It is recommended that prenatal care include nutrition counseling; however, <70% of women report receipt of nutrition counseling during pregnancy. In this study, we aimed to characterize prenatal nutrition counseling (PNC) among large-for-gestational age deliveries at a low-income and minority-serving hospital by performing a retrospective chart review of infants with a birth weight > 4000 g. Of the 2380 deliveries, 165 met the inclusion criteria. Demographics, PNC receipt, and pregnancy outcomes were compared among normal-weight (NW; BMI: 18.5-24.9 kg/m2, 19%, n = 31), overweight (OW; BMI: 25-29.9 kg/m2, 29%, n = 48), and obese (OB; BMI > 30 kg/m2, 52%, n = 86) women. The majority (78%, n = 129) of women were Hispanic White with a mean age of 30.4 ± 5.7 yrs and gestational weight gain of 12.1 ± 5.8 kgs. A total of 62% (n = 103) of women received PNC. A total of 57% gained above the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendations (n = 94). OB women were 2.6 and 2.1 times more likely to receive PNC than OW (95% CI: 1.1-2.0) and NW (95% CI: 0.9-1.9) women, respectively. Women who gained within the IOM recommendations for their pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) were 50% less likely to receive PNC than women who gained above the IOM recommendations for their pre-pregnancy weight (χ = 4.45, p = 0.035; OR = 0.48, CI: 0.24 to 0.95). Infant birthweight was significantly higher among women who received PNC (4314 ± 285 vs. 4197 ± 175 g, p = 0.004). These data suggest that PNC was directed toward women who enter pregnancy in the obese weight category and/or gain excessively across gestation. Future studies should provide PNC to all women to evaluate whether it reduces the risk of delivering large-for-gestational age deliveries across all maternal weight categories. Additionally, more work is needed to identify the types of PNC that are most effective for this high-risk population.


:建议产前检查包括营养咨询;但是,<70%的妇女报告在怀孕期间接受了营养咨询。在这项研究中,我们旨在通过对出生体重> 4000 g的婴儿进行回顾性图表审查,以在低收入和少数族裔服务医院为大孕龄分娩中表征产前营养咨询(PNC)。在2380架飞机中,有165架符合入选标准。比较了正常体重(NW; BMI:18.5-24.9 kg / m2,19%,n = 31),超重(OW; BMI:25-29.9 kg / m2,29%, n = 48)和肥胖(OB; BMI> 30 kg / m2,52%,n = 86)妇女。大部分女性(78%,n = 129)为西班牙裔白人,平均年龄为30.4±5.7岁,孕期体重增加为12.1±5.8 kgs。共有62%(n = 103)的女性接受了PNC。总共比医学研究所(IOM)的建议(n = 94)高出57%。 OB女性接受PNC的可能性分别比OW女性(95%CI:1.1-2.0)和NW女性(95%CI:0.9-1.9)高2.6倍和2.1倍。在怀孕前体重指数(BMI)达到IOM建议范围内的女性比怀孕前体重超过IOM建议范围以上的女性接受PNC的可能性低50%(χ= 4.45,p = 0.035;或= 0.48,CI:0.24至0.95)。接受PNC的妇女的婴儿出生体重明显更高(4314±285 vs. 4197±175 g,p = 0.004)。这些数据表明,PNC是针对肥胖体重类别中进入妊娠和/或在整个妊娠过程中过度增长的女性的。未来的研究应向所有妇女提供PNC,以评估其是否降低了所有孕产妇体重类别的大胎龄分娩风险。此外,还需要做更多的工作来确定对于这种高风险人群最有效的PNC类型。

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