• 【生态抗性,种子密度及其相互作用决定了加利福尼亚沿海草原的入侵方式。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2005.00857.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Thomsen MA,D'Antonio CM,Suttle KB,Sousa WP
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Relatively little experimental evidence is available regarding how ecological resistance and propagule density interact in their effects on the establishment of invasive exotic species. We examined the independent and interactive effects of neighbour cover (biotic resistance), winter vs. spring water addition (abiotic resistance) and seed density on the invasion of the European perennial grass Holcus lanatus into a California coastal grassland dominated by exotic annual grasses. We found that decreased competition from resident exotic grasses had no effect. In contrast, increased late-season water availability eroded the abiotic resistance offered by naturally dry conditions, facilitating invasion. Finally, watering treatment and seed density interacted strongly in determining seedling survival: while seedling mortality was close to 100% in ambient and winter water addition plots, survivor numbers increased with seed density in spring-watered plots. Thus, decreased abiotic resistance can amplify the effect of increased propagule density on seedling establishment, thereby increasing the likelihood of invasion.
    背景与目标: :相对而言,关于生态抗性和繁殖密度如何影响外来入侵物种建立的相互作用的实验证据很少。我们研究了邻居覆盖物(生物抗性),冬季水与泉水的添加量(非生物抗性)以及种子密度对欧洲多年生禾草Holcus lanatus进入以异国一年生禾本科草为主的加利福尼亚沿海草原的入侵的独立和交互作用。我们发现,来自本地奇异草的竞争减少没有影响。相反,增加的后期可用水侵蚀了自然干燥条件下产生的非生物抗性,从而促进了入侵。最后,浇水处理和种子密度在决定幼苗存活方面有很强的相互影响:在环境和冬季水源地中,幼苗死亡率接近100%,而春季灌溉地中,存活人数随着种子密度的增加而增加。因此,降低的非生物抗性可以放大繁殖体密度增加对幼苗建立的影响,从而增加入侵的可能性。
  • 【在加利福尼亚州圣何塞,可能暴露于溶剂污染的饮用水中的妇女的妊娠结局。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a115498 复制DOI
    作者列表:Wrensch M,Swan S,Lipscomb J,Epstein D,Fenster L,Claxton K,Murphy PJ,Shusterman D,Neutra R
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :During 1980-1981, solvents leaked from an underground storage tank of a semiconductor firm in southern Santa Clara County, California, contaminating local drinking water. The contaminated well was closed in December 1981. An epidemiologic study conducted in 1983 confirmed statistically significant excesses of adverse pregnancy outcomes in an exposed community compared with an unexposed community, but could not establish a causal connection between the leak and the adverse outcomes. This study expanded the first study; adverse pregnancy outcomes occurring in 1980-1985 were studied in two communities exposed to the contaminated drinking water and in two demographically comparable but unexposed communities. The period 1980-1981 was the time period in which the well was considered to have been contaminated and 1982-1985 was considered the postcontamination time period. Both exposed and unexposed communities were considered unexposed during the latter period (1982-1985). Out of 10,055 households surveyed, interviews were conducted with 1,105 women who reported one or more eligible pregnancies. Miscarriages and birth defects were validated by medical record review or physician reports. Although the authors again observed statistically significant excesses of spontaneous abortions and birth defects in the originally studied exposed area in 1980-1981, they observed deficits of these outcomes in the second exposed study area. Adjustment for potential confounders did not alter these findings. Analyses of pregnancy outcomes during 1981 in relation to exposure estimates based on hydrogeologic modeling of water and contaminant distribution within the exposed areas also indicated that the leak was not likely to have caused the observed excesses of adverse pregnancy outcomes in the originally studied area.
