Injections of cholera toxin B subunit conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (CTB-HRP) were made into the lingual branch of the hypoglossal nerve in four species of finch in order to identify the innervation of the mechanoreceptors of the dermal papillae of the tongue, and simultaneously to determine the pattern of central projections of lingual hypoglossal afferents. The results showed that hypoglossal fibers innervate all the Herbst corpuscles and terminal cell receptors of the elaborately organized papillae of the dorsum of the tongue, of the shorter papillae in the ventral tongue, and the loose collection of Herbst corpuscles in the subpapillary region. Labelled fibers were also observed in the intralingual glands, in the intrinsic tongue muscles, and in the posterodorsal epithelium where they formed budlike structures. Retrogradely labelled cell bodies were located in the jugular ganglion and their central processes ascended and descended throughout the brainstem within the descending trigeminal tract (TTD). Terminal fields were observed within the dorsolateral part of the nucleus caudalis of TTD, predominantly ipsilaterally, and within the medial part of the dorsal horn of the first 4-6 cervical segments bilaterally. There were dense patches of termination over a dorsolateral subnucleus of the interpolated nucleus of TTD, and within two regions of the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus: a large one laterally and a small one medially. Terminal fields were also observed within the nucleus ventralis lateralis anterior of the rostral solitary complex, and within adjacent nuclei, which are probably equivalent to the dorsal sensory nuclei of the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves of other avian species. The results are interpreted in the light of the role of the tongue in species-specific patterns of feeding in finches, and the possible requirement for the central integration of touch and taste.


将与辣根过氧化物酶 (ctb-hrp) 缀合的霍乱毒素B亚基注射到四种雀科的舌下神经的舌下分支中,以鉴定舌头真皮乳头的机械感受器的神经支配,同时确定舌下舌骨传入的中央投影模式。结果表明,舌下纤维支配了舌背精心组织的乳头,腹侧舌较短的乳头以及乳头下区域松散的Herbst小体的所有Herbst小体和末端细胞受体。在舌内腺,内在舌肌和后背上皮中也观察到标记的纤维,它们形成了芽状结构。逆行标记的细胞体位于颈静脉神经节中,其中央过程在三叉神经降束 (TTD) 内的整个脑干中上升和下降。在TTD尾核的背外侧部分 (主要是同侧) 和双侧前4-6个子宫颈节段的背角内侧部分内观察到末端区域。在TTD内插核的背外侧亚核上以及在主要感觉三叉核的两个区域内有密集的终止斑块: 横向较大,中间较小。在喙状孤立复合体的前腹外侧核以及相邻核内也观察到了末端磁场,这可能相当于其他鸟类的面部和舌咽神经的背感觉核。根据舌头在雀科取食的物种特定模式中的作用以及触觉和味觉集中融合的可能要求来解释结果。

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