• 【从俄罗斯图拉地区的监狱犯人中分离出的结核分枝杆菌中,耐多药的LAM和北京家族菌株占优势。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1099/jmm.0.46575-0 复制DOI
    作者列表:Ignatova A,Dubiley S,Stepanshina V,Shemyakin I
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The genotypic characteristics and drug susceptibility profiles of clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis recovered from prison hospital patients in the Tula region (central Russia) during 2001 and 2002 are reported. The emergence of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) poses a major health risk to the population, with economic implications for TB control. Prisons serve as a continuous source of TB transmission. The results showed that members of the LAM and Beijing families are major contributors to the epidemiological picture of TB in the population studied. The two families of strains accounted for most of the drug-resistant TB in the population. The genotypic characteristics of the M. tuberculosis predominant LAM strain that was responsible for 31 % of TB cases in this setting are presented.
    背景与目标: :报告了2001和2002年从图拉地区(俄罗斯中部)的监狱医院患者中回收的结核分枝杆菌临床分离株的基因型特征和药物敏感性分布。耐多药结核病(TB)的出现给人们带来了重大的健康风险,对结核病控制产生了经济影响。监狱是结核病传播的持续来源。结果表明,LAM和北京家庭的成员是所研究人群中结核病流行病学特征的主要贡献者。菌株的两个家族占人口中大多数耐药结核病的比例。呈现了结核分枝杆菌占主导地位的LAM菌株的基因型特征,该菌株在这种情况下占31%的结核病病例。
  • 【亚氨基二琥珀酸差向异构酶的三维结构定义了MmgE / PrpD蛋白家族的折叠。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.jmb.2006.07.051 复制DOI
    作者列表:Lohkamp B,Bäuerle B,Rieger PG,Schneider G
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Iminodisuccinate (IDS) epimerase catalyzes the epimerisation of R,R-, S,S- and R,S- iminodisuccinate, one step in the biodegradation of the chelating agent iminodisuccinate by Agrobacterium tumefaciens BY6. The enzyme is a member of the MmgE/PrpD protein family, a diverse and little characterized class of proteins of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin. IDS epimerase does not show significant overall amino acid sequence similarity to any other protein of known three-dimensional structure. The crystal structure of this novel epimerase has been determined by multi-wavelength diffraction to 1.5 A resolution using selenomethionine-substituted enzyme. In the crystal, the enzyme forms a homo-dimer, and the subunit consists of two domains. The larger domain, not consecutive in sequence and comprising residues Met1-Lys266 and Leu400-Pro446, forms a novel all alpha-helical fold with a central six-helical bundle. The second, smaller domain folds into an alpha+beta domain, related in topology to chorismate mutase by a circular permutation. IDS epimerase is thus not related in three-dimensional structure to other known epimerases. The fold of the IDS epimerase is representative for the whole MmgE/PrpD family. The putative active site is located at the interface between the two domains of the subunit, and is characterized by a positively charged surface, consistent with the binding of a highly negatively charged substrate such as iminodisuccinate. Docking experiments suggest a two-base mechanism for the epimerisation reaction.
    背景与目标: :亚氨基二琥珀酸酯(IDS)差向异构酶催化R,R-,S,S-和R,S-亚氨基二琥珀酸酯的差向异构化,这是根癌农杆菌BY6对螯合剂亚氨基二琥珀酸酯的生物降解的一个步骤。该酶是MmgE / PrpD蛋白质家族的成员,MmgE / PrpD蛋白质家族是原核和真核来源的多种多样且鲜为特征的蛋白质。 IDS差向异构酶与已知三维结构的任何其他蛋白质均未显示出明显的总体氨基酸序列相似性。该新型差向异构酶的晶体结构已通过硒代蛋氨酸取代的酶通过多波长衍射确定为1.5 A的分辨率。在晶体中,酶形成同型二聚体,该亚基由两个结构域组成。较大的结构域,顺序不连续,包含残基Met1-Lys266和Leu400-Pro446,形成带有中心六螺旋束的新型全α螺旋折叠。第二个较小的域折叠成一个alpha beta域,该域在拓扑结构上与通过循环排列分支变异酶有关。因此,IDS差向异构酶在三维结构上与其他已知的差向异构酶无关。 IDS差向异构酶的折叠代表整个MmgE / PrpD家族。推定的活性位点位于亚基的两个结构域之间的界面处,其特征是带正电的表面,与带负电的底物(如亚氨基二琥珀酸酯)的结合相一致。对接实验提出了差向异构反应的两碱基机制。
  • 【肺鱼是化石吗?阿片/孤儿蛋白基因家族进化的观察。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.ygcen.2006.07.010 复制DOI
    作者列表:Lee J,Alrubaian J,Dores RM
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :This minireview considers the possibility that there is a correlation between the slow rate of morphological change and speciation events that has been occurred within the lungfish lineage since the Permian period, and the apparent slow rate of divergence in the amino acid sequences of lungfish opioid precursor sequences. The status of lungfish as "living fossils" is considered.
