• 【饲养船标志-感染性肺栓塞的放射学标志。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
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    DOI:10.1093/qjmed/hcaa193 复制DOI
    作者列表:Tale S,Ghosh S,Meitei SP,Kolli M,Garbhapu AK
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Feeding vessel sign is very sensitive radiological finding of septic pulmonary embolism. In the appropriate clinical context, if the CT scan of a patient with suspected sepsis shows this radiological sign, empirical antibiotics (including gram positive organisms) should be started at the earliest after sending all cultures to decrease mortality and morbidity. Here we are presenting a case of 14-years-old boy with left ankle septic arthritis and septic pulmonary embolism.
    背景与目标: :进食管征是化脓性肺栓塞的放射学非常敏感的发现。在适当的临床情况下,如果怀疑脓毒症患者的CT扫描显示出这种放射学体征,则应在送出所有培养物后尽早开始使用经验性抗生素(包括革兰氏阳性生物)以降低死亡率和发病率。在这里,我们介绍一例14岁男孩患有左脚踝感染性关节炎和感染性肺栓塞。
  • 【对大鼠进食脂肪引起的应激反应增强:下丘脑去甲肾上腺素与血糖之间的关系。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/0006-8993(91)91317-t 复制DOI
    作者列表:Pascoe WS,Smythe GA,Storlien LH
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :High-fat-feeding in rats has been reported to enhance stress reactions, as assessed by elevation of blood glucose and corticosterone levels. This study was designed to investigate the relationship between changes in blood glucose and hypothalamic neuronal noradrenaline activity (HNNA), as indexed by the ratio of dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (DHPG) to noradrenaline (NA), following physiological stress in high-fat-fed rats. Two groups of adult male Wistar rats were fed isocaloric diets high in fat (59% of calories) or starch (70% of calories). After 3 weeks each of these groups was further subdivided into (a) control, (b) 2 min ambient temperature (20 degrees C) swim or (c) 2 min swim in ice-cold water. Animals were decapitated 20 min after commencing the swim; trunk blood and a sample of medial basal hypothalamus were obtained. Computerized gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was used to measure hypothalamic DHPG and NA concentrations. There were no differences between fat- and starch-fed rats in basal levels of serum glucose, insulin or corticosterone and no differences in DHPG, NA or DHPG/NA ratio. Compared to starch-fed rats, ambient swim stress in the fat-fed group produced significantly larger serum glucose (P less than 0.01), serum corticosterone (P less than 0.05), DHPG (P less than 0.05) and DHPG/NA (P less than 0.01) responses. Following cold swim stress similar differences between fat- and starch-fed animals were observed. In addition, serum insulin was found to be significantly suppressed in the fat-fed group (P less than 0.05) following cold swim.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
    背景与目标: :据报道,高血糖喂养可增强大鼠的应激反应,通过血糖和皮质酮水平的升高来评估。本研究旨在研究高脂饮食大鼠生理应激后血糖变化与下丘脑神经元去甲肾上腺素活性(HNNA)之间的关系,该关系以二羟苯基乙二醇(DHPG)与去甲肾上腺素(NA)之比表示。两组成年雄性Wistar大鼠以高热量(占热量的59%)或淀粉(占热量的70%)的等热量饮食喂养。 3周后,将这些组中的每组进一步细分为(a)对照,(b)2分钟环境温度(20摄氏度)游泳或(c)在冰冷水中游泳2分钟。开始游泳后20分钟,将动物斩首。获得干血和内侧下丘脑基底样品。使用计算机气相色谱/质谱法测量下丘脑的DHPG和NA浓度。脂肪和淀粉喂养的大鼠之间的基础血糖,胰岛素或皮质酮水平无差异,DHPG,NA或DHPG / NA比也无差异。与淀粉喂养的大鼠相比,脂肪喂养组的周围游泳压力产生显着更大的血清葡萄糖(P小于0.01),血清皮质酮(P小于0.05),DHPG(P小于0.05)和DHPG / NA(P小于0.01)的响应。冷泳后,在脂肪和淀粉喂养的动物之间观察到相似的差异。另外,冷饮后脂肪喂养组的血清胰岛素被显着抑制(P小于0.05)。(摘要截断为250个字)
  • 【自推进鼻空肠饲管在急性胰腺炎患者中的可行性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1177/0148607108322396 复制DOI
    作者列表:Joubert C,Tiengou LE,Hourmand-Ollivier I,Dao MT,Piquet MA
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND & AIMS:To assess the success rate of a self-propelling nasojejunal feeding tube in patients with acute pancreatitis. METHODS:All patients admitted for acute pancreatitis were included. A self-propelling nasojejunal feeding tube was introduced into the stomach, and gastrointestinal motility was stimulated using metoclopramide. If the tube failed to advance to the ligament of Treitz, a nasojejunal tube was placed endoscopically. RESULTS:A total of 108 patients, 94 with necrotizing pancreatitis (Balthazar D/E) and 14 with nonnecrotizing pancreatitis (Balthazar B/C), were referred for artificial nutrition. In 11 cases, ileus persisted and parenteral nutrition was initiated. Among the remaining 97 patients, 5 refused tube placement. The self-propelling feeding tube was inserted in 92 patients with successful migration to the ligament of Treitz in 61% (n = 56) and failure in 39% (n = 36). Of the 36 patients with an initial failed placement, endoscopic placement of a nasojejunal tube was successful 80% of the time (29 patients). The success rate of a nasojejunal self-propelling feeding tube placement correlated directly with the severity of the acute pancreatitis (92% in B/C vs 61% in D vs 48% in E; P < .05). CONCLUSIONS:Use of a self-propelling nasojejunal tube is a simple technique that can be successfully performed in the majority of patients with acute pancreatitis. The utility of this procedure in the most severe cases of acute pancreatitis continues to pose a challenge.
