• 【急性呼吸窘迫综合征: 全国23年来发病率、治疗和死亡率的变化。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/aas.12001 复制DOI
    作者列表:Sigurdsson MI,Sigvaldason K,Gunnarsson TS,Moller A,Sigurdsson GH
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: INTRODUCTION:The aim of this study was to assess population-based changes in incidence, treatment, and in short- and long-term survival of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) over 23 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS:Analysis of all patients in Iceland who fulfilled the consensus criteria for ARDS in 1988-2010. Demographic variables, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) scores and ventilation parameters were collected from hospital charts. RESULTS:The age-standardised incidence of ARDS during the study period was 7.2 cases per 100,000 person-years and was increased by 0.2 cases per year (P < 0.001). The most common causes of ARDS were pneumonia (29%) and sepsis (29%). The use of pressure-controlled ventilation became almost dominant from 1993. The peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) has significantly decreased (-0.5 cmH(2) O/year), but the peak end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) has increased (0.1 cmH(2) O/year) during the study period. The hospital mortality decreased by 1% per year (P = 0.03) during the study period, from 50% in 1988-1992 to 33% in 2006-2010. A multivariable logistic regression model revealed that higher age and APACHE II score increased the odds of hospital mortality, while a higher calendar year of diagnosis reduced the odds of mortality. This was unchanged when dominant respiratory treatment, PIP and PEEP were added to the model. The 10-year survival of ARDS survivors was 68% compared with 90% survival of a reference population (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION:The incidence of ARDS has almost doubled, but hospital mortality has decreased during the 23 years of observation. The 10-year survival of ARDS survivors is poor compared with the reference population.
  • 【双胎妊娠的胎儿生长和围产儿死亡率-病假和住院的影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/0020-7292(85)90054-2 复制DOI
    作者列表:Erkkola R,Ala-Mello S,Kero P,Sillanpää M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Fetal growth, birth weight specific mortality rates and effect of sick leave or hospitalization on the fetal growth were investigated in a material of 476 twin pregnancies managed at University Central Hospital of Turku in years 1970-81. Birth weights of twin babies at any gestational age were slightly but not significantly higher than in earlier materials. When compared to growth curve of singleton fetuses, the growth rate of both twins is equal to singletons up to 30th week of pregnancy, being thereafter slower than in singleton pregnancies. Although duration of sick leave and hospitalization increased considerably during the study period, no change in the duration of pregnancy nor in the weight of twin babies occurred. Instead perinatal mortality decreased from 101/per thousand to 36.2/per thousand. Birth weight specific mortality rates did not differ from those in singleton fetuses.
    背景与目标: : 在图尔库大学中央医院1970-81年管理的476例双胎妊娠材料中,研究了胎儿生长,出生体重特定死亡率以及病假或住院对胎儿生长的影响。在任何胎龄的双胞胎婴儿的出生体重均略高于但不显着高于早期材料。与单胎胎儿的生长曲线相比,两个双胞胎的生长速度等于怀孕第30周的单胎,此后比单胎妊娠慢。尽管在研究期间病假和住院时间大大增加,但怀孕时间和双胞胎婴儿的体重没有变化。相反,围产期死亡率从101/每千下降到36.2/每千。出生体重特定死亡率与单胎胎儿没有差异。
  • 【2岁儿童出现肺动脉吊带和气管支气管。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.5761/atcs.cr.12.01971 复制DOI
    作者列表:Lovett M,Entrikin D,Ungerleider R,Ootaki Y
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Pulmonary artery sling is an incomplete vascular ring, the result of the left pulmonary artery arising from the right pulmonary artery and effectively constricting the airway, and it usually presents within the first weeks to months of life. We report a surgical correction of tracheal stenosis for a two-year-old patient associated with pulmonary artery sling and tracheal broncus.