    背景与目标: :本篇小型综述认为,二叠纪以来在肺鱼谱系内发生的形态变化和物种形成的缓慢速率与形态上的缓慢变化与肺鱼阿片样物质前体的氨基酸序列的明显缓慢速率之间存在相关性的可能性序列。考虑到肺鱼作为“活化石”的地位。
  • 【老年抑郁症的结构神经影像学研究方法。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1097/01.JGP.0000238588.34205.bd 复制DOI
    作者列表:Hoptman MJ,Gunning-Dixon FM,Murphy CF,Lim KO,Alexopoulos GS
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Geriatric depression consists of complex and heterogeneous behaviors unlikely to be caused by a single brain lesion. However, there is evidence that abnormalities in specific brain structures and their interconnections confer vulnerability to the development of late-life depression. Structural magnetic resonance imaging methods can be used to identify and quantify brain abnormalities predisposing to geriatric depression and in prediction of treatment response. This article reviews several techniques, including morphometric approaches, study of white matter hyperintensities, diffusion tensor imaging, magnetization transfer imaging, t2 relaxography, and spectroscopy, that have been used to examine these brain abnormalities with a focus on the type of information obtained by each method as well as each method's limitations. The authors argue that the available methods provide complementary information and that, when combined judiciously, can increase the knowledge gained from neuroimaging findings and conceptually advance the field of geriatric depression.
    背景与目标: :老年抑郁症由不可能由单个脑部病变引起的复杂且异质的行为组成。但是,有证据表明,特定大脑结构及其相互关系的异常使人们更容易患上晚期抑郁症。结构磁共振成像方法可用于识别和量化诱发老年性抑郁症的脑部异常,并预测治疗反应。本文介绍了几种技术,包括形态计量学方法,白质超高强度研究,弥散张量成像,磁化传递成像,t2弛豫描记术和光谱学,这些技术已被用来检查这些脑部异常,重点是每种获取的信息的类型。方法以及每种方法的局限性。作者认为,可用的方法可提供补充信息,并且如果明智地组合使用,则可以增加从神经影像学发现中获得的知识,并从概念上推动老年性抑郁症领域的发展。
  • 【流域可持续水质管理框架和战略规划系统。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s00267-005-0304-1 复制DOI
    作者列表:Chen CH,Liu WL,Leu HG
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :In Taiwan, the authorities have spent years working on remedying polluted rivers. Generally, the remediation planning works are divided into two phases. During the first phase, the allowed pollution discharge quantity and abatement quantity of each drainage zone, including the assimilative capacity, are generated based on the total river basin. In the second phase, the abatement action plans for each pollution source in each drainage zone are respectively devised by the related organizations based on the strategies generated during the first phase. However, the effectiveness of linking the two phases is usually poor. Highly integrated performances are not always achieved because the separate two-phase method does not take system and management thinking into consideration in the planning stage. This study pioneers the use of the Managing for Results (MFR) method in planning strategies and action plans for river water quality management. A sustainable management framework is proposed based on the concept and method of MFR, Management Thinking, and System Analysis. The framework, consisting of planning, implementation, and controlling stages, systematically considers the relationships and interactions among four factors: environment, society, economy, and institution, based on the principles of sustainable development. Based on the framework, the Modified Bounded Implicit Enumeration algorithm, which is used as a solving method, is combined with Visual Basic software and MS Excel to develop a computer system for strategy planning. The Shetzu River, located in northern Taiwan, is applied as a case study. According to the theoretical, practical, and regulatory considerations, the result-oriented objectives are defined to first improve the pollution length of the Shetzu River in specific remediation periods to finally meet regulated water quality standards. The objectives are then addressed as some of the constraints for the strategy planning model. The model objective is to pursue the maximum assimilative capacity (environmental phase) subjected to the constraints of water quality standards (institutional phase), social equity (social phase), and proper available technology (economic phase). The pollution quantity abatement and allocation, which are named the top strategies, of each drainage zone for different scenarios can be obtained based on each water quality standard. The middle as well as lower strategies and action plans, which consist of pollution quantity abatement and allocation of each class (domestic, industrial, livestock, and non-point pollution sources) and their individual pollution sources in each drainage zone, are then generated based on the top strategies. The performance indicators and measure plans are proposed based on the action plans to promote the comprehensive effectiveness of river water quality management. The authorities have begun to develop a budget based on the strategies and action plans developed in this study. The analytical results indicate that the objectives, strategies, and action plans developed based on the sustainable management framework and strategy planning system can effectively help the related authorities to fulfill the tasks of water quality management for a river basin.
