• 【抛弃意识形态:自然/养育的最终局面。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/j.1744-6163.2003.00113.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Mohr WK
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: TOPIC:The concepts and research that underpin our understanding of how the brain is the organ of the mind. PURPOSE:To describe the dynamic nature of nervous system functioning and development; to discuss how the nervous system changes anatomically throughout the lifespan; to examine the vital role and interaction of genetics and environment; and to discuss the relationship among the brain, neurotransmission, genes, and psychiatric illness. SOURCES:Published literature. CONCLUSIONS:The latest research from the neurosciences lays to rest any suggestion that psychiatric illnesses are psychologically induced.
    背景与目标: 主题:概念和研究奠定了我们对大脑如何成为大脑器官的理解的基础。
  • 【国家选择与脊髓灰质炎灭活疫苗,创新和全球消灭脊髓灰质炎的终结有关。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1586/14760584.2014.864563 复制DOI
    作者列表:Thompson KM,Duintjer Tebbens RJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Achieving the goal of a world free of poliomyelitis still requires significant effort. Although polio immunization represents a mature area, the polio endgame will require new tools and strategies, particularly as national and global health leaders coordinate the cessation of all three serotypes of oral poliovirus vaccine and increasingly adopt inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV). Poliovirus epidemiology and the global options for managing polioviruses continue to evolve, along with our understanding and appreciation of the resources needed and the risks that require management. Based on insights from modeling, we offer some perspective on the current status of plans and opportunities to achieve and maintain a world free of wild polioviruses and to successfully implement oral poliovirus vaccine cessation. IPV costs and potential wastage will represent an important consideration for national policy makers. Innovations may reduce future IPV costs, but the world urgently needs lower-cost IPV options.
    背景与目标: :要实现一个没有脊髓灰质炎的世界的目标,仍然需要付出巨大的努力。尽管小儿麻痹症免疫是一个成熟的领域,但消灭小儿麻痹症将需要新的工具和策略,尤其是随着国家和全球卫生领导人协调停止口服小儿麻痹症疫苗的所有三种血清型并越来越多地采用灭活的小儿麻痹症疫苗(IPV)。随着我们对所需资源和需要管理的风险的理解和理解,脊髓灰质炎病毒流行病学和管理脊髓灰质炎病毒的全球选择也在不断发展。基于建模的见解,我们对计划的现状以及实现和维持一个没有野生脊髓灰质炎病毒的世界以及成功实施口服脊髓灰质炎病毒疫苗戒烟的机会提供了一些看法。 IPV成本和潜在浪费将是国家决策者的重要考虑因素。创新可能会降低未来IPV的成本,但是世界迫切需要成本更低的IPV选项。
  • 3 The polio endgame. 复制标题 收藏 收藏

    【脊髓灰质炎的残局。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.4161/21645515.2014.981115 复制DOI
    作者列表:Minor P
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Paralytic poliomyelitis is a disease that became a public health issue at the beginning of the twentieth century and was more or less eliminated in developed countries by the early 1970s. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative of WHO has now eradicated endemic polio from all but three countries although re-introductions occur. The progress in polio eradication is striking and has accelerated over the last few years. It is likely that it will be finally eradicated from the world soon, the looming issue will then be how to stop vaccinating or modify immunization programs safely so that poliomyelitis does not re-emerge. This review article discusses the history and pathogenesis of poliomyelitis. The progress made, and challenges in sustaining the eradication of this debilitating infectious disease are considered.