    背景与目标: :在1980年至1981年期间,溶剂从加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉县南部一家半导体公司的地下储罐泄漏,污染了当地的饮用水。污染的井于1981年12月关闭。1983年进行的一项流行病学研究证实,与未暴露的社区相比,暴露的社区的不良妊娠结局在统计学上显着过量,但无法在渗漏和不良后果之间建立因果关系。这项研究扩大了第一项研究;在两个暴露于被污染的饮用水的社区和两个在人口统计学上可比较但未暴露的社区中研究了1980-1985年发生的不良妊娠结局。 1980-1981年是井被污染的时期,而1982-1985年则被认为是污染后的时期。在后期(1982年至1985年),暴露社区和未暴露社区均被视为未暴露社区。在接受调查的10,055个家庭中,对1,105名报告了一项或多项合格妊娠的妇女进行了访谈。流产和出生缺陷已通过病历审查或医生报告得到证实。尽管作者再次观察到在1980-1981年最初研究的暴露区域中自发性流产和出生缺陷的统计显着过量,但他们在第二个暴露研究区域中观察到了这些结局的不足。对潜在混杂因素的调整并没有改变这些发现。基于暴露区域内水和污染物分布的水文地质模型,对1981年期间的妊娠结局进行了分析,结果还表明,在最初研究的区域中,泄漏不太可能导致观察到的不利妊娠结局过多。
  • 【评估加利福尼亚州模拟和监测的环境有害空气污染物之间的协议。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1080/09603123.2013.835031 复制DOI
    作者列表:Garcia E,Hurley S,Nelson DO,Gunier RB,Hertz A,Reynolds P
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Elevated breast cancer incidence rates in urban areas have led to speculation regarding the potential role of air pollution. In order to inform the exposure assessment for a subsequent breast cancer study, we evaluated agreement between modeled and monitored hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Modeled annual ambient concentrations of HAPs in California came from the US Environmental Protection Agency's National Air Toxics Assessment database for 1996, 1999, 2002, and 2005 and corresponding monitored data from the California Air Resources Board's air quality monitoring program. We selected 12 compounds of interest for our study and focused on evaluating agreement between modeled and monitored data, and of temporal trends. Modeled data generally underestimated the monitored data, especially in 1996. For most compounds agreement between modeled and monitored concentrations improved over time. We concluded that 2002 and 2005 modeled data agree best with monitored data and are the most appropriate years for direct use in our subsequent epidemiologic analysis.
    背景与目标: :城市地区乳腺癌的高发率导致人们对空气污染的潜在作用进行了猜测。为了告知随后的乳腺癌研究暴露评估,我们评估了建模和监测的危险空气污染物(HAP)之间的一致性。加利福尼亚州HAP的年度环境浓度模型来自美国环境保护局的1996年,1999年,2002年和2005年国家空气毒性评估数据库,以及来自加利福尼亚空气资源委员会空气质量监测计划的相应监测数据。我们选择了12种感兴趣的化合物进行研究,并专注于评估建模和监测数据之间以及时间趋势之间的一致性。建模数据通常会低估监测数据,尤其是在1996年。对于大多数化合物,建模浓度和监测浓度之间的一致性会随时间而改善。我们得出的结论是,2002年和2005年的建模数据与监测数据最为吻合,是直接用于我们随后的流行病学分析的最合适的年份。
  • 【西南加州印第安人非法药物使用的遗传性和向依赖的过渡。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1097/01.ypg.0000242201.56342.1a 复制DOI
    作者列表:Ehlers CL,Wall TL,Corey L,Lau P,Gilder DA,Wilhelmsen K
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:Native Americans have high rates of drug use and dependence yet little is known concerning its etiology or clinical course. These analyses were conducted to describe the heritability of the use of a variety of illicit drugs, as well as the conditional probability of transitioning from use to dependence for each drug class in a community sample of Native American men and women. METHODS:The sample included 460 participants (190 men and 270 women), recruited through community effort, from eight contiguous Indian reservations in Southern California. Participants were assessed using the Semi-Structured Assessment for the Genetics of Alcoholism. The Semi-Structured Assessment for the Genetics of Alcoholism interview retrospectively asks about the initial use and drug dependence of the following illicit drug classes: marijuana, cocaine, stimulants, sedatives, opiates, hallucinogens, and solvents. Heritability of initial use was determined using SOLAR (http://www.sfbr.org/solar/). RESULTS:Ninety-one percent of this select Indian population had tried at least one of the illicit drug classes. The most commonly tried substance was marijuana (88%), followed by stimulants (60%), cocaine (44%), hallucinogens (34%), and solvents (20%). The heritability of initiation of drug use ranged from 0.14 for cocaine to 0.59 for marijuana. The conditional probability of transition from initiation to drug dependence ranged from 0.66 for stimulants to 0.06 for hallucinogens. CONCLUSIONS:These findings suggest that heritability of the initiation of substance use, in Southwest California Indians, may be similar to other population samples. In this population, however, high rates of dependence on marijuana, opiates, and stimulants are seen once initiation of the use of the substance has occurred.
