The knowledge of population effects of food on tropical, filter-feeding cladocerans is scarce because a reduced number of species has been extensively studied. Ceriodaphnia rigaudi Richard 1894, a small-sized cladoceran distributed mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, was studied. The aim of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of the reproductive biology of a poor-known Cladoceran; for this we assessed the effect of feeding and temperature on the reproduction and life cycle of this species. Three microalga species (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Ankistrodesmus falcatus, and Chlorella vulgaris) were supplied as food each at a concentration of 12 mg l(-1) (dry weight, equivalent to 1.3 x 10(6), 0.4 x 10(6) and 1.35 x 10(6) cell m1(-1), respectively, and equivalent to 7.8 microg C ml(-1), at two temperatures (20 and 25 degrees C). We evaluated, among other responses, longevity, total progeny, survival, life expectancy at birth and fecundity. Organisms fed with the microalgae A. falcatus and P subcapitata presented both higher longevity (30.7 +/- 5.91, 26.6 +/- 3.59 days, respectively) and total progeny (45 +/- 13.80, 40.7 +/- 0.66 neonates female (-1) values than those organisms fed C. vulgaris (13.5 +/- 4.63 days and 17.6 +/- 6.19 neonates female (-1), respectively). On the other hand, temperature affected significantly the population parameters of C. rigaudi, recording maximal longevity values (56.1 +/- 9.41 days) at 20 degrees C in organisms fed A. falcatus; however, age at first reproduction and total progeny were negatively affected by this temperature: sexual maturation of the females was delayed until the age of 16 days and the number of neonates produced was smaller (9.8 +/- 3.45 with C. vulgaris; 24.7 +/- 6.01 with P subcapitata, and 35.5 +/- 8.59 neonates female(-1) with A. falcatus). The best reproductive responses for C. rigaudi in this study were obtained with A. falcatus at degrees 25 degrees C.


由于对减少的物种数量进行了广泛的研究,因此很少了解食物对热带滤食性锁骨的种群影响。研究了主要分布在世界热带和亚热带地区的一种小型枝状植物Ceriodaphnia rigaudi Richard 1894。这项研究的目的是为了解一种鲜为人知的锁骨的生殖生物学做出贡献; 为此,我们评估了摄食和温度对该物种繁殖和生命周期的影响。以12 mg l(-1) (干重,相当于1.3x10(6),0.4x10(6) 和1.35x10(6) 细胞m1(-1),分别相当于7.8 microg C ml(-1),在两个温度 (20和25 ℃) 下,我们评估了寿命,总后代,存活率,出生时的预期寿命和繁殖力。饲喂微藻A. falcatus和P subcapitata的生物具有更高的寿命 (分别为30.7/- 5.91,26.6//- 3.59天) 和总后代 (45//- 13.80,40.7 +/- 0.66的新生儿女性 (-1) 值比那些喂养寻常型C的生物 (分别为13.5 +/- 4.63天和17.6 +/- 6.19的新生儿女性 (-1) 值)。另一方面,温度显著影响了C. rigaudi的种群参数,记录饲喂A. falcatus的生物在20摄氏度下的最大寿命值 (56.1/- 9.41天); 但是,该温度对首次繁殖的年龄和总后代产生负面影响: 雌性的性成熟被推迟到16天,并且产生的新生儿数量较少 (寻常型C.9.8/- 3.45; P subcapitata 24.7/- 6.01,和35.5 +/- 8.59的新生儿女性 (-1) 与A. falcatus)。本研究中的C.Rigoudi的最佳生殖反应是在25 ℃ 下用A. falcatus获得的。

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