    背景与目标: 背景与目的:评估自推进鼻空肠饲管在急性胰腺炎患者中的成功率。
    结果:总共108例患者接受了人工营养,其中94例为坏死性胰腺炎(Balthazar D / E),而14例为非坏死性胰腺炎(Balthazar B / C)。在11例中,肠梗阻持续存在,并开始了肠胃外营养。在其余的97名患者中,有5名拒绝了导管的放置。自进食管已插入92例成功迁移至Treitz韧带的患者中,占61%(n = 56),失败者占39%(n = 36)。在最初放置失败的36例患者中,鼻空肠管的内镜放置成功率为80%(29例)。鼻空肠自推进式饲管放置的成功率与急性胰腺炎的严重程度直接相关(B / C组为92%,D组为61%,E组为48%; P <.05)。
  • 【由于密度的自然选择,果蝇的更高的放养率进化。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1988.tb02527.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Joshi A,Mueller LD
    背景与目标: -2
  • 【肠内喂养腹泻:用益生菌和益生元处理结肠菌群。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1017/S0029665107005551 复制DOI
    作者列表:Whelan K
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Diarrhoea is a common and serious complication of enteral tube feeding. Its pathogenesis involves antibiotic prescription, enteropathogenic colonization and abnormal colonic responses, all of which involve an interaction with the colonic microbiota. Alterations in the colonic microbiota have been identified in patients receiving enteral tube feeding and these changes may be associated with the incidence of diarrhoea. Preventing negative alterations in the colonic microbiota has therefore been investigated as a method of reducing the incidence of diarrhoea. Probiotics and prebiotics may be effective because of their suppression of enteropathogenic colonization, stimulation of immune function and modulation of colonic metabolism. Randomized controlled trials of probiotics have produced contrasting results, although Saccharomyces boulardii has been shown to reduce the incidence of diarrhoea in patients in the intensive care unit receiving enteral tube feeding. Prebiotic fructo-oligosaccharides have been shown to increase the concentration of faecal bifidobacteria in healthy subjects consuming enteral formula, although this finding has not yet been confirmed in patients receiving enteral tube feeding. Furthermore, there are no clinical trials investigating the effect of a prebiotic alone on the incidence of diarrhoea. Further trials of the efficacy of probiotics and prebiotics, alone and in combination, in preventing diarrhoea in this patient group are warranted.
    背景与目标: :腹泻是肠管喂养的常见和严重并发症。其发病机理涉及抗生素处方,肠道致病菌定植和异常结肠反应,所有这些都涉及与结肠微生物群的相互作用。在接受肠管饲喂的患者中,结肠菌群发生了变化,这些变化可能与腹泻的发生有关。因此,作为减少腹泻发生率的方法,已经研究了预防结肠微生物群中的负面变化。益生菌和益生元可能是有效的,因为它们抑制了肠道致病菌定植,刺激了免疫功能并调节了结肠代谢。益生菌的随机对照试验产生了相反的结果,尽管已显示布拉氏酵母能减少接受肠管饲喂的重症监护病房患者腹泻的发生率。益生元低聚果糖已显示可在食用肠溶配方食品的健康受试者中增加粪便双歧杆菌的浓度,尽管尚未在接受肠管饲喂的患者中证实这一发现。此外,还没有临床试验研究仅益生元对腹泻发生率的影响。益生菌和益生元单独或组合使用以预防该患者腹泻的功效值得进一步研究。
  • 【毒蕈碱受体拮抗作用导致伏隔核阿片介导的进食行为发生功能性改变。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2008.08.002 复制DOI
    作者列表:Perry ML,Baldo BA,Andrzejewski ME,Kelley AE
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Intra-nucleus accumbens (Acb) infusion of cholinergic muscarinic antagonist, scopolamine (10 microg/0.5 microl), markedly reduced fat intake elicited by intra-Acb treatment of the mu-opioid receptor agonist, DAMGO, with 30 min and 4h pretreatment intervals. Intra-Acb scopolamine infusions also reduced food intake in food-deprived rats, but not water intake in water-deprived rats. Hence, Acb muscarinic manipulations exhibit some specificity for feeding, perhaps via interactions with the striatal opioid system.