    背景与目标: :麻痹性脊髓灰质炎是一种疾病,在20世纪初已成为公共卫生问题,并且在1970年代初期已在发达国家或多或少被消除。世卫组织全球根除脊髓灰质炎行动现已根除除三个国家外的所有国家根除脊髓灰质炎,尽管发生了重新介绍。在过去的几年中,根除脊髓灰质炎的工作取得了惊人的进展。可能很快将其从世界上彻底根除,那么迫在眉睫的问题将是如何安全地停止接种疫苗或修改免疫程序,以使脊髓灰质炎不会再次出现。这篇综述文章讨论了脊髓灰质炎的历史和发病机理。考虑了在消灭这种使人衰弱的传染病方面取得的进展和面临的挑战。
  • 【末期管理循环疫苗衍生的脊髓灰质炎病毒的风险:口服脊髓灰质炎病毒疫苗需求。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/s12879-015-1114-6 复制DOI
    作者列表:Duintjer Tebbens RJ,Thompson KM
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:The Global Polio Eradication Initiative plans for coordinated cessation of oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) use, beginning with serotype 2-containing OPV (i.e., OPV2 cessation) followed by the remaining two OPV serotypes (i.e., OPV13 cessation). The risk of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV) outbreaks after OPV cessation of any serotype depends on the serotype-specific population immunity to transmission prior to its cessation. METHODS:Based on an existing integrated global model of poliovirus risk management policies, we estimate the serotype-specific OPV doses required to manage population immunity for a strategy of intensive supplemental immunization activities (SIAs) shortly before OPV cessation of each serotype. The strategy seeks to prevent any cVDPV outbreaks after OPV cessation, although actual events remain stochastic. RESULTS:Managing the risks of OPV cessation of any serotype depends on achieving sufficient population immunity to transmission to transmission at OPV cessation. This will require that countries with sub-optimal routine immunization coverage and/or conditions that favor poliovirus transmission conduct SIAs with homotypic OPV shortly before its planned coordinated cessation. The model suggests the need to increase trivalent OPV use in SIAs by approximately 40 % or more during the year before OPV2 cessation and to continue bOPV SIAs between the time of OPV2 cessation and OPV13 cessation. CONCLUSIONS:Managing the risks of cVDPVs in the polio endgame will require serotype-specific OPV SIAs in some areas prior to OPV cessation and lead to demands for additional doses of the vaccine in the short term that will affect managers and manufacturers.
    背景与目标: 背景:全球根除脊髓灰质炎行动计划计划协调使用口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗(OPV),从含2型血清型OPV(即OPV2停止)开始,然后是其余两种OPV血清型(即OPV13停止)。停止任何血清型的原发性脊髓灰质炎疫苗后爆发循环疫苗源性脊髓灰质炎病毒(cVDPV)的风险取决于特定血清型的人群在其停止传播之前对传播的免疫力。
    结果:管理任何血清型正痘病毒停止的风险取决于在正痘病毒停止时获得足够的人群免疫力。这将要求常规免疫接种次优的国家和/或有利于脊髓灰质炎病毒传播的条件的国家在计划协调停止前不久就进行同型OPV的SIA。该模型表明,在OPV2停止之前的一年中,有必要将SIA中的三价OPV使用量增加约40%或更多,并在OPV2停止和OPV13停止之间继续使用bOPV SIA。
    结论:管理脊髓灰质炎终末期cVDPVs的风险将需要在停止OPV之前在某些地区进行针对血清型的OPV SIA,并导致短期内需要额外剂量的疫苗,这将影响管理者和制造商。
  • 【撼动烟草的残留控制力:出现残局策略。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/jnci/djt262 复制DOI
    作者列表:Jenks S
    背景与目标: -2
  • 【残局:让烟草业自己消除。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/eci.12172 复制DOI
    作者列表:Ioannidis JP,Henriksen L,Prochaska JJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :A billion deaths from tobacco are expected by 2100. Many policy interventions such as increased taxation, restrictions on advertisement, smoking bans, as well as behavioral interventions, such as pharmacological and psychological treatments for smoking cessation, decrease tobacco use, but they reach their limits. Endgame scenarios focusing on tobacco supply rather than demand are increasingly discussed, but meet with resistance by the industry and even by many tobacco control experts. A main stumbling block that requires more attention is what to do with the tobacco industry in endgame scenarios. This industry has employed notoriously talented experts in law, business, organization, marketing, advertising, strategy, policy, and statistics and has tremendous lobbying power. Performance-based regulatory approaches can pose a legal obligation on manufacturers to decrease - and eventually - eliminate tobacco products according to specified schedules. Penalties and rewards can make such plans both beneficial for public health and attractive to the companies that do the job well. We discuss caveats and reality checks of engaging the tobacco industry to eliminate its current market and change focus. Brainstorming is warranted to entice the industry to abandon tobacco for other profit goals. To get the dialogue started, we propose the wild possibility of hiring former tobacco companies to reduce the costs of healthcare, thereby addressing concurrently two major challenges to public health.
