• 【从参与式行动研究方法研究中风后社区生活和参与的障碍和支持。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1310/5X2G-V1Y1-TBK7-Q27E 复制DOI
    作者列表:Hammel J,Jones R,Gossett A,Morgan E
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :This participatory action research study focused on identifying community participation goals, barriers, and supports/strategies in partnership with people who have experienced a stroke. Goals demonstrate that participation is more than activity performance in context; instead, it relates to "being a part of" the community and having access to participation opportunities and supports. Results of community site audits from the first 20 participants document environmental (physical, cognitive, social) and system level barriers, as well as effective strategies for promoting participation via environmental modification and systems level changes. A consumer-directed, Web-based tool for documenting participation barriers and sharing strategies is discussed.
    背景与目标: : 这项参与性行动研究的重点是与中风患者合作,确定社区参与的目标,障碍和支持/策略。目标表明,参与不仅仅是活动绩效。相反,它与 “成为社区的一部分” 并获得参与机会和支持有关。前20名参与者的社区现场审核结果记录了环境 (物理,认知,社会) 和系统级障碍,以及通过环境修改和系统级变化促进参与的有效策略。讨论了一种以消费者为导向的基于Web的工具,用于记录参与障碍和共享策略。
  • 【监管公众还是监管公众?欧洲联盟对新兴卫生技术和公民参与的监管。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/medlaw/fws039 复制DOI
    作者列表:Flear ML,Pickersgill MD
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :'Citizen participation' includes various participatory techniques and is frequently viewed as an unproblematic and important social good when used as part of the regulation of the innovation and implementation of science and technology. This is perhaps especially evident in debates around 'anticipatory governance' or 'upstream engagement'. Here, we interrogate this thesis using the example of the European Union's regulation of emerging health technologies (such as nanotechnology). In this case, citizen participation in regulatory debate is concerned with innovative objects for medical application that are considered to be emergent or not yet concrete. Through synthesising insights from law, regulatory studies, critical theory, and science and technology studies, we seek to cast new light on the promises, paradoxes, and pitfalls of citizen participation as a tool or technology of regulation in itself. As such we aim to generate a new vantage point from which to view the values and sociotechnical imaginaries that are both 'designed-in' and 'designed-out' of citizen participation. In so doing, we show not only how publics (do not) regulate technologies, but also how citizens themselves are regulated through the techniques of participation.
    背景与目标: : “公民参与” 包括各种参与技术,当被用作科学技术创新和实施监管的一部分时,通常被视为毫无问题且重要的社会利益。这在围绕 “预期治理” 或 “上游参与” 的辩论中可能尤其明显。在这里,我们以欧盟对新兴卫生技术 (例如纳米技术) 的监管为例来质疑本论文。在这种情况下,公民参与监管辩论与医疗应用的创新对象有关,这些对象被认为是紧急的或尚未具体的。通过综合法律,监管研究,批判理论以及科学和技术研究的见解,我们寻求对公民参与本身作为监管工具或技术的承诺,悖论和陷阱的新认识。因此,我们的目标是产生一个新的有利位置,从中可以查看公民参与的 “设计” 和 “设计” 的价值观和社会技术想象力。在这样做的过程中,我们不仅展示了公众 (不) 如何监管技术,还展示了公民自己是如何通过参与技术来监管的。
  • 【与自我报告的谷物食品消费趋势相关的消费者态度和误解: 西澳大利亚成年人的横断面研究,1995 2012年。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/s12889-017-4511-5 复制DOI
    作者列表:Pollard CM,Pulker CE,Meng X,Scott JA,Denham FC,Solah VA,Kerr DA
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:The reasons for low adherence to cereal dietary guidelines are not well understood but may be related to knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and perceived barriers. This study aims to assess trends in cereal foods consumption, intention to change and factors associated with intake among Western Australian (WA) adults 18 to 64 years. METHOD:Cross-sectional data from the 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2009, and 2012 Nutrition Monitoring Survey Series involving 7044 adults were pooled. OUTCOME VARIABLES:types and amount of cereals (bread, rice, pasta, and breakfast cereal) eaten the day prior. Attitudes, knowledge, intentions, weight status and sociodemographic characteristics were measured. Descriptive statistics, multiple binary logistic and multinomial logistic regressions assess factors associated with consumption. RESULTS:Bread (78%) was the most commonly consumed cereal food. The proportion eating bread decreased across survey years (Odds Ratio OR = 0.31; 95% Confidence Interval; 0.24-0.40 in 2012 versus 1995), as did the amount (4.1 slices of bread in 1995 to 2.4 in 2012). The odds of consuming whole-grain cereal foods increased since 2009 (OR = 1.27; 1.02-1.58 versus 1995 p < 0.05). The likelihood of trying to eat less cereal food in the past year was greater in 2012 compared to 1995 (Relative Risk Ratio RRR 10.88; 6.81-17.4). Knowledge of cereal recommendations decreased over time (OR = 0.20; 0.15-0.27 in 2012 versus 1995 p < 0.001). Overweight and obese respondents were more likely than healthy weight respondents to have tried to eat less cereals (RRR 1.65; 1.22-2.24 and 1.88; 1.35-2.63 respectively). 