    背景与目标: :伏隔核内(Acb)输注胆碱能毒蕈碱拮抗剂东碱(10 microg / 0.5 microl),通过Acb内治疗类阿片受体激动剂DAMGO引起的脂肪摄入显着减少,治疗间隔为30分钟和4小时。 Acb内东in碱的输注也减少了食物匮乏大鼠的食物摄入,但没有减少水缺乏大鼠的水摄入。因此,Acb毒蕈碱操作可能通过与纹状体阿片样物质系统的相互作用而表现出某些喂养特异性。
  • 【饲喂无机铬对冬季暴露的水牛犊(Bubalus bubalis)的生长性能,内分泌变量和能量代谢产物的影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s12011-013-9808-3 复制DOI
    作者列表:Kumar M,Kaur H,Tyagi AK,Kewalramani NJ,Mani V,Deka RS,Sharma VK,Chandra G,Dang AK
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :We investigated the effect of chromium (Cr) supplementation on the growth performance, energy metabolites, and hormonal variation in winter-exposed buffalo calves. Twenty-four female buffalo calves were randomly allotted to four dietary treatments (n = 6) for a period of 120 days. Feeding regimen was the same in all the groups, except the animals in the four respective groups were additionally supplemented with 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mg of Cr/kg DM in the form of CrCl3.6H2O. Calves were monitored daily for physiological variables and dry matter intake (DMI). Blood samples were collected at fortnightly intervals from each buffalo calves to measure concentrations of hormones (insulin, cortisol, and growth hormone), energy metabolites (glucose and non-esterified fatty acids), and plasma mineral levels. After 120 days of feeding trial, buffalo calves fed with Cr had lower (P < 0.05) circulating plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, and cortisol hormones, whereas plasma thyroid hormone and non-esterified fatty acids concentrations were found similar (P > 0.05) among all the treatments. The results suggested that dietary Cr supplementation influenced plasma Cr levels without affecting the plasma concentrations of other trace minerals. However, physiological variables, nutrient intake, and growth performance of buffalo calves did not differ among all treatments (P > 005). In summary, the current study showed that supplementation of Cr at the level of 1.0 and 1.5 mg of Cr/kg DMI was more effective in improving glucose utilization by increasing potency of insulin hormone and reducing concentration of cortisol hormone. Results also suggested that supplemental Cr also improves blood plasma Cr levels.
    背景与目标: :我们研究了添加铬(Cr)对水牛犊冬季生长性能,能量代谢物和激素变化的影响。将二十四只雌性水牛犊随机分配给四种饮食疗法(n = 6),为期120天。除了四组动物分别补充了0.0、0.5、1.0和1.5 mg Cr / kg DM的CrCl3.6H2O形式外,所有组的喂养方案均相同。每天监测犊牛的生理变量和干物质摄入量(DMI)。每隔两周从每头水牛犊收集血样,以测量激素(胰岛素,皮质醇和生长激素),能量代谢物(葡萄糖和非酯化脂肪酸)和血浆矿物质的浓度。饲喂试验120天后,饲喂Cr的水牛犊的循环血浆葡萄糖,胰岛素和皮质醇激素浓度较低(P <0.05),而血浆甲状腺激素和未酯化脂肪酸的浓度相似(P> 0.05)在所有的治疗方法中。结果表明,膳食中铬的添加影响血浆中的铬含量,而不会影响其他微量矿物质的血浆浓度。然而,水牛犊的生理变量,养分摄入和生长性能在所有处理之间均没有差异(P> 005)。总而言之,当前的研究表明,以1.0和1.5 mg Cr / kg DMI的水平补充Cr通过增加胰岛素激素的效力和降低皮质醇激素的浓度,更有效地提高了葡萄糖的利用率。结果还表明,补充铬还可以改善血浆中的铬水平。
  • 【在儿童出生后第一年的补充喂养方法。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1590/s0104-11692007000200014 复制DOI
    作者列表:Garcia de Lima Parada CM,de Barros Leite Carvalhaes MA,Jamas MT
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :This study aimed to investigate complementary feeding practices during children's first year of life in Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Practices were described according to the age range and the breastfeeding (BF) practice. Data were collected during a multi-vaccination campaign through the interview of 1,238 individuals who accompanied children younger than one year old being vaccinated. Differences associated with the BF situation were identified by the chi-square test and Fisher's exact test. The early introduction of complementary food was observed, which led to the low frequency of exclusive breastfeeding (36.9% <4 months). Children younger than 4 months old consumed tea (30.7%); children between 4 and 6 months old consumed fruits (54.1%), soups (39.9%) and home-made food (19.2%). Juice was offered only to 15.2% of children younger than 4 months old who were completed weaned, 60% of the children was offered water. Data show that the consistence of the food consumed was inappropriate: children between 6 and 8 months old were offered the family's regular food (48.8%) and children older than 8 months (71.6%) were offered soup. Therefore, interventions focused on complementary feeding are justified on the city.