    背景与目标: :到2100年,预计将有10亿人死于烟草。许多政策干预措施,例如增加税收,限制广告,禁止吸烟,以及行为干预措施,例如戒烟的药物和心理治疗,都减少了烟草使用,但这些措施可以达到目的。限制。越来越多地讨论了以烟草供应而不是需求为重点的残局情景,但最终结果受到了业界甚至许多烟草控制专家的抵制。需要更多关注的主要绊脚石是在终端游戏场景中如何处理烟草业。这个行业雇用了法律,商业,组织,市场营销,广告,战略,政策和统计方面的著名专家,并具有巨大的游说能力。基于绩效的监管方法可能对制造商构成法律义务,要求其按照指定的时间表减少并最终淘汰烟草产品。罚款和奖励可以使这样的计划既有益于公共卫生又可以吸引做得好的公司。我们讨论了吸引烟草业以消除其当前市场并改变重点的注意事项和现实检查。头脑风暴是诱使该行业放弃烟草以实现其他利润目标的诱因。为了开始对话,我们建议雇用前烟草公司以降低医疗保健成本的巨大可能性,从而同时解决公共卫生方面的两个主要挑战。
  • 【烟草新产品和尼古丁的终结:强有力的法规以及全面烟草控制和预防的作用:美国心脏协会的总统咨询。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000669 复制DOI
    作者列表:Bhatnagar A,Whitsel LP,Blaha MJ,Huffman MD,Krishan-Sarin S,Maa J,Rigotti N,Robertson RM,Warner JJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The advent of new tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes and the dramatic rise in their use, especially by adolescents and young adults, are significant public health concerns. Electronic cigarettes have become the most popular tobacco products for youth and adolescents in the United States and are attracting youth to new avenues for nicotine addiction. Although these products may have benefit by helping some smokers quit or to move to a less harmful product, the long-term health effects of these products and the net public health effect associated with their use remain unclear and widely debated. There is increasing concern that the use of newer tobacco products may catalyze transition to the use of other tobacco products or recreational drugs, particularly in young adults. Therefore, there is urgent need for robust US Food and Drug Administration regulation of all tobacco products to avoid the significant economic and population health consequences of continued tobacco use. Although the American Heart Association acknowledges that the ultimate endgame would be an end to all tobacco and nicotine addiction in the United States, it supports first minimizing the use of all combustible tobacco products while ensuring that other products do not addict the next generation of youth and adolescents. The endgame strategy needs to be coordinated with the long-standing, evidence-based tobacco control strategies that have significantly reduced tobacco use and initiation in the United States.