    背景与目标: :在台湾,当局花费了多年的时间来修复受污染的河流。通常,修复计划工作分为两个阶段。在第一阶段,每个流域的允许污染排放量和减排量(包括同化能力)是基于总流域产生的。在第二阶段,相关组织根据第一阶段产生的策略分别制定每个流域每个污染源的减排行动计划。但是,连接两个阶段的有效性通常很差。由于分离的两阶段方法在计划阶段没有考虑系统和管理思想,因此无法始终实现高度集成的性能。这项研究开创了在河流水质管理的规划策略和行动计划中使用“结果管理”(MFR)方法的方法。基于MFR,管理思想和系统分析的概念和方法,提出了一种可持续的管理框架。该框架由规划,实施和控制阶段组成,根据可持续发展的原则,系统地考虑了四个因素之间的关系和相互作用:环境,社会,经济和制度。在此框架的基础上,将改进的有界隐式枚举算法(作为一种求解方法)与Visual Basic软件和MS Excel相结合,以开发用于战略规划的计算机系统。以台湾北部的神社河为例。根据理论,实践和监管方面的考虑,确定了以结果为导向的目标,即首先在特定的修复时期内改善Shetzu河的污染长度,以最终达到规定的水质标准。然后,将目标作为战略计划模型的一些约束条件加以解决。该模型的目标是在水质标准(机构阶段),社会公平(社会阶段)和适当的可用技术(经济阶段)的约束下,追求最大同化能力(环境阶段)。可以根据每个水质标准获得不同情景下每个流域的污染量减免和分配,这是最重要的策略。然后基于每个流域生成中等和较低的战略和行动计划,其中包括减少污染量和分配每个类别(家庭,工业,牲畜和非点源污染源)及其各自的污染源。在最重要的策略上。根据行动计划提出绩效指标和措施计划,以提高河流水质管理的综合有效性。当局已开始根据本研究制定的策略和行动计划制定预算。分析结果表明,基于可持续管理框架和战略计划系统制定的目标,战略和行动计划可以有效地帮助有关部门完成流域水质管理的任务。
  • 【CD5 B细胞在个体发育早期对D-近端VH家族表达的贡献。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Jeong HD,Teale JM
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :In this study, the contribution of the CD5+ B cell to the preferential expression of VH 7183 and Q52 observed early in development was determined. CD5+ and CD5- B cells from BALB/c mice were isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorter and the expression of particular VH gene families was determined directly by in situ hybridization. The results indicate that CD5+ B cells obtained from both adult and neonatal animals express Q52 at increased levels compared with CD5- B cells. Preferential expression of VH 7183 was observed only in the neonatal CD5- B cell subset. Thus, the increased expression of VH 7183 early in development is caused by the CD5- subset whereas increased Q52 expression is caused by the CD5+ subset. These results indicate that the fetal/neonatal conventional B cell is distinct from conventional adult B cells in terms of Ig gene repertoire expression.
