• 【人促甲状腺激素受体基因: 在甲状腺肿瘤中的表达及其与甲状腺分化和去分化标志物的相关性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/0303-7207(91)90018-n 复制DOI
    作者列表:Brabant G,Maenhaut C,Köhrle J,Scheumann G,Dralle H,Hoang-Vu C,Hesch RD,von zur Mühlen A,Vassart G,Dumont JE
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Human thyrotropin (TSH) receptor steady-state transcript levels were analyzed by Northern blot analysis in thyroids of patients with thyroid carcinoma, with hyperfunctioning adenoma and in normal controls. In control tissue and benign tumors expression levels of TSH receptor mRNA were high whereas in anaplastic carcinomas no normal TSH receptor mRNA was detected. In papillary and follicular tumors it varied from normal to markedly reduced levels. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and thyroglobulin (Tg) mRNA were strongly expressed in normal tissue and in hyperfunctioning adenomas but were completely lost in all anaplastic tumors. In papillary tumors expression of TPO and Tg mRNA varied from normal to a complete loss of expression of either TPO, Tg or both. Tg and TPO steady-state expression did not correlate to TSH receptor transcript levels. C-myc mRNA was highly expressed in anaplastic carcinomas, very variable in normal controls and in differentiated thyroid tumors and low in hyperfunctioning adenomas. In summary, TSH receptor mRNA is persistently expressed in all differentiated thyroid tissues and tumors but lost in undifferentiated carcinomas. Its persistence far along the transformation pathway further supports the concept that this gene which inserts the thyrocytes in the physiological regulatory network is almost constitutively expressed in this cell.
    背景与目标: : 通过Northern印迹分析在甲状腺癌,功能亢进性腺瘤患者和正常对照组的甲状腺中分析了人促甲状腺激素 (TSH) 受体稳态转录本水平。在对照组织和良性肿瘤中,TSH受体mRNA的表达水平很高,而在间变性癌中,未检测到正常的TSH受体mRNA。在乳头状和滤泡状肿瘤中,其水平从正常到明显降低不等。甲状腺过氧化物酶 (TPO) 和甲状腺球蛋白 (Tg) mRNA在正常组织和功能亢进的腺瘤中强烈表达,但在所有间变性肿瘤中完全消失。在乳头状肿瘤中,TPO和Tg mRNA的表达从正常到TPO,Tg或两者的完全丧失。Tg和TPO稳态表达与TSH受体转录水平无关。C-myc mRNA在间变性癌中高表达,在正常对照和分化的甲状腺肿瘤中非常可变,而在功能亢进的腺瘤中则低。总之,TSH受体mRNA在所有分化的甲状腺组织和肿瘤中持续表达,但在未分化的癌中丢失。它在转化途径上的持久存在进一步支持了这样的概念,即将甲状腺细胞插入生理调节网络中的基因几乎在该细胞中组成性表达。
  • 【通过疫苗接种预防b型流感嗜血杆菌定植: 与血清抗荚膜IgG浓度的相关性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1086/315870 复制DOI
    作者列表:Fernandez J,Levine OS,Sanchez J,Balter S,LaClaire L,Feris J,Romero-Steiner S
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Concentrations of serum anti-Haemophilus influenzae type b (anti-Hib) capsular polysaccharide (CPS) >/=0.15 and >/=1.0 microgram/mL are widely used as surrogates for protection against invasive Hib disease. However, the relationship between serum anti-Hib CPS following immunization and protection against colonization is not known, making it difficult to evaluate new Hib vaccines or combination vaccines. In the Dominican Republic, nasopharyngeal swabs were collected from 546 9-month-old infants who had received Hib conjugate vaccine at ages 2, 4, and 6 months and from 600 unvaccinated infants of the same age. The prevalence of Hib colonization was lower among vaccinated infants than among unvaccinated infants (0.9% vs. 2.3%). Among vaccinated infants, protection against colonization was significantly correlated with anti-Hib CPS concentrations >/=5 microgram/mL 1 month following the third dose of vaccine. These results suggest that the concentration of serum anti-Hib CPS needed for protection against colonization is greater than that needed for protection for invasive disease.