    背景与目标: :电子烟等新烟草产品的问世以及其使用的急剧增加,尤其是青少年和年轻人的使用,是引起公众健康的重大问题。电子烟已成为美国青少年和青少年中最受欢迎的烟草产品,并且正在吸引年轻人进入尼古丁成瘾的新途径。尽管这些产品可以通过帮助某些吸烟者戒烟或转而使用危害较小的产品而受益,但这些产品的长期健康影响以及与使用这些产品有关的净公共健康影响仍然不清楚,并且引起了广泛的争论。人们越来越关注使用较新的烟草产品可能会促使向使用其他烟草产品或休闲药物的使用过渡,特别是在年轻人中。因此,迫切需要美国食品药品管理局对所有烟草制品进行有力的监管,以避免持续使用烟草对经济和人口健康产生重大影响。尽管美国心脏协会承认最终的最终结果将是结束美国所有烟草和尼古丁成瘾,但它支持首先最大程度地减少所有可燃烟草产品的使用,同时确保其他产品不会使下一代年轻人和青少年上瘾。青少年。残局策略需要与长期的循证烟草控制策略相协调,该策略已大大减少了美国的烟草使用和启动。
  • 【到2020年消除淋巴丝虫病:末期治疗的更新和影响评估。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1586/14787210.2013.811841 复制DOI
    作者列表:Rebollo MP,Bockarie MJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is an important public health problem endemic in 73 countries, where it is a major cause of acute and chronic morbidity and a significant impediment to socioeconomic development. It is targeted for elimination by 2020, through preventive chemotherapy using albendazole in combination with either ivermectin or diethylcarbamazine citrate. Preventive chemotherapy enables the regular and coordinated administration of safe, single-dose medications delivered through mass drug administration (MDA). Many countries are now scaling down MDA activities after achieving 100% geographic coverage and instituting monitoring and evaluation procedures to establish the impact of several consecutive rounds of MDA and determine if transmission has been interrupted. At the same time, countries yet to initiate MDA for elimination of LF will adopt improved mapping and coverage assessment protocols to accelerate the efforts for achieving global elimination by 2020. This review provides an update on treatment for LF and describes the current global status of the elimination efforts, transmission control processes and strategies for measuring impact and continuing surveillance after MDA has ceased.
    背景与目标: 淋巴丝虫病(LF)是73个国家/地区的重要公共卫生问题,是急性和慢性发病的主要原因,也是社会经济发展的重大障碍。通过使用阿苯达唑与伊维菌素或柠檬酸二乙基卡巴嗪合用的预防性化学疗法,到2020年消除该病的目标。预防性化学疗法可以通过药物大规模管理(MDA)定期和协调地管理安全的单剂量药物。在实现100%的地理覆盖率并建立监视和评估程序以确定连续几轮MDA的影响并确定传输是否被中断之后,许多国家现在正在缩减MDA活动。同时,尚未启动消除LF的MDA的国家将采用改进的制图和覆盖率评估协议,以加速为在2020年之前实现全球消除而努力。这项审查提供了有关LF治疗的最新信息,并描述了LF的当前全球状况。在MDA停止后,采取消除措施,传输控制程序以及衡量影响和持续监视的策略。
  • 【烟草控制终局计划的政策选择:模拟建模研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055126 复制DOI
    作者列表:Skinner A,Walker P,Atkinson JA,Whitehead R,Roselli T,West M,Bright M,Heffernan M,McDonnell G,Veerman L,Prodan A,Thomas DP,Burton S
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:To investigate the potential impacts of several tobacco control interventions on adult daily smoking prevalence in the Australian state of Queensland, using a system dynamics model codeveloped with local and national stakeholders.

    METHODS:Eight intervention scenarios were simulated and compared with a reference scenario (business as usual), in which all tobacco control measures currently in place are maintained unchanged until the end of the simulation period (31 December 2037).

    FINDINGS:Under the business as usual scenario, adult daily smoking prevalence is projected to decline from 11.8% in 2017 to 5.58% in 2037. A sustained 50% increase in antismoking advertising exposure from 2018 reduces projected prevalence in 2037 by 0.80 percentage points. Similar reductions are projected with the introduction of tobacco wholesaler and retailer licensing schemes that either permit or prohibit tobacco sales by alcohol-licensed venues (0.65 and 1.73 percentage points, respectively). Increasing the minimum age of legal supply of tobacco products substantially reduces adolescent initiation, but has minimal impact on smoking prevalence in the adult population over the simulation period. Sustained reductions in antismoking advertising exposure of 50% and 100% from 2018 increase projected adult daily smoking prevalence in 2037 by 0.88 and 1.98 percentage points, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS:These results suggest that any prudent approach to endgame planning should seek to build on rather than replace existing tobacco control measures that have proved effective to date. Additional interventions that can promote cessation are expected to be more successful in reducing smoking prevalence than interventions focussing exclusively on preventing initiation.