    背景与目标: 肺动脉吊带是一种不完整的血管环,是左肺动脉从右肺动脉产生并有效收缩气道的结果,通常在生命的最初几周到几个月内出现。我们报告了一名两岁的肺动脉吊带和气管支气管相关患者的气管狭窄手术矫正。
  • 【学龄前儿童姿势和姿势转变的客观测量。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1088/0967-3334/33/11/1913 复制DOI
    作者列表:Davies G,Reilly JJ,Paton JY
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Recent evidence suggests that between-individual variation in posture and posture transitions may have important health consequences in adults. The early life development of between-individual variation in posture and posture transitions has not been studied, and the physiological consequences of such variations in childhood are unknown, largely because of the absence of objective methods for measuring posture and posture transitions in young children. This study aimed to examine the objective measurement of posture transitions in pre-school children with the activPAL™ monitor (PAL Technologies, Glasgow). Single-unit activity monitors such as the activPAL™ have a limited output, with data categorized as 'sit/lie', 'stand' or 'walk' and the consequences of this for measurement of posture transitions in young children are unknown. Thirty children (mean age 4.1 years) were videoed for 1 h in nursery while wearing an activPAL™. Video was analysed on a second-by-second basis, with all postures categorized. From direct observation, time spent was sit/lie 46%; stand 35%; walk/run 16%; 3% was spent in heterogeneous non-sit/lie/upright postures (crawl, crouch, and kneel up). Despite these 'non-standard' postures being responsible for a low proportion of time, posture transitions involving them contributed to 34% of total transitions. There was a significant rank-order correlation (r = 0.79, p < 0.0001) between the number of posture transitions measured by activPAL™ and by direct observation. 'Non-standard' postures in young children are probably not a problem if the aim is to measure total time sedentary or active, and the activPAL™ may measure between-individual variation in transitions adequately in young children. However, non-standard postures may present problems for the detailed characterization of posture transitions in early childhood.
    背景与目标: : 最近的证据表明,姿势和姿势转换的个体间差异可能对成年人的健康产生重要影响。尚未研究姿势和姿势转换的个体间变化的早期生活发展,并且这种变化在儿童时期的生理后果尚不清楚,这主要是因为缺乏客观的方法来测量幼儿的姿势和姿势转换。这项研究旨在检查activPAL学龄前儿童姿势转变的客观测量™监视器 (格拉斯哥PAL Technologies)。单单元活动监视器,如activPAL™输出有限,数据分类为 “坐/坐”,“站立” 或 “步行”,其对测量幼儿姿势转变的后果尚不清楚。30名儿童 (平均年龄4.1岁) 在托儿所观看了1小时的视频,同时穿着activPAL™。对视频进行了逐秒分析,并对所有姿势进行了分类。从直接观察来看,花费的时间是坐/躺46%; 站立35%; 步行/跑步16%; 3% 是在异质的非坐/躺/直立姿势 (爬行,蹲下和跪下) 中度过的。尽管这些 “非标准” 姿势负责低比例的时间,但涉及它们的姿势转变有助于34% 总转变。activPAL测量的姿势转换次数之间存在显着的顺序相关性 (r = 0.79,p <0.0001)™通过直接观察。如果目的是测量久坐或活动的总时间,那么幼儿的 “非标准” 姿势可能不是问题,而activPAL™可以充分衡量幼儿过渡中的个体间差异。但是,非标准姿势可能会为儿童早期姿势转变的详细表征带来问题。
  • 【降低ST段抬高型心肌梗死放射状入路围手术期死亡率和出血率。来自ORPKI波兰国家注册中心的数据的倾向得分分析。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.4244/EIJ-D-17-00078 复制DOI
    作者列表:Siudak Z,Tokarek T,Dziewierz A,Wysocki T,Wiktorowicz A,Legutko J,Żmudka K,Dudek D
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: AIMS:We sought to evaluate bleeding complications and periprocedural outcomes of the radial approach (RA) as compared to the femoral approach (FA) during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in "real-world" patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). METHODS AND RESULTS:The study group consisted of 22,812 consecutive patients with STEMI treated with PCI and stent implantation between January 2014 and June 2015 in 151 tertiary invasive cardiology centres in Poland (the ORPKI Polish National Registry). Patients treated using the RA and FA were compared using a propensity score analysis to avoid possible selection bias. The analysis was carried out in an "as-treated" manner. The FA was used in 9,334 (40.9%) and the RA in 13,478 (59.1%) patients. After propensity score matching, a higher total amount of contrast (191.8±8.0 vs. 174.8±68.8 ml; p=0.001) and lower radiation doses (1,279.5±1,346.3 vs. 1,182.6±887 mGy; p=0.02) were reported in FA. More access-site-related bleeding complications after both angiography (0.17% vs. 0.02%; p=0.004) and PCI (0.23% vs. 0.09%; p=0.049) were reported in the FA group. Periprocedural death (1.94% vs. 0.93%; p=0.001) was more common after PCI performed with the FA. CONCLUSIONS:The radial approach was associated with a lower incidence of periprocedural death in STEMI patients as well as a significant reduction of bleeding complications at the access site.
