• 【姑息治疗中的标签外处方药-一项针对姑息医学医生的全国性横断面调查。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1177/0269216312464263 复制DOI
    作者列表:To TH,Agar M,Shelby-James T,Abernethy AP,Doogue M,Rowett D,Ko D,Currow DC
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Regulatory bodies including the European Medicines Agency register medications (formulation, route of administration) for specific clinical indications. Once registered, prescription is at clinicians' discretion. Off-label use is beyond the registered use. While off-label prescribing may, at times, be appropriate, efficacy and toxicity data are often lacking. AIM:The aim of this study was to document off-label use policies (including disclosure and consent) in Australian palliative care units and current practices by palliative care clinicians. DESIGN:A national, cross-sectional survey was conducted online following an invitation letter. The survey asked clinicians their most frequent off-label medication/indication dyads and unit policies. Dyads were classified into unregistered, off-label and on-label, and for the latter, whether medications were nationally subsidised. SETTING/PARTICIPANTS:All Australian palliative medicine Fellows and advanced trainees. RESULTS:Overall, 105 clinicians responded (53% response rate). The majority did not have policies on off-label medications, and documented consent rarely. In all, 236 medication/indication dyads for 36 medications were noted: 45 dyads (19%) were for two unregistered medications, 118 dyads (50%) were for 26 off-label medications and 73 dyads (31%) were for 12 on-label medications. CONCLUSIONS:Off-label prescribing with its clinical, legal and ethical implications is common yet poorly recognised by clinicians. A distinction needs to be made between where quality evidence exists but registration has not been updated by the pharmaceutical sponsor and the evidence has not been generated. Further research is required to quantify any iatrogenic harm from off-label prescribing in palliative care.
    背景与目标: 背景:包括欧洲药品管理局在内的监管机构对特定临床适应症的药物(制剂,给药途径)进行注册。一旦注册,处方将由临床医生自行决定。标签外使用超出了注册使用范围。尽管有时不适合使用标签外的处方,但通常缺乏功效和毒性数据。
    结果:总的来说,有105位临床医生对此作出了回应(53%的回应率)。大多数人没有标签外用药的政策,很少有书面同意书。总共记录了236种药物/适应症的dyads,其中包含36种药物:45种dyads(占19%)是针对两种未注册的药物,118 yads(占50%)是针对26种非处方药,而73 dyads(占31%)的是12种药物。标签药物。
  • 【韩国女性母乳喂养时间和肥胖之间的关系:2010-2012年韩国国民健康与营养检查调查(KNHANES)。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.maturitas.2017.05.005 复制DOI
    作者列表:Ki EY,Han KD,Park YG
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:Breast-feeding is associated with maternal health, such as electrolyte metabolism, lipid profile and body component change. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between duration of breast-feeding and obesity in postmenopausal women. METHODS:We analyzed data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2010-2012, a cross-sectional study in a Korean population. A total of 6621 postmenopausal women were analyzed. RESULTS:Body mass index and waist circumference were greater in women who had breast-fed for 6 months or more than in those who had not (BMI: 23.7±0.1 vs 24.5±0.1, P<0.0001; WC: 80.6±0.4 vs 82.8±0.3, P<0.001). This association persisted after adjustment for confounding factors (BMI: odds ratio[OR]1.54, 95% confidence interval[CI] 1.19-2.0; WC: OR1.67, 95% CI 1.29-2.17). The duration of breast-feeding tended to increase with increasing BMI and WC (P for trend, 0.001 for each). The proportions of women with greater BMI and WC increased with increasing duration of breast-feeding (27.3% in ≤6 months vs 41.2% in >18months, P<0.0001). CONCLUSION:The results of this study suggest that prolonged breast-feeding may be associated with greater BMI and WC among postmenopausal women.
