• 【鸟枪对蜂蜜DNA的测序可以描述蜜蜂衍生的环境特征和蜜蜂的基因组复杂性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-66127-1 复制DOI
    作者列表:Bovo S,Utzeri VJ,Ribani A,Cabbri R,Fontanesi L
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Honey bees are large-scale monitoring tools due to their extensive environmental exploration. In their activities and from the hive ecosystem complex, they get in close contact with many organisms whose traces can be transferred into the honey, which can represent an interesting reservoir of environmental DNA (eDNA) signatures and information useful to analyse the honey bee hologenome complexity. In this study, we tested a deep shotgun sequencing approach of honey DNA coupled with a specifically adapted bioinformatic pipeline. This methodology was applied to a few honey samples pointing out DNA sequences from 191 organisms spanning different kingdoms or phyla (viruses, bacteria, plants, fungi, protozoans, arthropods, mammals). Bacteria included the largest number of species. These multi-kingdom signatures listed common hive and honey bee gut microorganisms, honey bee pathogens, parasites and pests, which resembled a complex interplay that might provide a general picture of the honey bee pathosphere. Based on the Apis mellifera filamentous virus genome diversity (the most abundant detected DNA source) we obtained information that could define the origin of the honey at the apiary level. Mining Apis mellifera sequences made it possible to identify the honey bee subspecies both at the mitochondrial and nuclear genome levels.
    背景与目标: : 蜜蜂由于其广泛的环境探索而成为大型监测工具。在他们的活动和蜂巢生态系统综合体中,他们与许多生物密切接触者,这些生物的痕迹可以转移到蜂蜜中,这可以代表一个有趣的环境DNA (eDNA) 特征库,以及有助于分析蜜蜂hologenome复杂性的信息。在这项研究中,我们测试了蜂蜜DNA的深度shot弹枪测序方法,并结合了专门适应的生物信息学管道。该方法应用于一些蜂蜜样品,指出来自跨越不同王国或门 (病毒、细菌、植物、真菌、原生动物、节肢动物、哺乳动物) 的191生物的DNA序列。细菌包括最多的物种。这些多王国的特征列出了常见的蜂巢和蜜蜂肠道微生物,蜜蜂病原体,寄生虫和害虫,它们类似于复杂的相互作用,可能提供了蜜蜂病态的一般情况。基于蜜蜂丝状病毒的基因组多样性 (检测到的最丰富的DNA来源),我们获得了可以在蜂场水平上定义蜂蜜起源的信息。挖掘Apis mellifera序列可以在线粒体和核基因组水平上鉴定蜜蜂亚种。
  • 【有和没有发育协调障碍的儿童步态复杂性和变异性的差异。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2008.08.005 复制DOI
    作者列表:Rosengren KS,Deconinck FJ,Diberardino LA 3rd,Polk JD,Spencer-Smith J,De Clercq D,Lenoir M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :We used elliptical Fourier analysis (EFA) to examine potential differences in the complexity and variability of gait of children with (N=10) and without (N=10) Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Children with DCD generated movement patters with larger variability and complexity than typically developing (TD) children. In addition, children with DCD exhibited greater asymmetry in their movement patterns compared to TD children. Our results suggest that children with DCD have significantly greater difficulty producing consistent movement patterns both across their left and right legs and over repeated strides. EFA techniques show promise for distinguishing between different groups of individuals.
    背景与目标: : 我们使用椭圆傅立叶分析 (EFA) 来检查有 (N = 10) 和没有 (N = 10) 发育协调障碍 (DCD) 的儿童步态复杂性和变异性的潜在差异。与典型的发育 (TD) 儿童相比,患有DCD的儿童产生的运动模式具有更大的变异性和复杂性。此外,与TD儿童相比,DCD儿童的运动方式表现出更大的不对称性。我们的结果表明,患有DCD的儿童在左腿和右腿以及反复跨步时产生一致的运动模式的难度明显更大。全民教育技术显示出区分不同群体的希望。
  • 【跨景观的时空复杂性对生物控制的影响: 综述。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.cois.2017.02.004 复制DOI
    作者列表:Cohen AL,Crowder DW
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Biological control is affected by the composition of landscapes surrounding agricultural fields. Natural enemy communities are typically more diverse, and effective at providing biological control services, in complex compared to simple landscapes. However, the use of simple metrics to characterize landscapes, such as the proportion of agricultural habitat, obscures the mechanisms by which landscapes affect biological control. Studies that evaluate the overall complexity of agricultural landscapes, and their temporal variability, allow for a greater mechanistic understanding of the impacts of landscape composition on biological control. From an applied perspective, decision support systems, which deliver real-time information about pest and natural enemy populations, are an effective tool for delivering recommendations to strengthen biological control across space and time.