    背景与目标: 目的:美国原住民吸毒和依赖程度很高,但对其病因或临床病程知之甚少。进行了这些分析,以描述各种非法药物的使用的遗传性,以及在美洲原住民男女社区样本中每种药物类别从使用转变为依赖的条件概率。
  • 【传染病的产前筛查:加州差异和政策遵守情况的分析。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s10995-008-0341-5 复制DOI
    作者列表:Sheikh LA,Sarnquist C,Grieb EM,Sullivan B,Maldonado YA
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVES:Prenatal infectious diseases are a major cause of mortality and morbidity among newborns, but many are preventable with proper maternal screening and treatment. METHODS; Adherence to prenatal infectious disease screening guidelines and demographic factors that influence adherence were determined utilizing existing data on 1837 live births from 1999-2003. RESULTS:We found higher rates of testing for syphilis (94.54%), rubella (92.69%) and hepatitis B (94.23%) than for HIV (73.82%) and GBS (69.05%). Adherence to testing guidelines varied by both disease and maternal factors. Lack of insurance, geographic location, inadequate prenatal care and incarceration were the main maternal factors associated with lack of testing. CONCLUSIONS:Disease screening rates may be improved by reducing socioeconomic barriers to prenatal testing, supporting access to insurance, eliminating provider biases and providing adequate prenatal care.
    背景与目标: 目的:产前传染病是新生儿死亡和发病的主要原因,但通过适当的母亲筛查和治疗可以预防许多疾病。方法;利用1999-2003年间1837例活产的现有数据,确定是否遵守产前传染病筛查指南和影响依从性的人口统计学因素。
  • 【有限的散布在加利福尼亚沿海的致胜鱼类,Fundulus parvipinnis的遗传学证据。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/s0022-0981(00)00298-7 复制DOI
    作者列表:Bernardi G,Talley D
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The California killifish, Fundulus parvipinnis, is a marine species that lives in salt marshes, estuaries and wetlands along the California and Baja California coasts. In order to estimate levels of dispersal between different coastal habitats over its range, we have studied six populations using morphological and genetic markers. Lateral line scale and vertebrae counts showed significant differences between individuals collected north of Punta Eugenia and south of Punta Eugenia. Morphological differences across Punta Eugenia were accompanied by large genetic differences at the mitochondrial control region (5.8%). Gene flow was in general very reduced over the range of the species (pairwise average F(st)=0.70, Nm=0.30), with a strong break at Punta Eugenia (F(st)=0.95, Nm=0.03). Such limited interchanges between coastal habitats have important theoretical and conservation implications.
    背景与目标: :加利福尼亚州的鱼类,Fundulus parvipinnis,是一种海洋生物,生活在加利福尼亚州和下加利福尼亚州沿海的盐沼,河口和湿地中。为了估计在其范围内不同沿海生境之间的扩散水平,我们使用形态和遗传标记研究了六个种群。侧线鳞片和椎骨计数显示在蓬塔尤金尼亚北部和蓬塔尤金尼亚南部收集的个体之间存在显着差异。整个蓬塔欧尼亚地区的形态学差异都伴随着线粒体控制区的较大遗传差异(5.8%)。一般而言,在整个物种范围内,基因流量都大大减少了(成对平均F(st)= 0.70,Nm = 0.30),在蓬塔尤金尼亚州有一个强力突破(F(st)= 0.95,Nm = 0.03)。沿海生境之间的这种有限的交流具有重要的理论和保护意义。
  • 【对酒精治疗,驾驶执照行为和监禁条款在加利福尼亚州减少酒后驾车再犯的有效性进行评估。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:DeYoung DJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: AIM:There has been long-standing interest in determining which sanctions work best to reduce drunk driving. This study examines the effectiveness of alcohol treatment, driver license actions and jail terms in reducing drunk-driving recidivism.

    DESIGN:This quasi-experimental study examines the relationships between the sanctions that drivers convicted of driving-under-the-influence (DUI) receive and their subsequent reconviction of DUI, while statistically controlling for pre-existing differences among groups receiving different sanctions. Separate analyses were conducted for subjects having 0, 1 or 2 or more prior DUI convictions on their driving record.

    SETTING:The study analyzes drunk driving reacidivism throughout the state of California. Participants. All drivers holding a California driver license who were convicted of DUI by a California court during 1990 and 1991 were selected for inclusion in the study.

    MEASUREMENTS:A number of demographic, prior personal driving history and surrogate traffic environment measures were collected and used as covariates in the analyses. Data were also gathered on subsequent DUI reconvictions, and the number of days to first subsequent DUI reconviction, and used as outcome variables in the study.