  • 【儿童踝关节软骨脂肪瘤: 一例报告。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1053/j.jfas.2017.04.031 复制DOI
    作者列表:Ishibashi T,Nishio J,Kobayashi S,Shiramizu K,Yamamoto T
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Chondrolipoma is an extremely rare variant of lipoma with cartilaginous metaplasia. The presence of nonlipomatous components can lead to a variety of entities in the differential diagnosis from the radiologic findings. We describe an unusual case of a chondrolipoma occurring in the right ankle of a 9-year-old female. Physical examination showed a 3.5-cm, elastic-hard, poorly mobile, nontender mass adherent to the Achilles tendon. Plain radiographs revealed a faintly calcified soft tissue mass without bone involvement. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a well-defined mass with 2 components with heterogeneous signal intensity, suggesting the coexistence of a fatty area and another nonlipomatous component. Marginal excision of the tumor was performed. Histologically, the tumor was composed of mature adipose tissue studded with islands of mature hyaline cartilage. Based on these findings, the tumor was diagnosed as a chondrolipoma. The patient had no evidence of local recurrence within 9 months of follow-up. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of chondrolipoma originating from the ankle in a child.
    背景与目标: : 软骨脂肪瘤是脂肪瘤的一种极其罕见的变异型软骨化生。非脂肪瘤性成分的存在可导致放射学发现的鉴别诊断疾病中的各种实体。我们描述了一个9岁女性右脚踝发生软骨脂肪瘤的不寻常病例。体格检查显示跟腱附着有3.5厘米,弹性坚硬,移动不良,不柔软的肿块。X线平片显示微弱的钙化软组织肿块,没有骨受累。磁共振成像显示出一个明确的质量,其中有2个成分,信号强度不均匀,表明脂肪区域和另一种非脂肪瘤成分并存。进行了肿瘤的边缘切除术。从组织学上讲,肿瘤由成熟的脂肪组织组成,这些脂肪组织散布着成熟的透明软骨岛。根据这些发现,该肿瘤被诊断为软骨脂肪瘤。在随访的9个月内,患者没有局部复发的证据。据我们所知,这是第一例起源于儿童脚踝的软骨脂肪瘤。
  • 【肥胖对种族特异性乳腺癌发病率和死亡率影响的协作模型。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s10549-012-2274-3 复制DOI
    作者列表:Chang Y,Schechter CB,van Ravesteyn NT,Near AM,Heijnsdijk EA,Adams-Campbell L,Levy D,de Koning HJ,Mandelblatt JS
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Obesity affects multiple points along the breast cancer control continuum from prevention to screening and treatment, often in opposing directions. Obesity is also more prevalent in Blacks than Whites at most ages so it might contribute to observed racial disparities in mortality. We use two established simulation models from the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) to evaluate the impact of obesity on race-specific breast cancer outcomes. The models use common national data to inform parameters for the multiple US birth cohorts of Black and White women, including age- and race-specific incidence, competing mortality, mammography characteristics, and treatment effectiveness. Parameters are modified by obesity (BMI of ≥ 30 kg/m(2)) in conjunction with its age-, race-, cohort- and time-period-specific prevalence. We measure age-standardized breast cancer incidence and mortality and cases and deaths attributable to obesity. Obesity is more prevalent among Blacks than Whites until age 74; after age 74 it is more prevalent in Whites. The models estimate that the fraction of the US breast cancer cases attributable to obesity is 3.9-4.5 % (range across models) for Whites and 2.5-3.6 % for Blacks. Given the protective effects of obesity on risk among women <50 years, elimination of obesity in this age group could increase cases for both the races, but decrease cases for women ≥ 50 years. Overall, obesity accounts for 4.4-9.2 % and 3.1-8.4 % of the total number of breast cancer deaths in Whites and Blacks, respectively, across models. However, variations in obesity prevalence have no net effect on race disparities in breast cancer mortality because of the opposing effects of age on risk and patterns of age- and race-specific prevalence. Despite its modest impact on breast cancer control and race disparities, obesity remains one of the few known modifiable risks for cancer and other diseases, underlining its relevance as a public health target.
