• 【全球哺乳动物分布,生物多样性热点和保护。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1073/pnas.0609334103 复制DOI
    作者列表:Ceballos G,Ehrlich PR
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Hotspots, which have played a central role in the selection of sites for reserves, require careful rethinking. We carried out a global examination of distributions of all nonmarine mammals to determine patterns of species richness, endemism, and endangerment, and to evaluate the degree of congruence among hotspots of these three measures of diversity in mammals. We then compare congruence of hotspots in two animal groups (mammals and birds) to assess the generality of these patterns. We defined hotspots as the richest 2.5% of cells in a global equal-area grid comparable to 1 degrees latitude x 1 degrees longitude. Hotspots of species richness, "endemism," and extinction threat were noncongruent. Only 1% of cells and 16% of species were common to the three types of mammalian hotspots. Congruence increased with increases in both the geographic scope of the analysis and the percentage of cells defined as being hotspots. The within-mammal hotspot noncongruence was similar to the pattern recently found for birds. Thus, assigning global conservation priorities based on hotspots is at best a limited strategy.
    背景与目标: :热点在选择储备地点中发挥了核心作用,需要仔细考虑。我们对所有非海洋哺乳动物的分布情况进行了全球检查,以确定物种丰富度,特有性和濒危模式,并评估哺乳动物这三种多样性测度的热点之间的一致性程度。然后,我们比较两个动物组(哺乳动物和鸟类)中热点的一致性,以评估这些模式的普遍性。我们将热点定义为在全球等面积网格中相当于1度纬度x 1度经度的最丰富的单元格的2.5%。物种丰富性,“地方性”和灭绝威胁的热点并不一致。三种类型的哺乳动物热点只有1%的细胞和16%的物种是共有的。一致性随着分析的地理范围和定义为热点的单元百分比的增加而增加。哺乳动物内部热点不一致与最近发现的鸟类相似。因此,基于热点分配全球保护优先级充其量只是一种有限的策略。
  • 【开花植物生理学在热带雨林和生物多样性扩展中的特殊作用。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1098/rspb.2010.0485 复制DOI
    作者列表:Boyce CK,Lee JE
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Movement of water from soil to atmosphere by plant transpiration can feed precipitation, but is limited by the hydraulic capacities of plants, which have not been uniform through time. The flowering plants that dominate modern vegetation possess transpiration capacities that are dramatically higher than any other plants, living or extinct. Transpiration operates at the level of the leaf, however, and how the impact of this physiological revolution scales up to the landscape and larger environment remains unclear. Here, climate modelling demonstrates that angiosperms help ensure aseasonally high levels of precipitation in the modern tropics. Most strikingly, replacement of angiosperm with non-angiosperm vegetation would result in a hotter, drier and more seasonal Amazon basin, decreasing the overall area of ever-wet rainforest by 80 per cent. Thus, flowering plant ecological dominance has strongly altered climate and the global hydrological cycle. Because tropical biodiversity is closely tied to precipitation and rainforest area, angiosperm climate modification may have promoted diversification of the angiosperms themselves, as well as radiations of diverse vertebrate and invertebrate animal lineages and of epiphytic plants. Their exceptional potential for environmental modification may have contributed to divergent responses to similar climates and global perturbations, like mass extinctions, before and after angiosperm evolution.