    背景与目标: : 血清抗流感嗜血杆菌b型 (抗Hib) 荚膜多糖 (CPS) 的浓度>/= 0.15和>/= 1.0微克/毫升被广泛用作预防侵袭性Hib疾病的替代物。然而预防接种后血清抗Hib CPS与抗定植保护之间的关系尚不清楚,因此难以评估新的Hib疫苗或组合疫苗。在多米尼加共和国,从546名在2、4和6个月龄接受Hib结合疫苗的9个月大婴儿和600名同龄未接种疫苗的婴儿中收集鼻咽拭子。接种疫苗的婴儿中Hib定植的患病率低于未接种疫苗的婴儿 (0.9% 对2.3%)。在接种疫苗的婴儿中,在第三剂疫苗接种后1个月,抗定植的保护作用与抗Hib CPS浓度>/= 5微克/毫升显着相关。这些结果表明,预防定植所需的血清抗Hib CPS浓度高于预防侵袭性疾病所需的血清抗Hib CPS浓度。
  • 【成人白血病和淋巴瘤中DNA分布异常与细胞遗传学发现的相关性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Barlogie B,Hittelman W,Spitzer G,Trujilo JM,Hart JS,Smallwood L,Drewinko B
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Pulse cytophotometric analysis of bone marrow cells from 175 patients with leukemia or lymphoma showed abnormalities of cellular DNA distribution in 29 patients for an overall incidence of 16.6 percent. Comparative standard cytogenetic examination indicated that high-degree chromosomal aberrations (less than or equal to 44, greater than or equal to 53 chromosomes) can generally be detected on DNA histograms, whereas patients with diploid, pseudodiploid, 45-hypodiploid, and 47-hyperdiploid abnormalities usually escape recognition by this technique. There were 11 patients with normal diploid or near-diploid karyotypes exhibiting marked DNA deviations; this discrepancy may reflect lack of proliferation of some leukemic clones which is a prerequisite for cytogenetic identification.
    背景与目标: : 来自175例白血病或淋巴瘤患者的骨髓细胞的脉冲细胞光度分析显示,29例患者的细胞DNA分布异常,总发生率为16.6%。比较标准的细胞遗传学检查表明,通常可以在DNA直方图上检测到高度染色体畸变 (小于或等于44,大于或等于53条染色体),而二倍体,假二倍体,45倍二倍体和47倍二倍体的患者-超二倍体异常通常会通过这种技术逃脱识别。有11例正常二倍体或近二倍体核型的患者表现出明显的DNA偏差; 这种差异可能反映出某些白血病克隆缺乏增殖,这是细胞遗传学鉴定的先决条件。
  • 【使用分形维数对灰度阈值的依赖性评估轴向骨骼中的骨质疏松症程度。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1259/bjr.70.834.9227251 复制DOI
    作者列表:Haidekker MA,Andresen R,Evertsz CJ,Banzer D,Peitgen HO
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Combining the measurement of bone mineral density (BMD) and the classification of the trabecular structure in cancellous bone improves the estimation of the degree of osteoporosis. A fractal method for the automatic quantitative classification of the trabecular structure in midvertebral slices of lumbar vertebrae is introduced. This method is based on the computation of the fractal dimension (box counting method) for varying binarization thresholds. Radiographic images from 30 lumbar vertebrae and CT images from an additional 16 lumbar vertebrae were analysed by calculating the dimension D in dependency of the threshold value T. The function D(T) was normalized by the average image grey value, eliminating the bone mineral density from the computations. The results show that the images of the lumbar vertebrae have fractal properties, and the function D(T) has a typical behaviour that allows the discrimination of the degree of osteoporosis. With two parameters extracted from the function D(T) the correlation coefficients with BMD were both -79% for the radiographic images, and -93% and -91% for the CT data, respectively.