    背景与目标: :在这项研究中,确定了CD5 B细胞对发育早期观察到的VH 7183和Q52优先表达的贡献。通过荧光激活细胞分选仪分离来自BALB / c小鼠的CD5和CD5-B细胞,并通过原位杂交直接确定特定VH基因家族的表达。结果表明,与CD5-B细胞相比,从成年和新生动物身上获得的CD5 B细胞表达的Q52含量都增加了。仅在新生儿CD5-B细胞亚群中观察到VH 7183的优先表达。因此,VH 7183在发育早期的表达增加是由CD5-亚群引起的,而Q52表达的增加是由CD5亚群引起的。这些结果表明,就Ig基因全集表达而言,胎儿/新生儿常规B细胞与常规成人B细胞是不同的。
  • 【经医师营养专家培训后的家庭医师营养实践。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/ajcn/65.6.2007S 复制DOI
    作者列表:Lazarus K
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Although nutrition is an important part of medical care, nutrition education is not provided in most training programs for physicians in the United States, resulting in limited nutrition knowledge among physicians and limited nutritional care of patients. A nutrition education program was provided by a physician nutrition specialist in a family practice residency program. For 6 mo, the nutrition specialist provided the family physicians with recommendations for nutritional care for their patients. The effects of the education program on residents' and faculty physicians' nutrition knowledge and nutritional patient care, patients' perceptions of the importance of nutrition, and physicians' dietary patterns were determined by pre- and post-intervention nutrition exams for physicians and patients, patient questionnaires about attitudes toward nutrition, chart reviews, and physicians' diet records. The nutrition education program resulted in an increase in physicians' nutrition knowledge scores (P < 0.01) and an increase in the frequency with which physicians discussed nutrition and recommended diets for their patients (P < 0.05). This suggests that nutrition education by a physician nutrition specialist within a family practice residency program can be effective in increasing nutritional care provided to patients.

    背景与目标: 尽管营养是医疗保健的重要组成部分,但在美国大多数医师的培训计划中并未提供营养教育,这导致医师之间的营养知识有限,患者的营养保健也有限。营养保健教育计划是由医师营养专家在家庭执业驻留计划中提供的。营养专家在6个月内为家庭医生提供了有关为其患者提供营养护理​​的建议。通过干预前和干预后对医师和患者的营养检查来确定教育计划对住院医师和教职医师的营养知识和患者营养的影响,患者对营养重要性的看法以及医师的饮食方式的影响,有关营养态度的患者问卷调查表,图表评论以及医生的饮食记录。营养教育计划导致医师的营养知识得分增加(P <0.01),医师讨论营养和为患者推荐饮食的频率增加(P <0.05)。这表明在家庭执业住院医师计划中,由医生营养专家进行的营养教育可以有效地增加提供给患者的营养保健服务。

  • 【XLerk的鉴定,XLerk是非洲爪蟾中胚层诱导和神经发生过程中受调节的Eph家族配体。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/sj.onc.1201082 复制DOI
    作者列表:Jones TL,Karavanova I,Chong L,Zhou RP,Daar IO
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: We have isolated and characterized the first Xenopus transmembrane Eph ligand, XLerk (Xenopus Ligand for Eph Receptor Tyrosine Kinases). While this ligand has 72% identity with the closest mammalian family member, Lerk-2, it is the cytoplasmic domain of this molecule that is the most conserved domain with 95% identity. XLerk exists as a maternally expressed mRNA, however, expression of transcripts and protein increase during gastrulation and again in the late swimming tadpole stage. In the adult, XLerk is expressed at low levels in most adult tissues with increased levels observed in the kidney, oocytes, ovary and testis. While low levels of XLerk expression are observed in the adult brain, in situ hybridization analysis demonstrates prominent expression in the developing olfactory system, retina, hindbrain, cranial ganglia, and somites. Furthermore, we have shown that XLerk transcripts are significantly elevated during mesoderm induction caused by activin and FGF, but not during noggin-induced neuralization. These results suggest a role for XLerk in the developing mesenchymal and nervous tissue.