    背景与目标: :植物的蒸腾作用将水从土壤运动到大气中可以增加降水量,但受植物的水力承载能力的限制,这些植物的水力随着时间的流逝并不一致。在现代植被中占主导地位的开花植物具有蒸腾作用的能力,远高于其他任何活着的或灭绝的植物。蒸腾作用在叶的水平上进行,但是尚不清楚这种生理革命的影响如何扩大到景观和更大的环境。在这里,气候模拟表明被子植物有助于确保现代热带地区季节性高水平的降水。最为引人注目的是,用非被子植物的植被代替被子植物将导致亚马逊盆地更热,更干燥,更季节性,从而使曾经湿润的雨林的总面积减少了80%。因此,开花植物的生态优势极大地改变了气候和全球水文循环。由于热带生物多样性与降水和雨林地区密切相关,被子植物的气候变化可能促进了被子植物本身的多样性,以及各种脊椎动物和无脊椎动物动物谱系以及附生植物的辐射。它们在环境改良方面的巨大潜力可能有助于在被子植物进化前后对类似的气候和诸如物种灭绝之类的全球性扰动做出不同的反应。
  • 【在基于项目的生物多样性累积影响评估中推动变化的观点:加拿大经验教训。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s00267-018-1086-6 复制DOI
    作者列表:Dibo APA,Noble BF,Sánchez LE
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Cumulative effects assessment (CEA), as a required practice for the environmental assessment (EA) of projects in many countries, faces several practical challenges, especially related to biodiversity. Drawing on the perspectives and experiences of Canadian EA practitioners, this paper explores options or drivers of change for improving project-based assessment to better tackle cumulative effects on biodiversity. An on-line survey was conducted with 40 professionals from the private sector, government departments/agencies, universities, and non-governmental organizations, examining the current challenges and opportunities regarding: CEA process for biodiversity; responsibilities for undertaking CEA tasks; resources to support and promote good CEA practice. In terms of process, there is shared understanding on: (i) the need of EA terms of reference to provide specific directions on CEA; (ii) CEA should capture both human and natural drivers of cumulative change; (iii) spatial boundaries for CEA should be based on ecological boundaries. There are dissenting views about: (i) whether CEA should consider all valued components (VCs) potentially affected by a project or only those for which residual effects are predicted; and (ii) delimitation of future temporal limits. In terms of responsibilities, participants agreed that project proponents should retain a central role in conducting CEA, but government agencies should lead the collection/provision of information about other projects in the study area and baseline VC conditions. Information and knowledge management resources could be also applied in the context of governmental agencies and consultancy firms to support CEA for biodiversity.
    背景与目标: :累积效果评估(CEA)作为许多国家/地区项目环境评估(EA)的必需做法,面临着一些实际挑战,尤其是与生物多样性相关的挑战。借鉴加拿大EA工作者的观点和经验,本文探索了变革的选择或驱动因素,以改进基于项目的评估,从而更好地解决对生物多样性的累积影响。对来自私营部门,政府部门/机构,大学和非政府组织的40名专业人员进行了在线调查,调查了以下方面的当前挑战和机遇:CEA生物多样性流程;承担CEA任务的责任;资源以支持和促进良好的CEA做法。在程序方面,对以下方面达成了共识:(i)EA职责范围需要提供有关CEA的具体指导; (ii)CEA应该抓住人类和自然的累积变化驱动力; (iii)CEA的空间边界应基于生态边界。关于以下方面有不同意见:(i)CEA是应考虑受项目潜在影响的所有有价值的成分(VC),还是仅应考虑预计会产生残余影响的那些成分; (ii)划定未来的时限。在责任方面,与会人员一致认为,项目支持者应在开展CEA方面发挥核心作用,但政府机构应领导收集/提供有关研究领域和基准风险投资条件的其他项目的信息。信息和知识管理资源也可以在政府机构和咨询公司的范围内使用,以支持CEA促进生物多样性。
  • 【保护生物多样性热点地区植物区系的进化潜力。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/nature05587 复制DOI
    作者列表:Forest F,Grenyer R,Rouget M,Davies TJ,Cowling RM,Faith DP,Balmford A,Manning JC,Procheş S,van der Bank M,Reeves G,Hedderson TA,Savolainen V
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :One of the biggest challenges for conservation biology is to provide conservation planners with ways to prioritize effort. Much attention has been focused on biodiversity hotspots. However, the conservation of evolutionary process is now also acknowledged as a priority in the face of global change. Phylogenetic diversity (PD) is a biodiversity index that measures the length of evolutionary pathways that connect a given set of taxa. PD therefore identifies sets of taxa that maximize the accumulation of 'feature diversity'. Recent studies, however, concluded that taxon richness is a good surrogate for PD. Here we show taxon richness to be decoupled from PD, using a biome-wide phylogenetic analysis of the flora of an undisputed biodiversity hotspot--the Cape of South Africa. We demonstrate that this decoupling has real-world importance for conservation planning. Finally, using a database of medicinal and economic plant use, we demonstrate that PD protection is the best strategy for preserving feature diversity in the Cape. We should be able to use PD to identify those key regions that maximize future options, both for the continuing evolution of life on Earth and for the benefit of society.
