• 【药物洞察: 男性激素避孕的最新进展。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/ncpendmet0069 复制DOI
    作者列表:Amory JK,Page ST,Bremner WJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :As there are limitations to current methods of male contraception, research has been undertaken to develop hormonal contraceptives for men, analogous to the methods for women based on estrogen and progestogens. When testosterone is administered to a man, it functions as a contraceptive by suppressing the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland. Since these hormones are the main stimulatory signals for spermatogenesis, low levels of LH and FSH markedly impair sperm production. After 3-4 months of testosterone treatment, 60-70% of men no longer have sperm in their ejaculate, and most other men exhibit markedly diminished sperm counts. Male hormonal contraception is well tolerated, free of serious adverse side effects, and 95% effective in the prevention of pregnancy. Importantly, male hormonal contraception is reversible, with sperm counts usually recovering within 4 months of the discontinuation of hormone treatment. Because exogenous testosterone administration alone does not completely suppress sperm production in all men, researchers have combined testosterone with second agents, such as progestogens or gonadotropin-releasing-hormone antagonists, to further suppress secretion of LH and FSH and improve suppression of spermatogenesis. Recent trials have used combinations of long-acting injectable or implantable forms of testosterone with progestogens, which can be administered orally, by injection or by a long-acting implant. Such combinations suppress spermatogenesis to zero without severe side effects in 80-90% of men, with near-complete suppression in the remainder of individuals. One of these testosterone and progestogen combination regimens might soon bring the promise of male hormonal contraception to fruition.
    背景与目标: : 由于目前男性避孕方法存在局限性,因此已经进行了研究以开发针对男性的激素避孕药,类似于基于雌激素和孕激素的女性避孕方法。当向男性施用睾丸激素时,它通过抑制垂体的促黄体激素 (LH) 和促卵泡激素 (FSH) 的分泌而起到避孕作用。由于这些激素是精子发生的主要刺激信号,因此低水平的LH和FSH明显损害了精子的产生。经过3-4个月的睾酮治疗后,60-70% 的男性射精中不再有精子,大多数其他男性的精子数量明显减少。男性激素避孕耐受性良好,无严重不良副作用,95% 有效预防妊娠。重要的是,男性激素避孕是可逆的,精子数量通常在停止激素治疗后4个月内恢复。由于单独使用外源性睾丸激素并不能完全抑制所有男性的精子产生,因此研究人员已将睾丸激素与第二种药物 (例如孕激素或促性腺激素释放激素拮抗剂) 结合使用,以进一步抑制LH和FSH的分泌并改善精子发生的抑制。最近的试验使用了长效可注射或可植入形式的睾丸激素与孕激素的组合,可以口服,注射或长效植入物给药。在80-90% 的男性中,这种组合将精子发生抑制为零,而没有严重的副作用,在其余个体中几乎完全抑制。这些睾丸激素和孕激素联合疗法之一可能很快就会实现男性激素避孕的希望。
  • 【[产后避孕: 对600名患者进行产后控制,其中129名患者]。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.gyobfe.2013.07.017 复制DOI
    作者列表:Blangis F,Lopes P,Branger B,Garnier P,Philippe HJ,Ploteau S
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:To draw a parallel between the contraceptive methods prescribed in the post-natal ward and the contraceptive methods taken by patients during their postnatal visit. PATIENTS AND METHODS:This piece of work draws information from a prospective 10 weeks study at a University Teaching Hospital post-natal ward on the contraception that is prescribed upon leaving the maternity ward and also at the time of the post-natal visit. RESULTS:From the 600 cases studied, the analysis is about 129 patients reviewed in the post-natal visit. The percentage of loss was 78.5%. A hormonal contraceptive pill was prescribed to 73.5% of women (441 patients) after birth in which 63.5% had microprogestative pills. At the earliest, the IUD was given at about 5.4 weeks postpartum. At the time of the postnatal visit, compliance was bad for one third of women with either estrogen plus progestin methods, microprogestative or natural methods. Women who chose a barrier method were only 45.5% to follow this choice, the others left without contraception. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION:The prescription of postpartum contraception was followed by only 66.6% of women. In order to prescribe a more effective contraceptive method, we must improve the prescriber's timing in sharing contraceptive information and completeness of the contraceptive methods offered.