    背景与目标: 我们已经分离并鉴定了第一个非洲爪蟾跨膜Eph配体XLerk(用于Eph受体酪氨酸激酶的非洲爪蟾配体)。尽管该配体与最接近的哺乳动物家族成员Lerk-2具有72%的同一性,但该分子的胞质结构域是具有95%的同一性的最保守的结构域。 XLerk作为母体表达的mRNA存在,但是转录的表达和蛋白质在胃排泄过程中以及游泳increase后期再次增加。在成年人中,XLerk在大多数成年人组织中低水平表达,在肾脏,卵母细胞,卵巢和睾丸中观察到水平升高。尽管在成年大脑中观察到了低水平的XLerk表达,但原位杂交分析显示出在发育中的嗅觉系统,视网膜,后脑,颅神经节和体节中突出表达。此外,我们已经表明,在由激活素和FGF引起的中胚层诱导过程中,XLerk转录物显着升高,但在头蛋白诱导的神经化过程中却没有。这些结果表明XLerk在发育中的间充质和神经组织中的作用。

  • 【I型糖尿病易感性候选基因的分析:2q31-35号染色体上基因的病例对照和家庭关联研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.2337/diab.46.6.1069 复制DOI
    作者列表:Owerbach D,Naya FJ,Tsai MJ,Allander SV,Powell DR,Gabbay KH
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Recent genome searches suggest a putative linkage of many loci to susceptibility to type I diabetes. The chromosome 2q31-35 region is reported to be linked to susceptibility to type I diabetes and is thought to contain several diabetes susceptibility loci. These candidate genes include the HOXD gene cluster, BETA2, CTLA4, CD28, IGFBP2, and IGFBP5. Association studies in populations and families are required to confirm and/or identify the actual susceptibility loci. We hereby report several previously unknown DNA polymorphisms for HOXD8, BETA2, and IGFBP5, which we have used along with previously known polymorphisms of HOXD8 and CTLA4 to test whether these candidate loci are the susceptibility genes on chromosome 2q31-35. Using a case-control design with a subsequent family-association approach to confirm associations, we find no evidence that these candidate genes are associated with susceptibility to type I diabetes.

    背景与目标: 最近的基因组搜索表明,许多基因位点与I型糖尿病易感性的推测联系。据报道,染色体2q31-35与I型糖尿病易感性相关,并被认为含有几个糖尿病易感性基因座。这些候选基因包括HOXD基因簇,BETA2,CTLA4,CD28,IGFBP2和IGFBP5。需要在人群和家庭中进行协会研究,以确认和/或识别实际的易感基因座。我们在此报告了HOXD8,BETA2和IGFBP5的几种先前未知的DNA多态性,并将其与HOXD8和CTLA4的先前已知多态性一起用于测试这些候选基因座是否为2q31-35染色体上的易感性基因。使用病例对照设计和随后的家庭关联方法来确认关联,我们没有发现这些候选基因与I型糖尿病易感性相关的证据。

  • 【准确衡量非法药物的消费,价格和市场的行为和经济方面的潜力。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2006.08.005 复制DOI
    作者列表:Johnson BD,Golub A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :There are numerous analytic and methodological limitations to current measures of drug market activity. This paper explores the structure of markets and individual user behavior to provide an integrated understanding of behavioral and economic (and market) aspects of illegal drug use with an aim toward developing improved procedures for measurement. This involves understanding the social processes that structure illegal distribution networks and drug users' interactions with them. These networks are where and how social behaviors, prices, and markets for illegal drugs intersect. Our focus is upon getting an up close measurement of these activities. Building better measures of consumption behaviors necessitates building better rapport with subjects than typically achieved with one-time surveys in order to overcome withholding and underreporting and to get a comprehensive understanding of the processes involved. This can be achieved through repeated interviews and observations of behaviors. This paper also describes analytic advances that could be adopted to direct this inquiry including behavioral templates, and insights into the economic valuation of labor inputs and cash expenditures for various illegal drugs. Additionally, the paper makes recommendations to funding organizations for developing the mechanisms that would support behavioral scientists to weigh specimens and to collect small samples for laboratory analysis-by providing protection from the potential for arrest. The primary focus is upon U.S. markets. The implications for other countries are discussed.
    背景与目标: :目前对药物市场活动的度量存在许多分析和方法学限制。本文探讨了市场结构和个人用户行为,以提供对非法药物使用的行为和经济(及市场)方面的综合理解,旨在开发改进的测量程序。这涉及了解构成非法分销网络和吸毒者与之互动的社会过程。这些网络是非法毒品的社会行为,价格和市场在何处以及如何相交的地方。我们的重点是仔细衡量这些活动。要建立更好的消费行为衡量标准,就必须与受试者建立更好的融洽关系,这要比一次调查更能实现,以克服扣缴和漏报的情况,并对所涉及的过程有一个全面的了解。这可以通过反复采访和观察行为来实现。本文还描述了可用于指导这一询问的分析进展,包括行为模板,以及对各种非法药物的劳动投入和现金支出的经济估值的见解。此外,该论文还向资助组织提出了建议,以开发机制,以支持行为科学家称量样本并收集小样本进行实验室分析,从而提供保护措施以防止被捕。主要重点是美国市场。讨论了对其他国家的影响。
  • 11 The gene family that cheats Mendel. 复制标题 收藏 收藏

    【欺骗孟德尔的基因家族。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.7554/eLife.28567 复制DOI
    作者列表:Shropshire JD,Rokas A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Some alleles of the wtf gene family can increase their chances of spreading by using poisons to kill other alleles, and antidotes to save themselves.