    背景与目标: :这项研究旨在调查巴西SP Botucatu儿童一岁时的补充喂养方法。根据年龄范围和母乳喂养(BF)习惯对实践进行了描述。在一次多次疫苗接种运动中,通过对1,238名伴随一岁以下儿童进行疫苗接种的个体进行访谈,收集了相关数据。通过卡方检验和Fisher精确检验确定了与高炉情况相关的差异。观察到早期补充食品的引入,导致纯母乳喂养的频率较低(36.9%<4个月)。 4个月以下的儿童喝茶(30.7%); 4至6个月大的儿童食用水果(54.1%),汤(39.9%)和自制食品(19.2%)。仅对完全断奶的4月龄以下的孩子中的15.2%提供了果汁,为60%的孩子提供了水。数据显示,所食用食物的稠度不合适:向6至8个月大的孩子提供家庭常规食物(48.8%),向8个月以上的孩子(71.6%)提供汤。因此,针对该市补充干预措施的干预措施是合理的。
  • 【Elasmosaur(Reptilia:Sauropterygia)颈部柔韧性:对喂养策略的影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.cbpa.2007.09.004 复制DOI
    作者列表:Zammit M,Daniels CB,Kear BP
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Elasmosaurs were extremely long-necked, aquatic reptiles that used four flippers for locomotion. Their distinctive long neck distinguishes them from all other Mesozoic forms, yet the potential uses and constraints of this structure are poorly understood, particularly with regard to feeding. Several associated series of elasmosaurian cervical vertebrae were used to measure ranges of potential flexion. Two-dimensional models, based on a complete specimen of the Late Cretaceous elasmosaur Aphrosaurus furlongi, were created to measure mobility in both vertical and horizontal planes. Accuracy of the models was assessed through comparative analyses with currently extant vertebrate analogues (e.g. snake, turtle, seal). Results suggest that the elasmosaurian neck was capable of a 75-177 degrees ventral, 87-155 degrees dorsal, and 94-176 degrees lateral range of movement depending upon the thickness of cartilage reconstructed between each vertebra. Neck postures such as a 'swan-like' S-shape are shown to be implausible because they require >360 degrees vertical flexion. However, maintenance of a straight neck while swimming, together with considerable lateral and/or ventral movement during prey capture and feeding are feasible.
    背景与目标: :Elasmosaurs是长颈的水生爬行动物,使用了四个鳍状肢进行运动。它们独特的长脖子将它们与所有其他中生代形式区分开来,但是对该结构的潜在用途和限制知之甚少,特别是在喂养方面。几个相关的一系列弹力颈椎椎骨被用来测量潜在的屈曲范围。建立了二维模型,该模型基于白垩纪晚期长吻龙的完整标本,以测量垂直和水平方向上的流动性。通过与目前存在的脊椎动物类似物(例如蛇,乌龟,海豹)进行比较分析,评估了模型的准确性。结果表明,根据每个椎骨之间重建的软骨厚度,弹性腕颈的腹侧运动范围为75-177度,背侧运动范围为87-155度,横向运动范围为94-176度。颈部姿势(例如“天鹅状” S形)被证明是不可信的,因为它们需要垂直弯曲> 360度。但是,在游泳时保持直颈以及在猎物捕获和觅食期间进行相当大的横向和/或腹侧运动是可行的。
  • 【尼日利亚克罗斯河州阿克帕布约地区母亲的辅助喂养方法和婴儿的营养状况。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/s40064-016-3751-7 复制DOI
    作者列表:Udoh EE,Amodu OK
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Malnutrition in infants during weaning has been attributed to inappropriate complementary feeding practices and it underlies more than one-third of child mortality in Nigeria. Thus, addressing the influence of complementary feeding practice on nutritional status may be an important approach to reducing the burden of child malnutrition. This cross-sectional study investigated the association between complementary feeding practices among mothers and nutritional status of their infants in Akpabuyo Local Government Area, Nigeria. The study enrolled 330 mother-child pairs from 10 randomly selected out of 32 Health Facilities in Akpabuyo. Socio-demographic information, child and maternal characteristics were obtained using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Complementary feeding practices were assessed with World Health Organization infant and young child feeding indicators. Nutritional indicators wasting, underweight and stunting were determined. RESULTS:Prevalence of timely introduction of complementary feeding among infants aged 6-8 months was 85.4%, minimum dietary diversity rate was 31.5%, and minimum meal frequency 36.7%, the rate of minimum acceptable diet was 7.3%. One-third (33.3%) of the infants were underweight, 26.4%, wasted and 24.6%, stunted. Children who did not receive timely complementary foods had higher odds for wasting (OR 5.15; 95% CI 1.50-17.73). Children who did not receive the minimum dietary diversity had higher odds for underweight than children who received the minimum dietary diversity (OR 2.07; 95% CI 1.17-3.70). Children who did not receive the minimum feeding frequency were more likely to be stunted than their peers who received the minimum feeding frequency (OR 1.57; 95% CI 1.53-4.03). CONCLUSION:Sub-optimal complementary feeding predisposed to infant's malnutrition.
