Medical views in the United States on the effects of smoking have shifted dramatically since the published evidence in 1958 established the link between smoking and fatal disease. Today's physician should be a nonsmoking role model, whose workplace both directly and indirectly teaches smoking cessation skills. Publications on smoking cessation techniques from the National Institutes of Health along with intervention tools such as patient smoking history questionnaires are available free of charge to physicians. Patient histories are critical to the intervention process, for they provide essential clues and information about which stage in cessation of smoking the patient has already reached: precontemplation, contemplation, action, and maintenance. Different approaches and techniques are required at each stage. The most important objective for the physician with a patient at the stage of contemplating quitting is to initiate a conversation leading to a directive to quit, with benefits of quitting stressed as reinforcement. Actively motivated patients committed to quit dates may need both educational and pharmacologic support; issues such as nicotine dependence and withdrawal symptoms must be addressed. Pharmacologic therapy at this time may consist of substitution of nicotine-containing gum (nicotine polacrilex) for cigarettes. Used in sufficient, regular dosages, the nicotine gum has been found to help diminish withdrawal symptoms following smoking cessation. Other drug therapies are currently under study. For now, nicotine replacement therapy (where indicated) is to be used for at least three months, the period of greatest chance of relapse. The physician should continue to encourage patients who have quit smoking to forestall relapses, while tacitly understanding that the incidence of relapse is high in first-time quitters. Hospital inpatients provide an opportunity to initiate bedside smoking cessation programs. The hope is that, in the future, hospitals will involve the entire health team in comprehensive smoking cessation programs.


自从已发表的证据1958年吸烟与致命疾病之间的联系以来,美国对吸烟影响的医学观点发生了巨大变化。今天的医生应该是一个不吸烟的榜样,其工作场所直接和间接教授戒烟技能。美国国立卫生研究院关于戒烟技术的出版物以及干预工具,如患者吸烟史问卷,可免费提供给医生。患者病史对于干预过程至关重要,因为它们提供了有关患者已经达到戒烟阶段的基本线索和信息: 沉思,沉思,行动和维持。每个阶段都需要不同的方法和技术。对于在考虑戒烟的阶段有患者的医生来说,最重要的目标是发起对话,导致戒烟的指令,而戒烟的好处是加强。积极主动的戒烟患者可能需要教育和药物支持; 必须解决尼古丁依赖和戒断症状等问题。此时的药物治疗可能包括用含尼古丁的口香糖 (尼古丁polacrilex) 代替香烟。尼古丁胶以足够的常规剂量使用,已发现有助于减轻戒烟后的戒断症状。目前正在研究其他药物疗法。目前,尼古丁替代疗法 (如所示) 至少要使用三个月,这是复发机会最大的时期。医生应继续鼓励戒烟的患者预防复发,同时默许首次戒烟者的复发率很高。医院住院患者提供了启动床边戒烟计划的机会。希望将来,医院将使整个卫生团队参与全面的戒烟计划。

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