    背景与目标: 目标:使用与地方和国家利益相关者共同开发的系统动力学模型,调查几种烟草控制干预措施对澳大利亚昆士兰州成年人每日吸烟流行的潜在影响。

    < strong>方法:对八个干预方案进行了模拟,并与参考方案(照常营业)进行了比较,在参考方案中,当前所有的烟草控制措施都保持不变,直到模拟期结束(2037年12月31日)。



  • 【小儿麻痹症残局的教训:克服疫苗接种失败以及亚群在维持传播中的作用。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/infdis/jix108 复制DOI
    作者列表:Thompson KM,Duintjer Tebbens RJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Background:Recent detections of circulating serotype 2 vaccine-derived poliovirus in northern Nigeria (Borno and Sokoto states) and Pakistan (Balochistan Province) and serotype 1 wild poliovirus in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Nigeria (Borno) represent public health emergencies that require aggressive response. Methods:We demonstrate the importance of undervaccinated subpopulations, using an existing dynamic poliovirus transmission and oral poliovirus vaccine evolution model. We review the lessons learned during the polio endgame about the role of subpopulations in sustaining transmission, and we explore the implications of subpopulations for other vaccine-preventable disease eradication efforts. Results:Relatively isolated subpopulations benefit little from high surrounding population immunity to transmission and will sustain transmission as long as they do not attain high vaccination coverage. Failing to reach such subpopulations with high coverage represents the root cause of polio eradication delays. Achieving and maintaining eradication requires addressing the weakest links, which includes immunizing populations in insecure areas and/or with disrupted or poor-performing health systems and managing the risks of individuals with primary immunodeficiencies who can excrete vaccine-derived poliovirus long-term. Conclusions:Eradication efforts for vaccine-preventable diseases need to create performance expectations for countries to immunize all people living within their borders and maintain high coverage with appropriate interventions.Keywords. Polio; eradication; transmission; heterogeneity.
    背景与目标: 背景:最近在尼日利亚北部(博尔诺州和索科托州)和巴基斯坦(巴洛克希斯坦省)检测到循环的血清型2疫苗源性脊髓灰质炎病毒,在巴基斯坦,阿富汗和尼日利亚(博尔诺)发现了血清型1型野生脊髓灰质炎病毒,这代表了需要紧急响应的公共卫生紧急情况。
  • 【小儿麻痹症:从免疫系统管理小组学到的教训。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/infdis/jiw592 复制DOI
    作者列表:Zipursky S,Vandelaer J,Brooks A,Dietz V,Kachra T,Farrell M,Ottosen A,Sever JL,Zaffran MJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The Immunization Systems Management Group (IMG) was established to coordinate and oversee objective 2 of the Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013-2018, namely, (1) introduction of ≥1 dose of inactivated poliovirus vaccine in all 126 countries using oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) only as of 2012, (2) full withdrawal of OPV, starting with the withdrawal of its type 2 component, and (3) using polio assets to strengthen immunization systems in 10 priority countries. The IMG's inclusive, transparent, and partnership-focused approach proved an effective means of leveraging the comparative and complementary strengths of each IMG member agency. This article outlines 10 key factors behind the IMG's success, providing a potential set of guiding principles for the establishment and implementation of other interagency collaborations and initiatives beyond the polio sphere.
