乙胺嘧啶抗性的DHFR突变加上1-2 DHPS突变不足以诱发加蓬幼儿SP治疗的体内失败。

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