• 【Alfathesin用于剖腹产麻醉诱导。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Mahomedy MC,Downing JW,Mahomedy YH
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Anaesthesia was induced with Alfathesin (60 - 70 mul/kg) in 50 healthy mothers undergoing elective Caesarean section. Anaesthesia was maintained with nitrous oxide, oxygen, muscle relaxants and controlled ventilation. The mothers were tilted laterally throughout the operation. Blood gas studies done on the mothers before induction and at delivery, revealed a mild respiratory alkalosis associated with a moderate degree of metabolic acidosis, which appeared to increase during anaesthesia. Umbilical cord blood gas analyses indicated a mild degree of fetal respiratory acidosis (mean pCO2 Uv 45,3
    背景与目标: : 在接受选择性剖腹产的50名健康母亲中,用Alfathesin (60 - 70 mul/kg) 诱导麻醉。用一氧化二氮,氧气,肌肉松弛剂和受控通气维持麻醉。母亲在整个手术过程中横向倾斜。在诱导前和分娩时对母亲进行的血气研究显示,轻度呼吸性碱中毒与中度代谢性酸中毒相关,在麻醉期间似乎有所增加。脐带血气分析表明胎儿呼吸性酸中毒程度较轻 (平均pCO2 Uv 45,3
  • 【剖宫产术后手术部位感染: 实施3项改变,提高患者护理质量。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.ajic.2013.04.020 复制DOI
    作者列表:Corcoran S,Jackson V,Coulter-Smith S,Loughrey J,McKenna P,Cafferkey M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Surgical site infection (SSI) is an important complication of cesarean section (CS) delivery and a key quality indicator of patient care. METHODS:A baseline assessment was undertaken to determine SSI rates, and subsequently a quality improvement program was introduced, followed by repeat surveillance. Data were collected during in-hospital stays and for up to 30 days after CS during both periods. Interventions in the quality improvement program included the use of nonabsorbable sutures for skin closure, use of clippers instead of razors, and use of 2% ChloraPrep for skin disinfection before incision. RESULTS:A total of 710 patients were surveyed before the interventions, and 824 patients were surveyed after the interventions. Of these, 114 (16%) had an SSI before the interventions, and 40 (4.9%) had an SSI after the interventions (P < .001; odds ratio, 0.27), with 90% and 83%, respectively, detected after hospital discharge. In multivariate analysis, obesity (P = .002) and the use of absorbable suture materials for skin closure (P = .008) were significantly associated with a higher SSI rate before the interventions; however, only obesity was associated with a higher SSI rate after the quality program. CONCLUSION:Surveillance of SSI rates after CS followed by 3 interventions contributed to a significant reduction in SSI rate and improved patient care.
  • 【银屑病和银屑病关节炎治疗指南: 第2节。银屑病关节炎: 以生物制剂为重点的治疗护理概述和指南。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.jaad.2008.02.040 复制DOI
    作者列表:Gottlieb A,Korman NJ,Gordon KB,Feldman SR,Lebwohl M,Koo JY,Van Voorhees AS,Elmets CA,Leonardi CL,Beutner KR,Bhushan R,Menter A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Psoriasis is a common, chronic, inflammatory, multisystem disease with predominantly skin and joint manifestations affecting approximately 2% of the population. In this second of 5 sections of the guidelines of care for psoriasis, we give an overview of psoriatic arthritis including its cardinal clinical features, pathogenesis, prognosis, classification, assessment tools used to evaluate psoriatic arthritis, and the approach to treatment. Although patients with mild to moderate psoriatic arthritis may be treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and/or intra-articular steroid injections, the use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, particularly methotrexate, along with the biologic agents, are considered the standard of care in patients with more significant psoriatic arthritis. We will discuss the use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and the biologic therapies in the treatment of patients with moderate to severe psoriatic arthritis.
    背景与目标: 银屑病是一种常见的、慢性的、炎症性的多系统疾病,主要表现为皮肤和关节,影响大约2% 的人群。在银屑病护理指南的5个部分中的第二个部分中,我们概述了银屑病关节炎的主要临床特征,发病机制,预后,分类,用于评估银屑病关节炎的评估工具以及治疗方法。尽管轻度至中度银屑病关节炎患者可以使用非甾体类抗炎药和/或关节内类固醇注射治疗,但使用可缓解疾病的抗风湿药,尤其是甲氨蝶呤以及生物制剂被认为是标准的治疗在具有更严重的银屑病关节炎的患者中。我们将讨论缓解疾病的抗风湿药和生物疗法在中度至重度银屑病关节炎患者治疗中的应用。
  • 【客座社论: 关于眼睛晶状体的光散射和荧光的特别部分。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1117/12.254396 复制DOI
    作者列表:Pierscionek BK
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :This Special Section Guest Editorial provides an overview of the topical area and an introduction to the articles featured in the special section.
