• 【变性人变性中保留生育力的伦理。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s11673-012-9378-7 复制DOI
    作者列表:Murphy TF
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :In some areas of clinical medicine, discussions about fertility preservation are routine, such as in the treatment of children and adolescents facing cancer treatments that will destroy their ability to produce gametes of their own. Certain professional organizations now offer guidelines for people who wish to modify their bodies and appearance in regard to sex traits, and these guidelines extend to recommendations about fertility preservation. Since the removal of testicles or ovaries will destroy the ability to have genetically related children later on, it is imperative to counsel transgender people seeking body modifications about fertility preservation options. Fertility preservation with transgender people will, however, lead to unconventional outcomes. If transgender men and women use their ova and sperm, respectively, to have children, they will function as a mother or father in a gametic sense but will function in socially reversed parental identities. There is nothing, however, about fertility preservation with transgender men and women that is objectionable in its motives, practices, or outcomes that would justify closing off these options. In any case, novel reproductive technologies may extend this kind of role reversal in principle to all people, if sperm and ova can be derived from all human beings regardless of sex, as has happened with certain laboratory animals.
    背景与目标: :在临床医学的某些领域,关于生育力保存的讨论是常规的,例如在面对癌症治疗的儿童和青少年的治疗中,这将破坏他们生产自己配子的能力。现在,某些专业组织为希望在性特征方面改变其身体和外观的人们提供了指南,这些指南还扩展到有关保留生育力的建议。由于移除睾丸或卵巢会破坏以后与遗传相关的孩子的能力,因此必须咨询寻求变性的变性人,以寻求有关保留生育能力的建议。但是,跨性别者的生育保护将导致非常规的结果。如果跨性别男人和女人分别使用卵子和精子生孩子,他们将在配偶的意义上扮演母亲或父亲的角色,但会在社交上颠倒的父母身份中发挥作用。但是,关于跨性别男人和女人的生育保护,在动机,实践或结果方面都令人反感,这足以证明这些选择是合理的。无论如何,只要某些实验室动物的精子和卵子可以不分性别地从所有人的身上衍生出来,那么新的生殖技术原则上就可以将这种角色转换扩大到所有人。
  • 【法律,道德规范以及CSSP道德政策调查报告。科学学会主席理事会。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Fleckstein MP,Martone M,Pitluck HM
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Recently, the Council of Scientific Society Presidents (CSSP) collected data from its member organizations regarding codes of ethics. To better understand why such a survey would be undertaken, this paper begins by examining what is meant by ethics and highlights some distinctions between law and ethics. It then discusses codes of ethics, stressing their purposes and functions. Finally, it looks at the results of the CSSP survey and evaluates how various organizations formulate and implement their codes.
    背景与目标: :最近,科学协会主席理事会(CSSP)从其成员组织收集了有关道德规范的数据。为了更好地理解为什么要进行这样的调查,本文首先探讨了道德的含义,并着重强调了法律与道德之间的一些区别。然后讨论道德守则,强调其目的和功能。最后,它查看了CSSP调查的结果,并评估了各种组织如何制定和实施其准则。
  • 【一项新的调查问卷,用于评估对初级卫生保健中规范伦理的认可:发展,可靠性和有效性研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/fampra/cmt044 复制DOI
    作者列表:González-de Paz L,Devant-Altimir M,Kostov B,Mitjavila-López J,Navarro-Rubio MD,Sisó-Almirall A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Assessing ethical endorsement is crucial to the study of professional performance and moral conduct. There are no specific instruments that verify patients and professional experiences of ethical practice in the specific area of primary health care (PHC). OBJECTIVE:To study the psychometric properties of two questionnaires to identify professional and patient endorsement of normative ethics. METHODS:A methodological study conducted in PHC centres from an urban area (Barcelona). A group of items from an ethical code were generated using a qualitative study with focus groups. Items underwent expert validation, item refinement and test-retest reliability. Two groups of items for PHC professionals and patients were validated. The structure of the constructs and the internal consistency were studied after participants completed the questionnaires. Principal component analysis with supplementary variables showed the utility of the validated questionnaires. RESULTS:The patients' questionnaire consisted of 17 general items plus 11 additional items on specific conditions, and the health professional's contained 24 general and 9 specific items. The construct of the questionnaires comprised a three-factor solution for patients and a five-factor solution for professionals. Principal component analysis with supplementary variables showed that patients with higher scores on ethical perception were associated with better opinions on health care quality and more confidence in professionals. In PHC professionals, higher scores were associated with effective knowledge of the code. CONCLUSIONS:Both questionnaires showed good psychometric properties and are valid to screen ethical attitudes. The instrument warrants further testing and use with culturally diverse patients and PHC professionals.