    背景与目标: 目的:母乳喂养与孕妇健康有关,例如电解质代谢,脂质分布和身体成分变化。这项研究的目的是评估绝经后妇女的母乳喂养时间与肥胖之间的关系。
    结果:母乳喂养6个月或更长时间的妇女的身体质量指数和腰围比没有母乳的妇女更大(BMI:23.7±0.1 vs 24.5±0.1,P <0.0001; WC:80.6±0.4 vs 82.8 ±0.3,P <0.001)。调整混杂因素(BMI:比值比[OR] 1.54,95%置信区间[CI] 1.19-2.0; WC:OR1.67,95%CI 1.29-2.17)后,这种关联仍然存在。母乳喂养的时间倾向于随着BMI和WC的增加而增加(趋势P,每种0.001)。 BMI和WC较高的女性比例随着母乳喂养时间的增加而增加(≤6个月为27.3%,而> 18个月为41.2%,P <0.0001)。
  • 【医师对抗抑郁药戒断作用的认识:一项调查。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Young AH,Currie A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:While the incidence of discontinuation events in controlled studies of serotonin reuptake inhibitors ranges between 34.5% and 86%, only a small number of discontinuation reactions are reported to national data bases of spontaneously reported adverse drug reactions. It was hypothesized that the disparity was due to lack of knowledge amongst physicians about the potential for antidepressant discontinuation reactions.

    METHOD:Therefore, a questionnaire was mailed to 100 psychiatrists and 100 general practitioners (GPs) in northeast England to assess the knowledge base and to validate this assumption.

    RESULTS:Fifty psychiatrists (50%) and 53 GPs (53%) responded to the questionnaire. Of the respondents, 36 (72%) of the psychiatrists and 16 (30%) of the GPs were aware that patients may experience antidepressant discontinuation events; 33 (66%) psychiatrists and 22 (42%) GPs had had experience with patients who had discontinuation symptoms; and 10 (20%) psychiatrists and 9 (17%) GPs said they always caution patients about the possibility of discontinuations events.

    CONCLUSION:According to the results of the survey, a sizable minority of physicians denied being confidently aware of the existence of antidepressant withdrawal symptoms. Education about discontinuation reactions, including the hallmark features, symptoms, and course, is needed for both psychiatrists and family practice physicians.

    背景与目标: 背景:尽管在5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂对照研究中,停药事件的发生率在34.5%至86%之间,但自发报告的药物不良反应的国家数据库仅报告了少量停药反应。据推测,这种差异是由于医师之间对抗抑郁药终止反应潜能的了解不足。

    METHOD :因此,向100名精神科医生和100名全科医生发送了问卷

    结果:50名精神科医生和50名精神科医生(53%)对问卷进行了答复。在受访者中,有36名(72%)的精神科医生和16名(30%)的全科医生知道患者可能会经历抗抑郁药停药事件; 33名(66%)精神科医生和22名(42%)GPs曾有中止症状患者的经验;和10(20%)的精神科医生和9(17%)的GP表示,他们总是提醒患者有关停药事件的可能性。


  • 【公共和私人提供者之间的合同签订:对加利福尼亚州心理健康服务的调查。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/BF02042517 复制DOI
    作者列表:Libby AM
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: This paper reports on a public authority's decision to "make" or "buy" mental health services. Data come from key informant interviews with California county contract or program managers. The questionnaire measures the extent of contracting and the importance of factors that are hypothesized to affect the relative costs of contracting. The percent of contracting by programs ranges from zero to 100, averaging 41%. Sixty-two percent of rural programs perceive little or no competition for public mental health contracts, and contract significantly less than urban programs. The extent of contracting is related to economic and public organizational factors.