    背景与目标: :保护生物学面临的最大挑战之一是为保护规划人员提供优先工作的方法。人们已经将很多注意力集中在生物多样性热点上。然而,面对全球变化,保护进化过程现在也被认为是当务之急。系统发育多样性(PD)是一种生物多样性指数,用于衡量连接给定分类群的进化途径的长度。因此,PD会识别出能够最大程度地积累“功能多样性”的分类单元集。但是,最近的研究得出的结论是,分类单元丰富度是PD的良好替代。在这里,我们通过对无可争议的生物多样性热点-南非海角的菌群进行系统的全生物群落系统发育分析,证明了分类生物丰富度与PD脱钩。我们证明了这种解耦对于保护规划具有现实意义。最后,使用药用和经济植物使用数据库,我们证明了PD保护是保护开普省特征多样性的最佳策略。我们应该能够使用PD来确定那些可以最大化未来选择的关键区域,无论是地球上生命的持续发展还是为了社会的利益。
  • 【将全球农业贸易驱动力与对生物多样性的实地影响联系起来。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1073/pnas.1905618116 复制DOI
    作者列表:Green JMH,Croft SA,Durán AP,Balmford AP,Burgess ND,Fick S,Gardner TA,Godar J,Suavet C,Virah-Sawmy M,Young LE,West CD
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Consumption of globally traded agricultural commodities like soy and palm oil is one of the primary causes of deforestation and biodiversity loss in some of the world's most species-rich ecosystems. However, the complexity of global supply chains has confounded efforts to reduce impacts. Companies and governments with sustainability commitments struggle to understand their own sourcing patterns, while the activities of more unscrupulous actors are conveniently masked by the opacity of global trade. We combine state-of-the-art material flow, economic trade, and biodiversity impact models to produce an innovative approach for understanding the impacts of trade on biodiversity loss and the roles of remote markets and actors. We do this for the production of soy in the Brazilian Cerrado, home to more than 5% of the world´s species. Distinct sourcing patterns of consumer countries and trading companies result in substantially different impacts on endemic species. Connections between individual buyers and specific hot spots explain the disproportionate impacts of some actors on endemic species and individual threatened species, such as the particular impact of European Union consumers on the recent habitat losses for the iconic giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). In making these linkages explicit, our approach enables commodity buyers and investors to target their efforts much more closely to improve the sustainability of their supply chains in their sourcing regions while also transforming our ability to monitor the impact of such commitments over time.
    背景与目标: :在一些世界上物种最丰富的生态系统中,大豆和棕榈油等全球贸易农产品的消费是造成森林砍伐和生物多样性丧失的主要原因之一。但是,全球供应链的复杂性使减少影响的努力变得混乱。承担可持续性承诺的公司和政府努力了解自己的采购模式,而更加不道德的行为者的活动很容易被全球贸易的不透明所掩盖。我们结合了最新的物质流,经济贸易和生物多样性影响模型,以产生一种创新的方法来理解贸易对生物多样性丧失的影响以及偏远市场和参与者的作用。我们这样做是为了在巴西塞拉多(Cerrado)生产大豆,巴西塞拉多(Cerrado)是世界上5%以上物种的家园。消费国和贸易公司的不同采购方式对当地特有物种造成了截然不同的影响。个体购买者与特定热点之间的联系说明了某些行为者对地方物种和个人受威胁物种的不成比例的影响,例如欧盟消费者对标志性巨型食蚁兽(Myrmecophaga tridactyla)最近生境丧失的特殊影响。通过使这些联系明确化,我们的方法使商品购买者和投资者能够更加紧密地针对自己的努力,以改善其采购区域中供应链的可持续性,同时也转变了我们监控此类承诺的影响的能力。
  • 【在全球碳减排,生物多样性保护和全球REDD资金分配的公平性之间建立取舍模型。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1073/pnas.1908683116 复制DOI
    作者列表:Palomo I,Dujardin Y,Midler E,Robin M,Sanz MJ,Pascual U
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The program on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is one of the major attempts to tackle climate change mitigation in developing countries. REDD+ seeks to provide result-based incentives to promote emission reductions and increase carbon sinks in forest land while promoting other cobenefits, such as the conservation of biodiversity. We model different scenarios of international REDD+ funds distribution toward potential recipient countries using 2 carbon emission reduction targets (20% and 50% compared to the baseline scenario, i.e., deforestation and forest degradation without REDD+) by 2030. The model combines the prioritization of environmental outcomes in terms of carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation and social equity, accounting for the equitable distribution of international REDD+ funds. Results highlight the synergy between carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation under alternative fund allocation criteria, especially for scenarios of low carbon emission reduction. Trade-offs increase when distributional equity is considered as an additional criterion, especially under higher equity requirements. The analysis helps to better understand the inherent trade-offs between enhancing distributional equity and meeting environmental targets under alternative REDD+ fund allocation options.