    FINDINGS:Results of the analyses showed that for all levels of prior DUI convictions, combining alcohol treatment with either driver license restriction or suspension is associated with the lowest DUI recidivism rates.

    CONCLUSIONS:Based on this research, and the results of prior studies, it can be persuasively argued that combining license actions with alcohol treatment represents the most effective sanction combination for combating DUI recidivism.

    背景与目标: AIM :人们一直对确定哪种制裁措施最能减少酒后驾车感兴趣。这项研究研究了酒精处理,驾驶执照行为和监禁条款在减少酒后驾车再犯中的有效性。






  • 【在加利福尼亚的墨西哥移民母亲中使用温度计。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/s0277-9536(97)00018-x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Schwartz N,Guendelman S,English P
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: A community-based household survey was utilized to assess the relationship between thermometer use, home treatment and utilization of health care services. Using a cross-sectional design, the study surveyed 688 low income Mexican origin mothers of children between the ages of 8 and 16 months in San Diego County. Mothers were asked how they determine that their child has fever and how often they use a thermometer. Nearly 40% of low income Mexican mothers interviewed in San Diego county never used a thermometer for determining childhood fever. Approximately two-thirds (64.7%) relied either primarily or exclusively on embodied methods such as visual observation or touch to determine fever in their child. A multivariate logistic regression analysis determined that low education and a separated or divorced marital status decreased the odds of thermometer use, whereas regular contact with the health care system doubled the likelihood of thermometer use. Mothers who relied on embodied methods were more likely to use over-the-counter medications than those who relied on thermometers; however, no significant differences were found between groups using other methods of home treatment. Fever determination modalities can be used to screen for lack of access to care and to provide for other health care needs in a culturally appropriate manner. While clinicians' expectations may include parental experience with temperature taking, current pediatric literature questions the need for home-based thermometer use. Possible alternatives to the traditional rectal thermometer might include digital thermometers and color coded thermometer strips.

    背景与目标: 利用基于社区的家庭调查来评估温度计使用,家庭治疗和医疗服务利用之间的关系。该研究使用横断面设计对圣地亚哥县的688名墨西哥裔低收入母亲进行了调查,这些母亲年龄在8至16个月之间。询问母亲如何确定孩子发烧以及使用温度计的频率。在圣地亚哥县接受采访的近40%的低收入墨西哥母亲从未使用温度计来确定儿童发烧。大约三分之二(64.7%)的儿童主要或完全依靠视觉观察或触觉等具体方法来确定孩子的发烧情况。多元逻辑回归分析确定,受教育程度低和婚姻状况分离或离婚会降低使用温度计的几率,而与卫生保健系统的定期接触会使使用温度计的可能性加倍。与那些依靠体温计的母亲相比,那些依靠具体方法的母亲更有可能使用非处方药。但是,使用其他家庭治疗方法的组之间没有发现显着差异。发烧确定方式可用于筛查缺乏护理的机会,并以适合文化的方式提供其他医疗保健需求。尽管临床医生的期望可能包括父母的体温测量经验,但目前的儿科文献对家用温度计的使用提出了质疑。传统直肠温度计的可能替代品可能包括数字温度计和带有色码的温度计条。

  • 【加利福尼亚州南部边境浮游细菌群落中溶原的特征。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s00248-006-9148-3 复制DOI
    作者列表:Hewson I,Fuhrman JA
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Viruses cause significant mortality of marine microorganisms; however, their role in shaping the composition of microbial assemblages has not been fully elucidated. Because viruses may form lysogenic relationships with their hosts, temperate viruses may influence bacterial assemblage structures through direct lysis of hosts when induced by environmental stimuli or by homoimmunity (i.e., immunity to closely related viruses). We investigated the components of bacterioplankton assemblages that bore prophage using the lysogenic induction agent mitomycin C. Seawater was collected at two locations (the San Pedro Ocean Time Series Station and in the Santa Barbara Channel) in the Southern California Borderland and amended with mitomycin C. After 24-h incubation, the community structure of bacterioplankton was compared with unamended controls using automated rRNA intergenic spacer analysis. The addition of mitomycin C to seawater had effects on the community structure of bacterioplankton, stimulating detectable overall diversity and richness of fingerprints and causing the assemblages within incubations to become different to control assemblages. Most negatively impacted operational taxonomic units (OTU) in mitomycin C-amended incubations individually comprised a large fraction of total amplified DNA in initial seawater (5.3-23.3% of amplified DNA fluorescence) fingerprints, and data suggest that these include organisms putatively classified as members of the gamma-Proteobacteria, SAR11 cluster, and Synechococcus groups. The stimulation of assemblage richness by induction of lysogens, and the reduction in the contribution to total DNA of common OTU (and concomitant increase in rare OTU), suggests that temperate phage have the potential to strongly influence the diversity of bacterioplankton assemblages. Because lysogenic OTU may also be resistant to closely related lytic (i.e., free-living) viruses, the impact of lytic virioplankton on assemblages may only be pronounced transiently or when conditions causing lysogenic induction arise.