    背景与目标: : 本特殊部分来宾社论概述了主题领域,并介绍了特殊部分中的文章。
  • 【剖宫产术中通过腹部子宫切除术成功治疗子宫脱垂。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s00404-012-2563-4 复制DOI
    作者列表:Karataylı R,Gezginç K,Kantarcı AH,Acar A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: PURPOSE:Uterine prolapse complicating pregnancy is extremely rare. This report presents the surgical correction of uterine prolapse during cesarean section. CASE:We report a case of a 33-year-old woman with twin gestation who admitted to obstetric clinic with labor pain and total uterine prolapse at 33 weeks of gestation. An emergent cesarean section was performed for the indication of acute fetal distress. At the same operation, following cesarean delivery, abdominal hysteropexy using rectus fascia strips was performed successfully. On control performed 6 months later, patient was examined and it was detected uterine prolapse had regressed and babies were uneventful. CONCLUSION:This surgical method offers effective treatment of uterine prolapse.
  • 【在紧急剖腹产过程中引起急性肺水肿的嗜铬细胞瘤。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1177/0310057X0703500319 复制DOI
    作者列表:Golshevsky JR,Karel K,Teale G
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :We report a case of severe acute pulmonary oedema following induction of general anaesthesia for emergency caesarean section. After several hours of aggressive resuscitation, both mother and child had a favourable outcome. Postoperative investigation of acute renal failure demonstrated a supra-adrenal mass. Further investigation confirmed bilateral phaeochromocytoma as the cause of her condition. A literature review confirmed this to be a rare but important clinical entity, owing to its high mortality. Antenatal diagnosis greatly improves survival. Magnesium sulphate appears to be a useful and safe agent to employ in cases of undiagnosed hypertensive obstetric emergencies.
    背景与目标: : 我们报告了一例在进行紧急剖腹产的全身麻醉后引起的严重急性肺水肿。经过几个小时的积极复苏,母亲和孩子都有了良好的结果。急性肾衰竭的术后检查显示肾上腺上肿块。进一步的调查证实了双侧嗜铬细胞瘤是她病情的原因。文献综述证实,由于其高死亡率,这是一种罕见但重要的临床实体。产前诊断大大提高了生存率。硫酸镁似乎是在未诊断的高血压产科紧急情况下使用的有用且安全的试剂。
  • 【在选择性剖腹产时使用侧面倾斜或骨盆楔形施加的骨盆角度的比较。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2044.2012.07332.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Kinsella SM,Harvey NL
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Lateral table tilt or a pelvic wedge are commonly used to reduce inferior vena cava compression during obstetric anaesthesia in the supine position. Direct measurement of pelvic angle allows individual assessment of the effectiveness of these manoeuvres in achieving a tilted position. We observed routine practice during caesarean section after random allocation to one or other of these methods. The anaesthetist managing the case was asked to position the women after induction of spinal anaesthesia using either left table tilt or a wedge under the right hip. We then measured pelvic angle in all women, and the table angle in women who had table tilt. The mean (SD [range]) pelvic angle was 20.2° (8.1° [9°-37°]) in 18 women with table tilt and 21.0° (7.5° [10°-36°]) in 17 women with a wedge. The mean (SD [range]) table angle was 12.4° (3.1° [8°-21°]) in the women with table tilt. There was a significant difference between table angle and pelvic angle in the women with table tilt (p = 0.0003), but no significant difference in pelvic angle between the table tilt and wedge groups. Measurement of table angle does not represent pelvic position adequately in the majority of women. However, this study showed that lateral table tilt and a pelvic wedge were equally effective in producing tilt of the pelvis.