    背景与目标: :减少森林砍伐和森林退化造成的排放计划(REDD)是解决发展中国家减缓气候变化的主要尝试之一。 REDD寻求提供基于结果的激励措施,以促进减排并增加林地的碳汇,同时促进其他协同效益,例如保护生物多样性。我们使用20个碳减排目标(与基准情景相比分别为20%和50%,即没有REDD的森林砍伐和森林退化)来模拟向潜在接收国分配国际REDD资金的不同方案,该方案在2030年之前完成。该模型结合了环境优先级碳封存,生物多样性保护和社会公平方面的成果,说明了国际REDD资金的公平分配。结果突出显示了在替代性资金分配标准下,固碳与生物多样性保护之间的协同作用,特别是对于低碳排放的情景。当将分配权益作为附加标准时,折衷会增加,尤其是在较高的权益要求下。该分析有助于更好地了解在分配REDD资金分配方案下提高分配公平性与实现环境目标之间的内在取舍。
  • 【地下海洋沉积物中甲烷循环的生物地球化学和生物多样性(丹麦,斯卡格勒克)。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2006.01237.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Parkes RJ,Cragg BA,Banning N,Brock F,Webster G,Fry JC,Hornibrook E,Pancost RD,Kelly S,Knab N,Jørgensen BB,Rinna J,Weightman AJ
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :This biogeochemical, molecular genetic and lipid biomarker study of sediments ( approximately 4 m cores) from the Skagerrak (Denmark) investigated methane cycling in a sediment with a clear sulfate-methane-transition zone (SMTZ) and where CH(4) supply was by diffusion, rather than by advection, as in more commonly studied seep sites. Sulfate reduction removed sulfate by 0.7 m and CH(4) accumulated below. (14)C-radiotracer measurements demonstrated active H(2)/CO(2) and acetate methanogenesis and anaerobic oxidation of CH(4) (AOM). Maximum AOM rates occurred near the SMTZ ( approximately 3 nmol cm(-3) day(-1) at 0.75 m) but also continued deeper, overall, at much lower rates. Maximum rates of H(2)/CO(2) and acetate methanogenesis occurred below the SMTZ but H(2)/CO(2) methanogenesis rates were x 10 those of acetate methanogenesis, and this was consistent with initial values of (13)C-depleted CH(4) (delta(13)C c.-80 per thousand). Areal AOM and methanogenic rates were similar ( approximately 1.7 mmol m(-2) day(-1)), hence, CH(4) flux is finely balanced. A 16S rRNA gene library from 1.39 m combined with methanogen (T-RFLP), bacterial (16S rRNA DGGE) and lipid biomarker depth profiles showed the presence of populations similar to some seep sites: ANME-2a (dominant), ANME-3, Methanomicrobiales, Methanosaeta Archaea, with abundance changes with depth corresponding to changes in activities and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Below the SMTZ to approximately 1.7 m CH(4) became progressively more (13)C depleted (delta(13)C -82 per thousand) indicating a zone of CH(4) recycling which was consistent with the presence of (13)C-depleted archaeol (delta(13)C -55 per thousand). Pore water acetate concentrations decreased in this zone (to approximately 5 microM), suggesting that H(2), not acetate, was an important CH(4) cycling intermediate. The potential biomarkers for AOM-associated SRB, non-isoprenoidal ether lipids, increased below the SMTZ but this distribution reflected 16S rRNA gene sequences for JS1 and OP8 bacteria rather than those of SRB. At this site peak rates of methane production and consumption are spatially separated and seem to be conducted by different archaeal groups. Also AOM is predominantly coupled to sulfate reduction, unlike recent reports from some seep and gassy sediment sites.