    背景与目标: 本文报告了政府决定“提供”或“购买”精神卫生服务的决定。数据来自对加州县合同或项目经理的关键信息提供者访谈。问卷调查了订约的程度以及被认为会影响订约的相对成本的因素的重要性。程序签约的百分比范围从零到100,平均为41%。 62%的农村项目对公共精神卫生合同的竞争知之甚少,甚至没有竞争,而且与城市项目相比,合同项下的竞争明显更少。订约程度与经济和公共组织因素有关。

  • 【省卫生服务局的优先级设定:对主要决策者的调查。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/1472-6963-7-84 复制DOI
    作者列表:Teng F,Mitton C,Mackenzie J
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:In recent years, decision makers in Canada and elsewhere have expressed a desire for more explicit, evidence-based approaches to priority setting. To achieve this aim within health care organizations, knowledge of both the organizational context and stakeholder attitudes towards priority setting are required. The current work adds to a limited yet growing body of international literature describing priority setting practices in health organizations. METHODS:A qualitative study was conducted using in-depth, face-to-face interviews with 25 key decision makers of the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) of British Columbia. Major themes and sub-themes were identified through content analysis. RESULTS:Priorities were described by decision makers as being set in an ad hoc manner, with resources generally allocated along historical lines. Participants identified the Strategic Plan and a strong research base as strengths of the organization. The main areas for improvement were a desire to have a more transparent process for priority setting, a need to develop a culture which supports explicit priority setting, and a focus on fairness in decision making. Barriers to an explicit allocation process included the challenge of providing specialized services for disparate patient groups, and a lack of formal training in priority setting amongst decision makers. CONCLUSION:This study identified factors important to understanding organizational context and informed next steps for explicit priority setting for a provincial health authority. While the PHSA is unique in its organizational structure in Canada, lessons about priority setting should be transferable to other contexts.
    背景与目标: 背景:近年来,加拿大和其他地区的决策者表达了对更明确,基于证据的优先级确定方法的渴望。为了在医疗保健组织内实现这一目标,需要了解组织环境和利益相关者对确定优先重点的态度。当前的工作增加了描述卫生组织中确定优先重点实践的国际文献的数量,但数量却在不断增长。
  • 【不孕症咨询-基于互联网的调查。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1080/14647270601166969 复制DOI
    作者列表:Marcus D,Marcus H,Marcus N,Appleton T,Marcus S
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: UNLABELLED:Infertility and its treatment can be a very stressful experience. Some countries have legislation governing the provision of counselling for assisted conception treatments. All licensed IVF clinics in the UK are required to offer patients counselling. OBJECTIVES:To determine the proportion of patients who were offered counselling, the proportion of those who then received counselling, how useful they found it, and to establish the main reasons why patients may opt not to receive counselling. METHODS:An internet-based survey of users of an independent infertility website. Two-hundred-and-forty-four patients participated in the survey, of which 62% received treatment in the UK. CONCLUSIONS:Seventy-three per cent of all couples were offered, or obliged, to receive counselling compared to 91% of those patients treated in the UK. Of the patients who took part in the survey, only 30% received counselling; over half of those patients found it either 'very helpful' or 'helpful'. No differences were observed in the perceived usefulness of counselling, comparing those patients who were offered, and chose to receive, counselling versus those who received mandatory counselling. In patients who did not receive counselling, the main reasons cited were: 'felt I can cope on my own' (37%), 'counselling was not offered' (21%), and 'did not think it would be beneficial' (15%).