    背景与目标: : 结合骨密度 (BMD) 的测量和松质骨中小梁结构的分类,可以改善对骨质疏松症程度的估计。介绍了一种用于腰椎中段椎板小梁结构自动定量分类的分形方法。此方法基于分形维数 (盒计数法) 的计算来改变二值化阈值。通过根据阈值T计算尺寸D来分析来自30个腰椎的放射线图像和来自另外16个腰椎的CT图像。函数D(T) 通过平均图像灰度值进行归一化,从而从计算中消除了骨矿物质密度。结果表明,腰椎图像具有分形特性,函数D(T) 具有典型的行为,可以区分骨质疏松症的程度。利用从函数D(T) 中提取的两个参数,射线照相图像与BMD的相关系数分别为-79%,CT数据与-93% 和-91%。
  • 【从AFIP的档案中。儿童泌尿生殖系横纹肌肉瘤: 放射学-病理学相关性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1148/radiographics.17.4.9225391 复制DOI
    作者列表:Agrons GA,Wagner BJ,Lonergan GJ,Dickey GE,Kaufman MS
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common tumor of the lower genitourinary tract in children in the first 2 decades of life. Most cases of genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma are of the embryonal histologic subtype and include tumors of the bladder, prostate, testes and paratesticular sites, penis, perineum, vagina, and uterus. The natural history, pattern of metastatic spread, treatment, and prognosis of childhood rhabdomyosarcoma vary with the anatomic site of the lesion. In children with rhabdomyosarcoma of the bladder or prostate, presenting signs and symptoms include urinary or fecal retention, dysuria, urinary tract infection, and hematuria. Paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma produces painless scrotal swelling, which may be ignored until the tumor has reached a large size. Vaginal tumors may manifest as a prolapsing mass in the introitus. Radiologic studies of children with genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma reflect the nonspecific gross features of the tumor, which may be ill defined with infiltrative margins or well circumscribed by a pseudocapsule of compressed tissue. The botryoid variant of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma results when submucosal tumor produces a polypoid mass resembling a cluster of grapes within a hollow structure. Botryoid morphology is characteristic, but not specific, for rhabdomyosarcoma within the vagina or urinary bladder, since yolk sac tumor and "tumoral" cystitis may have a similar appearance. Invasion of adjacent structures by the primary tumor may make the precise anatomic origin of genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma difficult to determine on cross-sectional images. Recent refinements in multidisciplinary therapeutic regimens combining chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery have dramatically improved outcome for children with genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma. Diagnostic imaging plays an important role in monitoring response to therapy.

    背景与目标: 横纹肌肉瘤是儿童生命的前20年最常见的下泌尿生殖道肿瘤。泌尿生殖系统横纹肌肉瘤的大多数病例属于胚胎组织学亚型,包括膀胱,前列腺,睾丸和睾丸旁部位,阴茎,会阴,阴道和子宫的肿瘤。儿童横纹肌肉瘤的自然病史,转移扩散方式,治疗和预后随病变的解剖部位而变化。在患有膀胱或前列腺横纹肌肉瘤的儿童中,出现的体征和症状包括尿或粪便retention留,排尿困难,尿路感染和血尿。睾丸旁横纹肌肉瘤会产生无痛性阴囊肿胀,直到肿瘤达到较大的大小,才可以忽略。阴道肿瘤可能表现为前倾肿块。对泌尿生殖系横纹肌肉瘤儿童的放射学研究反映了肿瘤的非特异性总体特征,可能因浸润性边缘而定义不清,或者被压缩组织的假包膜所限制。当粘膜下肿瘤在中空结构中产生类似于葡萄簇的息肉样团块时,会导致胚胎横纹肌肉瘤的葡萄状变体。对于阴道或膀胱内的横纹肌肉瘤,葡萄状体形态是特征性的,但不是特异性的,因为卵黄囊肿瘤和 “肿瘤性” 膀胱炎可能具有相似的外观。原发性肿瘤对邻近结构的侵袭可能使泌尿生殖系横纹肌肉瘤的精确解剖起源难以在横截面图像上确定。结合化疗,放射治疗和手术的多学科治疗方案的最新改进极大地改善了泌尿生殖系统横纹肌肉瘤儿童的预后。诊断成像在监测对治疗的反应中起着重要作用。
  • 【局部晚期胰腺癌患者新辅助放化疗后的结果及与营养状况的相关性.】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s00066-013-0393-3 复制DOI
    作者列表:Naumann P,Habermehl D,Welzel T,Debus J,Combs SE
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Cancer patients commonly suffer from weight loss since rapid tumor growth can cause catabolic metabolism and depletion of energy stores such as abdominal fat. In locally advanced pancreatic cancer this is even more pronounced due to abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea or malnutrition. In the present article, we quantify this frequently observed weight loss and assess its impact on outcome and survival. METHODS:Data on demographics, biometrics, toxicity and survival were collected for the last 100 patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation for locally advanced pancreatic cancer at our department (45.0 Gy and boost up to 54.0 Gy plus concurrent and subsequent gemcitabine), and the subcutaneous fat area at the umbilicus level was measured by computer tomography before and after chemoradiation. RESULTS:After chemoradiation, patients showed a highly statistically significant weight loss and reduction of the subcutaneous fat area. We could determine a very strong correlation of subcutaneous fat area to patient BMI. By categorizing patients according to their BMI based on the WHO classification as slender, normal, overweight and obese, we found improved but not statistically significant survival among obese patients. Accordingly, patients who showed less weight loss tended to survive longer. CONCLUSIONS:In this study, patients with pancreatic cancer lost weight during chemoradiation and their subcutaneous fat diminished. Changes in subcutaneous fat area were highly correlated with patients' BMI. Moreover, obese patients and patients who lost less weight had an improved outcome after treatment. Although the extent of weight loss was not significantly correlated with survival, the observed trend warrants greater attention to nutritional status in the future.