    背景与目标: :这项来自Skagerrak(丹麦)的沉积物(约4 m岩心)的生物地球化学,分子遗传和脂质生物标志物研究,研究了甲烷和甲烷在清晰的硫酸盐-甲烷过渡区(SMTZ)和CH(4)供给源的沉积物中的循环。通过扩散,而不是通过平流,如在更普遍研究的渗漏部位中那样。硫酸盐还原将硫酸盐去除了0.7 m,并在下面累积了CH(4)。 (14)C放射性示踪剂测量表明,活性H(2)/ CO(2)和乙酸甲烷化和CH(4)(AOM)的厌氧氧化。最大的AOM发生在SMTZ附近(在0.75 m处大约3 nmol cm(-3)天(-1)处),而且总体上以更低的比率继续更深。 H(2)/ CO(2)和乙酸甲烷生成的最大速率发生在SMTZ以下,但是H(2)/ CO(2)甲烷生成速率是乙酸甲烷生成的10倍,这与(13)的初始值一致贫C的CH(4)(每千个delta(13)C c.-80)。地域AOM和产甲烷率相似(大约1.7 mmol m(-2)day(-1)),因此,CH(4)流量很好地平衡。来自1.39 m的16S rRNA基因文库与产甲烷菌(T-RFLP),细菌(16S rRNA DGGE)和脂质生物标志物的深度分布相结合,显示存在与某些渗漏位点相似的种群:ANME-2a(占优势),ANME-3,甲烷菌,甲烷菌,随着深度的变化,其丰度随活性和硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)的变化而变化。低于SMTZ到大约1.7 m CH(4)逐渐消耗更多(13)C(delta(13)C -82 /千),表明CH(4)回收区与(13)C的存在相一致-耗尽的古细菌(delta(13)C -55每千个)。孔隙水中醋酸盐的浓度在该区域减小(到大约5 microM),表明H(2),而不是醋酸盐,是重要的CH(4)循环中间体。与AOM相关的SRB的潜在生物标记物(非异戊二烯醚脂质)增加到SMTZ以下,但是这种分布反映了JS1和OP8细菌而不是SRB细菌的16S rRNA基因序列。在这个地点,甲烷的生产和消费高峰速度在空间上是分开的,似乎是由不同的古细菌群体进行的。另外,与最近从一些渗水和气态沉积物位置报道的情况不同,AOM主要与硫酸盐的还原有关。
  • 【使生物多样性保护和农业生产在异质景观中保持一致。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1002/eap.2057 复制DOI
    作者列表:Butsic V,Kuemmerle T,Pallud L,Helmstedt KJ,Macchi L,Potts MD
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Understanding the trade-offs between biodiversity conservation and agricultural production has become a fundamental question in sustainability science. Substantial research has focused on how species' populations respond to agricultural intensification, with the goal to understand whether conservation policies that spatially separate agriculture and conservation or, alternatively, integrate the two are more beneficial. Spatial heterogeneity in both species abundance and agricultural productivity have been largely left out of this discussion, although these patterns are ubiquitous from local to global scales due to varying land capacity. Here, we address the question of how to align agricultural production and biodiversity conservation in heterogeneous landscapes. Using model simulations of species abundance and agricultural yields, we show that trade-offs between agricultural production and species' abundance can be reduced by minimizing the cost (in terms of species abundance) of agricultural production. We find that when species' abundance and agricultural yields vary across landscapes, the optimal strategy to minimize trade-offs is rarely pure land sparing or land sharing. Instead, landscapes that combine elements of both strategies are optimal. Additionally, we show how the reference population of a species is defined has important influences on optimization results. Our findings suggest that in the real world, understanding the impact of heterogeneous land capacity on biodiversity and agricultural production is crucial to designing multi-use landscapes that jointly maximize conservation and agricultural benefits.