    背景与目标: 不育症:不孕及其治疗可能是一个非常压力的经历。一些国家制定了立法,规定为受孕治疗提供咨询。英国所有获得许可的IVF诊所都必须向患者提供咨询。
    方法:基于互联网的独立不育网站用户调查。 244名患者参加了调查,其中62%在英国接受了治疗。
    结论:有百分之三十三的新婚夫妇有义务提供咨询服务,而在英国,这一比例为91%。参与调查的患者中,只有30%接受了咨询;只有30%的患者接受了咨询。这些患者中有超过一半的人发现它“非常有帮助”或“有帮助”。比较提供的和选择接受咨询的患者与接受强制咨询的患者之间,在咨询的有用性方面没有观察到差异。在没有接受咨询的患者中,被引用的主要原因是:“感到自己可以自己应付”(37%),“没有提供咨询服务”(21%)和“不认为这会是有益的”( 15%)。
  • 【针对50岁以上女性的指南不一致的乳腺癌筛查:一项基于小插图的调查。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s11606-013-2567-1 复制DOI
    作者列表:Kadivar H,Goff BA,Phillips WR,Andrilla CH,Berg AO,Baldwin LM
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Professional organizations have issued guidelines recommending breast cancer screening for women 50 years of age. OBJECTIVE:This study examines the percent of U.S. primary care physicians who report breast cancer screening practices that are not consistent with guidelines, and the characteristics of physicians who reported offering extra test modalities. DESIGN:We analyzed a subset of a 2008 cross-sectional Women's Health Care survey sent to primary care physicians randomly selected from the national American Medical Association (AMA) Physician Masterfile. A subset of physicians received a survey that presented a vignette of a health maintenance visit for an asymptomatic 51-year-old woman who was not at high risk for breast cancer. Responses were weighted to represent physicians nationally. PARTICIPANTS:1,654 U.S. family physicians, general internists, and obstetrician-gynecologists under age 65, who practiced in office or hospital based settings (62.8 % response rate). After exclusions, 553 study physicians remained for analysis. MAIN MEASURE:Physician self-report of breast cancer screening practices that are not consistent with the recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), and the American Cancer Society (ACS), defined as almost always offering mammography. KEY RESULTS:36.0 % (95 % CI: 31.8 %-40.5 %) of physicians reported offering breast cancer screening tests inconsistent with national guidelines, with most offering extra tests (magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] and/or ultrasound) (33.2 %, 95 % CI 29.1 %-37.6 %). In adjusted analysis, risk-averse physicians and those who believed in the clinical effectiveness of MRI were more likely to offer extra breast cancer screening tests. CONCLUSIONS:Physicians often report offering breast cancer screening test modalities beyond those recommended for a 51-year-old woman. Strategies, such as academic detailing regarding appropriate use of technology and provision of clinical decision support for breast cancer screening, could decrease overuse of resources.
    背景与目标: 背景:专业组织已发布指南,建议对50岁以下的女性进行乳腺癌筛查。
    关键结果:36.0%(95%CI:31.8%-40.5%)的医生报告说提供的乳腺癌筛查检查与国家指南不一致,大多数提供额外的检查(磁共振成像[MRI]和/或超声检查)(33.2%, 95%CI 29.1%-37.6%)。在调整后的分析中,规避风险的医生和那些相信MRI的临床有效性的医生更有可能提供额外的乳腺癌筛查测试。
  • 【冠心病患者与健康相关的生活质量及其与心血管疾病风险的关系:EUROASPIRE III调查的结果。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.10.053 复制DOI
    作者列表:De Smedt D,Clays E,Annemans L,Doyle F,Kotseva K,Pająk A,Prugger C,Jennings C,Wood D,De Bacquer D
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Cardiovascular patients are likely to have an impaired health-related quality of life (HRQoL) due to functional and psycho-social limitations. The main objective of this study was to assess the distribution of HRQoL scores in coronary heart disease (CHD) patients across 22 European countries and to identify factors associated with the variation between patients. METHODS:Data from the EUROASPIRE III survey (European Action on Secondary and Primary Prevention by Intervention to Reduce Events), on 8734 patients, were used. Patients with a diagnosis of CHD (coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or myocardial ischemia) were interviewed and examined at least 6 months after their acute coronary event. Quality of life of each patient was measured using 2 standardized questionnaires: the EuroQoL-5D (EQ-5D) and the 12-item short-form health survey (SF-12v2). RESULTS:HRQoL values differed significantly across countries. Lower HRQoL estimates were found in women, older patients, less educated patients, patients with myocardial infarction or ischemia as recruiting diagnosis, patients with a history of stroke and patients who suffered from a recurring CHD event. In addition, HRQoL was significantly associated with current smoking, central obesity, lack of exercise and inappropriate HbA1c control in patients with diabetes. Furthermore the number of risk factors is inversely associated with HRQoL. CONCLUSION:Overall, a large heterogeneity was observed in HRQoL values between countries and patient groups. There seems to be a significant association between quality of life and patient characteristics with lifestyle risk factors as important determinants of HRQoL.