  • 【上皮性卵巢癌中miR-200a和E-cadherin的双相表达模式及其与临床病理特征的关系。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.2174/13816128113199990523 复制DOI
    作者列表:Xu S,Xu P,Wu W,Ou Y,Xu J,Zhang G,Li J,Xu G
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the leading cause of death among gynecologic malignancies. Despite great efforts to improve early detection and optimize chemotherapeutic regimens, the 5-year survival rate is only 30% for patients presenting with late-stage ovarian cancer. The high mortality of this disease is due to late diagnosis in over 70% of ovarian cancer cases. A class of small noncoding RNAs, or microRNAs, was found to regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. Some, but not all, of the data indicated that the miR-200 family was dysregulated in a variety of malignancies. In this study, we demonstrated that miR-200a and E-cadherin were significantly upregulated in EOC compared to benign epithelial ovarian cysts and normal ovarian tissues. However, further stratification of the subject indicated that the expression levels of miR-200a were significantly downregulated in late-stage (FIGO III+V) and grade 3 groups compared with early stage (FIGO I+II) and grade 1 to 2 groups. Similarly, relatively low levels of miR-200a were observed in the lymph compared to the node-negative group. E-cadherin expression was found to be absent in normal ovarian tissue and was frequently expressed in benign epithelial ovarian cysts, with absence or low levels observed in late-stage ovarian cancers. There was a significantly positive correlation between miR-200a and E-cadherin in EOC. The biphasic expression pattern suggested that miR-200a levels may serve as novel biomarkers for the early detection of EOC, and miR-200a and E-cadherin are candidate targets for the development of new treatment modalities against ovarian cancer.
    背景与目标: : 上皮性卵巢癌 (EOC) 是妇科恶性肿瘤死亡的主要原因。尽管为改善早期检测和优化化疗方案做出了巨大努力,但对于晚期卵巢癌患者而言,5年生存率仅30%。这种疾病的高死亡率是由于超过70% 例卵巢癌病例的晚期诊断。发现一类小的非编码rna或microrna在转录后水平上调节基因表达。一些 (但不是全部) 数据表明,miR-200家族在各种恶性肿瘤中失调。在这项研究中,我们证明了与良性上皮性卵巢囊肿和正常卵巢组织相比,EOC中的miR-200a和E-cadherin显着上调。然而,对受试者的进一步分层表明,与早期 (FIGO I II) 和1至2级组相比,晚期 (FIGO III V) 和3级组的miR-200a表达水平显着下调。同样,与淋巴结阴性组相比,在淋巴中观察到相对较低的miR-200a水平。发现E-cadherin表达在正常卵巢组织中不存在,并且在良性上皮性卵巢囊肿中经常表达,在晚期卵巢癌中观察到不存在或低水平。EOC中miR-200a与E-cadherin之间存在显着正相关。双相表达模式表明,miR-200a水平可能是早期检测EOC的新型生物标志物,miR-200a和E-钙粘蛋白是开发针对卵巢癌的新治疗方式的候选靶标。
  • 【井水中砷含量与恶性肿瘤年龄调整死亡率之间的生态相关性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Chen CJ,Wang CJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :A significant dose-response relation between ingested arsenic and several cancers has recently been reported in four townships of the endemic area of blackfoot disease, a unique peripheral artery disease related to the chronic arsenic exposure in southwestern Taiwan. This study was carried out to examine ecological correlations between arsenic level of well water and mortality from various malignant neoplasms in 314 precincts and townships of Taiwan. The arsenic content in water of 83,656 wells was determined by a standard mercuric bromide stain method from 1974 to 1976, while mortality rates of 21 malignant neoplasms among residents in study precincts and townships from 1972 to 1983 were standardized to the world population in 1976. A significant association with the arsenic level in well water was observed for cancers of the liver, nasal cavity, lung, skin, bladder and kidney in both males and females as well as for the prostate cancer in males. These associations remained significant after adjusting for indices of urbanization and industrialization through multiple regression analyses. The multivariate-adjusted regression coefficient indicating an increase in age-adjusted mortality per 100,000 person-years for every 0.1 ppm increase in arsenic level of well water was 6.8 and 2.0, 0.7 and 0.4, 5.3 and 5.3, 0.9 and 1.0, 3.9 and 4.2, as well as 1.1 and 1.7, respectively, in males and females for cancers of the liver, nasal cavity, lung, skin, bladder and kidney. The multivariate-adjusted regression coefficient for the prostate cancer was 0.5. These weighted regression coefficients were found to increase or remain unchanged in further analyses in which only 170 southwestern townships were included.