    背景与目标: 摘要背景:断奶期间婴儿的营养不良归因于不适当的补充喂养方法,它占尼日利亚儿童死亡率的三分之一以上。因此,解决补充喂养做法对营养状况的影响可能是减轻儿童营养不良负担的重要途径。这项横断面研究调查了尼日利亚阿克帕布约地方政府地区母亲的辅助喂养方式与婴儿营养状况之间的关系。该研究从Akpabuyo的32个医疗机构中随机选择的10个中招募了330对母子。社会人口信息,儿童和孕产妇特征是由访问员管理的调查表获得的。使用世界卫生组织的婴幼儿喂养指标评估了补充喂养方法。确定营养指标的浪费,体重不足和发育迟缓。
    结果:6-8月龄婴儿及时引入辅助喂养的发生率为85.4%,最低饮食多样化率为31.5%,最低进餐频率为36.7%,最低可接受饮食率为7.3%。三分之一(33.3%)的婴儿体重不足,体重不足的比例为26.4%,发育迟缓的比例为24.6%。没有及时吃辅食的孩子浪费的几率更高(OR 5.15; 95%CI 1.50-17.73)。未获得最低饮食多样性的儿童体重过轻的几率高于获得最低饮食多样性的儿童(OR 2.07; 95%CI 1.17-3.70)。与未接受最低喂养频率的孩子相比,未接受最低喂养频率的孩子更容易发育迟缓(OR 1.57; 95%CI 1.53-4.03)。
  • 【短期高脂喂养导致C57BL / 6J小鼠骨骼肌的形态和代谢适应。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00219.2007 复制DOI
    作者列表:de Wilde J,Mohren R,van den Berg S,Boekschoten M,Dijk KW,de Groot P,Müller M,Mariman E,Smit E
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (MS) is rapidly increasing all over the world. Consequently, there is an urgent need for more effective intervention strategies. Both animal and human studies indicate that lipid oversupply to skeletal muscle can result in insulin resistance, which is one of the characteristics of the MS. C57BL/6J mice were fed a low-fat (10 kcal%) palm oil diet or a high-fat (45 kcal%; HF) palm oil diet for 3 or 28 days. By combining transcriptomics with protein and lipid analyses we aimed to better understand the molecular events underlying the early onset of the MS. Short-term HF feeding led to altered expression levels of genes involved in a variety of biological processes including morphogenesis, energy metabolism, lipogenesis, and immune function. Protein analysis showed increased levels of the myosin heavy chain, slow fiber type protein, and the complexes I, II, III, IV, and V of the oxidative phosphorylation. Furthermore, we observed that the main mitochondrial membrane phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, contained more saturated fatty acids. Altogether, these results point to a morphological as well as a metabolic adaptation by promoting a more oxidative fiber type. We hypothesize that after this early positive adaptation, a continued transcriptional downregulation of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation will result in decreased oxidative capacity at a later stage. Together with increased saturation of phospholipids of the mitochondrial membrane this can result in decreased mitochondrial function, which is a hallmark observed in insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.