    背景与目标: : 侧卧台倾斜或骨盆楔形通常用于减轻仰卧位产科麻醉期间的下腔静脉压迫。直接测量骨盆角度可以单独评估这些动作在实现倾斜位置方面的有效性。在随机分配给这些方法中的一种或另一种后,我们观察了剖腹产期间的常规做法。要求处理该病例的麻醉师在使用左表倾斜或右臀部下方的楔形物诱导脊柱麻醉后对妇女进行定位。然后,我们测量了所有女性的骨盆角度,以及有桌子倾斜的女性的桌子角度。18位倾斜的女性平均 (SD [范围]) 骨盆角度为20.2 ° (8.1 ° [9 °-37 °]),17位楔形女性为21.0 ° (7.5 ° [10 °-36 °])。在倾斜桌子的妇女中,平均 (SD [范围]) 桌子角度为12.4 ° (3.1 ° [8 °-21 °])。台倾斜妇女的台角和骨盆角度有显著性差异 (p   =   0.0003),但台倾斜组和楔形组的骨盆角度无显著性差异。在大多数女性中,测量桌子角度并不能充分代表骨盆位置。然而,这项研究表明,侧面倾斜和骨盆楔形在产生骨盆倾斜方面同样有效。
  • 【评估选择性剖腹产的脊柱麻醉后的阻滞: 不同的问题如何影响同一刺激的发现。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.ijoa.2013.05.010 复制DOI
    作者列表:Nor NM,Russell IF
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:A block to touch to T5 is widely used to indicate an adequate level of block for caesarean section with spinal anaesthesia. However, two studies using a "block to light touch" to T5 as their end-point, had a high requirement for intraoperative analgesia and their results cast doubt on the adequacy of a block to touch to T5. On enquiry, these two papers did not assess complete block to touch, but asked mothers when the touch sensation "was the same as" a control stimulus. The difference between these two assessment methods is unknown. The current study presents prospectively collected sensory block data which included both block to touch and the level when touch was the same as a control stimulus. METHODS:The levels of block were assessed using a Neurotip®. The mother was asked four questions to assess the block: first touch level, first sharp level, touch same as control and sharp same as control. RESULTS:The first touch level was a median of two dermatomes lower than the touch same as a control level [IQR 0-3, range 0-6]. Block level assessment methods using first sharp and touch same as control were equivalent. CONCLUSION:When describing a sensory block, not only is it necessary to indicate the exact stimulus used, but it is important to define the actual question asked of the patient. Clinically, block assessment using the first sharp level and touch same as control are equivalent.
  • 【在先前剖宫产的妇女中同时进行铜T插入与医学终止妊娠。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Gupta I,Mahajan U,Sawhney H
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The event rates up to 1 year after insertion of a Copper-T IUD were compared in 76 women who had 1 or more cesarean sections, and were given their IUD immediately after medical termination of pregnancy, and in 76 women matched for age and parity but normal vaginal deliveries. The cesarean group had abortion performed under general anesthesia; the vaginal group had iv diazepam and paracervical block. All subjects were less than 11 weeks gestation. They were followed up at 7 days, 6 weeks, and 3 monthly intervals for 1 year. No perforations or pregnancies occurred. Incomplete abortion caused expulsion in 2.6% of women in both groups, and removal in 6.5 and 5.3%, in the cesarean and control groups respectively, and was responsible for most discontinuations. It was concluded that IUD insertion is safe after medical termination of pregnancy in women with a history of cesarean section, depending on the skill of the surgeon.
    背景与目标: : 比较了76名剖宫产1次或更多次,并在医学终止妊娠后立即给予宫内节育器的妇女和76名年龄和胎次匹配但阴道分娩正常的妇女插入铜-T宫内节育器后1年的事件发生率。剖宫产组在全麻下进行人工流产术; 阴道组静脉注射安定和宫颈旁阻滞。所有受试者妊娠均少于11周。对他们进行了7天,6周和3个月的随访,为期1年。没有发生穿孔或怀孕。不完全流产导致两组2.6% 的妇女被驱逐,剖宫产组和对照组分别在6.5和5.3% 中被驱逐,这是大多数中止的原因。结论是,根据外科医生的技能,有剖宫产史的妇女在医学终止妊娠后插入宫内节育器是安全的。
  • 【剖宫产后阴道分娩的预测模型还能预测与分娩试验相关的发病概率吗?】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.ajog.2008.06.039 复制DOI
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:The objective of the study was to determine whether a model for predicting vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) can also predict the probabilty of morbidity associated with a trial of labor (TOL). STUDY DESIGN:Using a previously published prediction model, we categorized women with 1 prior cesarean by chance of VBAC. Prevalence of maternal and neonatal morbidity was stratfied by probability of VBAC success and delivery approach. RESULTS:Morbidity became less frequent as the predicted chance of VBAC increased among women who underwent TOL (P < .001) but not elective repeat cesarean section (ERCS) (P > .05). When the predicted chance of VBAC was less than 70%, women undergoing a TOL were more likely to have maternal morbidity (relative risk [RR], 2.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.5-3.1) than those who underwent an ERCS; when the predicted chance of VBAC was at least 70%, total maternal morbidity was not different between the 2 groups (RR, 0.8; 95% CI, 0.5-1.2). The results were similar for neonatal morbidity. CONCLUSION:A prediction model for VBAC provides information regarding the chance of TOL-related morbidity and suggests that maternal morbidity is not greater for those women who undergo TOL than those who undergo ERCS if the chance of VBAC is at least 70%.