  • 【输精管,男性避孕的一个部位: 概述。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Lohiya NK,Manivannan B,Mishra PK,Pathak N
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The vas deferens is a site which can be exploited for male contraception without undue side effects. The only effective technique available for male contraception is vasectomy, being practiced world wide, despite that it is a permanent surgical procedure and its successful reversal is not assured. Although no-scalpel vasectomy minimizes surgical procedures, the fate of its reversal is akin to that of vasectomy. Several occlusive and non-occlusive vasal procedures which claim to be reversible without surgical intervention, possess more disadvantages than advantages. Vas occlusion with plug, 'Shug' or medical grade silicone rubber, although claimed to produce reversible azoospermia without affecting spermatogenesis, requires skilled microsurgery for their implantation and later removal. RISUG, a non-sclerotic polymer styrene maleic anhydride (SMA), could be more advantageous than vasectomy and other vas occlusive procedures in that it could be a totally non-invasive procedure by "no-scalpel injection" and "non-invasive reversal". It is claimed to offer long-term contraception without adverse side effects and also to be possible as a male spacing method by repeated vas occlusion and non-invasive reversal. The drug is currently under multicentre Phase III clinical trial.
    背景与目标: : 输精管是一个可以用于男性避孕的部位,没有过度的副作用。唯一可用于男性避孕的有效技术是输精管切除术,尽管它是一种永久性的外科手术,并且不能保证其成功逆转。尽管无手术刀输精管切除术可最大程度地减少外科手术,但其逆转的命运类似于输精管切除术。几种闭塞性和非闭塞性血管手术声称无需手术干预即可逆转,其缺点多于优点。尽管据称会产生可逆的无精子症而不影响精子发生,但需要熟练的显微外科手术才能将其植入并随后取出。RISUG是一种非硬化聚合物苯乙烯马来酸酐 (SMA),可能比输精管切除术和其他输精管闭塞手术更有利,因为它可以通过 “无手术刀注射” 和 “非侵入性逆转” 完全是非侵入性的手术。据称可以提供长期避孕而没有不良副作用,并且可以通过反复的vas闭塞和非侵入性逆转作为男性间隔方法。该药物目前正在进行多中心III期临床试验。
  • 【ABM临床方案 #13: 母乳喂养期间避孕。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1089/bfm.2006.1.43 复制DOI
    作者列表:Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol Committee.
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :A central goal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is the development of clinical protocols for managing common medical problems that may influence breastfeeding success. These protocols serve only as guidelines for the care of breastfeeding mothers and infants and do not delineate an exclusive course of treatment or serve as standards of medical care. Variations in treatment may be appropriate according to the needs of an individual patient.
    背景与目标: : 母乳喂养医学研究院的中心目标是制定临床方案,以管理可能影响母乳喂养成功的常见医学问题。这些协议仅作为母乳喂养母亲和婴儿护理的指南,并不划定专属疗程或作为医疗护理标准。根据个别患者的需要,治疗的变化可能是适当的。
  • 【在部署期间,美国女服务员的避孕途径和使用。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.contraception.2012.09.019 复制DOI
    作者列表:Grindlay K,Grossman D
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Approximately 12% of active duty US servicewomen have an unintended pregnancy each year; however, little is known about contraception use during deployment. STUDY DESIGN:From April to November 2010, we conducted an online survey with a convenience sample of 281 servicewomen who had been deployed overseas to assess access to and use of contraception for deployment. RESULTS:Sixty-three percent of respondents used birth control for part or all of their last deployment. Although military health insurance covers most contraceptive methods, one third reported that they were unable to access a method they might want for deployment, and 59% did not speak with a military provider about contraceptive options prior to deployment. Certain methods were reportedly discouraged or not available for some women, including intrauterine devices and sterilization, and 41% of women requiring refills found them difficult to obtain. CONCLUSIONS:Given the high prevalence of unintended pregnancy among servicewomen, efforts should focus on improving contraceptive counseling prior to deployment and ensuring refill access during deployment, as well as expanding access to long-acting reversible methods.