    背景与目标: :病毒导致海洋微生物大量死亡;然而,它们在塑造微生物组合物的组成中的作用尚未完全阐明。因为病毒可能与其宿主形成溶源性关系,所以当受到环境刺激或同种免疫力(即对紧密相关的病毒的免疫力)诱导时,温带病毒可能通过直接裂解宿主来影响细菌的组装结构。我们调查了使用溶原性诱导剂丝裂霉素C进行噬菌体繁殖的浮游细菌集合体的组成部分。在南加利福尼亚边境地区的两个地点(圣佩德罗海洋时间序列站和圣塔芭芭拉海峡)收集了海水,并用丝裂霉素C进行了修正。温育24小时后,使用自动rRNA基因间间隔子分析将浮游细菌的群落结构与未经修饰的对照进行比较。向海水中添加丝裂霉素C对浮游细菌的群落结构有影响,刺激了可检测的总体多样性和指纹的丰富性,并导致孵化过程中的组合变得与对照组合不同。在丝裂霉素C修饰的孵育中,最受负面影响的操作生物分类单位(OTU)分别包含初始海水指纹中总扩增DNA的很大一部分(占扩增DNA荧光的5.3%至23.3%),数据表明,这些微生物包括假定分类为成员的生物γ-变形杆菌,SAR11簇和Synechococcus组。通过溶菌原的刺激刺激丰富的集合体,以及减少普通OTU对总DNA的贡献(并伴随稀有OTU的增加),表明温和的噬菌体有可能强烈影响浮游细菌集合体的多样性。由于溶源性OTU也可能对紧密相关的溶菌(即自由生活)病毒具有抗性,因此溶溶性浮游生物对集合体的影响只能短暂地或在引起溶源性诱导的条件出现时才显露出来。
  • 【加利福尼亚成年海狮(Zalophus californianus)在水面和受过训练的浸没过程中的标准代谢率。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Hurley JA,Costa DP
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The metabolic rate (MR) of four adult California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), two males and two females, was quantified during trained submersion and stationing behavior in laboratory tanks. MR was measured, at rest and for single submersions of increasing duration (1-7 min), by measuring oxygen consumption using open-circuit, indirect calorimetry. Standard MR was measured under conditions defined for basal MR and was found to be 1.9 to 3 times that predicted for terrestrial animals of similar size. Submersion MRs were calculated from the post-submersion oxygen debt and declined to as little as 47 % of standard MR on the longest submersions. This hypometabolic response was proportional to the duration of submersion and was greatest for the maximum duration submersions. Short submersions produced MRs equivalent to measured standard MR. These data suggest that although California sea lions maintain an elevated metabolism under standard conditions, they are capable of reducing their metabolism in response to the needs of diving. Such metabolic flexibility enables sea lions to moderate their oxygen use during diving and to extend their aerobic diving capability.