    背景与目标: 背景:评估道德认可对研究专业绩效和道德行为至关重要。在初级保健(PHC)的特定领域,没有任何特定的工具可以验证患者和伦理实践的专业经验。
  • 4 Ethics of maternal-fetal surgery. 复制标题 收藏 收藏

    【产妇-胎儿手术的伦理学。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.siny.2007.06.001 复制DOI
    作者列表:Chervenak FA,McCullough LB
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The transition from innovation to standard of care for maternal-fetal surgery should be guided by ethical as well as scientific considerations. This chapter provides an ethical framework that identifies criteria for the investigation of maternal-fetal surgery. Using this framework, physicians should address the initiation and assessment of clinical trials to determine whether they establish a standard of care, use an appropriately informed consent process to recruit and enroll subjects, consider whether selection criteria should include the abortion preferences of the pregnant woman, and consider whether physicians have an obligation to offer referral to such investigation. This ethical framework, in a clinically comprehensive fashion, takes account of the physician's obligations to the fetal patient, the pregnant woman, and future fetal and pregnant patients. The ethical framework is illustrated by the example of fetal surgery for spina bifida.
    背景与目标: :从创新到孕产妇手术的护理标准的过渡应遵循道德和科学考虑。本章提供了一个道德框架,该框架确定了母婴手术研究的标准。使用该框架,医生应着手进行临床试验的开始和评估,以确定他们是否建立护理标准,使用适当的知情同意程序招募和招募受试者,考虑选择标准是否应包括孕妇的流产偏好,并考虑医生是否有义务转介此类调查。从临床上全面的角度来看,这种道德框架考虑了医生对胎儿患者,孕妇以及未来的胎儿和怀孕患者的义务。脊柱裂的胎儿手术实例说明了道德框架。
  • 【关于杀害人并使他们死亡的道德和适当立法:对默克尔的回应。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1136/medethics-2016-104027 复制DOI
    作者列表:McLachlan HV
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :With regard to ethics and legislation, what is the significant difference between a doctor terminating the life-supporting treatment of a patient in the course of his job and a greedy relative of the patient doing the same thing to inherit his wealth? Merkel offers an interesting and inventive answer to this question in terms of the improper violation of personal boundaries. However, despite Merkel's claim to the contrary, his answer does not directly address the question of the relevant ethical similarities and differences between killing and letting die in general. Furthermore, it does not provide the basis a plausible rationale for legislation concerning killing and letting die. The questions of whether letting someone die is ethically the same as killing someone and whether it should be treated the same way by the criminal law are not the same as or tantamount to the question of whether or not it involves the transgression of another person's boundaries.
    背景与目标: :在道德和法律方面,终止工作中的患者生命支持治疗的医生与患者为了同样地继承财产而贪婪的亲戚之间有何显着区别?默克尔以不当违反个人界限​​的方式,为这个问题提供了有趣且富有创造力的答案。但是,尽管默克尔提出了相反的主张,但他的回答并未直接解决杀害与纵容之间在伦理上的相似性和区别性的问题。此外,它没有为有关杀害和死亡的立法提供合理的依据。从伦理上讲,让某人死与杀人是一样的问题,刑法是否应以同样的方式对待这一问题,与是否涉及侵犯他人边界的问题不尽相同或无异。
  • 【从青春后期到成年过渡期间让父母/家庭参与治疗:基本原理,策略,道德和法律问题。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.chc.2016.12.006 复制DOI
    作者列表:Livesey CM,Rostain AL
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The progression from adolescence to adulthood is a time of tremendous change, characterized by issues of identity formation, autonomy, and shifting relationship dynamics. The family is embedded in all aspects of this transition and serves as both a protective support and a limiting factor, a complicated duality that raises psychological, ethical, and legal issues. This article discusses the influence of familial factors and provides assessment strategies for evaluating the family in relation to treatment of transitional age youth. It is increasingly evident that family engagement is a significant contributor to outcomes for transitional age youth seeking mental health treatment.