    背景与目标: :了解生物多样性保护与农业生产之间的权衡已成为可持续发展科学中的一个基本问题。大量的研究集中在物种种群对农业集约化的响应上,目的是了解将农业和自然保护区分开来的保护政策,或者将两者结合起来的保护政策是否更有益。尽管由于土地容量的变化,从本地到全球范围内这些模式无处不在,但物种丰度和农业生产力的空间异质性在很大程度上没有被讨论。在这里,我们解决了如何在异质景观中协调农业生产和生物多样性保护的问题。使用物种丰富度和农业产量的模型模拟,我们表明可以通过最小化农业生产成本(就物种丰富度而言)来减少农业生产与物种丰富度之间的权衡。我们发现,当物种的丰度和农业产量在不同地域之间变化时,使权衡最小化的最佳策略很少是保留纯净土地或共享土地。相反,结合了这两种策略要素的景观是最佳的。此外,我们展示了如何定义物种的参考种群对优化结果具有重要影响。我们的发现表明,在现实世界中,了解异类土地容量对生物多样性和农业生产的影响对于设计共同利用最大程度的保护和农业利益的多用途景观至关重要。
  • 9 Bird biodiversity. 复制标题 收藏 收藏

    【鸟类生物多样性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/s0169-5347(98)01468-2 复制DOI
    作者列表:Perrins CM
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Endemic Bird Areas of the World. Priorities for Biodiversity Conservation by A.J. Stattersfield, M.J. Crosby, A.J. Long and D.C. Wege, Birdlife International, 1997. £37.00 pbk (860 pages) ISBN 0946 888 33 7 CDROM: Birds of the World-A Multimedia Encyclopedia, Ransom, 1997. £14.99 ISBN 1 863 89 1748.
    背景与目标: :世界地方性鸟类地区。 A.J.的生物多样性保护重点。 Stattersfield,M.J. Crosby,A.J. Long和D.C. Wege,国际鸟类保护协会,1997年。£37.00 pbk(860页)ISBN 0946 888 33 7 CDROM:世界鸟类多媒体百科全书,勒索,1997年。£14.99 ISBN 1 863 89 1748。
  • 【全面了解土壤生物多样性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/brv.12567 复制DOI
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Soil is one of the most biodiverse terrestrial habitats. Yet, we lack an integrative conceptual framework for understanding the patterns and mechanisms driving soil biodiversity. One of the underlying reasons for our poor understanding of soil biodiversity patterns relates to whether key biodiversity theories (historically developed for aboveground and aquatic organisms) are applicable to patterns of soil biodiversity. Here, we present a systematic literature review to investigate whether and how key biodiversity theories (species-energy relationship, theory of island biogeography, metacommunity theory, niche theory and neutral theory) can explain observed patterns of soil biodiversity. We then discuss two spatial compartments nested within soil at which biodiversity theories can be applied to acknowledge the scale-dependent nature of soil biodiversity.
    背景与目标: :土壤是生物多样性最丰富的陆地栖息地之一。但是,我们缺乏一个综合的概念框架来理解驱动土壤生物多样性的模式和机制。我们对土壤生物多样性模式了解不足的根本原因之一与关键的生物多样性理论(历史上为地上和水生生物开发的)是否适用于土壤生物多样性模式有关。在这里,我们提供了系统的文献综述,以调查关键的生物多样性理论(物种-能量关系理论,岛屿生物地理学理论,元社区理论,生态位理论和中性理论)是否可以解释以及如何解释土壤生物多样性的观测模式。然后,我们讨论嵌套在土壤中的两个空间区室,在该区室可以应用生物多样性理论来承认土壤生物多样性的尺度依赖性。
  • 【南极多年冻土中的微生物种群:生物多样性,状态,年龄及其对天体生物学的影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1089/ast.2006.0012 复制DOI
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Antarctic permafrost soils have not received as much geocryological and biological study as has been devoted to the ice sheet, though the permafrost is more stable and older and inhabited by more microbes. This makes these soils potentially more informative and a more significant microbial repository than ice sheets. Due to the stability of the subsurface physicochemical regime, Antarctic permafrost is not an extreme environment but a balanced natural one. Up to 10(4) viable cells/g, whose age presumably corresponds to the longevity of the permanently frozen state of the sediments, have been isolated from Antarctic permafrost. Along with the microbes, metabolic by-products are preserved. This presumed natural cryopreservation makes it possible to observe what may be the oldest microbial communities on Earth. Here, we describe the Antarctic permafrost habitat and biodiversity and provide a model for martian ecosystems.