  • 【围产期精神障碍与产后妇女避孕使用的关系。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.contraception.2013.02.003 复制DOI
    作者列表:Faisal-Cury A,Menezes PR,Huang H
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:The relationship between perinatal psychiatric disorders and the use of effective contraceptive methods among postpartum women served by primary care clinics has not been established. STUDY DESIGN:This was a prospective cohort study with 831 pregnant women recruited from 10 primary care clinics of the public sector in São Paulo followed up to 18 months after delivery. RESULTS:Among 701 postpartum women, 644 women (91.8%) had resumed sexual activity. Two hundred fifty-three women (39.2%) were classified as using a less effective contraception method (LECM). The presence of perinatal psychiatric disorder (in pregnancy and/or postpartum) was not associated with LECM. Resumption of sexual life 3 months or beyond after delivery was associated with LECM (odds ratio=1.28, 95% confidence interval: 1.02-1.56). DISCUSSION:Although the use of an LECM after delivery is common, contraception choice is not associated with perinatal depressive/anxiety symptoms. However, women who delay the resumption of sexual activity after delivery should be counseled on the use of available contraceptive methods.
  • 【在尼日利亚伊洛因,使用皮下左炔诺孕酮植入物避孕作为手术避孕的替代方法。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/0020-7292(91)90667-t 复制DOI
    作者列表:Fakeye O
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Acceptability and social characteristics of a cohort of Norplant, IUD, pill and depo-med-roxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) acceptors who were seen at the University of Ilorin Family Planning Clinic over a 10-week period of the pre-introductory clinical trial of Norplant, are compared. Findings indicate that Norplant and DMPA are adopted as an alternative to sterilization by women advanced in reproductive age and of high parity. The pill and IUD are adopted mainly as birth-spacing methods. Women's education, but not previous use of a contraceptive method, influenced the adoption of Norplant. The continuation rate at 12 months, a measure of acceptability, was highest, 93.7 per 100 women, for Norplant and 77.9, 46.7 and 27.7 per 100 women for the IUD, DMPA and the pill, respectively. The need to address the high family size norms in the African subregion is discussed.
    背景与目标: : 在伊洛林大学计划生育诊所进行的为期10周的Norplant,IUD,pill和depo-med-roxygesterone acetate (DMPA) 受体队列的可接受性和社会特征。比较了Norplant的入门临床试验。调查结果表明,育龄高,高胎次的妇女采用Norplant和DMPA作为绝育的替代方法。避孕药和宫内节育器主要用作生育间隔方法。妇女的教育,但以前没有使用避孕方法,影响了Norplant的采用。12个月时的可接受性指标Norplant最高,每100名妇女93.7例,IUD、DMPA和药丸分别为每100名妇女77.9例、46.7例和27.7例。讨论了解决非洲次区域高家庭规模规范的必要性。
  • 【避孕选择项目: 减少长效可逆避孕的障碍。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.ajog.2010.04.017 复制DOI
    作者列表:Secura GM,Allsworth JE,Madden T,Mullersman JL,Peipert JF
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:To introduce and promote the use of long-acting reversible methods of contraception (LARC; intrauterine contraceptives and subdermal implant) by removing financial and knowledge barriers. STUDY DESIGN:The Contraceptive CHOICE Project is a prospective cohort study of 10,000 women 14-45 years who want to avoid pregnancy for at least 1 year and are initiating a new form of reversible contraception. Women screened for this study are read a script regarding long-acting reversible methods of contraception to increase awareness of these options. Participants choose their contraceptive method that is provided at no cost. We report the contraceptive choice and baseline characteristics of the first 2500 women enrolled August 2007 through December 2008. RESULTS:Sixty-seven percent of women enrolled (95% confidence interval, 65.3-69.0) chose long-acting methods. Fifty-six percent selected intrauterine contraception and 11% selected the subdermal implant. CONCLUSION:Once financial barriers were removed and long-acting reversible methods of contraception were introduced to all potential participants as a first-line contraceptive option, two-thirds chose long-acting reversible methods of contraception.