    背景与目标: : 生物防治受农田周围景观组成的影响。与简单的景观相比,在复杂的环境中,天敌社区通常更加多样化,并且在提供生物防治服务方面有效。但是,使用简单的指标来表征景观,例如农业栖息地的比例,掩盖了景观影响生物控制的机制。评估农业景观的整体复杂性及其时间可变性的研究,可以更好地了解景观组成对生物控制的影响。从应用的角度来看,提供有关害虫和天敌种群的实时信息的决策支持系统是提供建议以加强时空生物控制的有效工具。
  • 【将方案复杂性与临床研究现场的资源管理和容量规划相协调。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s43441-020-00120-8 复制DOI
    作者列表:Morin DJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Clinical research sites conduct trials with diverse complexities, timelines, and ever-changing workloads. Though the principal investigator (PI) is ultimately responsible for the content and conduct of trials, they rely heavily on site staff to successfully enroll and complete studies following good clinical practice (GCP) Guidelines. The mainstays of the site workforce are the clinical research coordinators (CRCs) to whom the trials are assigned. These CRCs work on many studies concurrently. Managing study assignments and workload is a difficult task that requires knowledge of the trial complexity, expected enrollment, and many other factors affecting performance. METHODS:Traditional methods for allocating workload to site staff quantitate trial complexity and estimate work hours by factoring in the number of trial participants. However, this does not account for the effects of associated workload or variability in staff attributes. It also neglects other factors that affect performance and assumes maximum enrollment and completion of the trial by all participants. This article introduces a novel approach that determines the effects of protocol complexity on CRC productivity without effort tracking. These metrics permit an assessment of how the CRC's performance is affected by the number of studies assigned. RESULTS:By understanding the effects of workload allocation on CRC productivity and capacity, the site manager can use an algorithmic approach toward improving performance. The process takes into account factors that are both within and outside the control of the site manager. CONCLUSION:Sites may benefit from analytics that measures how CRCs adapt to the effects of study complexity on cumulative workloads over time. Optimizing productivity also means conforming to GCP Guidelines and avoiding staff burnout. As studies become increasingly difficult, site managers need tools to manage complexity and balance workloads among staff.
  • 【经皮冠状动脉介入治疗中冠状动脉病变复杂性的影响: 大型多中心e-ultimmaster注册的一年结果。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.4244/EIJ-D-20-00361 复制DOI
    作者列表:Mohamed MO,Polad J,Hildick-Smith D,Bizeau O,Baisebenov RK,Roffi M,Íñiguez-Romo A,Chevalier B,von Birgelen C,Roguin A,Aminian A,Angioi M,Mamas MA
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: AIMS:The present study sought to examine the prevalence, clinical characteristics and one-year outcomes of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to complex lesions (multivessel PCI, ≥3 stents, ≥3 lesions, bifurcation with ≥2 stents, total stent length >60 mm or chronic total occlusion [CTO]) in a prospective multicentre registry. METHODS AND RESULTS:Using the e-Ultimaster multicentre registry, a post hoc subgroup analysis was performed on 35,839 patients undergoing PCI, stratified by procedure complexity, and further by number and type of complex features. Overall, complex PCI patients (n=9,793, 27.3%) were older, more comorbid and were associated with an increased hazard ratio (HR) of the composite endpoint at one year (target lesion failure [TLF]: 1.41 [1.25; 1.59]), driven by an increased hazard of cardiac death (1.28 [1.05; 1.55]), target vessel myocardial infarction (1.48 [1.18; 1.86]) and clinically driven target lesion revascularisation. The hazard of complications increased with the rising number of complex features (3-6 vs 1-2 vs none) for all outcomes. All individual complex features were associated with an increased hazard of composite complications (except CTO) and definite/probable stent thrombosis. CONCLUSIONS:Overall, complex PCI is associated with an increased risk of mortality and complications at one year. The number and types of complex features have differing impacts on long-term outcomes.