    背景与目标: :在训练有素的浸没和在实验室水槽中的进驻行为期间,对四只成年加州海狮(Zalophus californianus)(两只雄性和两只雌性)的代谢率(MR)进行了定量。通过使用开路,间接量热法测量氧气消耗量,在静止状态下以及持续时间较长(1-7分钟)的单个潜水器中测量MR。在为基础MR定义的条件下测量标准MR,发现其为类似大小的陆生动物预测值的1.9到3倍。淹没MR是根据淹没后的氧含量计算得出的,在最长的淹没状态下,其下降幅度仅为标准MR的47%。该代谢不良反应与浸入持续时间成比例,对于最大持续时间浸入最大。短时浸没产生的MR等于测量的标准MR。这些数据表明,尽管加利福尼亚海狮在标准条件下仍能维持较高的新陈代谢,但它们能够响应潜水需求而降低其新陈代谢。这种新陈代谢的灵活性使海狮在潜水过程中能够适度使用氧气,并扩展其有氧潜水能力。
  • 【加利福尼亚州圣华金河谷的环境空气污染和交通暴露与某些先天性异常的关系。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/aje/kws367 复制DOI
    作者列表:Padula AM,Tager IB,Carmichael SL,Hammond SK,Lurmann F,Shaw GM
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Congenital anomalies are a leading cause of infant mortality and are important contributors to subsequent morbidity. Studies suggest associations between environmental contaminants and some anomalies, although evidence is limited. We aimed to investigate whether ambient air pollutant and traffic exposures in early gestation contribute to the risk of selected congenital anomalies in the San Joaquin Valley of California, 1997-2006. Seven exposures and 5 outcomes were included for a total of 35 investigated associations. We observed increased odds of neural tube defects when comparing the highest with the lowest quartile of exposure for several pollutants after adjusting for maternal race/ethnicity, education, and multivitamin use. The adjusted odds ratio for neural tube defects among those with the highest carbon monoxide exposure was 1.9 (95% confidence interval: 1.1, 3.2) compared with those with the lowest exposure, and there was a monotonic exposure-response across quartiles. The highest quartile of nitrogen oxide exposure was associated with neural tube defects (adjusted odds ratio = 1.8, 95% confidence interval: 1.1, 2.8). The adjusted odds ratio for the highest quartile of nitrogen dioxide exposure was 1.7 (95% confidence interval: 1.1, 2.7). Ozone was associated with decreased odds of neural tube defects. Our results extend the limited body of evidence regarding air pollution exposure and adverse birth outcomes.
    背景与目标: :先天性异常是婴儿死亡的主要原因,并且是随后发病的重要原因。研究表明,尽管证据有限,但环境污染物与某些异常之间存在关联。我们的目的是调查1997-2006年加利福尼亚州圣华金河谷的环境空气污染物和妊娠早期的交通暴露是否会导致某些先天性异常的风险。总共35个被调查的协会包括7次暴露和5个结果。在调整了母体种族/民族,教育程度和多种维生素使用量后,比较几种污染物的最高和最低四分位数的暴露量,我们观察到了神经管缺陷的几率增加。一氧化碳暴露最高者的神经管缺陷校正比值比为最低暴露者,其调整后的优势比为1.9(95%置信区间:1.1、3.2),四分位数之间存在单调的暴露响应。氮氧化物暴露的最高四分位数与神经管缺陷有关(调整的优势比= 1.8、95%置信区间:1.1、2.8)。二氧化氮暴露的最高四分位数的调整后优势比为1.7(95%置信区间:1.1、2.7)。臭氧与神经管缺损几率降低有关。我们的结果扩展了有关空气污染暴露和不良出生结局的有限证据。
  • 【南加州创伤中心的电动踏板车伤害。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2020.02.047 复制DOI
    作者列表:Dhillon NK,Juillard C,Barmparas G,Lin TL,Kim DY,Turay D,Seibold AR,Kaminski S,Duncan TK,Diaz G,Saad S,Hanpeter D,Benjamin ER,Tillou A,Demetriades D,Inaba K,Ley EJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Electric scooters are popular in Southern California due to their ease of use, affordability, and availability. The objective of this study was to characterize how hospital admissions and outcomes varied due to electric scooter injury among Southern California trauma centers. STUDY DESIGN:Trauma registry data from 9 urban trauma centers were queried for patients sustaining injury while operating an electric scooter from January to December 2018. Data collection included patient demographics, diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes. RESULTS:During the 1-year study period, 87 patients required trauma surgeon care due to scooter-related injury, with a mean age of 35.1 years; 71.3% were male with 20.7% and 17.2% of patients requiring ICU admission and a surgical intervention, respectively. One (1.1%) patient died. The head and face were most commonly injured, followed by the extremities. Helmet use was uncommon (71.3%). High variability in patient volume was noted, with 2 centers considered high-incidence and the remaining low-incidence. CONCLUSIONS:Injuries from electric scooter crashes are primarily to the head, face, and extremities, with approximately 1 in 5 patients requiring ICU admission and/or a surgical intervention. There is significant variation in patient volume among Southern California trauma centers that could affect the delivery of care with the abrupt introduction of this technology. Targeted public health interventions and policies might better address community use of the electric scooter.
