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OBJECTIVE:Evaluate in patients with celiac disease the tolerance of prolonged consumption of small amounts of gliadin contained in products containing wheat starch.

DESIGN:Open 1-year trial of the addition of wheat starch to a gluten-free diet in a cohort of adult patients with biopsy-proven celiac disease who had never consumed wheat starch. The control group consisted of patients with celiac disease who tolerated wheat starch.

SUBJECTS:Seventeen patients with celiac disease and 14 control patients, all diagnosed according to criteria of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, were recruited from the Canadian Celiac Association and the Quebec Celiac Foundation.

SETTING:The study was conducted in the outpatient clinic of the Gastroenterology and Nutrition Service of Ste Justine Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

INTERVENTIONS:Patients were asked to consume four to six portions daily of a wheat starch-containing product, mainly bread, for up to 1 year.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:The gliadin content of the wheat starch product used in this trial was quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Patient outcome measures included symptoms, nutritional parameters (anthropometric data, complete blood count, serum folate and iron levels), and immunologic parameters (antigliadin antibody and antiendomysium antibody titers).

RESULTS:A quantifiable amount of immunoreactive gliadin (0.75 mg/100 g) was found in the wheat starch. The majority of the patients with celiac disease (11 of 17) who had never consumed wheat starch previously developed symptoms, which resolved within weeks of discontinuing the product. Relapse of skin lesions was seen in two of three patients with coexisting dermatitis herpetiformis. No weight loss or biochemical changes were observed. Despite the presence of symptoms, antigliadin antibody and antiendomysium antibody determinations were not useful to detect the clinical intolerance.

APPLICATIONS:The innocuousness of the long-term ingestion of "gluten-free" products containing wheat starch is still unproven, and prolonged use of such products by patients with celiac disease cannot be recommended.


目标 : 评估乳糜泻患者对含有小麦淀粉的产品中含有的少量麦醇溶蛋白的长期食用的耐受性。
设计 : 在从未食用过小麦淀粉的活检证实的乳糜泻成年患者队列中,将小麦淀粉添加到无麸质饮食中进行了为期1年的开放试验。对照组由耐受小麦淀粉的乳糜泻患者组成。
受试者 : 17例乳糜泻患者和14例对照患者,均根据欧洲儿科胃肠病与营养学会的标准进行诊断,是从加拿大乳糜泻协会和魁北克乳糜泻基金会招募的。
设置 : 该研究是在魁北克蒙特利尔Ste Justine医院胃肠病学和营养服务门诊进行的,加拿大。
干预措施 : 要求患者每天食用四到六份含小麦淀粉的产品,主要是面包,长达1年。
主要结果指标 : 通过酶联免疫吸附测定法对该试验中使用的小麦淀粉产品的麦醇溶蛋白含量进行了定量。患者结局指标包括症状,营养参数 (人体测量数据,全血细胞计数,血清叶酸和铁水平) 和免疫学参数 (抗麦醇溶蛋白抗体和抗肌内膜抗体滴度)。
结果 : 在小麦淀粉中发现可定量的免疫反应性麦醇溶蛋白 (0.75 mg/100g)。以前从未食用过小麦淀粉的大多数乳糜泻患者 (17人中有11人) 出现症状,这些症状在停用该产品后的几周内得到缓解。在三名并存的疱疹样皮炎患者中,有两名发现了皮肤病变的复发。未观察到体重减轻或生化变化。尽管存在症状,但抗麦醇溶蛋白抗体和抗肌内膜抗体的测定对检测临床不耐受没有用。
应用 : 长期摄入含有小麦淀粉的 “无麸质” 产品的无伤害性仍未得到证实,并且不建议乳糜泻患者长期使用此类产品。

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