  • 【自然月经节律和口服避孕药会不同程度地影响呼出气成分。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-29221-z 复制DOI
    作者列表:Sukul P,Schubert JK,Trefz P,Miekisch W
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Natural menstrual cycle and/or oral contraception diversely affect women metabolites. Longitudinal metabolic profiling under constant experimental conditions is thereby realistic to understand such effects. Thus, we investigated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) exhalation throughout menstrual cycles in 24 young and healthy women with- and without oral contraception. Exhaled VOCs were identified and quantified in trace concentrations via high-resolution real-time mass-spectrometry, starting from a menstruation and then repeated follow-up with six intervals including the next bleeding. Repeated measurements within biologically comparable groups were employed under optimized measurement setup. We observed pronounced and substance specific changes in exhaled VOC concentrations throughout all cycles with low intra-individual variations. Certain blood-borne volatiles changed significantly during follicular and luteal phases. Most prominent changes in endogenous VOCs were observed at the ovulation phase with respect to initial menstruation. Here, the absolute median abundances of alveolar ammonia, acetone, isoprene and dimethyl sulphide changed significantly (P-value ≤ 0.005) by 18.22↓, 13.41↓, 18.02↑ and 9.40↓%, respectively. These VOCs behaved in contrast under the presence of combined oral contraception; e.g. isoprene decreased significantly by 30.25↓%. All changes returned to initial range once the second bleeding phase was repeated. Changes in exogenous benzene, isopropanol, limonene etc. and smoking related furan, acetonitrile and orally originated hydrogen sulphide were rather nonspecific and mainly exposure dependent. Our observations could apprehend a number of known/pre-investigated metabolic effects induced by monthly endocrine regulations. Potential in vivo origins (e.g. metabolic processes) of VOCs are crucial to realize such effects. Despite ubiquitous confounders, we demonstrated the true strength of volatolomics for metabolic monitoring of menstrual cycle and contraceptives. These outcomes may warrant further studies in this direction to enhance our fundamental and clinical understanding on menstrual metabolomics and endocrinology. Counter-effects of contraception can be deployed for future noninvasive assessment of birth control pills. Our findings could be translated toward metabolomics of pregnancy, menopause and post-menopausal complications via breath analysis.
    背景与目标: : 自然月经周期和/或口服避孕对女性代谢产物的影响不同。因此,在恒定的实验条件下进行纵向代谢分析对于理解这种影响是现实的。因此,我们调查了24名有或没有口服避孕药的年轻健康女性在整个月经周期中的挥发性有机化合物 (voc) 呼气。从月经开始,然后以六个间隔 (包括下一次出血) 重复随访,通过高分辨率实时质谱法鉴定呼出的voc并以痕量浓度对其进行定量。在优化的测量设置下,在生物学上可比较的组中进行重复测量。我们观察到在所有循环中呼出气VOC浓度的明显变化和物质特异性变化,个体内变化很小。某些血源性挥发物在卵泡期和黄体期发生了显着变化。相对于初次月经,在排卵期观察到内源性voc的最显着变化。肺泡氨、丙酮、异戊二烯和二甲基硫醚的绝对中值丰度 (p值  ≤   0.005) 分别变化18.22 ↓ 、13.41 ↓ 、18.02 ↑ 和9.40 ↓ %。这些voc在联合口服避孕药的存在下表现为相反; 例如异戊二烯显著降低了30.25 ↓ %。一旦第二次出血阶段重复,所有变化都恢复到初始范围。外源苯,异丙醇,柠檬烯等的变化以及与吸烟有关的呋喃,乙腈和口服硫化氢的变化是非特异性的,并且主要取决于暴露。我们的观察结果可能会理解每月内分泌调节引起的许多已知/预先研究的代谢作用。Voc的潜在体内起源 (例如代谢过程) 对于实现这种作用至关重要。尽管混杂因素普遍存在,但我们证明了volatolomics在代谢监测月经周期和避孕药方面的真正优势。这些结果可能需要在这个方向上进行进一步的研究,以增强我们对月经代谢组学和内分泌学的基础和临床理解。避孕的反作用可以用于将来对避孕药进行无创评估。通过呼吸分析,我们的发现可以转化为妊娠,更年期和绝经后并发症的代谢组学。
  • 【在埃塞俄比亚西北部贡达尔市进行抗逆转录病毒治疗的性活跃妇女中,双重避孕方法的利用和相关因素: 一项横断面研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/s12905-020-0890-3 复制DOI