'I already eat enough' was the main barrier (75% in 1995 to 84% in 2012 (p < 0.001)). CONCLUSIONS:WA adults are actively reducing the amount of cereal foods they eat and intake is associated with a misperception of adequacy of intake. Nutrition intervention is needed to increase awareness of the health benefits of cereal foods, particularly whole-grains, and to address barriers to incorporating them daily. TRIAL REGISTRATION:Not applicable.
  • 【获得ART治疗的社会经济差异以及增加消费者成本的政策的不同影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/humrep/det302 复制DOI
    作者列表:Chambers GM,Hoang VP,Illingworth PJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: STUDY QUESTION:What was the impact on access to assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment by different socioeconomic status (SES) groups after the introduction of a policy that increased patient out-of-pocket costs? SUMMARY ANSWER:After the introduction of a policy that increased out-of-pocket costs in Australia, all SES groups experienced a similar percentage reduction in fresh ART cycles per 1000 women of reproductive age. Higher SES groups experienced a progressively greater reduction in absolute numbers of fresh ART cycles due to existing higher levels of utilization. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY:Australia has supportive public funding arrangements for ARTs. Policies that substantially increase out-of-pocket costs for ART treatment create financial barriers to access and an overall reduction in utilization. Data from the USA suggests that disparities exist in access to ART treatment based on ethnicity, education level and income. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION:Time series analysis of utilization of ART, intrauterine insemination (IUI) and clomiphene citrate by women from varying SES groups before and after the introduction of a change in the level of public funding for ART. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS:Women undertaking fertility treatment in Australia between 2007 and 2010. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE:Women from higher SES quintiles use more ART treatment than those in lower SES quintiles, which likely reflects a greater ability to pay for treatment and a greater need for ART treatment as indicated by the trend to later childbearing. In 2009, 10.13 and 5.17 fresh ART cycles per 1000 women of reproductive age were performed in women in the highest and lowest SES quintiles respectively. In the 12 months after the introduction of a policy that increased out-of-pocket costs from ∼$1500 Australian dollars (€1000) to ∼$2500 (€1670) for a fresh IVF cycle, there was a 21-25% reduction in fresh ART cycles across all SES quintiles. The absolute reduction in fresh ART cycles in the highest SES quintile was double that in the lowest SES quintile. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION:In this study, SES was based on the average relative socioeconomic advantage and disadvantage of small geographic areas, and therefore may not reflect the SES of an individual. Additionally, the policy impact was limited to the 12 months following its introduction, and may not reflect longer term trends in ART treatment. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS:While financial barriers are an important obstacle to equitable access to ARTs, socioeconomic differences in utilization are likely to persist in countries with supportive public funding, due in part to differences in childbearing patterns and treatment seeking behaviour. Policy makers should be informed of the impact that changes in the level of cost subsidization have on access to ART treatment by different socioeconomic groups. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S):G.M.C. receives grant support to her institution from the Australian Government, Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Grant No LP1002165; ARC Linkage Grant Partner Organisations are IVFAustralia, Melbourne IVF and Queensland Fertility Group. V.P.H. is employed as an Economics Research Associate on the same grant. P.J.I. is Medical Director of the IVF Clinic, IVFAustralia and has a financial interest in the parent group, Virtus. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER:N/A.