    背景与目标: :wtf基因家族的某些等位基因可以通过使用毒药杀死其他等位基因和解毒剂来拯救自己,从而增加传播的机会。
  • 【HLA-G * 14bp插入和KIR2DS1-HLAC2复合物对自闭症谱系障碍儿童行为障碍的影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2017.06.012 复制DOI
    作者列表:Guerini FR,Bolognesi E,Chiappedi M,Ghezzo A,Manca S,Zanette M,Sotgiu S,Mensi MM,Zanzottera M,Agliardi C,Costa AS,Balottin U,Clerici M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Activating KIR-HLA-C ligand complexes and HLA-G∗14bp insertion/deletion (+/-) polymorphism were associated to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and were suggested to correlate with inflammation during fetal development. We evaluated whether HLA-G∗14bp(+/-) and KIR-HLA-C complexes are associated with cognitive and behavioral scores and EEG profile in 119 ASD children (58 from Sardinia, 61 from Peninsular Italy). KIR2DS1-C2; KIR2DS2-C1; KIR2DL1-C2; KIR2DL2-C1; KIR2DL3-C1 and HLA-G∗14bp(+/-) were molecularly genotyped by Single Specific Primer PCR and gel electrophoresis. Univariate linear model analysis adjusted for age, gender and provenience showed statistically higher scores of Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) and Autistic Core Behavior in KIR2DS1-C2+/HLA-G∗14bp+ASD children (43.7±1.5, p=0.03; 3.3±0.1, p=0.03, respectively). These results suggested a synergistic polygenic association of KIR2DS1-HLAC2+/HLA-G∗14bp+ pattern with behavioral impairment in ASD children.
    背景与目标: :激活的KIR-HLA-C配体复合物和HLA-G * 14bp插入/缺失(/-)多态性与自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)相关,并被认为与胎儿发育过程中的炎症相关。我们评估了119名ASD儿童(58名来自撒丁岛,61名来自意大利半岛)的HLA-G * 14bp(/-)和KIR-HLA-C复合物是否与认知和行为评分以及脑电图谱相关。 KIR2DS1-C2; KIR2DS2-C1; KIR2DL1-C2; KIR2DL2-C1;通过单特异性引物PCR和凝胶电泳对KIR2DL3-C1和HLA-G * 14bp(/-)进行分子基因分型。根据年龄,性别和出身水平进行的单变量线性模型分析显示,在KIR2DS1-C2 / HLA-G * 14bp ASD儿童中,儿童自闭症评分量表(CARS)和自闭症核心行为的统计学得分较高(43.7±1.5,p = 0.03; 3.3±分别为0.1,p = 0.03)。这些结果表明,KIR2DS1-HLAC2 / HLA-G * 14bp模式与ASD儿童的行为障碍存在协同的多基因关联。
  • 【有和没有肾结石病家族史的健康学童尿结石的危险因素。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s00467-012-2368-5 复制DOI
    作者列表:Sáez-Torres C,Grases F,Rodrigo D,García-Raja AM,Gómez C,Frontera G
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:The prevalence of lithiasis is increasing at all ages. This study aimed to assess the crystallization risk in urine from healthy school children and to determine urinary parameters that are most associated with it. METHODS:Urine samples were obtained from 184 children aged 5-12 years: a spot sample collected in the afternoon, and a 12-h overnight sample. Information was obtained regarding family histories of lithiasis. Urine volume, pH, and biochemical parameters of stone risk were measured. Crystallization risk was defined by the presence of specific urine conditions that had previously been associated with stone formation in vitro. RESULTS:Crystallization risk was observed in 15 % of spot urine samples and 54 % of 12-h samples. Metabolic abnormalities and a low urinary volume were more frequently detected in children with crystallization risk. Calcium excretion and calcium/citrate ratio were higher in children with a family history of lithiasis. CONCLUSIONS:We observed a high prevalence of crystallization risk in urine, especially in children with a family history of the disease. Low urinary volume was the factor most associated with increased risk. Adequate fluid intake at an early age may be a simple and effective measure to reduce the incidence of nephrolithiasis.