    作者列表:Abay F,Yeshita HY,Mekonnen FA,Sisay M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Mother to child transmission is responsible for 90% of child infection with human immune deficiency virus (HIV). Dual contraceptive use is one of the best actions to prevent mother's human immune deficiency virus transmission to her child and partner. This study aimed at assessing the prevalence and factors associated with dual contraceptive use among sexually active women on antiretroviral therapy in Gondar City, northwest, Ethiopia. METHODS:An institution based cross sectional study was conducted in Gondar City public health facilities from December 1 to 31, 2018. Systematic random sampling technique was utilized to include 563 study participants. Data were collected by interview using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive analysis was made to compute mean, median and proportion. Finally, multivariable logistic regression model was fitted to identify the factors associated with dual contraceptive method utilization. Analysis was performed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 20. RESULTS:The overall prevalence of dual contraceptive method utilization among sexually active women on antiretroviral therapy was 28.8% (95% CI: 24.9, 32.7). Women aged 35-49 years (Adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 6.99; 95% CI: 3.11, 15.71)), who lived in urban areas (AOR: 4.81; 95% CI: 2.04, 11.31), attended secondary and above education (AOR: 4.43; 95% CI: 1.92, 10.22), and disclosed HIV status to sexual partners (AOR: 9.84; 95% CI: 3.48, 27.81) were more likely to use dual contraceptive method. CONCLUSION:In this study, the proportion of women who utilized dual contraceptive method was low. Age, place of residence, educational status and disclosure of HIV status were factors associated with dual contraceptive use. Therefore, providing education about the advantages of disclosing HIV status to sexual partners and strengthening of counseling about the advantages of dual contraceptive use will be helpful in enhancing the use of dual contraceptive method among sexually active women on antiretroviral therapy.
  • 【避孕管理对野马 (Equus caballus) 生育力和社会行为的影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/conphys/cox018 复制DOI
    作者列表:Nuñez CMV,Adelman JS,Carr HA,Alvarez CM,Rubenstein DI
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Due to the extirpation of their natural predators, feral horse populations have expanded across the United States, necessitating their management. Contraception of females (mares) with porcine zona pellucida (PZP) is a popular option; however, effects to physiology and behavior can be substantial. On Shackleford Banks, North Carolina, USA, treated mares have exhibited cycling during the non-breeding season and demonstrated decreased fidelity to the band stallion, but PZP's long-term effects on mare physiology and behavior remain largely unexplored. After the contraception program was suspended in this population, we examined how prior exposure to varying levels of PZP treatment impacted (1) foaling probability and foaling dates (a proxy for ovulatory cycling) from 2009 to 2014 and (2) mare fidelity to the band stallion and reproductive behavior during 2013 and 2015. Additionally, we evaluated the effects of time since the mares' last treatment on these factors. Mares receiving any level of prior PZP treatment were less likely to foal than were untreated mares. Among mares that received 1-3 PZP applications, foaling probability increased with time since last treatment before declining, at ~6 years post-treatment. Mares that received 4+ applications did not exhibit a significant increase in foaling probability with time since last treatment. Moreover, previously treated mares continued to conceive later than did untreated mares. Finally, mares previously receiving 4+ treatments changed groups more often than did untreated mares, though reproductive behavior did not differ with contraception history. Our results suggest that although PZP-induced subfertility and its associated behavioral effects can persist after the cessation of treatment, these effects can be ameliorated for some factors with less intense treatment. Careful consideration to the frequency of PZP treatment is important to maintaining more naturally functioning populations; the ability to manage populations adaptively may be compromised if females are kept subfertile for extended periods of time.