  • 【老年配偶的精神卫生: 资源,抑郁,婚姻关系质量和社会参与的动态相互作用。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.3109/01612849009014544 复制DOI
    作者列表:Wright LK
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :This study demonstrates a conceptual linkage between exchange theory and psychoanalytic theory of depression. The effects of diminished resources and the dynamic relationships between depression, quality of the marital relationship, and social participation were investigated with a sample of 229 community residing, married older people (Duke Longitudinal Study) using a combined structural and measurement model with linear structural relations (LISREL) analysis. Findings are that some resources have direct effects on depression, marital quality, and social participation. However, it is through the pathway of depressive moods that ill health, retirement, and stress have their negative effects on the marital relationship. Depressive moods do affect social participation, but psychosomatic symptoms of depression do not affect the amount of social participation nor the marital relationship. Recognizing depressive moods as intervening variables is important because older people tend to deny feeling depressed. Without a conceptual linkage of exchange and depression theories, this pathway would not have been identified.
    背景与目标: : 这项研究证明了交换理论与抑郁症的精神分析理论之间的概念联系。资源减少的影响以及抑郁,婚姻关系质量和社会参与之间的动态关系,使用229社区居住,已婚老年人的样本 (Duke纵向研究),使用具有线性结构关系的组合结构和测量模型 (LISREL) 分析。研究结果表明,某些资源对抑郁症,婚姻质量和社会参与有直接影响。然而,正是通过抑郁情绪的途径,健康不良,退休和压力对婚姻关系产生负面影响。抑郁情绪确实会影响社会参与,但是抑郁的心身症状不会影响社会参与的数量,也不会影响婚姻关系。将抑郁情绪作为干预变量很重要,因为老年人倾向于否认感到沮丧。如果没有交换和抑郁理论的概念联系,就不会确定这一途径。
  • 【促进姑息治疗中的消费者声音: 探索使用消费者影响声明的可能性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/hex.12118 复制DOI
    作者列表:McConigley R,Shelby-James T,Currow DC
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:It can be difficult to engage consumers in health decision making. This is particularly so in the area of palliative care, where consumers are very unwell and are unlikely to become involved in long-term programmes that promote consumer input. This paper explores the possibility of using 'Consumer Impact Statements' to facilitate the inclusion of the viewpoint of people at the end of life in the process of policy and decision making, particularly in the area of subsidy of pharmaceuticals used in palliative care. SEARCH STRATEGY:A broad search was conducted to find information about the use of impact statements in any health field. The health literature and grey literature were searched to explore the use of Consumer Impact Statements to date. RESULTS:No papers were found describing the use of Consumer Impact Statements in the palliative care setting. Health impact assessment is used in the areas of environmental health and community health. Impact statements are less commonly used in other areas of health, especially policy development, and no formal description of a Consumer Impact Statement was found. DISCUSSION:There is considerable scope for developing the use of Consumer Impact Statements to promote the consumer viewpoint in health decision making, because it will allow people who are otherwise unlikely to contribute to the public debate to have their views heard by decision makers. CONCLUSION:The use of Consumer Impact Statements is particularly suited to palliative care, given that consumers are often otherwise unable to contribute to the public debate.
  • 【通过糖尿病自我管理教育和培训促进糖尿病相关公平: 现有的覆盖要求和增加参与的考虑因素。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1097/PHH.0000000000001109 复制DOI
    作者列表:Carr D,Kappagoda M,Boseman L,Cloud LK,Croom B
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :America is in the grips of a diabetes epidemic. Underserved communities disproportionately bear the burden of diabetes and associated harms. Diabetes self-management education and training (DSME/T) may help address the epidemic. By empowering patients to manage their diabetes, DSME/T improves health outcomes and reduces medical expenditures. However, participation in DSME/T remains low. Insurance coverage offers 1 approach for increasing participation in DSME/T. The impact of DSME/T insurance coverage on advancing diabetes-related health equity depends on which types of insurers must cover DSME/T and the characteristics of such coverage. We conducted a legal survey of DSME/T coverage requirements for private insurers, Medicaid programs, and Medicare, finding that substantial differences exist. Although 43 states require that private insurers cover DSME/T, only 30 states require such coverage for most or all Medicaid beneficiaries. Public health professionals and decision makers may find this analysis helpful in understanding and evaluating patterns and gaps in DSME/T coverage.