    背景与目标: :成立了免疫系统管理小组(IMG),以协调和监督《 2013-2018年消灭脊灰和残局战略计划》的目标2,即(1)在所有126个国家中使用口服脊髓灰质炎病毒引入≥1剂灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗仅从2012年起开始使用疫苗(OPV),(2)从其2型成分的退出开始全面撤消OPV,(3)在10个优先国家/地区使用脊髓灰质炎资产来加强免疫系统。 IMG的包容性,透明性和以伙伴关系为重点的方法证明是一种有效的手段,可以利用每个IMG成员机构的比较优势和互补优势。本文概述了IMG成功背后的10个关键因素,为在脊髓灰质炎领域之外建立和实施其他机构间合作和倡议提供了一组潜在的指导原则。
  • 【加利福尼亚州倡导者对推进烟草残局的挑战和风险的观点。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1057/s41271-020-00230-5 复制DOI
    作者列表:Smith EA,McDaniel PA,Malone RE
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :In the USA, California's highly-regarded Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) has defined its goal as "ending the tobacco epidemic for all population groups" by 2035. To understand local advocates' perceptions of endgame-oriented policies, we interviewed 28 advocates from California communities that had recently adopted tobacco control policies. There was no consensus among participants on which specific policies would constitute the tobacco endgame in California. There was an agreement, however, that policymakers should promote policies that would impact communities with the highest tobacco use prevalence and that policies should be 'clean', avoiding exemptions. Participants were cognizant of California's history of tobacco control policy innovations beginning locally and eventually being adopted at the state level. Many commented that recent policy innovations in the state had begun a conversation that made more 'radical' ideas seem possible. California tobacco control advocates are engaged in local endgame policy discussions and prepared to advance California's endgame goal.
    背景与目标: :在美国,加利福尼亚州备受推崇的烟草控制计划(CTCP)将其目标定义为“到2035年消除所有人群的烟草流行”。为了了解当地倡导者对以禁毒为导向的政策的看法,我们采访了来自28个倡导者最近采用了烟草控制政策的加利福尼亚社区。参与者之间没有达成共识,即哪些具体政策将构成加利福尼亚的烟草终结游戏。但是,达成了一项协议,政策制定者应提倡对烟草使用率最高的社区产生影响的政策,并且政策应“干净”,避免豁免。参与者认识到加利福尼亚的烟草控制政策创新历史始于本地,并最终在州一级被采用。许多人评论说,该州最近的政策创新已经开始了对话,使更多“激进”的想法似乎成为可能。加州烟草控制倡导者正在参与当地的禁毒政策讨论,并准备推进加利福尼亚的禁毒目标。
  • 【环境监测补充了2019-2023年脊髓灰质炎残局策略中基于案例的急性弛缓性麻痹监测。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1128/AEM.00702-20 复制DOI
    作者列表:Chen P,Liu Y,Wang H,Liu G,Lin X,Zhang W,Ji F,Xu Q,Tao Z,Xu A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The Polio Endgame Strategy 2019-2023 has been developed. However, more effective and efficient surveillance activities should be conducted with the preparedness of emergence for vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) or wild poliovirus (WPV). We reviewed the impact of the case-based acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance (1991 to 2018) and environmental surveillance (2011 to 2018) in polio eradication in Shandong province of China. Clinical characteristics of AFP cases and enterovirus (EV) investigation of research samples were assessed. During the period, 10,224 AFP cases were investigated, and 352 sewage samples were collected. The nonpolio AFP rate sustained at over 2.0/100,000 since 1997. Of 10,224 cases, males and young children experienced a higher risk of severe diseases, and 68.5% suffered lower limb paralysis. We collected 1,707 EVs from AFP cases, including 763 polioviruses and 944 nonpolio enteroviruses (NPEVs). No WPV was isolated since 1992. The AFP surveillance showed high sensitivity in detecting 143 vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) cases and 6 VDPVs. For environmental surveillance, 217 (61.6%) samples were positive for poliovirus, and altogether, 838 polioviruses and 2,988 NPEVs were isolated. No WPV was isolated in environmental surveillance, although one VDPV2 was identified. Phylogenetic analysis revealed environmental surveillance had the capacity to detect a large scope of NPEVs. The case-based AFP surveillance will be indispensable for detecting VAPP cases and VDPV circulation in countries using oral polio vaccine. Environmental surveillance is advantageous in identifying EV circulation and responding to ongoing circulating VDPV outbreaks and should be expanded to complement the AFP surveillance.IMPORTANCE Interrupting wild poliovirus transmission and stopping circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV) outbreaks have been proposed as two global goals by the World Health Organization in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). This analysis, based on the 28-year acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance and 8-year environmental surveillance, provides continued high-quality surveillance performance in achieving the GPEI and detecting the circulation of enterovirus. Given the ongoing cVDPV outbreaks in the world, we present the surveillance capacity of environmental surveillance in capturing enterovirus circulation. The final poliovirus (especially VDPV) elimination has become increasingly complex, and the case-based AFP surveillance alone will lead to difficulties in early detecting dynamics of poliovirus transmission and monitoring the extent of environmental circulation. This study goes beyond previous work to provide a detailed comprehensive evaluation of the enterovirus surveillance and can be used to formulate a set of implementation plan and performance indicators for environmental surveillance.