    背景与目标: :从青春期到成年是一个巨大的变化时期,其特征是身份形成,自主权和关系动态变化。家庭被嵌入到这种过渡的各个方面,既是保护性支持又是限制因素,复杂的二元性引发了心理,伦理和法律问题。本文讨论了家庭因素的影响,并提供了评估策略,以评估与过渡期青年治疗相关的家庭状况。越来越明显的是,家庭参与对寻求心理健康治疗的过渡年龄青年的结局做出了重要贡献。
  • 【新的访问政策:迈向护理伦理学的一步。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1177/0969733017703701 复制DOI
    作者列表:Khaleghparast S,Joolaee S,Maleki M,Peyrovi H,Ghanbari B,Bahrani N
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND::Patients' rights arise from their expectations of the healthcare system, which are rooted in their needs. Visitation is seen as a necessary need for patients and families in intensive care units. OBJECTIVES::The authors attempted to design, implement, and evaluate a new visiting policy in the intensive care units. RESEARCH DESIGN::This study was an action research, including two qualitative and quantitative approaches. PARTICIPANTS AND RESEARCH CONTEXT::The viewpoints of 51 participants (patients, families, doctors, nurses, and guards) on how to change the limited visiting policy were explained through semi-structured interviews and focus groups. The new visiting policy (contractual visitation) was designed, implemented, and evaluated with the involvement of participants. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS::The hospital ethics committee approval was gained and the informed consent was obtained from all the participants. FINDINGS::The content of interviews was analyzed and classified into four categories: advantages and disadvantages of visiting policies, and barriers and facilitators of changing the limited visiting policy. After implementation of the new policy (contractual visitation), a significant difference observed in satisfaction status before and after the changes (p value < 0.001). DISCUSSION::Nowadays, many countries' clinical guidelines recommend flexible visiting policy, which is consistent with the results of this study. CONCLUSION::Changing the limited visiting policy was a necessary need for patients and families that established with the involvement of them and staff.
    背景与目标: 背景:患者的权利源自对医疗系统的期望,这种期望植根于他们的需求。在重症监护病房,探视被视为患者和家庭的必要需求。
  • 8 Ethics related to drug therapy in the elderly. 复制标题 收藏 收藏

    【与老年人药物治疗有关的伦理学。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1159/000109382 复制DOI
    作者列表:Beglinger C
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Adverse drug events are common, especially in risk groups such as elderly persons. Many of the adverse drug events are preventable. The age-related changes in the different body functions have an impact on drug therapy: adjustments are required for the selection of drugs and dosages in elderly patients. Kidney function declines with age; as a consequence, drug excretion via the kidneys declines with increasing age. Also, the metabolic clearance of drugs that display a high hepatic extraction is reduced in elderly persons and the dosage of these drugs should be adapted. The present review summarizes the main findings related to the topic. Human beings make errors. Ensuring patient safety is a key issue. For elderly patients more information is required to establish a solid knowledge base. It is therefore necessary to include elderly patients in appropriate clinical trials in order to ensure that the necessary information can be accumulated.
    背景与目标: :药物不良反应很普遍,尤其是在老年人等高风险人群中。许多不良药物事件是可以预防的。与年龄有关的不同身体功能变化会影响药物治疗:老年患者的药物选择和剂量需要进行调整。肾功能随着年龄的增长而下降。结果,随着年龄的增长,通过肾脏排泄的药物减少。同样,显示出较高肝提取率的药物的代谢清除率在老年人中降低,因此应调整这些药物的剂量。本综述总结了与该主题有关的主要发现。人类会犯错误。确保患者安全是关键问题。对于老年患者,需要更多信息以建立扎实的知识库。因此,有必要将老年患者纳入适当的临床试验中,以确保可以收集必要的信息。
  • 【康复伦理学在特定烧伤患者人群中的应用。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2006.06.024 复制DOI
    作者列表:Brewster LP,Bennett BK,Gamelli RL
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Flame injury confers significant physical and psychologic stress on burn patients. Because most patients and their surrogates lack an understanding of burn injury, and these injuries preclude the meaningful exercise of patient autonomy, informed consent is a challenge for physicians. To better promote patient autonomy, this project collected patient perspectives on the proper duties of patients and physicians after severe burn injury and throughout the recovery phases. STUDY DESIGN:Ten survivors of severe burn injury were prospectively identified to represent different causes of injury, support systems, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Six persons participated (4 men, 2 women). Personal interviews with these individuals discussed their perspective and experience regarding physician and patient duties after severe burn injury as they relate to patient autonomy. RESULTS:All participants thought that informed consent was unrealistic at the time of their injury, but that this capacity developed over time as their understanding and level of functioning improved. In addition, all believed that the burn physicians' role was to do whatever was medically best for their patients in an emergency situation, but that this duty included the physician educating the patient or surrogates about what these treatments entail. CONCLUSIONS:Patient autonomy may be an unrealistic goal acutely for patients with severe burn injuries. Educational approaches to consent may facilitate patient autonomy, participation in decision making, and adherence to care plan over time. The ethical framework for this approach has been accepted in rehabilitation literature, but this is the first demonstration that relevant patient populations agree with this approach.