  • 【景天酸代谢: 表达的可塑性,控制的复杂性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1071/FP02091 复制DOI
    作者列表:Holtum JAM
    背景与目标: -2
  • 【人类概念学习中布尔复杂性的最小化。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/35036586 复制DOI
    作者列表:Feldman J
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :One of the unsolved problems in the field of human concept learning concerns the factors that determine the subjective difficulty of concepts: why are some concepts psychologically simple and easy to learn, while others seem difficult, complex or incoherent? This question was much studied in the 1960s but was never answered, and more recent characterizations of concepts as prototypes rather than logical rules leave it unsolved. Here I investigate this question in the domain of Boolean concepts (categories defined by logical rules). A series of experiments measured the subjective difficulty of a wide range of logical varieties of concepts (41 mathematically distinct types in six families--a far wider range than has been tested previously). The data reveal a surprisingly simple empirical 'law': the subjective difficulty of a concept is directly proportional to its Boolean complexity (the length of the shortest logically equivalent propositional formula)--that is, to its logical incompressibility.
    背景与目标: : 人类概念学习领域中尚未解决的问题之一涉及决定概念主观难度的因素: 为什么有些概念在心理上简单易学,而另一些则看起来困难、复杂或不连贯?20世纪60年代对这个问题进行了大量研究,但从未得到回答,并且最近将概念描述为原型而不是逻辑规则,这使它无法解决。在这里,我在布尔概念 (由逻辑规则定义的类别) 的领域中研究这个问题。一系列实验测量了各种逻辑概念的主观难度 (六个家族中有41种数学上不同的类型-比以前测试的范围要大得多)。数据揭示了一个令人惊讶的简单经验 “定律”: 概念的主观难度与其布尔复杂度 (最短的逻辑等价命题公式的长度) 成正比,即与其逻辑不可压缩性成正比。
  • 【骨髓造血干细胞生态位的细胞复杂性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s00223-013-9805-8 复制DOI
    作者列表:Calvi LM,Link DC
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The skeleton serves as the principal site for hematopoiesis in adult terrestrial vertebrates. The function of the hematopoietic system is to maintain homeostatic levels of all circulating blood cells, including myeloid cells, lymphoid cells, red blood cells, and platelets. This action requires the daily production of more than 500 billion blood cells. The vast majority of these cells are synthesized in the bone marrow, where they arise from a limited number of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that are multipotent and capable of extensive self-renewal. These attributes of HSCs are best demonstrated by marrow transplantation, where even a single HSC can repopulate the entire hematopoietic system. HSCs are therefore adult stem cells capable of multilineage repopulation, poised between cell fate choices which include quiescence, self-renewal, differentiation, and apoptosis. While HSC fate choices are in part determined by multiple stochastic fluctuations of cell autonomous processes, according to the niche hypothesis, signals from the microenvironment are also likely to determine stem cell fate. While it had long been postulated that signals within the bone marrow could provide regulation of hematopoietic cells, it is only in the past decade that advances in flow cytometry and genetic models have allowed for a deeper understanding of the microenvironmental regulation of HSCs. In this review, we will highlight the cellular regulatory components of the HSC niche.