    背景与目标: :已经制定了《 2019-2023年小儿麻痹症残局策略》。但是,应该为疫苗衍生的脊髓灰质炎病毒(VDPV)或野生脊髓灰质炎病毒(WPV)的出现做好准备,进行更有效的监视活动。我们回顾了基于病例的急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)监测(1991年至2018年)和环境监测(2011年至2018年)在中国山东省消灭脊髓灰质炎的影响。评估了AFP病例的临床特征和研究样本的肠道病毒(EV)调查。在此期间,调查了10224例AFP病例,收集了352个污水样品。自1997年以来,非政治性AFP比率一直维持在2.0 / 100,000以上。在10,224例病例中,男性和幼儿患严重疾病的风险更高,下肢瘫痪的发生率为68.5%。我们从AFP病例中收集了1,707辆EV,包括763例脊髓灰质炎病毒和944例非策略性肠道病毒(NPEV)。自1992年以来未分离出WPV。AFP监测显示出对143例疫苗相关性麻痹性脊髓灰质炎(VAPP)病例和6例VDPV的高度敏感性。对于环境监测,有217例(61.6%)样本的脊髓灰质炎病毒呈阳性,共分离出838例脊髓灰质炎病毒和2,988台NPEV。尽管发现了一个VDPV2,但在环境监测中没有隔离WPV。系统发育分析表明,环境监测具有检测大范围NPEV的能力。在使用口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗的国家中,基于病例的AFP监视对于检测VAPP病例和VDPV流通将是必不可少的。环境监测有利于识别EV循环并应对持续的循环VDPV暴发,应加以扩大以补充AFP监测。世界卫生组织参与的全球根除脊髓灰质炎行动(GPEI)。该分析基于28年急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)监测和8年环境监测,在实现GPEI和检测肠病毒循环方面提供了持续的高质量监测性能。鉴于世界范围内持续不断的cVDPV暴发,我们介绍了环境监测在捕获肠道病毒循环中的监测能力。最终消除脊髓灰质炎病毒(尤其是VDPV)变得越来越复杂,仅基于病例的AFP监视将导致在早期检测脊髓灰质炎病毒传播的动态以及监测环境循环程度方面遇到困难。这项研究超出了先前的工作范围,可提供对肠道病毒监测的详细全面评估,并可用于制定一套环境监测的实施计划和性能指标。
  • 【消灭小儿麻痹症终局的最终边界。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1097/QCO.0000000000000667 复制DOI
    作者列表:Bandyopadhyay AS,Macklin GR
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: PURPOSE OF REVIEW:Focusing on the key developments since January 2019, this review aims to inform policymakers and clinical practitioners on the latest on evolving global polio epidemiology and scientific advancements to guide strategies for eradication. RECENT FINDINGS:An upsurge in wild poliovirus type 1 cases in Pakistan and Afghanistan and an expansion of type 2 circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus transmission in multiple countries threaten the remarkable progress made over past several decades by the global eradication program. These challenges have also spurred innovation on multiple fronts, including earlier detection, enhanced environmental surveillance and safer and more affordable vaccine options. SUMMARY:A concerted effort to adapt program strategies to address context-specific challenges and continued focus on innovations to enhance detection and response capabilities will be the key to achieve and sustain eradication of all types of polioviruses.