    背景与目标: : 美国正处于糖尿病流行的控制之中。服务不足的社区不成比例地承担着糖尿病和相关危害的负担。糖尿病自我管理教育和培训 (DSME/T) 可能有助于解决这一流行病。通过赋予患者管理糖尿病的能力,DSME/T改善了健康结果并减少了医疗支出。然而,对DSME/T的参与仍然很低。保险范围为增加对DSME/T的参与提供了一种方法。DSME/T保险承保范围对推进糖尿病相关健康公平的影响取决于哪些类型的保险公司必须承保DSME/T以及这种承保范围的特点。我们对私人保险公司、医疗补助计划和医疗保险的DSME/T保险要求进行了法律调查,发现存在实质性差异。尽管有43个州要求私人保险公司承保DSME/T,但只有30个州要求大多数或所有医疗补助受益人承保此类保险。公共卫生专业人员和决策者可能会发现此分析有助于理解和评估DSME/T覆盖范围的模式和差距。
  • 【牙周炎病例对照研究中的不参与和偏倚调整。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0722.2008.00567.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:López R,Frydenberg M,Baelum V
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Periodontal researchers frequently use case-control studies, but information on participation rates and the reasons for participation are often missing in the publications, thus hindering the assessment of the validity of those studies. A nested case-control study based on a well-defined population was used to (i) describe the patterns of participation; (ii) show how some associations can be biased; and (iii) illustrate how inverse probability weights can be applied to reduce bias. Differential subject participation was quantified using the ratio between participation for each level and the overall participation. Possible biased associations were illustrated using the odds ratios found for eligible and participant subjects. Finally, we used the estimated probability that an individual participates in the case-control study conditional on that individual's covariate pattern, as observed in the screening study to attempt bias reduction. Considerable differential participation was observed for selected factors, including age, annual tuitions and fees, parental income, and parental education. The strategy used for adjustment of bias resulted in some degree of bias reduction. These findings challenge the inferential validity of many studies on periodontitis. The design and conduct of these studies should aim to improve subject participation and must consider and minimize this potential source of bias.
    背景与目标: : 牙周研究人员经常使用病例对照研究,但是出版物中经常缺少有关参与率和参与原因的信息,因此阻碍了对这些研究有效性的评估。基于明确定义的人群的嵌套病例对照研究用于 (i) 描述参与模式; (ii) 显示某些关联如何产生偏差; (iii) 说明如何应用反向概率权重来减少偏差。使用每个级别的参与与总体参与之间的比率来量化受试者的不同参与。使用合格受试者和参与者受试者的比值比说明了可能的偏倚关联。最后,我们使用了在筛选研究中观察到的以个体的协变量模式为条件的个体参与病例对照研究的估计概率,以尝试减少偏倚。对于选定的因素,包括年龄,年度学费和费用,父母收入和父母教育,观察到相当大的参与程度。用于调整偏差的策略导致一定程度的偏差减少。这些发现挑战了许多牙周炎研究的推论有效性。这些研究的设计和实施应旨在提高受试者的参与度,并且必须考虑并最大程度地减少这种潜在的偏见来源。
  • 【在美国,直接面向消费者的广告对他汀类药物使用的影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1097/MLR.0000000000000752 复制DOI
    作者列表:Chang HY,Murimi I,Daubresse M,Qato DM,Emery SL,Alexander GC
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: IMPORTANCE:The value of direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) of prescription drugs is widely debated, as is the effect of DTCA on prescription sales and health care utilization. OBJECTIVE:We examined the association between DTCA intensity for statin medications and prescription sales and cholesterol-related health care utilization. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS:We conducted an ecological study for 75 designated market areas from 2005 to 2009 in the United States using linked data regarding televised DTCA volume, non-DTCA marketing and promotion, retail, mail order and long-term care prescription drug sales, prescription drug and ambulatory care health care utilization, and contextual factors such as health care density and socioeconomic status. Main outcomes and measures were volume of sales, number of dispensed prescriptions, and high cholesterol-related outpatient visits. Analyses were conducted in 2016. RESULTS:The intensity of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin ad exposures per household varied substantially across designated market areas. After adjustment for socioeconomic, demographic, and clinical characteristics, each 100-unit increase in advertisement viewership was associated with a 2.22% [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.30%-4.19%] increase in statin sales. Similar patterns were observed between DTCA and statin dispensing among the commercially insured. DTCA was associated with increases in high cholesterol-related outpatient visits among adults 18-45 years of age (3.15% increase in visits per 100-unit increase in viewership, 95% CI, 0.98%-5.37%) but not among those 46-65 years of age (0.51%, 95% CI, -1.49% to 2.55%). CONCLUSION:DTCA for statins is associated with increases in statin utilization and hyperlipidemia-related outpatient visits, especially for young adults.