    背景与目标: : 骨骼是成年陆生脊椎动物造血的主要部位。造血系统的功能是维持所有循环血细胞的稳态水平,包括髓样细胞,淋巴样细胞,红细胞和血小板。这一行动需要每天生产5000亿多个血细胞。这些细胞中的绝大多数是在骨髓中合成的,它们是由数量有限的造血干细胞 (hsc) 产生的,这些造血干细胞是多能的并且能够广泛的自我更新。骨髓移植可以最好地证明HSC的这些特性,即使单个HSC也可以重新填充整个造血系统。因此,hsc是能够多谱系再增殖的成体干细胞,在包括静止,自我更新,分化和凋亡在内的细胞命运选择之间保持平衡。尽管HSC命运的选择部分取决于细胞自主过程的多种随机波动,但根据利基假说,来自微环境的信号也可能决定干细胞命运。尽管长期以来一直假设骨髓中的信号可以提供造血细胞的调节,但直到过去十年,流式细胞术和遗传模型的进步才使人们对HSCs的微环境调节有了更深入的了解。在这篇综述中,我们将重点介绍HSC生态位的细胞调节成分。
  • 【任务复杂性对初次右全膝关节置换术前后制动响应时间的影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.apmr.2007.10.025 复制DOI
    作者列表:Marques CJ,Cabri J,Barreiros J,Carita AI,Friesecke C,Loehr JF
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:To study the effects of an increase in task complexity on brake response time (BRT) in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA). DESIGN:A prospective repeated-measures design was used. The measurements took place 1 day before and 10 and 30 days after surgery. SETTING:Clinic. PARTICIPANTS:The data of patients (N=21) who were admitted for primary total arthroplasty of the right knee were pooled for analysis. INTERVENTIONS:On each measurement day patients performed 5 practice and 10 test trials for 2 tasks (1 simple, 1 complex) in a car simulator. Task complexity was increased by adding a second movement to the first task performed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:BRT, reaction time (RT), and movement time were assessed. RESULTS:An increase in task complexity increased BRT, RT, and movement time at all measurement times. Right TKA increased BRT by increasing movement time. Thirty days after surgery BRT was no longer increased compared with preoperative values in both tasks. CONCLUSIONS:Task complexity consistently increased BRT and its components. The effects of task complexity remained constant throughout the 3 measurements. After right TKA, we suggest patients should be advised to wait 30 days after surgery before resuming driving.
  • 10 Complexity of minor histocompatibility loci. 复制标题 收藏 收藏

    【次要组织相容性基因座的复杂性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/0198-8859(85)90230-7 复制DOI
    作者列表:Click RE
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Allografts can be rejected as a result of major histocompatibility antigen disparity or as a result of differences at any of a number of minor histocompatibility antigens. In many cases, rejection due to multiple minor histoincompatibility is as difficult to control as that induced by major histoincompatibility. Although an understanding of the molecular, biochemical, and functional parameters of the major histocompatibility loci and their products is increasing at an exponential rate, little is known about these same facets of minor histocompatibility loci and their products. It is generally accepted that minor histocompatibility loci in the murine model have a degree of polymorphism similar to that of H-2K or H-2D. This conclusion was based on typing alleles by the classic F1-skin graft test. Based on these allelic assignments, numerous unexpected findings of CTL specificity were made. Therefore, a systematic analysis was made comparing CTL specificity, F1-complementation, and allograft rejection. Based on these three parameters, the data presented using strains of mice that were bred to, and therefore presumed to, differ only at H-3 indicate that the antigen disparity of these congenic strains and the parental B10 strain as defined by CTL specificity and skin graft rejection is much more complex than originally described. One especially interesting chromosomal region is H-3/beta 2-microglobulin in the fifth linkage group of chromosome 2. Using CTL, ten specificities are defined, three of which appear to be specific for beta 2-microglobulin-A, -B, and -C. These findings raise the question of whether any minor histocompatibility locus is polymorphic or is instead a composite of multiple minor H-loci which are masquerading as a single locus.