    背景与目标: : 由于其天敌的灭绝,野马的数量在美国各地扩大,因此有必要对其进行管理。用猪透明带 (PZP) 避孕雌性 (母马) 是一种流行的选择; 但是,对生理和行为的影响可能是巨大的。在美国北卡罗来纳州的Shackleford Banks上,经过处理的母马在非繁殖季节表现出骑自行车,并且对种马的保真度降低,但是PZP对母马生理和行为的长期影响仍未得到探索。在该人群中暂停避孕计划后,我们研究了先前暴露于不同水平的PZP治疗如何影响 (1) 种马概率和种马日期 (排卵周期的代表) 2009年2014年以及 (2) 母马对种马的忠诚度和生殖行为2013年和2015。此外,我们评估了自母马上次治疗以来的时间对这些因素的影响。与未经治疗的母马相比,接受任何水平的PZP治疗的母马患小马驹的可能性较小。在接受1-3次PZP应用的母马中,自上次治疗以来,母马的概率随时间增加而增加,直到治疗后约6年才下降。自上次治疗以来,接受4次申请的母马的出马概率没有随时间显着增加。此外,以前治疗过的母马比未治疗的母马继续受孕。最后,尽管生殖行为与避孕史没有差异,但先前接受4种治疗的母马比未经治疗的母马更易改变组。我们的结果表明,尽管PZP诱导的生育能力低下及其相关的行为影响在停止治疗后可以持续存在,但对于某些因素而言,这些影响可以通过较小的治疗得到改善。仔细考虑PZP治疗的频率对于维持更自然功能的人群很重要; 如果女性长时间保持低生育能力,则适应性管理人群的能力可能会受到损害。
  • 【镰状细胞病青少年和年轻成年女性激素避孕的当前问题和选择: 卫生保健专业人员的最新情况。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.4084/MJHID.2020.032 复制DOI
    作者列表:De Sanctis V,Soliman AT,Daar S,Canatan D,Di Maio S,Kattamis C
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Women with sickle cell disease (SCD) are of particular concern regarding the significantly increased risk of pregnancy-related morbidity, mortality, and adverse outcomes. They have limited knowledge of pregnancy and childbirth risks, as well as of the benefits and risks of contraceptives. Thus, there is an urgent need for appropriate information about reproductive family planning to reduce unintended pregnancy. Any decision regarding the use of contraceptives has to be based on the efficacy and risk/benefit ratio of the method used. Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have developed, published, and updated evidence-based guidelines for medical providers for the use of contraceptives in patients with specific medical chronic conditions. This article provides an overview of the present knowledge on the use of contraceptives in women with SCD. We believe that the collaboration between health care professionals (hematologists, obstetricians, endocrinologists, and primary care providers) can play a major role in identifying the safer contraceptive method to abolish the risks of unintended pregnancy and preserve the health status of patients with SCD.
    背景与目标: : 镰状细胞病 (SCD) 的妇女特别关注与妊娠相关的发病率,死亡率和不良结局的风险显着增加。他们对怀孕和分娩风险以及避孕药具的益处和风险的了解有限。因此,迫切需要有关生殖计划生育的适当信息,以减少意外怀孕。关于使用避孕药具的任何决定都必须基于所用方法的功效和风险/收益比。世卫组织和疾病控制中心 (CDC) 都已为医疗提供者开发,发布和更新了针对特定慢性病患者使用避孕药的循证指南。本文概述了SCD妇女使用避孕药具的现有知识。我们相信,卫生保健专业人员 (血液学家、产科医生、内分泌医生和初级保健提供者) 之间的合作可以在确定更安全的避孕方法以消除意外怀孕的风险和保护SCD患者的健康状况方面发挥重要作用。
  • 【短效可逆避孕在青少年中的使用: 药丸,贴剂,环和紧急避孕。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.cppeds.2018.11.003 复制DOI
    作者列表:Saldanha N
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Long acting reversible contraception (LARC) is the recommend form of birth control for adolescents by both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, but the majority of adolescents continue to use short acting reversible contraception (SARC) such as the oral contraceptive pill, vaginal ring, and transdermal patch. For this reason, it is important for medical providers to be familiar with how to prescribe and manage SARC in adolescents, paying particular attention to which patients are eligible to use them, which benefits the methods have outside of contraception, what side effects to be aware of, and special considerations for adolescents. Many adolescents will choose not to use any form of hormonal contraception-thus having a knowledge about and comfort with use of emergency contraception is of equal importance.