  • 【比较视觉障碍儿童,听力障碍儿童和典型同龄人参加校外活动的情况。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.ridd.2013.05.049 复制DOI
    作者列表:Engel-Yeger B,Hamed-Daher S
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Hearing or visual impairments may negatively affect child's development and participation. Yet the literature about participation of children with hearing or visual impairments is insufficient. The present study aimed to compare participation patterns of children with visual impairments to those of children with hearing impairments and to typical peers and to examine the correlations between participation and socio-demographic parameters in each group. Participants were 70 children between the ages of 6-11: 25 with hearing impairments, 20 with visual impairments and 25 typical peers. All children filled the Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE). This self-report refers to participation in daily out of school activities. Children with hearing or visual impairments showed significant limited participation compared to typical peers, expressed in lower number of activities, lower participation intensity; more activities performed at home and with someone else. The limited participation was more emphasized among children with visual impairments. Socio-demographic variables (age, mother's education and socio-economic level) correlated with participation dimensions in both study groups. In conclusion, children with hearing or visual impairments may have restricted participation in out of school activities. Socio-demographic parameters may play a role in encouraging child's participation. Participation among these populations should be further studied in order to assist service providers to create intervention programs together with the child, for enhancing his/her inclusion in the community.
    背景与目标: : 听力或视力障碍可能会对儿童的发育和参与产生负面影响。然而,有关听力或视力障碍儿童参与的文献还不够。本研究旨在比较视力障碍儿童与听力障碍儿童和典型同龄人的参与模式,并研究每组参与与社会人口统计学参数之间的相关性。参与者为70名6-11岁的儿童: 25名听力障碍,20名视力障碍和25名典型同龄人。所有儿童都填写了儿童对参与和享受的评估 (CAPE)。此自我报告是指参加日常校外活动。与典型的同龄人相比,有听力或视力障碍的儿童的参与程度显着有限,表现为活动次数少,参与强度低; 在家里和与他人一起进行的活动更多。在视力障碍儿童中,有限的参与更为强调。两个研究组的社会人口统计学变量 (年龄,母亲的教育程度和社会经济水平) 与参与维度相关。总之,听力或视力障碍的儿童可能会限制参加校外活动。社会人口参数可能在鼓励儿童参与方面发挥作用。应进一步研究这些人群的参与,以协助服务提供者与儿童一起制定干预计划,以增强其在社区中的融入能力。
  • 【以消费者为基础的精神卫生教育人力源。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/BF01411073 复制DOI
    作者列表:Signell KA
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :This paper outlines a program for promoting mental health in the population by "giving away our skills" as mental health professionals. This kind of program can be started on a shoestring by a community mental health center, family service agency, or adult education program. It consists of teaching parent-child communication courses, with selected parents then becoming instructors to build a network of nonprofessional personpower. The paper explores strategies of setting up programs. It explores the shifting role of the professional toward a colleague relationship with nonprofessionals. Finally, it presents research on the program's effectiveness with parents and the impact on the lives and self-images of the nonprofessional instructors themselves.