    背景与目标: : 最近在黑脚病流行区的四个乡镇报道了摄入砷与几种癌症之间的显着剂量反应关系,黑脚病是与台湾西南部慢性砷暴露有关的独特外周动脉疾病。进行这项研究是为了研究台湾314地区和乡镇井水砷水平与各种恶性肿瘤死亡率之间的生态相关性。1974年1976年,通过标准的溴化汞染色方法确定了83,656口井中的砷含量,而研究区和1983年1972年乡镇居民中21例恶性肿瘤的死亡率则按照世界人口1976年进行了标准化。在男性和女性的肝脏,鼻腔,肺,皮肤,膀胱和肾癌以及男性的前列腺癌中,观察到与井水中的砷含量显着相关。通过多元回归分析对城市化和工业化指数进行调整后,这些关联仍然很重要。表明井水砷水平每增加0.1 ppm,每100,000人年年龄调整死亡率增加的多变量调整回归系数分别为6.8和2.0、0.7和0.4、5.3和5.3、0.9和1.0、3.9和4.2,以及1.1和1.7,在男性和女性的肝癌,鼻腔,肺癌,皮肤,膀胱癌和肾癌。0.5前列腺癌的多变量调整回归系数。在仅包括170个西南乡镇的进一步分析中,发现这些加权回归系数增加或保持不变。
  • 【荧光素血管造影和光学相干断层扫描中糖尿病黄斑水肿的视网膜内变化之间的相关性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0420.2007.00989.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Soliman W,Sander B,Hasler PW,Larsen M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: PURPOSE:To study the relationship between intraretinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fluorescein angiography (FA) findings in eyes with diabetic macular oedema (DMO). METHODS:We carried out a retrospective observational case series. Thirty eyes with previously untreated DMO underwent FA and OCT. The same ETDRS template was overlaid on the FA images in order to compare OCT and FA. Transfoveal linear high-resolution OCT scans (at the 0- and 90-degree meridians) and FA pictures were compared according to the ETDRS rings. RESULTS:Six distinct patterns of intraretinal changes in OCT correlated with changes in FA: (a) focal angiographic leakage did not correspond to any obvious intraretinal abnormality in OCT in four eyes; (b) localized thickening of the outer nuclear layer in OCT corresponded to focal leaking microaneurysm (focal oedema) in FA in 11 eyes; (c) diffuse thickening of the outer nuclear layer in OCT corresponded to diffuse angiographic leakage in 21 eyes; (d) cystoid expansion of the outer nuclear layer was found in seven eyes with a petaloid angiographic pattern of leakage; (e) cystoid expansion of the inner nuclear layer was found in relation to honeycomb angiographic oedema in five eyes, and (f) serous detachment of the fovea in OCT did not correspond to any distinct finding in FA in four eyes. CONCLUSIONS:Intraretinal abnormalities found in OCT correlate systemically with changes in FA. Very early DMO morphological changes may be seen better with FA than with OCT. Serous detachment of the fovea is seen in OCT, but not in FA. The combination of OCT and FA is useful in facilitating understanding of the pathophysiological changes that occur in DMO.
  • 【公共线的互相关: 一种用于包含柔性域的结构的单粒子重建的新方法。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.jsb.2007.05.007 复制DOI
    作者列表:Hall RJ,Siridechadilok B,Nogales E
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :We describe a novel approach to sorting class averages of a structure in multiple conformational states in order to generate 3D reconstructions that account for conformational variability present in the sample. The method assumes that the relative Euler angles between class averages are known, then uses a common lines approach to match any given class against a set of distinct conformations from a selected view of the structure. We show the effectiveness of the method both on model data and on an experimental dataset for which the conformational variability is limited to a defined region within the structure. During our studies of hepatitis C virus (HCV) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) interaction with the human translation initiation factor eIF3, we observed that the IRES RNA included a flexible region holding multiple conformations. While current classification methods were used to produce two-dimensional averages of the complex showing these different conformations, no method existed for relating these averages in three dimensions. Our approach overcame these limitations, giving us structural insight that was previously not possible.