    背景与目标: 审查的目的:本次审查的重点是自2019年1月以来的主要进展,旨在向政策制定者和临床医生提供有关不断发展的全球脊髓灰质炎流行病学和科学进展的最新信息,以指导消灭策略。
  • 【将灭活的脊髓灰质炎病毒疫苗引入根除脊髓灰质炎的最终战略计划;中国杭州,2010-2014年。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.01.034 复制DOI
    作者列表:Liu Y,Wang J,Liu S,Du J,Wang L,Gu W,Xu Y,Zuo S,Xu E,An Z
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:China's Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) has provided 4 doses of oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) since the 1970s. Inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) became available in 2010 in Hangzhou as a private-sector, parent-chosen alternative to OPV. In 2015, WHO recommended that countries with all-OPV vaccination schedules introduce at least one dose of IPV, to mitigate risk associated with the withdrawal of type 2 OPV. We analyzed polio vaccine coverage and utilization in Hangzhou to determine patterns of IPV use and the occurrence of vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) in the various patterns identified. METHODS:Children born between 2010 and 2014 and registered in Hangzhou's Immunization Information System (HZIIS) were included. VAPP cases were detected through the acute flaccid paralysis surveillance system. We used descriptive epidemiological methods to determine IPV and OPV usage patterns and VAPP occurrence. RESULTS:HZIIS data from 566,894 children were analyzed. Coverage levels of polio vaccine were greater than 92% for each birth cohort. Percentages of children using OPV-only, IPV-only, and IPV/OPV sequential schedules were 70.57%, 27.01% and 2.41%, respectively. IPV-only schedule utilization increased by birth cohort regardless of geographical area or whether the child was locally-born. The highest use of an all-IPV schedule (79.85%) was among urban, locally-born children in the 2014 birth cohort. Five VAPP cases were identified during the study years; all cases occurred following the first polio vaccine dose, which was always OPV for the cases. Type 2 vaccine virus was isolated from 2 VAPP cases, and type 2 and type 3 vaccine virus was isolated from one VAPP case. The incidence of VAPP in the 2010-2014 birth cohorts was 3.76 per 1million doses of OPV. CONCLUSION:Children in Hangzhou had high polio vaccination coverage. IPV-only schedule use increased by year, and was highest in urban areas among locally-born children. All cases of VAPP were associated with the first dose of OPV.
    背景与目标: 背景:自1970年代以来,中国的扩大免疫规划(EPI)已提供了4剂口服脊髓灰质炎病毒疫苗(OPV)。灭活的脊髓灰质炎病毒疫苗(IPV)于2010年在杭州上市,作为私营部门的父母选择的OPV替代品。在2015年,世卫组织建议制定了全OPV疫苗接种计划的国家至少注射一剂IPV,以减轻与撤回2型OPV有关的风险。我们分析了杭州的脊髓灰质炎疫苗覆盖率和利用情况,以确定了IPV的使用模式以及所确定的各种模式中与疫苗相关的麻痹性脊髓灰质炎(VAPP)的发生。
    结果:分析了566894名儿童的HZIIS数据。每个出生队列的脊髓灰质炎疫苗覆盖率大于92%。使用仅使用OPV,仅使用IPV和IPV / OPV顺序时间表的儿童的百分比分别为70.57%,27.01%和2.41%。无论出生地区或孩子在当地出生,仅按IPV计划的使用率都会随出生队列的增加而增加。在2014年出生的队列中,所有IPV计划的使用率最高(79.85%)在城市本地出生的儿童中。在研究年中发现了五例VAPP病例;所有病例均在第一剂脊髓灰质炎疫苗之后发生,对于该病例,该剂量始终为OPV。从2例VAPP病例中分离出2型疫苗病毒,从1例VAPP病例中分离出2型和3型疫苗病毒。每100万剂OPV中,2010-2014年出生队列中VAPP的发生率为3.76。

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