BACKGROUND:The study of health behavior change, including nutrition and physical activity behaviors, has been rooted in a cognitive-rational paradigm. Change is conceptualized as a linear, deterministic process where individuals weigh pros and cons, and at the point at which the benefits outweigh the cost change occurs. Consistent with this paradigm, the associated statistical models have almost exclusively assumed a linear relationship between psychosocial predictors and behavior. Such a perspective however, fails to account for non-linear, quantum influences on human thought and action. Consider why after years of false starts and failed attempts, a person succeeds at increasing their physical activity, eating healthier or losing weight. Or, why after years of success a person relapses. This paper discusses a competing view of health behavior change that was presented at the 2006 annual ISBNPA meeting in Boston. DISCUSSION:Rather than viewing behavior change from a linear perspective it can be viewed as a quantum event that can be understood through the lens of Chaos Theory and Complex Dynamic Systems. Key principles of Chaos Theory and Complex Dynamic Systems relevant to understanding health behavior change include: 1) Chaotic systems can be mathematically modeled but are nearly impossible to predict; 2) Chaotic systems are sensitive to initial conditions; 3) Complex Systems involve multiple component parts that interact in a nonlinear fashion; and 4) The results of Complex Systems are often greater than the sum of their parts. Accordingly, small changes in knowledge, attitude, efficacy, etc may dramatically alter motivation and behavioral outcomes. And the interaction of such variables can yield almost infinite potential patterns of motivation and behavior change. In the linear paradigm unaccounted for variance is generally relegated to the catch all "error" term, when in fact such "error" may represent the chaotic component of the process. The linear and chaotic paradigms are however, not mutually exclusive, as behavior change may include both chaotic and cognitive processes. Studies of addiction suggest that many decisions to change are quantum rather than planned events; motivation arrives as opposed to being planned. Moreover, changes made through quantum processes appear more enduring than those that involve more rational, planned processes. How such processes may apply to nutrition and physical activity behavior and related interventions merits examination.


讨论:不是从线性的角度观察行为的变化,它可以被看作是一个量子事件,可以通过混沌理论和复杂动力系统的角度来理解。与理解健康行为变化相关的混沌理论和复杂动力系统的关键原理包括:1)混沌系统可以进行数学建模,但几乎无法预测; 2)混沌系统对初始条件敏感; 3)复杂系统包含以非线性方式交互的多个组成部分;和4)复杂系统的结果通常大于其各个部分的总和。因此,知识,态度,功效等方面的细微变化可能会极大地改变动机和行为结果。这些变量的相互作用可以产生几乎无限的潜在动机和行为改变模式。在线性范式中,未解释方差通常归结为“所有错误”一词,而实际上这种“错误”可能代表过程的混乱成分。然而,线性和混沌范式并不是相互排斥的,因为行为改变可能包括混沌和认知过程。对成瘾的研究表明,许多改变决定是量子的,而不是计划的事件。动机到来而不是被计划。而且,通过量子过程进行的变化看起来比那些涉及更合理,计划的过程的变化更持久。这些过程如何适用于营养和身体活动行为以及相关干预措施,值得研究。

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