    背景与目标: : 我们描述了一种新颖的方法,用于对具有多个构象状态的结构的类平均值进行排序,以便生成3D重建,以解决样本中存在的构象变异性。该方法假设类平均值之间的相对欧拉角是已知的,然后使用公共线方法从结构的选定视图将任何给定的类与一组不同的构象进行匹配。我们在模型数据和实验数据集上都显示了该方法的有效性,对于这些数据,构象变异性仅限于结构内的定义区域。在我们研究丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV) 内部核糖体进入位点 (IRES) 与人类翻译起始因子eIF3相互作用的过程中,我们观察到IRES RNA包含一个具有多种构象的柔性区域。虽然当前的分类方法用于产生显示这些不同构象的复合物的二维平均值,但不存在将这些平均值在三个维度上关联的方法。我们的方法克服了这些限制,为我们提供了以前无法实现的结构见解。
  • 【中国北方汉族人群细胞因子基因遗传多态性、血浆蛋白水平与支气管哮喘的相关性】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1080/02770900802032925 复制DOI
    作者列表:Xiaomin L,Fenglin C,Jianmin H,Yuzhi S,Binsheng G,Yingmei Z
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE:A variety of cytokines are involved in the incidence and development of bronchial asthma. This study was designed to reveal the relationship among genetic polymorphism of cytokine genes, expression levels of cytokines and incidence of bronchial asthma. METHODS:We analyzed 14 single nucleotide polymorphism loci in the 10 major cytokine genes plus plasma protein levels of 7 proteins in the bronchial asthma patients (n = 108) and the healthy population (n = 88) of the Han people in northern China. The polymorphism-based genotypes were identified by the sequence-specific primer-polymerase chain reaction. The plasma protein levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunoassay. Bioinformatics analysis was applied to further data processing. RESULTS:Data presented here showed that the 6 polymorphism loci were significantly correlated with the incidence of asthma (p < 0.05). Two of them, IL-2 (-330) and IL-2 (+166), constituted a linkage disequilibrium block. The GG haplotype of this block gave a relatively higher correlation with asthma (p = 0.0767). The plasma protein levels of IgE, IL-6 and IL-1 beta correlated with a number of polymorphism loci tested (p < 0.05), of which IgE gave the most significant correlation. The plasma IL-10 and IL-12 levels of the patients in the asthma group were significantly lower than those of the healthy adults in the control group (p < 0.05), while IgE gave the opposite result (p < 0.0001). We constructed a prototype of the metabolic and regulatory network composed of bronchial asthma-related proteins. In this network, IL-6 and TNF-alpha, were found with a high degree (D = 343 and 235, respectively) and IL-1beta with a moderate degree of connection (D = 155). CONCLUSIONS:We have found that various degrees of correlation with cytokine genes and protein expression of single nucleotide polymorphism in bronchial asthma. IL-6 and IL-1beta appear to play important biological roles in the pathogenesis of asthma. During the analysis of correlation between genetic polymorphism and a complex disease, the effects of environmental factors should be taken into account. The information at the protein level should be fully developed and the bioinformatics techniques can be used for the comprehensive analysis, to have a deep understanding of molecular mechanisms of incidence and development of diseases.
  • 【黄瓜植株雌花芽发育与CS-ACS2基因表达的相关性.】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/jxb/erm141 复制DOI
    作者列表:Saito S,Fujii N,Miyazawa Y,Yamasaki S,Matsuura S,Mizusawa H,Fujita Y,Takahashi H
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Ethylene plays a key role in sex determination of cucumber flowers. Gynoecious cucumber shoots produce more ethylene than monoecious shoots. Because monoecious cucumbers produce both male and female flower buds in the shoot apex and because the relative proportions of male and female flowers vary due to growing conditions, the question arises as to whether the regulation of ethylene biosynthesis in each flower bud determines the sex of the flower. Therefore, the expression of a 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase gene, CS-ACS2, was examined in cucumber flower buds at different stages of development. The results revealed that CS-ACS2 mRNA began to accumulate just beneath the pistil primordia of flower buds at the bisexual stage, but was not detected prior to the formation of the pistil primordia. In buds determined to develop as female flowers, CS-ACS2 mRNA continued to accumulate in the central region of the developing ovary where ovules and placenta form. In gynoecious cucumber plants that produce only female flowers, accumulation of CS-ACS2 mRNA was detected in all flower buds at the bisexual stage and at later developmental stages. In monoecious cucumber, flower buds situated on some nodes accumulated CS-ACS2 mRNA, but others did not. The proportion of male and female flowers in monoecious cucumbers varied depending on the growth conditions, but was correlated with changes in accumulation of CS-ACS2 mRNA in flower buds. These results demonstrate that CS-ACS2-mediated biosynthesis of ethylene in individual flower buds is associated with the differentiation and development of female flowers.