    背景与目标: :代谢综合征(MS)的患病率在世界范围内迅速增加。因此,迫切需要更有效的干预策略。动物和人体研究均表明,脂质过度供应至骨骼肌可导致胰岛素抵抗,这是MS的特征之一。给C57BL / 6J小鼠饲喂低脂(10 kcal%)棕榈油饮食或高脂(45 kcal%; HF)棕榈油饮食3或28天。通过将转录组学与蛋白质和脂质分析相结合,我们旨在更好地了解MS早期发作的分子事件。短期HF喂养导致涉及多种生物学过程的基因表达水平发生改变,这些生物学过程包括形态发生,能量代谢,脂肪形成和免疫功能。蛋白质分析显示,肌球蛋白重链,慢纤维型蛋白质以及氧化磷酸化的复合物I,II,III,IV和V的水平增加。此外,我们观察到主要的线粒体膜磷脂,磷脂酰胆碱和磷脂酰乙醇胺,含有更多的饱和脂肪酸。总而言之,这些结果通过促进更具氧化性的纤维类型而指向形态和代谢适应。我们假设,在这种早期的积极适应之后,与氧化磷酸化有关的基因的持续转录下调将在以后的阶段导致氧化能力下降。连同线粒体膜磷脂饱和度的增加,这可导致线粒体功能降低,这是在胰岛素抵抗和2型糖尿病中观察到的标志。
  • 【血浆中肾素与中风倾向性高血压大鼠终末器官损伤及钾素供给保护的关系。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1161/01.hyp.15.3.318 复制DOI
    作者列表:Volpe M,Camargo MJ,Mueller FB,Campbell WG Jr,Sealey JE,Pecker MS,Sosa RE,Laragh JH
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :We studied the effects of regular diet (0.35% NaCl/1.1% potassium), high sodium diet (4% NaCl/0.75% potassium), or high sodium and high potassium diet (4% NaCl/2.11% potassium) on blood pressure, plasma renin activity, renal and cerebrovascular lesions, and incidence of stroke and mortality in male stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). In the first 4 weeks, the rise in blood pressure was higher in high NaCl than in high NaCl/high potassium or regular diet groups. However, by 8 and 12 weeks, the blood pressure in all three groups was similar. After 4 weeks of diet, plasma renin activity was similar in the three groups (3.4 +/- 0.8, 4.1 +/- 0.9, and 5.2 +/- 1.6 ng/ml/hr, in high NaCl, high NaCl/high potassium, and regular diet groups, respectively) and were not related to sodium excretion. After 8 weeks, plasma renin activity was significantly increased only in the high NaCl group (13.7 +/- 3.7 ng/ml/hr), and by 12 weeks plasma renin activity was significantly higher in the high NaCl group (25.3 +/- 3.6 ng/ml/hr) than in the high NaCl/high potassium (11.1 +/- 2.9 ng/ml/hr) or in the regular diet (7.8 +/- 4.6 ng/ml/hr) groups. Moderate to severe renal vascular lesions were first detected in the high NaCl group by 8 weeks of diet. At 12 weeks, renal vascular damage index (RVDI), estimated histologically, was significantly higher in the high NaCl group (RVDI = 79 +/- 14) than in the high NaCl/high potassium (RVDI = 40 +/- 11) and regular diet (RVDI = 7.8 +/- 4.6) groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
    背景与目标: :我们研究了常规饮食(0.35%NaCl / 1.1%钾),高钠饮食(4%NaCl / 0.75%钾)或高钠高钾饮食(4%NaCl / 2.11%钾)对血压的影响男性中风倾向性自发性高血压大鼠(SHRSP)的血浆,血浆肾素活性,肾和脑血管病变以及中风发生率和死亡率。在最初的4周中,高NaCl的血压升高高于高NaCl /高钾或常规饮食组的血压升高。但是,到第8周和第12周,所有三组的血压均相似。饮食4周后,在高NaCl,高NaCl /高钾和常规饮食中,三组的血浆肾素活性相似(3.4 /-0.8、4.1 /-0.9和5.2 /-1.6 ng / ml / hr各组)和钠排泄无关。 8周后,血浆肾素活性仅在高氯化钠组中显着增加(13.7 /-3.7 ng / ml / hr),到12周时血浆肾素活性在高氯化钠组中显着提高(25.3 /-3.6 ng / ml / hr)。 ml / hr)高于高NaCl /高钾(11.1 /-2.9 ng / ml / hr)或常规饮食(7.8 /-4.6 ng / ml / hr)组。高NaCl组通过饮食8周首先发现了中度至重度肾血管病变。根据组织学估计,在第12周时,高NaCl组(RVDI = 79 /-14)的肾脏血管损伤指数(RVDI)明显高于高NaCl /高钾组(RVDI = 40 /-11)和常规饮食(RVDI = 7.8 /-4.6)组。(摘要以250字截断)
  • 【甘丙肽敲除小鼠的喂养行为支持甘丙肽在脂肪摄取和偏好中的作用。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2826.2007.01638.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Adams AC,Clapham JC,Wynick D,Speakman JR
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :It has been widely suggested that saturated fat consumption has fuelled the current obesity epidemic. Macronutrient choices appear to be important not only as potential factors influencing obesity, but also independently as risk factors for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. The neuropeptide galanin has previously been implicated in the regulation of fat intake, although its precise role has been contested. The present study investigated mice with targeted knockout of the galanin gene (GKO). We demonstrate that, when only a high fat diet (HFD) was available, wild-type (WT) animals consumed significantly more energy than the GKO mice (89.85 +/- 4.57 kJ/day versus 76.84 +/- 3.55 kJ/day, P < 0.001, n = 17 versus 15). Consistent with this, WT animals gained more body weight when fed the HFD than GKO animals (3.48 +/- 0.44 g versus 2.02 +/- 0.62 g, P < 0.001, n = 17 versus 15). In a macronutrient choice scenario, WT mice ate almost three-fold more fat than GKO animals (0.63 +/- 0.02 g versus 0.23 +/- 0.01 g, P < 0.001, n = 18 versus 24). Chronic administration of galanin by mini-osmotic pumps into the lateral ventricle of GKO animals partially reversed the fat avoidance phenotype. Fat intake was significantly lower in the phosphate-buffered saline-treated GKO group compared to galanin-treated GKO animals (0.32 +/- 0.01 g versus 0.38 +/- 0.01 g, P < 0.005, n = 17 versus 17). These data are compatible with the hypothesis that galanin specifically regulates fat intake, and implies that an antagonist to one or more of the galanin receptor subtype(s) may be of use in the treatment of some forms of obesity.