    背景与目标: : 同种异体移植物可以由于主要的组织相容性抗原差异或许多次要组织相容性抗原的差异而被排斥。在许多情况下,由于多个次要组织相容性引起的排斥与主要组织相容性引起的排斥一样难以控制。尽管对主要组织相容性基因座及其产物的分子,生化和功能参数的了解正在以指数速度增长,但对次要组织相容性基因座及其产物的这些相同方面知之甚少。人们普遍认为,鼠模型中的次要组织相容性基因座具有与H-2K或H-2D相似的多态性程度。该结论基于经典F1-skin移植试验对等位基因进行分型。基于这些等位基因分配,获得了许多意外的CTL特异性发现。因此,进行了比较CTL特异性,F1-complementation和同种异体移植排斥反应的系统分析。基于这三个参数,使用育成并且因此推测仅在H-3上有所不同的小鼠品系提供的数据表明,这些同系品系和亲本B10品系的抗原差异 (如由CTL特异性和皮肤移植物排斥定义) 比最初描述的要复杂得多。一个特别有趣的染色体区域是2号染色体第五连锁群中的H-3/β2-微球蛋白。使用CTL,定义了十种特异性,其中三种似乎对 β2-微球蛋白-a,-B和-C具有特异性。这些发现提出了一个问题,即任何次要组织相容性基因座是多态的,还是伪装成单个基因座的多个次要H基因座的复合物。
  • 【行为灵活性是认知复杂性的证据吗?进化如何为比较认知提供信息。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1098/rsfs.2016.0121 复制DOI
    作者列表:Mikhalevich I,Powell R,Logan C
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Behavioural flexibility is often treated as the gold standard of evidence for more sophisticated or complex forms of animal cognition, such as planning, metacognition and mindreading. However, the evidential link between behavioural flexibility and complex cognition has not been explicitly or systematically defended. Such a defence is particularly pressing because observed flexible behaviours can frequently be explained by putatively simpler cognitive mechanisms. This leaves complex cognition hypotheses open to 'deflationary' challenges that are accorded greater evidential weight precisely because they offer putatively simpler explanations of equal explanatory power. This paper challenges the blanket preference for simpler explanations, and shows that once this preference is dispensed with, and the full spectrum of evidence-including evolutionary, ecological and phylogenetic data-is accorded its proper weight, an argument in support of the prevailing assumption that behavioural flexibility can serve as evidence for complex cognitive mechanisms may begin to take shape. An adaptive model of cognitive-behavioural evolution is proposed, according to which the existence of convergent trait-environment clusters in phylogenetically disparate lineages may serve as evidence for the same trait-environment clusters in other lineages. This, in turn, could permit inferences of cognitive complexity in cases of experimental underdetermination, thereby placing the common view that behavioural flexibility can serve as evidence for complex cognition on firmer grounds.
    背景与目标: : 行为灵活性通常被视为更复杂或复杂的动物认知形式 (例如计划,元认知和思维阅读) 的黄金证据标准。但是,行为灵活性与复杂认知之间的证据联系尚未得到明确或系统的辩护。这种防御特别紧迫,因为观察到的灵活行为通常可以用简单的认知机制来解释。这使复杂的认知假设对 “通缩” 挑战开放,而这些挑战恰恰是因为它们提供了对同等解释力的简单解释,因此被赋予了更大的证据权重。本文对笼统的偏好提出了更简单的解释,并表明,一旦取消了这种偏好,并且包括进化,生态和系统发育数据在内的所有证据都被赋予了适当的权重,支持行为灵活性可以作为复杂认知机制证据的普遍假设的论点可能开始形成。提出了一种认知行为进化的适应性模型,根据该模型,在系统发育上不同的谱系中存在收敛的性状环境簇可以作为其他谱系中相同性状环境簇的证据。反过来,这可以允许在实验确定不足的情况下推断认知的复杂性,从而提出了一种普遍的观点,即行为灵活性可以在更坚定的基础上作为复杂认知的证据。
  • 【男性中碳水化合物的复杂性和血清FSH亚型的比例: 基于凝集素的研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.mce.2006.01.020 复制DOI
    作者列表:Campo S,Ambao V,Creus S,Gottlieb S,Fernandez Vera G,Benencia H,Bergadá C
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :FSH is synthesized and secreted in multiple molecular forms with different oligosaccharide structures which are needed for full expression of biological activity. GnRH and sex steroids modulate oligosaccharide structure and composition. In the present study we have assessed the carbohydrate complexity and proportion of circulating FSH isoforms during puberty, aging and after androgen administration to pubertal anorchid boys. Preparative isoelectrofocusing and lectin chromatography were used to isolate FSH isoforms on the basis of charge and internal carbohydrate complexity. Differences in sialic acid content and a progressive increase of isoforms bearing highly branched oligosaccharides were found during puberty. Less acidic, more bioactive FSH isoforms, secreted at mid-puberty may modulate important maturational events in the Sertoli cell population. Androgen administration to pubertal anorchid boys favoured the secretion of this type of isoforms. In adult men, the predominance of FSH isoforms bearing complex type oligosaccharides remained unchanged until very advanced age. These results show that the predominance of FSH isoforms bearing fully processed oligosaccharides in circulation may contribute to the development and maintenance of seminiferous epithelium function in men.