    背景与目标: : 乙烯在黄瓜花的性别决定中起着关键作用。雌雄同株的黄瓜芽比雌雄同株的芽产生更多的乙烯。由于雌雄同株黄瓜在茎尖上同时产生雄花和雌花芽,并且由于生长条件的不同,雄花和雌花的相对比例也不同,因此出现了每个花芽中乙烯生物合成的调节是否决定了花的性别的问题。因此,在不同发育阶段的黄瓜花蕾中检查了1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸合酶基因CS-ACS2的表达。结果表明,CS-ACS2 mRNA在两性阶段开始在花蕾的雌蕊原基下方积累,但在雌蕊原基形成之前未检测到。在确定发育为雌花的芽中,CS-ACS2 mRNA继续在胚珠和胎盘形成的发育中的卵巢中央区域积累。在仅产生雌花的雌雄性黄瓜植物中,在两性阶段和后期发育阶段的所有花蕾中都检测到CS-ACS2 mRNA的积累。在雌雄同株黄瓜中,位于某些节点上的花蕾CS-ACS2 mRNA积累,而其他节点则没有。雌雄同株黄瓜中雄花和雌花的比例因生长条件而异,但与花蕾中CS-ACS2 mRNA积累的变化有关。这些结果表明,单个花蕾中乙烯的CS-ACS2-mediated生物合成与雌花的分化和发育有关。
  • 【不同类型肺腺癌中Ki-67表达与MSCT征象的相关性.】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1097/MD.0000000000018678 复制DOI
    作者列表:Yan J,Wang H,Zhou H,He H,Qiu L,Wang Z
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :To investigate the correlation between the proliferating cell nuclear antigen Ki-67 and the multislice computed tomography (MSCT) signs in different subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma.Ninety-five patients with lung adenocarcinoma confirmed by surgical pathology and treated between January 2017 and December 2017 were included. MSCT was performed before the operation, and the characteristics of the high-resolution CT (HRCT) signs of the lesions were compared with the Ki-67 immunohistochemistry results.The levels of Ki-67 in the 95 lung adenocarcinoma specimens were positively correlated with the malignancy of lung adenocarcinoma. Spearman correlation coefficient was 0.615. The expression of Ki-67 was positively correlated with the nodules' diameter, density, and lobulated sign, with Spearman correlation coefficients of 0.58, 0.554, and 0.436. There was no significant correlation with spiculation and pleural retraction, with correlation coefficients of 0.319/0.381.These findings suggest that the MSCT signs of different types of lung adenocarcinoma might be associated with the expression of Ki-67. Without replacing biopsy, the imaging features of pulmonary nodules could be comprehensively analyzed to evaluate the proliferation potential of preoperative nodules, but additional studies are needed for confirmation.
    背景与目标: : 探讨不同亚型肺腺癌中增殖细胞核抗原Ki-67与多层螺旋ct (MSCT) 征象的相关性。包括95例经手术病理证实并经2017年1月和2017年12月治疗的肺腺癌患者。术前行MSCT检查,并将病灶的高分辨率CT (HRCT) 征象特征与Ki-67免疫组织化学结果进行比较,发现95例肺腺癌标本的Ki-67水平与肺腺癌的恶性程度呈正相关。Spearman相关系数为0.615。Ki-67的表达与结节的直径,密度和分叶征呈正相关,Spearman相关系数为0.58,0.554和0.436。与毛刺、胸膜回缩无明显相关性,相关系数为0.319/0.381,提示不同类型肺腺癌的MSCT征象可能与Ki-67的表达有关。在不更换活检的情况下,可以全面分析肺结节的影像学特征,以评估术前结节的增殖潜力,但还需要进一步的研究来证实。
  • 【子痫前期妇女的生物学参数与胎盘参数和妊娠结局的相关性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.preghy.2019.12.008 复制DOI
    作者列表:de Moreuil C,Herry E,Lacut K,Chauvet J,Moineau MP,Lede F,Tremouilhac C,Merviel P,Petesch BP,Moigne EL,Marcorelles P
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: INTRODUCTION:Pre-eclampsia is characterized by maternal vascular malperfusion and chronic inflammation in placenta. Our purpose was to investigate the potential correlation of biological parameters with placental parameters and pregnancy outcomes in pre-eclamptic women. METHODS:Pre-eclamptic women were identified by interrogation of the Medical Registry Department in six French maternities between April 2013 and June 2018. Histological parameters in placentas (weight, macroscopic and microscopic lesions), baseline maternal characteristics and pregnancy outcomes (course of pregnancy, newborns' characteristics) were collected. Biological parameters were blood cell ratios (Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR), Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR)) collected at delivery and Placental growth factor (PlGF) measured in women with an available first trimester serum sample. Correlations of blood cell ratios and PlGF levels with placental parameters and pregnancy outcomes were assessed by Pearson's correlation test for quantitative parameters and by logistic regression analysis for qualitative parameters. RESULTS:202 pregnancies were included, among which 68 had a first trimester PlGF quantification. No correlation was found between biological parameters and placental lesions. Low PLR was correlated with low placental weight (r = 0.156, p = 0.036) and with low birth weight (r = 0.179, p = 0.015). Low PlGF was correlated with long time from pre-eclampsia diagnosis to delivery (r = -0.250, p = 0.048). CONCLUSIONS:There is no correlation between biological parameters and placental lesions in pre-eclamptic women. Yet, low PLR at delivery is correlated with low placental and birth weights. Moreover, low first trimester PlGF is correlated with long time from pre-eclampsia diagnosis to delivery.