    背景与目标: :已被广泛认为,饱和脂肪的消耗助长了当前的肥胖病流行。大量营养素的选择不仅作为影响肥胖的潜在因素,而且作为糖尿病,心血管疾病和癌症的危险因素,也很重要。神经肽甘丙肽以前曾参与脂肪摄入的调节,尽管其确切作用已受到争议。本研究调查了有针对性地敲除甘丙肽基因(GKO)的小鼠。我们证明,当只有高脂饮食(HFD)可用时,野生型(WT)动物比GKO小鼠消耗的能量要多得多(89.85 /-4.57 kJ /天,而76.84 /-3.55 kJ /天,P < 0.001,n = 17对15)。与此相一致,野生型动物饲喂HFD时比GKO动物获得更多的体重(3.48±0.44 g对2.02±0.62 g,P <0.001,n = 17对15)。在选择大量营养素的情况下,野生型小鼠的脂肪摄入几乎是GKO动物的三倍(0.63 /-0.02克对0.23 /-0.01克,P <0.001,n = 18对24)。通过微型渗透泵向GKO动物的侧脑室长期施用甘丙肽会部分逆转避免脂肪的表型。与甘丙肽治疗的GKO动物相比,磷酸盐缓冲盐水治疗的GKO组的脂肪摄入量显着降低(0.32 / 0.01 g对0.38 / 0.01 g,P <0.005,n = 17对17)。这些数据与甘丙肽特异性地调节脂肪摄入的假设是相容的,并且暗示针对一种或多种甘丙肽受体亚型的拮抗剂可以用于治疗某些形式的肥胖症。
  • 【黑皮质素在进食中枢控制中的作用。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/s0014-2999(00)00538-0 复制DOI
    作者列表:Vergoni AV,Bertolini A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The injection of a melanocortin peptide or of melanocortin peptide analogues into the cerebrospinal fluid or into the ventromedial hypothalamus in nanomolar or subnanomolar doses induces a long-lasting inhibition of food intake. The effect keeps significant for up to 9 h and has been observed in all animal species so far tested, the most susceptible being the rabbit. The anorectic effect of these peptides is a primary one, not secondary to the shift towards other components of the complex melanocortin-induced behavioral syndrome, in particular grooming. The site of action is in the brain, and the effect is not adrenal-mediated because it is fully exhibited also by adrenalectomized animals. It is a very strong effect, because the degree of feeding inhibition is not reduced in conditions of hunger, either induced by 24 h starvation, or by insulin-induced hypoglycemia, or by stimulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), noradrenergic or opioid systems. The microstructural analysis of feeding behavior suggests that melanocortins act as satiety-inducing agents, because they do not significantly modify the latencies to start eating, but shorten the latencies to stop eating. The mechanism of action involves the activation of melanocortin MC(4) receptors, because selective melanocortin MC(4) receptor antagonists inhibit the anorectic effect of melanocortins, while inducing per se a strong stimulation of food intake and a significant increase in body weight. Melanocortins seem to play an important role in stress-induced anorexia, because such condition, in rats, is significantly attenuated by the blockage of melanocortin MC(4) receptors; such a role is not secondary to an increased release of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), because, on the other hand, the CRF-induced anorexia is not affected at all by the blockage of melanocortin MC(4) receptors. The physiological meaning of the feeding inhibitory effect of melanocortins, and, by consequence, the physiological role of melanocortins in the complex machinery responsible for body weight homeostasis, is testified by the hyperphagia/obesity syndromes caused by mutations in the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) gene, or in the melanocortin MC(4) receptor gene, or in the agouti locus. Finally, recent evidences suggest that melanocortins could be involved in mediating the effects of leptin, and in controlling the expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY).