    背景与目标: 背景:电动踏板车因其易于使用,价格合理和实用性而在南加州颇受欢迎。这项研究的目的是描述南加州创伤中心因电动踏板车受伤而导致的住院收治和结局如何变化。
  • 【Pinnipeds定位并控制其胡须:对太平洋海象,加利福尼亚海狮和海豹的研究。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s00359-020-01408-8 复制DOI
    作者列表:Milne AO,Smith C,Orton LD,Sullivan MS,Grant RA
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Whisker touch is an active sensory system. Previous studies in Pinnipeds have adopted relatively stationary tasks to judge tactile sensitivity, which may not accurately promote natural whisker movements and behaviours. This study developed a novel feeding task, termed fish sweeping to encourage whisker movements. Head and whisker movements were tracked from video footage in Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) and Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). All species oriented their head towards the moving fish target and moved their whiskers during the task. Some species also engaged in whisker control behaviours, including head-turning asymmetry in the Pacific walrus, and contact-induced asymmetry in the Pacific walrus and California sea lion: behaviours that have only previously been observed in terrestrial mammals. This study confirms that Pinnipeds should be thought of as whisker specialists, and that whisker control (movement and positioning) is an important aspect of touch sensing in these animals, especially in sea lions and walruses. That the California sea lion controls whisker movement in relation to an object, and also had large values of whisker amplitude, spread and asymmetry, suggests that California sea lions are a promising model with which to further explore active touch sensing.
    背景与目标: :Whisker touch是一个主动的感觉系统。先前在Pinnipeds进行的研究已经采用相对固定的任务来判断触觉敏感性,这可能无法准确地促进自然的晶须运动和行为。这项研究提出了一种新颖的喂养任务,称为扫鱼以鼓励晶须运动。从海豹(Phoca vitulina),加利福尼亚海狮(Zalophus californianus)和太平洋海象(Odobenus rosmarus divergens)的录像中跟踪头部和晶须的运动。在执行任务期间,所有物种的头都朝向移动的鱼目标,并移动了其胡须。一些物种还参与晶须控制行为,包括太平洋海象中的转头不对称性,以及太平洋海象和加利福尼亚海狮中的接触性不对称性:以前仅在陆生哺乳动物中观察到过这种行为。这项研究证实,应将Pinnipeds视为晶须专家,并且晶须控制(运动和定位)是这些动物(尤其是海狮和海象)触摸感应的重要方面。加州海狮控制着相对于物体的晶须运动,并且晶须振幅,传播和不对称性值也很大,这表明加州海狮是一个有前途的模型,可以用来进一步探索主动式触摸感应。
  • 【噬菌体编码的外毒素基因在南加州的陆地和水生环境中广泛存在。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/j.1574-6968.2006.00345.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Casas V,Miyake J,Balsley H,Roark J,Telles S,Leeds S,Zurita I,Breitbart M,Bartlett D,Azam F,Rohwer F
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Many human diseases are caused by pathogens that produce exotoxins. The genes that encode these exotoxins are frequently encoded by mobile DNA elements such as plasmids or phage. Mobile DNA elements can move exotoxin genes among microbial hosts, converting avirulent bacteria into pathogens. Phage and bacteria from water, soil, and sediment environments represent a potential reservoir of phage- and plasmid-encoded exotoxin genes. The genes encoding exotoxins that are the causes of cholera, diphtheria, enterohemorrhagic diarrhea, and Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning were found in soil, sediment, and water samples by standard PCR assays from locations where the human diseases are uncommon or nonexistent. On average, at least one of the target exotoxin genes was detected in approximately 15% of the more than 300 environmental samples tested. The results of standard PCR assays were confirmed by quantitative PCR (QPCR) and Southern dot blot analyses. Agreement between the results of the standard PCR and QPCR ranged from 63% to 84%; and the agreement between standard PCR and Southern dot blots ranged from 50% to 66%. Both the cholera and shiga exotoxin genes were also found in the free phage DNA fraction. The results indicate that phage-encoded exotoxin genes are widespread and mobile in terrestrial and aquatic environments.