    背景与目标: 背景:石斑症的患病率在各个年龄段都在增加。这项研究旨在评估健康学童尿液中结晶的风险,并确定与其最相关的尿液参数。
  • 【解释急诊科呼吸频率观察方法的违法行为:经典的扎根理论分析。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2017.06.001 复制DOI
    作者列表:Flenady T,Dwyer T,Applegarth J
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Abnormal respiratory rates are one of the first indicators of clinical deterioration in emergency department(ED) patients. Despite the importance of respiratory rate observations, this vital sign is often inaccurately recorded on ED observation charts, compromising patient safety. Concurrently, there is a paucity of research reporting why this phenomenon occurs. OBJECTIVE:To develop a substantive theory explaining ED registered nurses' reasoning when they miss or misreport respiratory rate observations. DESIGN:This research project employed a classic grounded theory analysis of qualitative data. PARTICIPANTS:Seventy-nine registered nurses currently working in EDs within Australia. Data collected included detailed responses from individual interviews and open-ended responses from an online questionnaire. METHODS:Classic grounded theory (CGT) research methods were utilised, therefore coding was central to the abstraction of data and its reintegration as theory. Constant comparison synonymous with CGT methods were employed to code data. This approach facilitated the identification of the main concern of the participants and aided in the generation of theory explaining how the participants processed this issue. RESULTS:The main concern identified is that ED registered nurses do not believe that collecting an accurate respiratory rate for ALL patients at EVERY round of observations is a requirement, and yet organizational requirements often dictate that a value for the respiratory rate be included each time vital signs are collected. The theory 'Rationalising Transgression', explains how participants continually resolve this problem. The study found that despite feeling professionally conflicted, nurses often erroneously record respiratory rate observations, and then rationalise this behaviour by employing strategies that adjust the significance of the organisational requirement. These strategies include; Compensating, when nurses believe they are compensating for errant behaviour by enhancing the patient's outcome; Minimalizing, when nurses believe that the patient's outcome would be no different if they recorded an accurate respiratory rate or not and; Trivialising, a strategy that sanctions negligent behaviour and occurs when nurses 'cut corners' to get the job done. Nurses' use these strategies to titrate the level ofemotional discomfort associated with erroneous behaviour, thereby rationalising transgression CONCLUSION: This research reveals that despite continuing education regarding gold standard guidelines for respiratory rate collection, suboptimal practice continues. Ideally, to combat this transgression, a culture shift must occur regarding nurses' understanding of acceptable practice methods. Nurses must receive education in a way that permeates their understanding of the relationship between the regular collection of accurate respiratory rate observations and optimal patient outcomes.
    背景与目标: 背景:呼吸频率异常是急诊科(ED)患者临床恶化的首批指标之一。尽管进行呼吸频率观察很重要,但这种生命体征常常不准确地记录在ED观察图上,从而损害了患者的安全性。同时,很少有研究报告这种现象发生的原因。