  • 【紫外线-A-核黄素交联对模拟人角膜基质模型的生物力学作用及其与角膜基质微结构变化的相关性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.exer.2020.108109 复制DOI
    作者列表:Li H,Liu T,Mu B,Zhao X,Xue C,Shen M,Jhanji V,Wang Y
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :In this study, we established an experimental human corneal stroma model of simulated cornea tissue composed of thin anterior cornea strips layers obtained from small incision lenticular extraction (SMILE) surgery. We investigated the biomechanical effect of ultraviolet-A- riboflavin cross-linking at different depths of corneal stroma model and correlated it with stromal microstructural changes examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Corneal strips were harvested from fresh human corneal lenticules obtained after SMILE surgery. Experimental models (n = 34) were established by superimposing the corneal lenticule strips until their thickness reached close to 500 μm. Corneal cross-linking (CXL) was performed subsequently using standard or accelerated protocol. Elasticity and viscosity were quantified using stress-strain extensometer. TEM was used to visualize the collagen fiber diameter and interfibrillar spacing. The relative change in Young's modulus (rel. ΔE) decreased nonlinearly with increasing stromal depth both in the standard and accelerated groups. Compared to the sham controls, the rel. ΔE in standard and accelerated CXL groups increased significantly in the anterior 400 μm and 275 μm depth, respectively. Also, the relative change in stress (rel. ΔS) was significantly lower after standard and accelerated CXL compared to sham controls. Depth analysis showed similar results for the elastic effect. TEM images showed a small, non-significant increase in fibril diameter. The interfibrillar spacing decreased significantly after standard and accelerated CXL in the anterior-mid stromal region. We noted that the increase of corneal stiffness correlated with decrease in interfibrillar spacing after CXL. The stiffening effect was depth dependent. The effect of accelerated CXL was less in the deep corneal stromal regions compared to standard CXL.
    背景与目标: : 在这项研究中,我们建立了由小切口透镜状提取 (SMILE) 手术获得的薄的前角膜条层组成的模拟角膜组织的实验性人角膜基质模型。我们研究了紫外线-A-核黄素交联在角膜基质模型不同深度处的生物力学作用,并将其与通过透射电子显微镜 (TEM) 检查的基质微结构变化相关联。从SMILE手术后获得的新鲜人类角膜透镜中收获角膜条。通过叠加角膜透镜条直到其厚度达到接近500 μ m建立实验模型 (n = 34)。随后使用标准或加速方案进行角膜交联 (CXL)。使用应力应变引伸计对弹性和粘度进行定量。TEM用于可视化胶原纤维直径和纤维间间距。在标准组和加速组中,杨氏模量 (rel。Δ e) 的相对变化均随基质深度的增加而非线性降低。与假对照相比,rel。标准和加速CXL组的 Δ e分别在前400 μ m和275 μ m深度显着增加。此外,与假对照组相比,标准和加速CXL后压力的相对变化 (rel. Δ s) 明显更低。深度分析显示弹性效应的结果相似。TEM图像显示原纤维直径的少量,非显着增加。在前中层基质区域标准和加速CXL后,纤维间间距显着降低。我们注意到,CXL后角膜硬度的增加与纤维间间距的减小有关。硬化效果与深度有关。与标准CXL相比,加速CXL在深角膜基质区域的作用较小。

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