    背景与目标: : 肥胖会影响从预防到筛查和治疗的乳腺癌控制连续体的多个点,通常方向相反。在大多数年龄段,肥胖在黑人中也比白人更普遍,因此可能会导致观察到的种族死亡率差异。我们使用癌症干预和监测建模网络 (CISNET) 建立的两个模拟模型来评估肥胖对种族特异性乳腺癌结局的影响。这些模型使用通用的国家数据来告知美国多个黑人和白人女性出生队列的参数,包括特定于年龄和种族的发病率,竞争性死亡率,乳房x线摄影特征和治疗效果。通过肥胖 (BMI ≥ 30千克/m(2)) 及其年龄,种族,队列和时间段特异性患病率来修改参数。我们测量了年龄标准化的乳腺癌发病率和死亡率以及肥胖导致的病例和死亡。直到74岁,肥胖在黑人中比白人更普遍; 74岁以后,在白人中更普遍。这些模型估计,美国乳腺癌病例中肥胖的比例在白人中是3.9-4.5% (模型范围),在黑人中是2.5-3.6%。鉴于肥胖对 <50岁女性风险的保护作用,消除该年龄组的肥胖可以增加两个种族的病例,但减少 ≥ 50岁女性的病例。总体而言,肥胖分别占白人和黑人乳腺癌死亡总数的4.4-9.2% 和3.1-8.4%。然而,肥胖患病率的变化对乳腺癌死亡率的种族差异没有净影响,因为年龄对风险以及年龄和种族特定患病率的模式有相反的影响。尽管肥胖对乳腺癌控制和种族差异的影响不大,但它仍然是癌症和其他疾病的少数已知可改变的风险之一,突显了其作为公共卫生目标的相关性。
  • 【缺血性卒中后残疾和病因特异性死亡率演变的时程: 对试验设计的启示.】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1161/JAHA.117.005788 复制DOI
    作者列表:Ganesh A,Luengo-Fernandez R,Wharton RM,Gutnikov SA,Silver LE,Mehta Z,Rothwell PM,Oxford Vascular Study.
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Outcome in stroke trials is often based on a 3-month modified Rankin scale (mRS). How 3-month mRS relates to longer-term outcomes will depend on late recovery, delayed stroke-related deaths, recurrent strokes, and nonstroke deaths. We evaluated 3-month mRS and death/disability at 1 and 5 years in a population-based cohort study. METHODS AND RESULTS:In 3-month survivors of ischemic stroke (Oxford Vascular Study; 2002-2014), we related 3-month mRS to disability (defined as mRS >2) at 1 and 5 years and/or death rates (age/sex adjusted). Accrual of disability and index-stroke-related and nonstroke deaths in each poststroke year was categorized according to 3-month mRS. Among 1606 patients with acute ischemic stroke, 181 died within 3 months, but 126 index-stroke-related deaths and 320 other deaths occurred during the subsequent 4866 patient-years of follow-up up to 5 years. Although 69/126 (54.8%) post-3-month index-stroke-related deaths occurred after 1 year, mRS>2 at 1 year strongly predicted these deaths (adjusted hazard ratio=21.94, 95%CI 7.88-61.09, P<0.0001). Consequently, a 3-month mRS >2 was a strong independent predictor of death at both 1 year (adjusted hazard ratio=6.67, 95%CI 4.16-10.69, P<0.0001) and 5 years (adjusted hazard ratio=2.93, 95%CI 2.38-3.60, P<0.0001). Although mRS improved by ≥1 point from 3 months to 1 year in 317/1266 (25.0%) patients with 3-month mRS ≥1, improvement in mRS after 1 year was limited (improvement by ≥1 point: 91/858 [10.6%]; improvement to mRS ≤2: 13/353 [3.7%]). CONCLUSIONS:Our results reaffirm use of the 3-month mRS outcome in stroke trials. Although later recovery does occur, extending follow-up to 1 year would capture most long-term stroke-related disability. However, administrative mortality follow-up beyond 1 year has the potential to demonstrate translation of early disability gains into additional reductions in long-term mortality without much erosion by non-stroke-related deaths.