    背景与目标: : FSH以多种分子形式合成和分泌,具有不同的寡糖结构,是完全表达生物活性所必需的。GnRH和性类固醇调节寡糖的结构和组成。在本研究中,我们评估了青春期,衰老和对青春期anorchid男孩施用雄激素后的碳水化合物复杂性和循环FSH亚型的比例。根据电荷和内部碳水化合物的复杂性,使用制备性等电聚焦和凝集素色谱法分离FSH亚型。在青春期发现唾液酸含量的差异和带有高度分支寡糖的同工型的逐渐增加。青春期中期分泌的酸性较弱,生物活性较强的FSH亚型可能会调节Sertoli细胞群体中的重要成熟事件。对青春期男孩的雄激素给药有利于这种亚型的分泌。在成年男性中,带有复杂类型寡糖的FSH亚型的优势一直保持不变,直到非常高龄。这些结果表明,在循环中具有完全加工的寡糖的FSH亚型的优势可能有助于男性生精上皮功能的发展和维持。
  • 【儿童听觉事件相关电位指数声音复杂性和 “速度”。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.3109/00207450108986536 复制DOI
    作者列表:Ceponiene R,Shestakova A,Balan P,Alku P,Yiaguchi K,Näätänen R
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Children's long-latency auditory event-related potential (LLAEP) structure differs from that of adults. Functional significance of childhood ERP components is largely unknown. In order to look for the functional correlates in adult and children's LLAEPs, stimulus-complexity effects were investigated in 8-10-year old children. To this end, auditory ERPs to vowels, acoustically matched complex tones, and sinusoidal tones were recorded. All types of stimuli elicited P100-N250-N450 ERP complex. Differences between the sinusoidal and complex tones were confined to the P100 and N250 peaks, complex tones eliciting larger responses. Vowels elicited smaller-amplitude N250 but larger-amplitude N450 than the complex tones. Some stimulus-complexity effects observed for N250 in children corresponded to those observed for the N1 in adults, whereas the N450 peak exhibited behaviour resembling that of the adult ERP components subsequent to the N1 wave.
    背景与目标: : 儿童的长潜伏期听觉事件相关电位 (LLAEP) 结构与成人不同。儿童ERP组件的功能意义在很大程度上是未知的。为了寻找成人和儿童LLAEPs的功能相关性,对8-10岁儿童的刺激复杂性影响进行了研究。为此,记录了听觉ERPs到元音,声学匹配的复杂音调和正弦音调。所有类型的刺激都P100-N250-N450 ERP复合体引起。正弦音调和复音之间的差异仅限于P100和N250峰,复音引起更大的响应。与复杂音调相比,元音引起的振幅N250较小,但振幅N450较大。在儿童中观察到的N250的一些刺激复杂性效应与在成人中观察到的N1的刺激复杂性效应相对应,而N450峰的行为类似于N1波之后的成人ERP组件的行为。
  • 【解构复杂性: 海马苔藓纤维突触的连续块面电子显微镜分析。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1600-12.2013 复制DOI
    作者列表:Wilke SA,Antonios JK,Bushong EA,Badkoobehi A,Malek E,Hwang M,Terada M,Ellisman MH,Ghosh A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The hippocampal mossy fiber (MF) terminal is among the largest and most complex synaptic structures in the brain. Our understanding of the development of this morphologically elaborate structure has been limited because of the inability of standard electron microscopy techniques to quickly and accurately reconstruct large volumes of neuropil. Here we use serial block-face electron microscopy (SBEM) to surmount these limitations and investigate the establishment of MF connectivity during mouse postnatal development. Based on volume reconstructions, we find that MF axons initially form bouton-like specializations directly onto dendritic shafts, that dendritic protrusions primarily arise independently of bouton contact sites, and that a dramatic increase in presynaptic and postsynaptic complexity follows the association of MF boutons with CA3 dendritic protrusions. We also identify a transient period of MF bouton filopodial exploration, followed by refinement of sites of synaptic connectivity. These observations enhance our understanding of the development of this highly specialized synapse and illustrate the power of SBEM to resolve details of developing microcircuits at a level not easily attainable with conventional approaches.