    背景与目标: : 本文概述了通过 “放弃我们的技能” 作为精神卫生专业人员来促进人口精神卫生的计划。这种计划可以由社区精神卫生中心,家庭服务机构或成人教育计划开始。它包括教授亲子交流课程,然后由选定的父母成为讲师,以建立非专业的人格力量网络。本文探讨了项目设置的策略。它探讨了专业人员在与非专业人员建立同事关系方面的角色转变。最后,它介绍了该计划对父母的有效性以及对非专业教师本身的生活和自我形象的影响的研究。
  • 【对具有患者报告结果 (PROs) 的大型国家姑息治疗数据集的分析是否应仅限于患者参与度高的服务?一项基于注册的研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/s12904-020-00596-z 复制DOI
    作者列表:Hansen MB,Petersen MA,Ross L,Groenvold M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:There is an increased interest in the analysis of large, national palliative care data sets including patient reported outcomes (PROs). No study has investigated if it was best to include or exclude data from services with low response rates in order to obtain the patient reported outcomes most representative of the national palliative care population. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate whether services with low response rates should be excluded from analyses to prevent effects of possible selection bias. METHODS:Data from the Danish Palliative Care Database from 24,589 specialized palliative care admittances of cancer patients was included. Patients reported ten aspects of quality of life using the EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL-questionnaire. Multiple linear regression was performed to test if response rate was associated with the ten aspects of quality of life. RESULTS:The score of six quality of life aspects were significantly associated with response rate. However, in only two cases patients from specialized palliative care services with lower response rates (< 20.0%, 20.0-29.9%, 30.0-39.9%, 40.0-49.9% or 50.0-59.9) were feeling better than patients from services with high response rates (≥60%) and in both cases it was less than 2 points on a 0-100 scale. CONCLUSIONS:The study hypothesis, that patients from specialized palliative care services with lower response rates were reporting better quality of life than those from specialized palliative care services with high response rates, was not supported. This suggests that there is no reason to exclude data from specialized palliative care services with low response rates.
  • 【上肢可穿戴技术对提高成人中风幸存者活动和参与的有效性: 系统评价。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.2196/15981 复制DOI
    作者列表:Parker J,Powell L,Mawson S
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:With advances in technology, the adoption of wearable devices has become a viable adjunct in poststroke rehabilitation. Upper limb (UL) impairment affects up to 77% of stroke survivors impacting on their ability to carry out everyday activities. However, despite an increase in research exploring these devices for UL rehabilitation, little is known of their effectiveness. OBJECTIVE:This review aimed to assess the effectiveness of UL wearable technology for improving activity and participation in adult stroke survivors. METHODS:Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and randomized comparable trials of UL wearable technology for poststroke rehabilitation were included. Primary outcome measures were validated measures of activity and participation as defined by the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. Databases searched were MEDLINE, Web of Science (Core collection), CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library. The Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool was used to assess the methodological quality of the RCTs and the Downs and Black Instrument for the quality of non RCTs. RESULTS:In the review, we included 11 studies with collectively 354 participants at baseline and 323 participants at final follow-up including control groups and participants poststroke. Participants' stroke type and severity varied. Only 1 study found significant between-group differences for systems functioning and activity (P≤.02). The 11 included studies in this review had small sample sizes ranging from 5 to 99 participants at an average (mean) age of 57 years. CONCLUSIONS:This review has highlighted a number of reasons for insignificant findings in this area including low sample sizes and the appropriateness of the methodology for complex interventions. However, technology has the potential to measure outcomes, provide feedback, and engage users outside of clinical sessions. This could provide a platform for motivating stroke survivors to carry out more rehabilitation in the absence of a therapist, which could maximize recovery. TRIAL REGISTRATION:PROSPERO CRD42017057715; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=57715.
  • 【哥伦比亚太平洋沿岸社区参与的综合疟疾控制计划。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1590/s0102-311x2001000700019 复制DOI
    作者列表:Rojas W,Botero S,Garcia HI
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The study focuses on integrated malaria control in 23 communities on the Pacific Coast of Colombia, with several elements of an ecosystem approach to human health, including malaria-related sociopolitical, ecological, and economic factors. The program fostered community participation. The program presented here had 2 components: implementation and research. The first was conducted in 23 communities, 21 of which lacked adequate health services in terms of education, community participation, prompt diagnosis and complete treatment, and vector control. Research focused on specific vector control measures and the current national health services decentralization process. The project: 1) created a malaria prevention culture in the community; 2) avoided deaths from malaria (no fatal cases in the 3-year period, compared to 5-8 deaths a year previously); 3) avoided cases of cerebral malaria (no cases, as compared to 90-110 per year previously); 4) reduced malaria incidence by 45.36%; 5) decreased length of sick leave from 7.52 to 3.7 days; 6) established a permanent network of microscope technicians and 2-way radio communications; 7) integrated work by local, regional, and outside institutions; 8) demonstrated efficacy of insecticide-impregnated bednets to reduce malaria transmission.