    背景与目标: 背景:由于功能和心理社会方面的限制,心血管疾病患者的健康相关生活质量(HRQoL)可能受损。这项研究的主要目的是评估HRQoL分数在22个欧洲国家中的冠心病(CHD)患者中的分布,并确定与患者之间差异相关的因素。
    方法:使用EUROASPIRE III调查(欧洲通过干预减少事件的二级和一级预防行动)对8734例患者的数据。诊断为冠心病(冠状动脉搭桥术(CABG),经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI),急性心肌梗塞(AMI)或心肌缺血)的患者在其急性冠状动脉事件发生后至少6个月进行了访谈和检查。每个患者的生活质量使用2份标准问卷进行测量:EuroQoL-5D(EQ-5D)和12个项目的简短健康调查(SF-12v2)。
  • 【世卫组织欧洲区域各国间儿童耐多药结核病接触者的管理:对当前做法的调查。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.5588/ijtld.16.0949 复制DOI
    作者列表:Turkova A,Tebruegge M,Brinkmann F,Tsolia M,Mouchet F,Kampmann B,Seddon JA
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The World Health Organization European Region has one of the highest rates of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in the world, resulting in many vulnerable children being exposed each year. Evidence for preventive therapy following MDR-TB exposure is limited and current guidance is conflicting. An internet-based survey was performed to determine clinical practice in this region. Seventy-two clinicians from 25 countries participated. Practices related to screening and decision-making were highly variable. Just over half provided preventive therapy for children exposed to MDR-TB; the only characteristic associated with provision was practice within the European Union (adjusted OR 4.07, 95%CI 1.33-12.5).
    背景与目标: :世界卫生组织欧洲区域是世界上耐多药结核病(MDR-TB)发病率最高的国家之一,每年导致许多弱势儿童被暴露。耐多药结核病暴露后进行预防性治疗的证据有限,目前的指导意见相互矛盾。进行了基于互联网的调查,以确定该地区的临床实践。来自25个国家的72名临床医生参加了会议。与筛查和决策有关的做法变化很大。刚刚超过一半的人为患有耐多药结核病的儿童提供了预防性治疗;与规定相关的唯一特征是欧盟内部的惯例(调整后的OR 4.07,95%CI 1.33-12.5)。
  • 【药物管理中的保障:了解注册前护理学生对患者安全和同行报告问题的调查答复。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/jonm.12134 复制DOI
    作者列表:Andrew S,Mansour M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: AIM:To explore nursing students' experiences of patient safety and peer reporting using hypothetical medication administration scenarios. BACKGROUND:Pre-registration nurse training is tasked with the preparation of students able to provide safe, high quality nursing care. How students' contextualise teaching related to patient safety, risk recognition and management in the clinical setting is less clear. METHOD:A total of 321 third year students enrolled in the final semester of an adult branch pre-registration nursing programme in 2011 in a UK university were surveyed. Using free texts, the questionnaire contained hypothetical medication administration scenarios where patient safety could potentially be at risk. Students' qualitative responses were analysed using thematic analysis. FINDINGS:The response rate was 58% (n = 186). Four themes were identified from the scenarios: (1) Protecting patient safety (2) Willingness to compromise; (3) Avoiding responsibility; (4) Consequences from my actions. CONCLUSION:The findings underscore the importance of contextual teaching about risk management, practical techniques for error management and leadership for optimal patient safety in nursing curricula. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT:Nurse managers are role models for nursing students in the clinical setting. Nursing management must lead, by example, the patient safety agenda in the clinical setting.
    背景与目标: 目的:使用假设的药物管理方案,探索护理专业学生对患者安全和同行报告的经验。
    结果:回应率为58%(n = 186)。从方案中确定了四个主题:(1)保护患者安全(2)愿意妥协; (3)回避责任; (4)我行动的后果。
  • 【自然获得的抗恶性疟原虫裂殖子表面蛋白的抗体中与免疫球蛋白G亚类极化相关的因素:巴西亚马逊地区的横断面调查。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1128/CVI.00095-06 复制DOI
    作者列表:Scopel KK,Fontes CJ,Ferreira MU,Braga EM
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :We investigated immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclass antibody responses to Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-1) and MSP-2 in 112 malaria-exposed subjects in Brazil. IgG3 polarization was primarily epitope driven, being little affected by cumulative or current exposure to malaria and not affected by a subject's age and Fcgamma receptor IIA genotype.