    背景与目标: :以纳摩尔或亚纳摩尔剂量向脑脊液或腹膜下丘脑中注射黑皮质素肽或黑皮质素肽类似物可长期抑制食物摄入。效果可保持长达9小时,并且在迄今为止测试的所有动物物种中均已观察到,最易感的是兔子。这些肽的厌食作用是主要的,而不是向复杂的黑皮质素诱导的行为综合症,特别是修饰的其他成分转变的次要作用。作用部位在大脑中,并且该作用不受肾上腺介导,因为肾上腺切除术动物也充分发挥了作用。这是非常有效的作用,因为在饥饿状态下(饥饿24小时,胰岛素诱导的低血糖症或通过γ-氨基丁酸(GABA),去甲肾上腺素能或阿片类物质刺激而导致的饥饿感),进食抑制的程度不会降低系统。进食行为的微观结构分析表明,黑皮质素可作为饱腹感的诱因,因为它们不会显着改变开始进食的潜伏期,但会缩短停止进食的潜伏期。该作用机制涉及黑皮质素MC(4)受体的激活,因为选择性的黑皮质素MC(4)受体拮抗剂抑制黑皮质素的厌食作用,同时本身引起强烈的食物摄取刺激和体重的显着增加。黑皮质素似乎在应激性厌食症中起重要作用,因为在大鼠中,这种状况因黑皮质素MC(4)受体的阻滞而明显减弱。这种作用并不是促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子(CRF)释放增加的继发因素,因为另一方面,CRF引起的厌食症完全不受黑皮质素MC(4)受体的阻滞影响。黑色素皮质激素的进食抑制作用的生理意义,以及由此导致的黑色素皮质激素在引起体重动态平衡的复杂机制中的生理作用,已由前opiomelanocortin(POMC)突变引起的食欲亢进/肥胖症综合症得到证实。黑素皮质素MC(4)受体基因中的基因,或者在刺豚鼠基因座中。最后,最近的证据表明,黑皮质素可能参与调节瘦素的作用,并参与控制神经肽Y(NPY)的表达。
  • 【分子系统发生学和胚胎学证据表明,在海洋腹足动物中已重新获得了幼虫。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.2307/25066586 复制DOI
    作者列表:Collin R,Chaparro OR,Winkler F,Véliz D
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Evolutionary transitions between different modes of development in marine invertebrates are thought to be biased toward the loss of feeding larvae. Because the morphology of feeding larvae is complex and nonfeeding larvae or encapsulated embryos with benthic development often have simplified morphologies, it is presumed to be easier to lose a larval stage than to reacquire it. Some authors have gone so far as to suggest that feeding larvae, morphologically similar to the ancestral feeding larvae, cannot be reacquired. However, the larval structures of some groups, most notably gastropods, are often retained in the encapsulated embryos of species that hatch as benthic juveniles. Therefore the re-evolution of feeding larvae using the same structures may be possible in these groups. Here we present the first well-substantiated case for the recent re-evolution of feeding larvae within a clade of direct-developers. DNA sequence data show that Crepipatella fecunda, a species of calyptraeid gastropod with planktotrophic development, is nested within a clade of species with direct development, and that Crepipatella dilatata, a species with direct development, appears to be paraphyletic with respect to C. fecunda. Observation of the embryos of C. dilatata shows that the features necessary for larval feeding and swimming are retained in the encapsulated veligers, suggesting that heterochronic shifts in hatching time and changes in nurse-egg allotment could have resulted in the re-evolution of feeding larvae in this species.
    背景与目标: :海洋无脊椎动物不同发育方式之间的进化过渡被认为倾向于减少幼体的摄食。由于喂食幼虫的形态很复杂,并且不喂食幼虫或底栖发育的包囊胚胎通常具有简化的形态,因此推测失去幼虫阶段要比重新获得幼虫容易。一些作者甚至提出,不能重新获得形态上类似于祖先喂养幼虫的喂养幼虫。然而,某些群体的幼虫结构,最著名的是腹足动物,通常保留在作为底栖幼体孵化的物种的包囊胚胎中。因此,在这些组中使用相同的结构重新喂养幼虫是可能的。在这里,我们提出了第一个充分证实的案例,该案例是近期在直接开发者群体中喂食幼虫的重新进化。 DNA序列数据显示,具有浮游营养发育的ca蝶腹足纲动物种类的Crepipatella fecunda嵌套在具有直接发育的物种的进化枝中,而具有直接发育的物种Crepipatella dilatata似乎对fecunda具有寄生性。观察C. dilatata的胚胎,发现幼虫进食和游泳所必需的特征保留在包囊的飞虱中,这表明孵化时间的异时变化和护士卵的分配变化可能导致了幼虫的重新进化在这个物种中。

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