    背景与目标: 背景:火焰伤害给烧伤患者带来巨大的生理和心理压力。由于大多数患者及其代理人缺乏对烧伤的理解,并且这些伤使患者无法自主行使有意义的自主权,因此,知情同意对医生来说是一个挑战。为了更好地促进患者的自主权,该项目收集了患者对严重烧伤后以及整个康复阶段患者和医生的适当职责的看法。
  • 【法律,伦理学和大流行的防范:跨司法管辖区和跨文化视角的重要性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/j.1753-6405.2010.00492.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Bennett B,Carney T
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:To explore social equity, health planning, regulatory and ethical dilemmas in responding to a pandemic influenza (H5N1) outbreak, and the adequacy of protocols and standards such as the International Health Regulations (2005). APPROACH:This paper analyses the role of legal and ethical considerations for pandemic preparedness, including an exploration of the relevance of cross-jurisdictional and cross-cultural perspectives in assessing the validity of goals for harmonisation of laws and policies both within and between nations. Australian and international experience is reviewed in various areas, including distribution of vaccines during a pandemic, the distribution of authority between national and local levels of government, and global and regional equity issues for poorer countries. CONCLUSION:This paper finds that questions such as those of distributional justice (resource allocation) and regulatory frameworks raise important issues about the cultural and ethical acceptability of planning measures. Serious doubt is cast on a 'one size fits all' approach to international planning for managing a pandemic. It is concluded that a more nuanced approach than that contained in international guidelines may be required if an effective response is to be constructed internationally. IMPLICATIONS:The paper commends the wisdom of reliance on 'soft law', international guidance that leaves plenty of room for each nation to construct its response in conformity with its own cultural and value requirements.
    背景与目标: 目的:探讨应对大流行性流感(H5N1)暴发时的社会公平性,卫生计划,监管和道德困境,以及《国际卫生条例(2005)》等协议和标准的充分性。
  • 【“邪恶的”伦理:艾滋病研究中的合规工作和伦理实践。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.10.030 复制DOI
    作者列表:Heimer CA
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Using ethnographic material collected between 2003 and 2007 in five HIV clinics in the US, South Africa, Uganda, and Thailand, this article examines "official ethics" and "ethics on the ground." It compares the ethical conundrums clinic staff and researchers confront in their daily work as HIV researchers with the dilemmas officially identified as ethical issues by bioethicists and people responsible for ethics reviews and compliance with ethics regulations. The tangled relation between ethical problems and solutions invites a comparison to Rittel and Webber's "wicked problems." Official ethics' attempts to produce universal solutions often make ethics problems even more wickedly intractable. Ethics on the ground is in part a reaction to this intractability.
    背景与目标: :本文使用在2003年至2007年之间在美国,南非,乌干达和泰国的五个HIV诊所收集的人种志资料,研究了“官方伦理”和“实地伦理”。它比较了作为艾滋病病毒研究人员的诊所工作人员和研究人员在日常工作中面临的伦理难题,以及由生物伦理学家和负责伦理审查并遵守伦理法规的人员正式确定为伦理问题的困境。道德问题与解决方案之间的纠结关系使我们可以将其与Rittel和Webber的“邪恶问题”进行比较。官方道德规范试图产生普遍解决方案,常常使道德规范问题变得更加棘手。实地道德在某种程度上是对这种顽固性的反应。
  • 【死亡和医疗道德受阻-重新审理一个案例会议:评论2。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1136/jme.16.2.90 复制DOI
    作者列表:Higgs R
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The dilemma of whether or not a doctor should tell a patient dying of cancer the truth remains a difficult one, as the disagreement between the two previous writers shows. One favours giving priority to patient autonomy, the other feels the doctor's duty of beneficence should be the overriding principle governing such decisions. To this contributor it seems both approaches have something to offer. By being sensitive to what and how much the patient wishes to know and by learning from the insights provided by the study of medical ethics, doctors can learn how to make better moral decisions in this and in other areas. Both lying and truth-telling carry risks of harm to the patient. Learning to work with and balance these risks is part of clinical practice. So is minimising risks by clear thinking.