    背景与目标: :许多人类疾病是由产生外毒素的病原体引起的。编码这些外毒素的基因通常由可移动的DNA元件(如质粒或噬菌体)编码。可移动的DNA元素可以在微生物宿主之间移动外毒素基因,从而将无毒细菌转化为病原体。来自水,土壤和沉积物环境的噬菌体和细菌代表着噬菌体和质粒编码的外毒素基因的潜在库。通过标准PCR检测在人类疾病不常见或不存在的地方的土壤,沉积物和水样中发现了编码霍乱,白喉,肠出血性腹泻和金黄色葡萄球菌食物中毒的外毒素编码基因。平均而言,在所测试的300多个环境样本中,大约有15%检测到了目标外毒素基因中的至少一种。通过定量PCR(QPCR)和Southern点印迹分析证实了标准PCR测定的结果。标准PCR和QPCR结果之间的一致性介于63%至84%之间;标准PCR和Southern点印迹的一致性介于50%至66%之间。在游离噬菌体DNA部分中也发现了霍乱和志贺外毒素基因。结果表明,噬菌体编码的外毒素基因在陆地和水生环境中广泛存在并且可以移动。
  • 【在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶使用GRINDR与男性发生性关系的男性的流行病学,性风险行为和HIV预防措施。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s11524-012-9766-7 复制DOI
    作者列表:Landovitz RJ,Tseng CH,Weissman M,Haymer M,Mendenhall B,Rogers K,Veniegas R,Gorbach PM,Reback CJ,Shoptaw S
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Young men who have sex with men (YMSM) are at alarming risk for HIV acquisition, demonstrating the highest rates of incident infection of any age-risk group. GRINDR is a global positioning service-based social networking application popular with YMSM for sexual partnering. To assess the characteristics of YMSM who use GRINDR, we conducted a computer-assisted self-interview-based survey of 375 YMSM using GRINDR in metropolitan Los Angeles, recruited using the GRINDR platform. The median age was 25 (interquartile range, 22-27) years old, 42.4 % caucasian, 6.4 % African American, 33.6 % Latino, and 14.1 % Asian/Pacific Islander. Participants reported high rates of sexual partnering and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI). The majority (70 %) of those reporting unprotected anal intercourse reported low perception of HIV-acquisition risk. Of the participants, 83.1 % reported HIV testing within the past 12 months; 4.3 % had never been HIV tested. Of the participants, 4.5 % reported HIV-positive serostatus; 51.7 % indicated that they would be interested in participating in a future HIV prevention trial. Latinos were more likely than either caucasians or African Americans to endorse trial participation interest (odds ratio, 1.9; 95 % confidence interval [1.1-3.3]). HIV-positive test results were associated with increased number of anal sex partners in the past 3 months (adjusted odds ratio (AOR), 1.53 [0.97-2.40]), inconsistent inquiry about partners' serostatus (AOR, 3.63 [1.37-9.64]), reporting the purpose for GRINDR use including "friendship" (AOR, 0.17 [0.03-1.06), and meeting a sexual partner in a bookstore in the past 3 months (AOR, 33.84 [0.99-1152]). Men recruited via GRINDR were high risk for HIV acquisition or transmission and interested in clinical trial participation, suggesting potential for this method to be used for recruitment of YMSM to HIV prevention trials.
    背景与目标: :与男性发生性关系的年轻人(YMSM)感染艾滋病毒的危险性令人震惊,这表明在任何年龄风险组中,事件感染率最高。 GRINDR是一种基于全球定位服务的社交网络应用程序,在YMSM中很受欢迎,用于进行性伴侣。为了评估使用GRINDR的YMSM的特征,我们使用GRINDR平台招募了在洛杉矶大都市使用GRINDR进行的基于计算机辅助自我访谈的375 YMSM调查。中位年龄为25岁(四分位数范围为22-27岁),白种人为42.4%,非洲裔美国人为6.4%,拉丁美洲人为33.6%,亚洲/太平洋岛民为14.1%。参与者报告说,性伴侣和无保护的肛门性交(UAI)的发生率很高。报告无保护的肛门性交的人中的大多数(70%)报告对艾滋病毒感染风险的认识较低。在参与者中,有83.1%的人在过去12个月内报告了HIV检测; 4.3%的人从未接受过HIV检测。在参与者中,有4.5%的人报告HIV阳性血清状况; 51.7%的人表示他们有兴趣参加未来的HIV预防试验。与白种人或非裔美国人相比,拉丁美洲人更有可能认可试验参与者的兴趣(优势比为1.9; 95%的置信区间[1.1-3.3])。 HIV阳性测试结果与过去3个月中肛交伴侣的数量增加相关(调整比值比(AOR),1.53 [0.97-2.40]),对伴侣血清状况的询问不一致(AOR,3.63 [1.37-9.64]) ),报告使用GRINDR的目的,包括“友谊”(AOR,0.17 [0.03-1.06]),并在过去3个月内在书店里结识性伴侣(AOR,33.84 [0.99-1152])。通过GRINDR招募的男性对HIV的获取或传播具有很高的风险,并且对临床试验的参与感兴趣,这表明该方法可能被用于招募YMSM参加HIV预防试验。

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