    结果:确定的主要问题是,急诊科注册护士并不认为需要在每一轮观察中为所有患者收集准确的呼吸频率,但是组织要求经常要求每次重要时都应包括呼吸频率值收集迹象。 “合理化违法行为”理论解释了参与者如何持续解决这一问题。研究发现,尽管感到职业上有矛盾,但护士经常会错误地记录呼吸频率的观察结果,然后通过采用可调整组织要求重要性的策略来合理化这种行为。这些策略包括:补偿:当护士认为他们通过提高患者的治疗效果来补偿错误的行为时;当护士认为患者记录正确的呼吸频率与否时,结局没有什么不同,并且最小化;琐事化是一种惩罚过失行为的策略,当护士“偷工减料”完成工作时就会发生。护士使用这些策略来减轻与错误行为有关的情绪不适水平,从而使过犯合理化。结论:本研究表明,尽管继续接受有关呼吸频率收集的金标准指南的教育,但最佳实践仍在继续。理想情况下,为了应对这种违法行为,必须在护士对可接受的练习方法的理解上发生文化转变。护士必须接受一定程度的教育,以使他们了解定期收集的准确呼吸频率观察值与患者最佳结局之间的关系。
  • 【滨海马里尼布拉菌(Marinilabilianitroatireducens sp。) nov。,一种从海洋太阳能盐分离器分离出的Marinilabiliaceae科的脂解细菌。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s10482-012-9834-8 复制DOI
    作者列表:Shalley S,Pradip Kumar S,Srinivas TN,Suresh K,Anil Kumar P
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :A Gram-negative, rod shaped, motile bacterium, was isolated from a marine solar saltern sample collected from Kakinada, India. Strain AK2(T) was determined to be positive for nitrate reduction, catalase, Ala-Phe-Pro-arylamidase, β-galactosidase, β-N-acetylglucosaminidase, β-glucosidase, β-xylosidase, α-glucosidase, α-galactosidase and phosphatase activities, hydrolysis of aesculin, Tween 20/40/60/80 and urea. It was determined to be negative for oxidase, lysine decarboxylase and ornithine decarboxylase activities and could not hydrolyze agar, casein, gelatin and starch. The predominant fatty acids were identified as iso-C(15:0) (28.2 %), anteiso-C(15:0) (23.2 %), iso-C(13:0) (19.9 %) and iso-C(15:0) 3-OH (13.9 %). Strain AK2(T) was found to contain menaquinone with seven isoprene units (MK-7) as the sole respiratory quinone and phosphatidylethanolamine, one unidentified phospholipid and three unidentified lipids as polar lipids. The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated the strain AK2(T) as a member of the genus Marinilabilia and is closely related to Marinilabilia salmonicolor with pair-wise sequence similarity of 98.2 %. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene revealed that the strain AK2(T) clustered with M. salmonicolor. However, DNA-DNA hybridization with M. salmonicolor JCM 21150(T) showed a relatedness of 48 ± 0.5 % with respect to strain AK2(T). The DNA G+C content of the strain was determined to be 40.2 mol%. Based on the phenotypic characteristics and phylogenetic inference, it is proposed that the strain AK2(T) represents a novel species of the genus Marinilabilia, for which the name Marinilabilia nitratireducens sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of M. nitratireducens sp. nov. is AK2(T) (= MTCC 11402(T) = JCM 17679(T)).
    背景与目标: :从印度Kakinada收集的海洋太阳能盐分离器样本中分离出革兰氏阴性,棒状,能动细菌。确定菌株AK2(T)对硝酸盐还原,过氧化氢酶,Ala-Phe-前芳酰胺酶,β-半乳糖苷酶,β-N-乙酰氨基葡糖苷酶,β-葡萄糖苷酶,β-木糖苷酶,α-葡萄糖苷酶,α-半乳糖苷酶和磷酸酶活性,七叶皂苷,Tween 20/40/60/80和尿素的水解。它被确定为氧化酶,赖氨酸脱羧酶和鸟氨酸脱羧酶活性阴性,并且不能水解琼脂,酪蛋白,明胶和淀粉。主要脂肪酸被鉴定为iso-C(15:0)(28.2%),anteiso-C(15:0)(23.2%),iso-C(13:0)(19.9%)和iso-C( 15:0)3-OH(13.9%)。发现菌株AK2(T)含有具有七个异戊二烯单元(MK-7)的甲基萘醌作为唯一的呼吸醌和磷脂酰乙醇胺,一个未确定的磷脂和三个未确定的脂质作为极性脂质。 16S rRNA基因序列分析表明,菌株AK2(T)是马里尼布拉马氏菌属的成员,与马里尼拉鲑鱼色密切相关,成对序列相似性为98.2%。 16S rRNA基因的系统发育分析表明,菌株AK2(T)与沙门氏菌成簇。但是,与鲑鱼支原体JCM 21150(T)的DNA-DNA杂交显示出与菌株AK2(T)的相关性为48±0.5%。测得该菌株的DNA G C含量为40.2mol%。根据表型特征和系统发育推论,建议菌株AK2(T)代表Marinilabilia属的一个新种,其名称为Marinilabilianitroatireducens sp。十一月被提议。硝化分枝杆菌的类型菌株。十一月是AK2(T)(= MTCC 11402(T)= JCM 17679(T))。

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