    背景与目标: :正如前两位作家之间的分歧所表明的那样,医生是否应该告诉癌症死者这个事实的困境仍然是一个难题。一个人主张优先考虑患者的自主权,另一个人则认为医生的仁慈义务应是支配此类决定的首要原则。对于该贡献者而言,似乎两种方法都可以提供一些东西。通过对患者希望了解的知识和知识多少敏感,以及通过从医学伦理学研究中获得的见识中学习,医生可以学习如何在此领域和其他领域做出更好的道德决定。说谎和讲真话都有给患者带来伤害的风险。学会与这些风险一起工作和平衡这些风险是临床实践的一部分。通过清晰的思维将风险最小化也是如此。
  • 13 Is there a 'new ethics of abortion'? 复制标题 收藏 收藏

    【是否有“新的堕胎伦理”?】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1136/jme.27.suppl_2.ii5 复制DOI
    作者列表:Gillon R
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :This paper argues that the central issue in the abortion debate has not changed since 1967 when the English parliament enacted the Abortion Act. That central issue concerns the moral status of the human fetus. The debate here is not, it is argued, primarily a moral debate, but rather a metaphysical debate and/or a theological debate--though one with massive moral implications. It concerns the nature and attributes that an entity requires to have "full moral standing" or "moral inviolability" including a "right to life". It concerns the question when, in its development from newly fertilised ovum to unequivocally mature, autonomous morally inviolable person does a human being acquire that nature and those attributes, and thus a "right to life". The paper briefly reviews standard answers to these questions, outlining some problems associated with each. Finally there is a brief discussion of one way in which the abortion debate has changed since 1967--notably in the increasingly vociferous claim, especially from disability rights sectors, that abortion on grounds of fetal abnormality implies contempt for and rejection of disabled people--a claim that is rebutted.
    背景与目标: :本文认为,自1967年英国议会制定《堕胎法》以来,堕胎辩论的中心问题一直没有改变。这个中心问题涉及人类胎儿的道德状况。它认为这里的辩论不是主要的道德辩论,而是形而上学辩论和/或神学辩论,尽管这具有重大的道德含义。它涉及一个实体具有“充分的道德地位”或“道德不可侵犯性”(包括“生命权”)所需的性质和属性。它涉及一个问题,即在从新受精的卵子发展到毫无疑问的成熟时,自主的,在道德上不受侵犯的人使人获得了这种性质和那些属性,从而获得了“生命权”。本文简要回顾了这些问题的标准答案,概述了与每个问题相关的一些问题。最后,简要讨论了自1967年以来堕胎辩论发生变化的一种方式-尤其是在越来越多的争吵声中,尤其是在残疾人权利部门,这种说法以胎儿畸形为由进行堕胎意味着轻视和拒绝残疾人。被驳回的主张。
  • 【智能手机使用医学图像共享的道德规范。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s12262-017-1710-3 复制DOI
    作者列表:Zargaran A,Ash J,Kerry G,Rasasingam D,Gokani S,Mittal A,Zargaran D
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Technology advances in medicine have led to increased usage of smartphones and applications in facilitating provision of care. As the increased power of technology paves the way for advances, it is fundamental that ethical considerations are comprehensively explored. This paper explores the importance of consent, confidentiality, and data security in use of smartphone applications for transferring medical information.
    背景与目标: :医学技术的进步导致智能手机和应用程序的使用增加,从而促进了医疗服务的提供。随着技术力量的增强为进步铺平了道路,全面探讨道德考量是至关重要的。本文探讨了在使用智能手机应用程序传输医疗信息时同意,机密性和数据安全性的重要性。
  • 【培训精神科医生的职业道德和职业素养:课程建议。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.3109/09540261.2010.482095 复制DOI
    作者列表:Tsao CI,Guedet PJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Potential ethical issues and challenges to professionalism arise commonly in the care of patients with psychiatric illnesses. As such, education and training in medical ethics especially as applied to psychiatry and professionalism should be offered to trainees during the formative years of residency and fellowship. This article proposes a curriculum for senior residents and fellows that uses a case-centred seminar to discuss ethical dilemmas, approaches to analysing ethical issues, and to develop a course of action for resolution. Representative ethical issues and the clinical arenas in which these are most likely to arise are suggested.
    背景与目标: :潜在的道德问题和对专业精神的挑战通常出现在患有精神疾病的患者的护理中。因此,在居住和团契的成长阶段,应向受训者提供医学伦理方面的教育和培训,尤其是应用于精神病学和专业精神的教育和培训。本文提出了一个针对高龄居民和进修生的课程,该课程使用以案例为中心的研讨会来讨论道德困境,分析道德问题的方法并制定解决方案。建议了最有可能出现的代表性伦理问题和临床领域。

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