    背景与目标: :我们在巴西112名疟疾暴露者中调查了对恶性疟原虫裂殖子表面蛋白1(MSP-1)和MSP-2的免疫球蛋白G(IgG)亚类抗体反应。 IgG3极化主要是由表位驱动的,几乎不受累积或当前暴露于疟疾的影响,并且不受受试者的年龄和Fcgamma受体IIA基因型的影响。
  • 【疗养院验尸。调查医生的态度和实践模式。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Katz PR,Seidel G
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Autopsy rates remain disturbingly low in nursing homes despite the fact that 1 of 5 deaths occurs in this setting. To determine the autopsy rate for nursing homes, we analyzed all deaths occurring in New York State nursing homes from 1980 to 1984. Of 58,985 nursing home deaths, autopsies were performed in only 499 cases (0.8%). In comparison to the general nursing home population, autopsied residents were more likely to be male and never married and less likely to be widowed. Of 110 practicing nursing home physicians surveyed, 19% believed autopsies had little if any value in the nursing home population, whereas 71% saw autopsy as a valuable tool but rarely requested one. Fewer than 1 in 10 physicians routinely discussed autopsies with patients and/or families before death. Perceived obstacles included the emotional lability of patients and families and a lack of financial reimbursement. Concerns over religious objections, funeral delays, and unnecessary mutilation were cited by fewer than one third of respondents. Facilitation of consent, physician education, and cost sharing may all contribute to enhanced rates of autopsies in the future.
    背景与目标: :尽管在这种情况下5例死亡中有1例死亡,但养老院的尸检率仍然非常低。为了确定疗养院的尸检率,我们分析了1980年至1984年在纽约州疗养院发生的所有死亡。在58985所疗养院死亡中,仅进行了499例尸检(0.8%)。与普通疗养院人口相比,有尸检的居民更可能是男性,从未结婚,丧偶的可能性也较小。在接受调查的110名执业疗养院医师中,有19%的人认为尸检对疗养院人口几乎没有价值,而71%的人认为尸检是一种有价值的工具,但很少有人要求。不到10名医生中有不到1名在死亡前常规与患者和/或家属讨论尸检。可以理解的障碍包括患者和家庭的情感不稳定以及缺乏经济补偿。不到三分之一的受访者对宗教异议,葬礼延误和不必要的残害表示了担忧。同意的便利,医生的教育以及费用的分担,都可能在将来提高尸检率。
  • 【逐户调查与滚雪球技术在印度捕获孕产妇死亡:寻找一种经济有效的方法。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Singh P,Pandey A,Aggarwal A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE:Estimation of maternal mortality has been difficult because of large sample size requirement. A study using snowball technique for identification of households where maternal death has taken place and its related causes was conducted. We present here the feasibility of carrying out the snowball technique for capturing maternal deaths as against house-to-house survey and to obtain the estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in some selected States of India. METHODS:Five states representing high MMR (Uttar Pradesh), medium MMR (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttranchal) and low MMR (Delhi) were selected. A total of 8 PHCs and 3 (UFS) were covered. Study used both house-to-house survey and snowball technique to enumerate the maternal deaths in the selected PHCs in rural area and urban frame survey (UFS) in urban area. RESULTS:In all, 94 maternal deaths were captured through snowball technique as against 83 through house-to-house survey. The estimate of MMR for the five States combined was 356 per 100,000 live births, as compared to assumed 400 per 100,000 live births for the country as a whole. The relative standard error of the estimate of MMR was about 10 per cent. INTERPRETATION & CONCLUSION:Snowball technique captured more maternal deaths than those in house-to-house survey particularly in rural areas. The estimates also indicated the feasibility of replicating the proposed methodology for estimation of MMR as a time and cost-effective methodology.