  • 【安大略省1968 1991年的酒精消费、匿名酗酒者会员资格和凶杀死亡率。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2006.00216.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Mann RE,Zalcman RF,Smart RG,Rush BR,Suurvali H
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Research has shown a strong link between alcohol use and a variety of problems, including violence. Parker and colleagues have presented a selective disinhibition theory for the link between alcohol use and homicide (and other violence) that posits a causal relationship that is also influenced by other situational and contextual factors. This model is particularly well suited for aggregate-level investigations. In this study, we examine the impact of alcohol factors, including consumption measures and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) membership rates, on homicide mortality rates in Ontario, and test predictions derived from the selective disinhibition model. METHODS:Time series analyses with ARIMA modeling were applied to total, male, and female homicide rates in Ontario between 1968 and 1991. The analyses performed included total alcohol consumption, spirits consumption, beer consumption, and wine consumption. Missing AA membership data were interpolated with cubic splines. RESULTS:For the total population and males, homicide rates were significantly and positively related to total alcohol consumption and to the consumption of beer and spirits. They were also negatively related to AA membership rates in the analyses involving spirits and wine and positively related to unemployment rates in the analyses involving beer, wine, and total alcohol. Among females, none of the measures were significant predictors of homicide mortality rates. CONCLUSIONS:These data provide important support for the selective disinhibition model and confirm important relationships between per capita consumption measures and homicide mortality rates, especially among males, seen in other studies. Additionally, the results for AA membership rates are consistent with the hypothesis that AA membership and treatment for misuse of alcohol can exert beneficial effects observable at the population level.
  • 【良性肥大的经尿道前列腺切除术后死亡率升高!但是为什么呢?】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1097/00005650-199010000-00002 复制DOI
    作者列表:Andersen TF,Brønnum-Hansen H,Sejr T,Roepstorff C
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :This paper reevaluates the recently reported excess mortality following transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) for benign hypertrophy as compared with traditional open resection (OPEN). We studied survival through linkage of hospital discharge data with mortality data for the entire male population of Denmark (1977-85). For a maximum of 10.5 years 38,067 prostatectomy patients were followed. Adjusting for age and health status before surgery, TURP patients were subject to significantly higher levels of mortality than OPEN patients (RR = 1.19, 95% confidence interval (1.15-1.24). The extent to which this difference is attributable to the surgical intervention itself remains an open question. The two groups of patients are quite different with regard to age and preoperative health status, and available data may not be sufficient to control such differences through statistical analysis. On the other hand, the difference in mortality persisted over calendar time, even during periods when the pattern of utilization for the two procedures changed significantly (constant RR = 1.19, adjusting for age and comorbidity). The most important causes of death among Danish TURP patients differ from the causes suggested on the basis of previously reported Canadian data. The current evidence is thus ambiguous with regard to hypothetical biologic mechanisms behind the excess mortality over TURP patients. Further investigations are needed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of prostate surgery.
    背景与目标: : 本文重新评估了最近报道的经尿道前列腺切除术 (TURP) 与传统开腹切除术 (open) 相比,良性肥大的死亡率。我们通过将丹麦 (1977-85) 的整个男性人口的出院数据与死亡率数据联系起来研究了生存率。对38,067名前列腺切除术患者进行了最长10.5年的随访。调整手术前的年龄和健康状况,TURP患者的死亡率明显高于开放患者 (RR = 1.19,95% 置信区间 (1.15-1.24)。这种差异归因于手术干预本身的程度仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。两组患者在年龄和术前健康状况方面存在很大差异,并且可用的数据可能不足以通过统计分析来控制这种差异。另一方面,死亡率的差异在日历期间持续存在,即使在两种程序的使用模式发生显著变化的时期 (恒定RR = 1.19,调整年龄和合并症)。丹麦TURP患者中最重要的死亡原因不同于先前报告的加拿大数据所提出的原因。因此,目前的证据对于TURP患者死亡率过高背后的假想生物学机制是不明确的。需要进一步的研究来评估安全性和前列腺手术的有效性。
  • 【经导管治疗儿童膜周室间隔缺损,继发孔型房间隔缺损和动脉导管未闭。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.2459/01.JCM.0000247327.88030.12 复制DOI
    作者列表:Butera G,Piazza L,Hijazi Z,Chessa M,Carminati M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :A 4-year-old child with patent ductus arteriosus, perimembranous ventricular septal defect and ostium secundum atrial septal defect was successfully treated with the use of a simultaneous transcatheter for all of the anomalies present. The patent ductus arteriosus was closed first by using a coil, then the perimembranous ventricular septal defect was closed by using a 10-mm Amplatzer eccentric device. Finally, a 10-mm Amplatzer atrial septal defect device was implanted to treat the atrial septal defect.