  • 【使用Robson分类降低剖腹产率的审计和反馈: 一项系统综述。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    影响因子 :
    DOI:10.1111/1471-0528.14774 复制DOI
    作者列表:Boatin AA,Cullinane F,Torloni MR,Betrán AP
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:In most regions worldwide, caesarean section (CS) rates are increasing. In these settings, new strategies are needed to reduce CS rates. OBJECTIVES:To identify, critically appraise and synthesise studies using the Robson classification as a system to categorise and analyse data in clinical audit cycles to reduce CS rates. SEARCH STRATEGY:Medline, Embase, CINAHL and LILACS were searched from 2001 to 2016. SELECTION CRITERIA:Studies reporting use of the Robson classification to categorise and analyse data in clinical audit cycles to reduce CS rates. DATA COLLECTION:Data on study design, interventions used, CS rates, and perinatal outcomes were extracted. RESULTS:Of 385 citations, 30 were assessed for full text review and six studies, conducted in Brazil, Chile, Italy and Sweden, were included. All studies measured initial CS rates, provided feedback and monitored performance using the Robson classification. In two studies, the audit cycle consisted exclusively of feedback using the Robson classification; the other four used audit and feedback as part of a multifaceted intervention. Baseline CS rates ranged from 20 to 36.8%; after the intervention, CS rates ranged from 3.1 to 21.2%. No studies were randomised or controlled and all had a high risk of bias. CONCLUSION:We identified six studies using the Robson classification within clinical audit cycles to reduce CS rates. All six report reductions in CS rates; however, results should be interpreted with caution because of limited methodological quality. Future trials are needed to evaluate the role of the Robson classification within audit cycles aimed at reducing CS rates. TWEETABLE ABSTRACT:Use of the Robson classification in clinical audit cycles to reduce caesarean rates.
  • 【选择性剖宫产是双胞胎分娩后输血的危险因素。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1272/jnms.75.247 复制DOI
    作者列表:Suzuki S,Inde Y,Igarashi M,Miyake H
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :We examined deliveries of twins to identify factors most strongly associated with an increased risk of transfusion. We reviewed the obstetric records of 511 twin deliveries at the Japanese Red Cross Katsushika Maternity Hospital from 2003 through 2007. After 18 (3.5%) of these deliveries, transfusions were required. Transfusion was significantly more likely after elective cesarean delivery at a gestational aged of 37 weeks or more (odds ratio, 4.85; 95% confidence interval, 1.87-12.61). Emergency cesarean delivery (at > or =37 weeks' gestation) was not associated with an increased risk of transfusion. The delivery mode of twins should be carefully considered because of the increased risk of transfusion after elective cesarean delivery at a gestational age of 37 weeks or more.
    背景与目标: : 我们检查了双胞胎的分娩,以确定与输血风险增加最密切相关的因素。我们在2007年2003年审查了日本红十字会葛藤妇产医院511例双胞胎分娩的产科记录。在这些递送中的18 (3.5%) 之后,需要输血。在妊娠37周或以上的择期剖宫产后,输血的可能性明显更高 (优势比,4.85; 95% 置信区间,1.87-12.61)。紧急剖宫产 (妊娠> 或 = 37周) 与输血风险增加无关。应仔细考虑双胞胎的分娩方式,因为在胎龄为37周或以上的选择性剖宫产后输血的风险增加。
  • 【[结核病治疗。阿根廷呼吸医学协会结核病科阐述的实用指南]。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Abbate EH,Palmero DJ,Castagnino J,Cufre M,Doval A,Estevan R,Kuriger A,Limongi L,Moraña E,Musella R,Pibida C,Putruele AM,Tanco S,Vescovo M,Asociación Argentina de Medicina Respiratoria. Sección Tuberculosis.