    背景与目标: 背景与目的:由于样本量大,难以估计产妇死亡率。进行了一项使用雪球技术来识别已发生产妇死亡及其相关原因的家庭的研究。我们在这里介绍了进行雪球技术来捕获孕产妇死亡的可行性,而不是逐户进行调查,并获得了印度某些选定州的孕产妇死亡率比(MMR)的估计值。
    结果:通过滚雪球技术共捕获了94名孕产妇死亡,而通过逐户调查获得了83名孕产妇死亡。五个国家的MMR估算合计为每100,000例活产356例,而整个国家的假设为每100,000例活产400例。 MMR估计值的相对标准误差约为10%。
  • 【收集经验丰富的专业知识来支持糖尿病患者的安全驾驶:一项由同伴在一项调查中评估的定性研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/BF03262497 复制DOI
    作者列表:Burda MH,van der Horst F,van den Akker M,Stork AD,Mesters I,Bours S,Ploeg M,Winkens B,Knottnerus JA
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Hypoglycemia is a frequent phenomenon in people being treated for diabetes mellitus, which can acutely disrupt driving performance. For the benefit of personal and public traffic safety, we decided to identify successful diabetes-related (SDR) behaviors to support safe driving for people with diabetes, from the perspective of experiential experts with diabetes mellitus. Experiential experts are people who can manage their own illness and conditions by developing expertise relevant to maintaining health and countering illness, and who are able to use this expertise to the benefit of peers. OBJECTIVE:The aim of our study was to objectify and systematize experiential expertise in terms of SDR behaviors, based on reports by experiential experts, to support safe driving for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The emphasis was on preventing hypoglycemia as a short-term complication during driving. METHODS:We performed a mixed-methods study involving (i) semi-structured in-depth interviews with 33 experiential experts with diabetes mellitus from the Dutch Diabetes Association (DVN; Diabetesvereniging Nederland), in order to identify SDR behaviors regarding safe driving, and (ii) a validation study by means of a survey among a panel of 98 experiential experts (peers) from the DVN, to determine the extent to which they agreed with the communicability, importance, and feasibility of these behaviors for drivers with diabetes mellitus. RESULTS:We identified a comprehensive set of 11 SDR behaviors, differentiated into seven general and four specific behaviors, to support safe driving. The general behaviors concern the following topics: (i) acquiring knowledge and information; (ii) acquiring and using self-measuring of blood glucose (SMBG) equipment; (iii) knowing one's physical response pattern; (iv) obtaining knowledge about the medication used; (v) preventing long-term eye complications; (vi) influencing factors that can affect blood glucose; and (vii) renewal procedure for driving license. The four specific behaviors refer to the following topics: (i) measures to be taken before driving; (ii) responding effectively to hypoglycemia while driving; (iii) informing and instructing passengers; and (iv) preventing hypoglycemia in drivers with type 2 diabetes mellitus not using SMBG equipment. Key factors for safe driving proved to be the ability of drivers to anticipate and respond effectively to hypoglycemia while driving and to inform and instruct fellow passengers. Participants of the validation survey agreed to a considerable degree with the communicability, importance, and feasibility of these behaviors to support safe driving for people with diabetes mellitus. CONCLUSIONS:This study resulted in the identification and description of SDR behaviors to support safe driving. It proved possible to operationalize experiential expertise in terms of such behaviors. The next step is to have these behaviors validated by professional care providers in the field of diabetes, followed by translation into recommendations in self-management programs.