    背景与目标: :尽管多年冻土更稳定,更老并且有更多微生物居住,但对南极多年冻土的研究并未像对冰原那样进行过多的地质学和生物学研究。这使得这些土壤比冰原具有更多的信息量和更重要的微生物资源。由于地下理化机制的稳定性,南极多年冻土不是一种极端的环境,而是一种平衡的自然环境。从南极多年冻土中分离出了高达10(4)个活细胞/克,其年龄大概对应于沉积物永久冻结状态的寿命。与微生物一起,代谢副产物得以保存。这种假定的自然冷冻保存使观察地球上最古老的微生物群落成为可能。在这里,我们描述了南极永冻土的栖息地和生物多样性,并为火星生态系统提供了一个模型。
  • 【奥特朗托海峡(南亚得里亚海)是浮游生物多样性的一个热点地区:中上层多毛鱼类。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-55946-6 复制DOI
    作者列表:Guglielmo R,Bergamasco A,Minutoli R,Patti FP,Belmonte G,Spanò N,Zagami G,Bonanzinga V,Guglielmo L,Granata A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Composition, density and specimen sizes of pelagic polychaete assemblages were analyzed in the Southern Adriatic Sea. The study was based on finely stratified vertical (0-1100 m) and spatial sampling (17 stations) representing spring conditions. Holoplanktonic polychaetes were distributed in both neritic and pelagic waters, although the highest densities were observed along the Otranto Channel. Analysis of the size frequency distribution revealed a trend with depth only for some species. Spatial distribution of holoplanktonic polychaete density was not related to bottom depth, being the organisms mainly concentrated in the epipelagic layer (0-100 m). The most abundant species showed maximum values below or within the thermocline and within the Deep Chlorophyll Maximum or just above it. Relations between polychaete presence and the underlying oceanographic mechanisms regulating the circulation in the Otranto Channel were discussed. The presence of several non-determined polychaete larvae (e.g. Syllidae) in the pelagic waters at 800-1100 m depths suggests the importance of the role of Levantine waters as main actual and potential carrier of species in the area, though a relevant contribution comes also from North Adriatic dense waters through deep spilling and cascading in the Southern Adriatic pit. These findings increase the knowledge on holoplanktonic polychaetes ecology within the South Adriatic Sea, and represent significant data in the monitoring of changes in biodiversity.
    背景与目标: :在亚得里亚海南部分析了远洋多毛鱼类组合的组成,密度和标本大小。该研究基于精细分层的垂直(0-1100μm)和代表春季条件的空间采样(17个站)。尽管在奥特朗托海峡沿岸观察到最高密度,但在浮游和上层水域中都分布有全浮游多毛类。对大小频率分布的分析揭示了仅某些物种具有深度的趋势。整体浮游多毛鱼类密度的空间分布与海底深度无关,因为其生物主要集中在上层(0-100μm)。最丰富的物种在热跃线以下或之内以及在深叶绿素最大值之内或刚好在其之上显示最大值。讨论了多壳类动物的存在与调节Otranto海峡环流的潜在海洋学机制之间的关系。在上层水域深度为800-1100 m的水中存在几个未定的多壳幼体(例如西丽科),这表明黎凡特水作为该地区物种的主要实际和潜在载体的作用很重要,尽管也做出了相关贡献从北亚得里亚海的稠密水域经过南亚得里亚海的深坑溢流和级联。这些发现增加了对南亚得里亚海内整体浮游多毛类生态学的了解,并代表了监测生物多样性变化的重要数据。
  • 【果糖-1,6-双磷酸酶基因家族的不平衡进化导致其在棉属物种中的功能性生物多样性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1186/s12864-020-6773-z 复制DOI
    作者列表:Gě Q,Cūi Y,Lǐ J,Gōng J,Lú Q,Lǐ P,Shí Y,Shāng H,Liú À,Dèng X,Pān J,Chén Q,Yuán Y,Gǒng W
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBP) is a key enzyme in the plant sucrose synthesis pathway, in the Calvin cycle, and plays an important role in photosynthesis regulation in green plants. However, no systemic analysis of FBPs has been reported in Gossypium species. RESULTS:A total of 41 FBP genes from four Gossypium species were identified and analyzed. These FBP genes were sorted into two groups and seven subgroups. Results revealed that FBP family genes were under purifying selection pressure that rendered FBP family members as being conserved evolutionarily, and there was no tandem or fragmental DNA duplication in FBP family genes. Collinearity analysis revealed that a FBP gene was located in a translocated DNA fragment and the whole FBP gene family was under disequilibrium evolution that led to a faster evolutionary progress of the members in G. barbadense and in At subgenome than those in other Gossypium species and in the Dt subgenome, respectively, in this study. Through RNA-seq analyses and qRT-PCR verification, different FBP genes had diversified biological functions in cotton fiber development (two genes in 0 DPA and 1DPA ovules and four genes in 20-25 DPA fibers), in plant responses to Verticillium wilt onset (two genes) and to salt stress (eight genes). CONCLUSION:The FBP gene family displayed a disequilibrium evolution pattern in Gossypium species, which led to diversified functions affecting not only fiber development, but also responses to Verticillium wilt and salt stress. All of these findings provide the foundation for further study of the function of FBP genes in cotton fiber development and in environmental adaptability.