    背景与目标: : 这项研究的重点是哥伦比亚太平洋沿岸23个社区的综合疟疾控制,其中包括生态系统方法对人类健康的若干要素,包括与疟疾有关的社会政治,生态和经济因素。该计划促进了社区参与。这里介绍的程序有两个组成部分: 实施和研究。第一次在23个社区进行,其中21个社区在教育、社区参与、及时诊断和全面治疗以及病媒控制方面缺乏适当的保健服务。研究的重点是特定的病媒控制措施和当前的国家卫生服务权力下放过程。该项目: 1) 在社区中建立了预防疟疾的文化; 2) 避免了疟疾死亡 (3年内没有致命病例,而前一年有5-8例死亡); 3) 避免了脑型疟疾病例 (没有病例,与以前的每年90-110相比); 4) 将疟疾发病率降低45.36%; 5) 将病假时间从7.52天减少到3.7天; 6) 建立了一个由显微镜技术人员和双向无线电通信组成的永久网络; 7) 由地方、区域、和外部机构; 8) 证明了杀虫剂浸渍蚊帐减少疟疾传播的功效。
  • 【腺苷挽救途径和环状AMP调节参与卵母细胞能量代谢。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-54693-y 复制DOI
    作者列表:Richani D,Lavea CF,Kanakkaparambil R,Riepsamen AH,Bertoldo MJ,Bustamante S,Gilchrist RB
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :A follicular spike in cyclic AMP (cAMP) and its subsequent degradation to AMP promotes oocyte maturation and ovulation. In vitro matured (IVM) oocytes do not receive the cAMP increase that occurs in vivo, and artificial elevation of cAMP in IVM cumulus-oocyte complexes improves oocyte developmental potential. This study examined whether mouse oocytes can use the cAMP degradation product AMP to generate ATP via the adenosine salvage pathway, and examined whether pharmacological elevation of cAMP in IVM cumulus-oocyte complexes alters ATP levels. Oocytes cultured with isotopic 13C5-AMP dose-dependently produced 13C5-ATP, however total cellular ATP remained constant. Pharmacological elevation of cAMP using forskolin and IBMX prior to IVM decreased oocyte ATP and ATP:ADP ratio, and promoted activity of the energy regulator AMPK. Conversely, cumulus cells exhibited higher ATP and no change in AMPK. Culture of oocytes without their cumulus cells or inhibition of their gap-junctional communication yielded lower oocyte 13C5-ATP, indicating that cumulus cells facilitate ATP production via the adenosine salvage pathway. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that mouse oocytes can generate ATP from AMP via the adenosine salvage pathway, and cAMP elevation alters adenine nucleotide metabolism and may provide AMP for energy production via the adenosine salvage pathway during the energetically demanding process of meiotic maturation.
    背景与目标: : 环状AMP (cAMP) 中的卵泡尖峰及其随后降解为AMP促进卵母细胞成熟和排卵。体外成熟 (IVM) 卵母细胞不接受体内发生的cAMP增加,而IVM卵丘-卵母细胞复合物中cAMP的人工升高可提高卵母细胞的发育潜力。这项研究检查了小鼠卵母细胞是否可以使用cAMP降解产物AMP通过腺苷挽救途径产生ATP,并检查了IVM卵丘-卵母细胞复合物中cAMP的药理学升高是否会改变ATP水平。用同位素13C5-AMP培养的卵母细胞剂量依赖性产生13C5-ATP,但是总细胞ATP保持恒定。在IVM之前使用forskolin和IBMX对cAMP进行药理提升会降低卵母细胞的ATP和ATP:ADP比率,并促进能量调节剂AMPK的活性。相反,卵丘细胞表现出更高的ATP,而AMPK没有变化。没有卵丘细胞或抑制其间隙连接通讯的卵母细胞培养产生较低的卵母细胞13C5-ATP,表明卵丘细胞通过腺苷挽救途径促进ATP的产生。总之,这项研究表明,小鼠卵母细胞可以通过腺苷挽救途径从AMP产生ATP,而cAMP升高会改变腺嘌呤核苷酸的代谢,并可能在减数分裂成熟的能量需求过程中通过腺苷挽救途径为能量产生提供AMP。

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