    背景与目标: : 一名4岁的动脉导管未闭,膜周性室间隔缺损和继发孔房间隔缺损的儿童,已成功使用同时经导管治疗所有存在的异常。首先使用线圈闭合动脉导管未闭,然后使用10mm Amplatzer偏心装置闭合膜周室间隔缺损。最后,植入了10mm Amplatzer房间隔缺损装置来治疗房间隔缺损。
  • 【倒计时2015年: 跟踪儿童生存的干预覆盖面。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69339-2 复制DOI
    作者列表:Bryce J,Terreri N,Victora CG,Mason E,Daelmans B,Bhutta ZA,Bustreo F,Songane F,Salama P,Wardlaw T
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:The fourth Millennium Development Goal (MDG) calls for a two-thirds' reduction between 1990 and 2015 in deaths of children younger than five years; achieving this will require widespread use of effective interventions, especially in poor countries. We present the first report of the Child Survival Countdown, a worldwide effort to monitor coverage of key child-survival interventions in 60 countries with the world's highest numbers or rates of child mortality. METHODS:In 2005, we developed a profile for each of the 60 countries to summarise information on coverage with essential child survival interventions. The profiles also present information on demographics, nutritional status, major causes of death in children under 5 years of age, and the status of selected health policies. Progress toward the fourth MDG is summarised by comparing the average annual rate of reduction in under-5 mortality in each country with that needed to achieve the goal. The profiles also include a comparison of the proportions of children in the poorest and richest quintiles of the population who received six or more essential prevention interventions. Each country's progress (as measured by defined indicators of intervention coverage) was put into one of three groups created on the basis of international targets: "on track"; "watch and act"; and "high alert". For indicators without targets, arbitrary thresholds for high, middle, and low performance across the 60 countries were used as a basis for categorisation. FINDINGS:Only seven countries are on track to met MDG-4, 39 countries are making some progress, although they need to accelerate the speed, and 14 countries are cause for serious concern. Coverage of the key child survival interventions remains critically low, although some countries have made substantial improvements in increasing the proportion of mothers and children with access to life saving interventions by as much as ten percentage points in 2 years. Children from the poorest families were less likely than those from wealthier families to have received at least six essential prevention interventions. INTERPRETATION:Our results show that tremendous efforts are urgently needed to achieve the MDG for child survival. Profiles for each country show where efforts need to be intensified, and highlight the extent to which prevention interventions are being delivered equitably and reaching poor families. This first report also shows country-specific improvements in coverage and highlights missed opportunities. The "Countdown to 2015" will report on progress every 2 years as a strategy for increasing accountability worldwide for progress in child survival.