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Tuberculosis is a worldwide prevalent disease. The emergence of multidrug-resistant strains spurred the search for new drugs. There are several tuberculosis treatment guidelines, international and local in a programmatic approach. An Argentinean specialists panel draw practical guidelines based in clinical criteria and the local and international bibliography through consensus meetings, including issues as: antituberculosis drugs available in Argentina, initial and re-treatement modalities, special situations treatment, adverse reactions to antituberculosis drugs, current indications of surgical treatment and new drugs under study for the treatment of the disease.
    背景与目标: : 结核病是一种世界性的流行疾病。多重耐药菌株的出现刺激了对新药的寻找。有几个结核病治疗指南,国际和本地的方案方法。阿根廷专家小组通过协商一致的会议,根据临床标准以及当地和国际参考书目制定实用指南,包括以下问题: 阿根廷现有的抗结核药物、初始和再治疗方式、特殊情况治疗、抗结核药物的不良反应、目前外科治疗的适应症和正在研究的治疗该疾病的新药。
  • 【社会经济和移民状况是紧急剖腹产的预测因素: 一项出生队列研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/s12884-020-2725-5 复制DOI
    作者列表:Miani C,Ludwig A,Breckenkamp J,Sauzet O,Doyle IM,Hoeller-Holtrichter C,Spallek J,Razum O
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Women with a migration background are reportedly at a higher risk of emergency caesarean section. There is evidence that this is due in part to suboptimal antenatal care use and quality of care. Despite the fact that migrant women and descendants of migrants are often at risk of socioeconomic disadvantage, there is, in comparison, scarce and incomplete evidence on the role of socioeconomic position as an independent risk factor for emergency caesarean delivery. We therefore investigate whether and how migration background and two markers of socioeconomic position affect the risk of an emergency caesarean section and whether they interact with each other. METHODS:In 2013-2016, we recruited women during the perinatal period in Bielefeld, Germany, collecting data on health and socioeconomic and migration background, as well as routine perinatal data. We studied associations between migration background (1st generation migrant, 2nd/3rd generation woman, no migration background), socioeconomic status (educational attainment and net monthly household income), and the outcome emergency caesarean section. RESULTS:Of the 881 participants, 21% (n = 185) had an emergency caesarean section. Analyses showed no association between having an emergency caesarean section and migration status or education. Women in the lowest (< 800€/month) and second lowest (between 800 and 1750€/month) income categories were more likely (aOR: 1.96, CI: 1.01-3.81; and aOR: 2.36, CI: 1.27-4.40, respectively) to undergo an emergency caesarean section than women in the higher income groups. CONCLUSIONS:Migration status and education did not explain heterogeneity in mode of birth. Having a low household income, however, increased the chances of emergency caesarean section and thereby contributed towards producing health disadvantages. Awareness of these findings and measures to correct these inequalities could help to improve the quality of obstetric care.
  • 【通过50% 减少剖腹产手术部位感染: 成功提高质量的合作方法。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1097/JHQ.0000000000000271 复制DOI
    作者列表:Corbett GA,OʼShea E,Nazir SF,Hanniffy R,Chawke G,Rothwell A,Gilsenan F,MacIntyre A,Meenan AM,OʼSullivan N,Maher N,Tan T,Sheehan SR
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:Caesarean section surgical site infection (SSI) is a surgical wound site infection occurring within 30 days of surgery with a reported incidence of 3-15%. This quality improvement (QI) project aimed to reduce caesarean section SSI by 50% in a tertiary maternity center. METHODS:Using multidisciplinary team approach, the project was designed with evidence-based interventions. The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland/Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland "Preventing Surgical Site Infections Key Recommendations for Practice" guideline was used as standard perioperative care. A care bundle was designed targeting preoperative personal patient preparation, preoperative prophylactic antibiotics, and strict skin preparation technique, all measured using a patient survey. The rate of SSI was followed for 14 months. The Model for Improvement methodology was used to implement change. RESULTS:Surgical site infection rate decreased from 6.7% (n = 684 caesarean sections, n = 46 SSI) to 3.45% (n = 3,206 caesarean sections, n = 110 SSI), p = .0006. Reduction occurred in both elective (4.4%-2.7%) and emergency (9.1%-4.1%) caesarean section groups. There was excellent adherence to all three elements of the care bundle. The 50% reduction in caesarean section SSI was sustained over the 14-month period, significantly reducing maternal morbidity. CONCLUSIONS:The success of this QI project is attributable to frontline ownership and empowerment of patients and staff.

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