    背景与目标: : 海马苔藓纤维 (MF) 末端是大脑中最大,最复杂的突触结构之一。由于标准电子显微镜技术无法快速准确地重建大量神经纤维,因此我们对这种形态精细结构的发展的理解受到限制。在这里,我们使用连续块面电子显微镜 (SBEM) 克服这些限制,并研究小鼠出生后发育过程中MF连接的建立。基于体积重建,我们发现MF轴突最初直接在树枝状轴上形成类似bouton的特化,树枝状突起主要独立于bouton接触部位产生,并且突触前和突触后复杂性的急剧增加伴随着MF bouton与CA3树枝状突起的关联。我们还确定了MF bouton丝状探索的瞬态,然后完善了突触连接位点。这些观察结果增强了我们对这种高度专业化的突触发展的理解,并说明了SBEM在传统方法难以达到的水平上解决微电路开发细节的能力。
  • 【招潮蟹的分子系统发育分析: 对进化中行为复杂性增加的假设的检验。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1073/pnas.93.20.10855 复制DOI
    作者列表:Sturmbauer C,Levinton JS,Christy J
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The current phylogenetic hypothesis for the evolution and biogeography of fiddler crabs relies on the assumption that complex behavioral traits are assumed to also be evolutionary derived. Indo-west Pacific fiddler crabs have simpler reproductive social behavior and are more marine and were thought to be ancestral to the more behaviorally complex and more terrestrial American species. It was also hypothesized that the evolution of more complex social and reproductive behavior was associated with the colonization of the higher intertidal zones. Our phylogenetic analysis, based upon a set of independent molecular characters, however, demonstrates how widely entrenched ideas about evolution and biogeography led to a reasonable, but apparently incorrect, conclusion about the evolutionary trends within this pantropical group of crustaceans. Species bearing the set of "derived traits" are phylogenetically ancestral, suggesting an alternative evolutionary scenario: the evolution of reproductive behavioral complexity in fiddler crabs may have arisen multiple times during their evolution. The evolution of behavioral complexity may have arisen by coopting of a series of other adaptations for high intertidal living and antipredator escape. A calibration of rates of molecular evolution from populations on either side of the Isthmus of Panama suggest a sequence divergence rate for 16S rRNA of 0.9% per million years. The divergence between the ancestral clade and derived forms is estimated to be approximately 22 million years ago, whereas the divergence between the American and Indo-west Pacific is estimated to be approximately 17 million years ago.
    背景与目标: : 当前有关招潮蟹进化和生物地理学的系统发育假说依赖于这样的假设,即复杂的行为特征被认为也是进化衍生的。印度西太平洋招潮蟹的繁殖社会行为更简单,更海洋,被认为是行为更复杂,更陆生的美洲物种的祖先。还假设更复杂的社会和生殖行为的演变与潮间带较高的定殖有关。然而,我们基于一组独立的分子特征进行的系统发育分析表明,关于进化和生物地理学的根深蒂固的思想如何导致对这一泛型甲壳类动物的进化趋势得出合理但显然不正确的结论。具有一系列 “衍生特征” 的物种是系统发育的祖先,这表明了另一种进化方案: 招潮蟹的生殖行为复杂性的进化可能在进化过程中出现了多次。行为复杂性的演变可能是通过对潮间带生活和反捕食者逃逸的一系列其他适应进行合作而引起的。对巴拿马地峡两侧种群分子进化速率的校准表明,16S rRNA的序列发散速率为每百万年0.9%。祖先进化枝和衍生形式之间的差异估计约为2200万年前,而美洲和印度西太平洋之间的差异估计约为1700万年前。

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