  • 【胃十二指肠溃疡患者痴呆死亡率。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1136/jech.45.3.203 复制DOI
    作者列表:Flaten TP,Glattre E,Viste A,Søoreide O
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: STUDY OBJECTIVE:The aim was to examine whether a high intake of aluminium containing antacids is a risk for Alzheimer's disease. DESIGN:The mortality from dementia (1970-87), coded from death certificates as underlying or contributory cause of death, was compared with national rates in a cohort of patients who had surgery for gastroduodenal ulcer disease between 1911 and 1978. SETTING:Patient data were obtained from patient records from major hospitals in western Norway. PARTICIPANTS:4179 patients were identified who met the study criteria, which included having had a documented stomach operation, having a reliably identifiable personal number, and being alive on Jan 1, 1970. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS:The standardised mortality ratio for dementia was 1.10 (95% CI 0.85-1.40, n = 64) for all patients, while for patients operated on in the period 1967-78 it was 1.25 (95% CI 0.66-2.13, n = 13). CONCLUSIONS:As the majority of patients operated on after 1963 have probably been heavy consumers of aluminium containing antacids, the study provides meager evidence that a high intake of aluminium is an important risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, the major cause of dementia. However, the possibility of a raised mortality from Alzheimer's disease cannot be ruled out due to probable misclassification both in diagnosis and exposure. In addition, the observation period may have been too short to detect an effect since the latent period for Alzheimer's disease may be very long.
  • 【评估儿童丧亲方案的挑战。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1177/026921639701100302 复制DOI
    作者列表:Stokes J,Wyer S,Crossley D
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :This paper will discuss the challenge of evaluating the efficacy of child bereavement services. Such services are being developed and it is essential that expansion is based on research and evaluation. A literature review details the limited research which has so far been conducted on such interventions. The paper then addresses four key components regarding child bereavement programme evaluation: preliminary evaluation of the Winston's Wish programme; the feasibility and validity of using an experimental method in the evaluation of child bereavement services; the identification of appropriate measures-what are we really attempting to measure with regard to child bereavement interventions; and the importance of measuring the family dynamics of grief-how can we incorporate the Dual Process Model?
    背景与目标: : 本文将讨论评估儿童丧亲服务功效的挑战。此类服务正在开发中,扩展必须基于研究和评估。文献综述详细介绍了迄今为止对此类干预措施进行的有限研究。然后,本文讨论了有关儿童丧亲计划评估的四个关键组成部分: 温斯顿愿望计划的初步评估; 在评估儿童丧亲服务中使用实验方法的可行性和有效性; 确定适当的措施-我们真正试图衡量的是关于儿童丧亲干预措施的措施; 以及衡量悲伤的家庭动态的重要性-我们如何纳入双重过程模型?
  • 【胸腺癌最初表现为儿童肩胛骨的地理破坏。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s00256-017-2696-4 复制DOI
    作者列表:Bahk WJ,Lee AH,Chang ED,Min DW,Kang YK
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :As the conventional histopathologic examination of thymic carcinoma (TC) is nonspecific, immunohistochemical studies along with correlative radiographic investigations are needed for its correct diagnosis. TC commonly occurs in the late 5th to early 6th decades of life but is extremely rare in childhood. It may be incidentally detected from chest radiographs taken as routine or for other reasons. However, most patients present with symptoms such as chest pain, cough, shortness of breath, dysphagia and hoarseness, which are directly attributable to the mediastinal mass. Although TC frequently invades the neighboring organs, pleura and pericardium and metastasizes to the lymph nodes, liver and lung at the time of the first diagnosis, initial or late metastasis to the bone has been seldom reported in adults. Indeed, the English literature revealed no earlier report on initial bony metastasis in a child to date. We report a case of TC in a 12-year-old boy who initially presented with scapular osteolysis masquerading as a primary bone tumor to emphasize the usefulness of combined imaging for staging and histologic studies, particularly for such an unexpected case.
    背景与目标: : 由于胸腺癌 (TC) 的常规组织病理学检查是非特异性的,因此需要进行免疫组织化学研究以及相关的影像学检查才能正确诊断。TC通常发生在生命的第5至第6年初,但在儿童时期极为罕见。可能会从常规或其他原因的胸部x光片中偶然发现。然而,大多数患者出现胸痛,咳嗽,呼吸急促,吞咽困难和声音嘶哑等症状,这些症状直接归因于纵隔肿块。尽管TC在首次诊断时经常侵入邻近的器官,胸膜和心包,并转移到淋巴结,肝脏和肺,但在成年人中很少报道初次或晚期骨转移。事实上,英国文献显示,迄今为止,没有关于儿童最初骨转移的早期报道。我们报告了一个12岁男孩的TC病例,该男孩最初表现为肩胛骨骨溶解,伪装成原发性骨肿瘤,以强调联合成像对分期和组织学研究的有用性,尤其是对于这种意外情况。

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