    背景与目标: 背景:低血糖症在接受糖尿病治疗的人们中很常见,会严重破坏驾驶性能。为了个人和公共交通安全,我们决定从经验丰富的糖尿病专家的角度确定成功的糖尿病相关(SDR)行为,以支持糖尿病人安全驾驶。经验丰富的专家可以通过发展与维护健康和对抗疾病有关的专业知识来管理自己的疾病和状况,并能够利用这些专业知识来为同行带来好处。
    方法:我们进行了一项混合方法研究,涉及(i)对来自荷兰糖尿病协会(DVN; Diabetesvereniging Nederland)的33位糖尿病专家进行的半结构化深度访谈,以确定与安全驾驶有关的SDR行为,以及(ii)通过对来自DVN的98位经验丰富的专家(同行)进行的调查来进行验证研究,以确定他们在多大程度上同意这些行为对于糖尿病驾驶员的可传播性,重要性和可行性。
    结果:我们确定了11种SDR行为的综合集合,分为7种一般行为和4种特定行为,以支持安全驾驶。一般行为涉及以下主题:(i)获取知识和信息; (ii)获取和使用自我测量的血糖仪(SMBG); (iii)了解一个人的身体反应方式; (iv)获得有关所用药物的知识; (v)预防眼部长期并发症; (vi)可能影响血糖的影响因素; (vii)驾驶执照的续签程序。四种具体行为涉及以下主题:(i)驾驶前应采取的措施; (ii)驾驶时有效应对低血糖; (iii)通知和指示乘客; (iv)预防不使用SMBG设备的2型糖尿病驾驶员的低血糖症。事实证明,安全驾驶的关键因素是驾驶员在驾驶时能够预见和有效应对低血糖以及告知和指导同伴的能力。验证调查的参与者在相当程度上同意这些行为的可传播性,重要性和可行性,以支持糖尿病人的安全驾驶。
  • 【妇女对计划生育方法作用机制的态度:在西班牙潘普洛纳的初级保健中心进行的调查。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/1472-6874-7-10 复制DOI
    作者列表:de Irala J,Lopez del Burgo C,Lopez de Fez CM,Arredondo J,Mikolajczyk RT,Stanford JB
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Informed consent in family planning includes knowledge of mechanism of action. Some methods of family planning occasionally work after fertilization. Knowing about postfertilization effects may be important to some women before choosing a certain family planning method. The objective of this survey is to explore women's attitudes towards postfertilization effects of family planning methods, and beliefs and characteristics possibly associated with those attitudes. METHODS:Cross-sectional survey in a sample of 755 potentially fertile women, aged 18-49, from Primary Care Health Centres in Pamplona, Spain. Participants were given a 30-item, self-administered, anonymous questionnaire about family planning methods and medical and surgical abortion. Logistic regression was used to identify variables associated with women's attitudes towards postfertilization effects. RESULTS:The response rate was 80%. The majority of women were married, held an academic degree and had no children. Forty percent of women would not consider using a method that may work after fertilization but before implantation and 57% would not consider using one that may work after implantation. While 35.3% of the sample would stop using a method if they learned that it sometimes works after fertilization, this percentage increased to 56.3% when referring to a method that sometimes works after implantation. Women who believe that human life begins at fertilization and those who consider it is important to distinguish between natural and induced embryo loss were less likely to consider the use of a method with postfertilization effects. CONCLUSION:Information about potential postfertilization effects of family planning methods may influence women's acceptance and choice of a particular family planning method. Additional studies in other populations are necessary to evaluate whether these beliefs are important to those populations.
    背景与目标: 背景:计划生育中的知情同意包括对作用机制的了解。受精后,某些计划生育方法有时会起作用。在选择某种计划生育方法之前,了解受精后的影响对某些女性可能很重要。这项调查的目的是探讨妇女对计划生育方法受精后效果的态度,以及可能与这些态度相关的信念和特征。
    方法:对来自西班牙潘普洛纳的初级保健健康中心的755名年龄在18-49岁之间的潜在可育妇女进行了横断面调查。与会人员获得了关于计划生育方法以及药物和手术流产的30项自我管理的匿名问卷。 Logistic回归用于确定与女性对受精后效果的态度有关的变量。
    结果:有效率80%。大多数妇女已婚,拥有学历,并且没有孩子。 40%的女性不会考虑使用在受精后但在植入前可能起作用的方法,而57%的女性不会考虑使用在植入后可能会起作用的方法。如果35.3%的样本如果得知受精后有时仍会使用某种方法,则停止使用该方法,但当提及植入后有时仍可使用的方法时,该百分比增加至56.3%。认为人类生命始于受精的妇女,以及认为重要的是区分自然损失和诱发的胚胎损失的妇女,不太可能考虑使用具有受精后作用的方法。

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