    背景与目标: : 长效可逆避孕 (LARC) 是美国儿科学会和美国妇产科大会推荐的青少年节育形式,但大多数青少年继续使用短效可逆避孕 (SARC),如口服避孕药、阴道环、和透皮贴剂。因此,对于医疗提供者来说,重要的是要熟悉如何在青少年中开出和管理SARC,特别注意哪些患者有资格使用它们,这些方法在避孕之外有哪些好处,需要注意的副作用以及青少年的特殊考虑。许多青少年将选择不使用任何形式的激素避孕-因此,对紧急避孕的了解和安慰具有同等重要的意义。
  • 【[急性间歇性卟啉症和口服避孕药.病例报告].】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Bianketti J,Lipniacka A,Szlendak U,Gregor A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Acute intermittent porphyria is the most common type of porphyria occurring in Poland. Its characteristic feature is periods of remissions and aggravations. Aggravation or an attack of the disease is caused by many endogenous and exogenous factors, among others by hormonal contraceptives. CASE REPORT:This article describes the case of an acute intermittent porphyria attack in a 28 years old female patient resulting from the use of a few, contraindicated drugs (metamizole, nospa, desogestrel in case of porphyria, urinary tract infection, as well as a spontaneous abortion two months earlier). The attack included abdominal pain, vomiting, reduction in muscle strength in limbs and it was complicated by seizures caused by hyponatraemia. High excess haem precursors in urine was observed. During hospitalization, the patient ceased to take harmful drugs and she was given haem arginate, glucose and symptomatic drugs, and she recovered completely. CONCLUSION:In the described case there were a few porphyrogenous factors whose action was observed, among which the most important was desogestrel. Due to this conclusion, a change in contraceptive therapy that would exclude hormonal contraception was suggested.
  • 【在Wistar白化病大鼠中,用risg进行血管内避孕后对白细胞和睾丸的遗传毒性评估,并通过DMSO和nahco 3逆转。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.reprotox.2012.11.005 复制DOI
    作者列表:Ansari AS,Alam I,Hussain M,Khan SR,Lohiya NK
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Evaluation of genotoxicity of RISUG® - a vas based contraceptive, was carried out in the present study. Animals were allotted into groups of sham operated control, vas occlusion with RISUG (5-7 μl) for 360 days and reversal by DMSO (250-500 μl) and 5% NaHCO₃ (500 μl). Blood samples and testis were collected at 360 days of vas occlusion and 90 days of vas occlusion reversal for comet analysis. Hydrogen peroxide induced samples were used as positive control. Olive moment, tail length and percentage DNA in tail were recorded with minimum variation in all groups for both leukocytes and testis. When compared with positive control the variation was highly significant for both 20 μM and 50 μM H₂O₂ (p<0.001). It is concluded that vas occlusion with RISUG at the contraceptive dose regimen is not associated with genotoxicity in leukocytes or the testis of pre- and post-reversal rats.
    背景与目标: : 利苏格的遗传毒性评价®-在本研究中进行了基于vas的避孕药。将动物分为假手术对照组,用ristug (5-7μl) 阻塞vas 360天,并通过DMSO (250-500 μ l) 和5% nahco (500 μ l) 逆转。在360天的vas闭塞和90天的vas闭塞逆转时收集血样和睾丸以进行彗星分析。过氧化氢诱导的样品用作阳性对照。在所有组中,白细胞和睾丸均记录了橄榄时刻,尾巴长度和尾巴中的DNA百分比,变化最小。当与阳性对照相比时,变化对于20μm和50μmh 2 o 2都非常显着 (p<0.001)。结论是,在避孕剂量方案下,ristug阻塞vas与逆转前后大鼠的白细胞或睾丸的遗传毒性无关。

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