    背景与目标: 背景:果糖-1,6-双磷酸酶(FBP)是加尔文循环中植物蔗糖合成途径中的关键酶,在绿色植物的光合作用调节中起着重要作用。但是,尚未对棉属物种中的FBP进行系统分析。
    结果:共鉴定和分析了来自四个棉种的41个FBP基因。这些FBP基因被分为两组和七个亚组。结果显示,FBP家族基因处于纯化选择压力下,使得FBP家族成员在进化上是保守的,并且在FBP家族基因中没有串联或片段DNA重复。共线性分析表明,FBP基因位于易位的DNA片段中,整个FBP基因家族处于不平衡进化状态,从而导致了G. barbadense和At亚基因组成员的进化进程快于其他棉属和其他物种。在这项研究中,分别是Dt亚基因组。通过RNA-seq分析和qRT-PCR验证,在植物对黄萎病发病的反应中,不同的FBP基因在棉花纤维发育中具有多种生物学功能(0 DPA和1DPA胚珠中有2个基因,而20-25 DPA纤维中有4个基因)。两个基因)和盐胁迫(八个基因)。
  • 【通过AFLP分析研究了来自五个国家的亚洲稻mid(Orseolia oryzae Wood Mason)的生物多样性。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Katiyar SK,Chandel G,Tan Y,Zhang Y,Huang B,Nugaliyadde L,Fernando K,Bentur JS,Inthavong S,Constantino S,Bennett J
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was used to assess the biodiversity of one of the most important dipteran pests of cereals, the Asian rice gall midge (Orseolia oryzae Wood Mason). Larvae and pupae were collected at 15 locations in five Asian countries and preserved in 95% ethanol for storage, shipment, and DNA extraction using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). Although only approximately 1 microg of DNA was extracted from a single pupa or larva, the use of several AFLP primers in various combinations meant that this amount of DNA was sufficient to allow many DNA fingerprints to be made per individual. Fingerprints were sufficiently reproducible, especially during selective amplification, to allow the genetic diversity within a field population to be characterized. Extraction of DNA from a pool of 20 insects yielded AFLP fingerprints in which variation among individuals was sacrificed in favor of detecting differences among populations. For each location, pooled DNA was amplified with three primer pairs. A total of 261 distinct AFLP bands were identified for the 45 fingerprints. Cluster analysis, performed by the unweighted pair-group method (UPGMA), separated the populations into two distinct groups. Group I included two populations from Guangdong province of southern China and one each from Laos and Imphal in northeastern India, while group II was comprised of eleven populations from elsewhere in India (Assam, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Kerala) and from Nepal and Sri Lanka. AFLP analysis provided insight into the origins of gall midge biotypes. In 1992, the prevailing biotype in Imphal changed from Indian biotype 3 to a new biotype 3M. Our data show that biotype 3M belongs to group I and did not arise by a recent mutation from biotype 3, which belongs to group II. By contrast, Indian biotypes 2 and 4 are likely to have diverged through recent mutation and selection, as are Chinese biotypes 1 and 4. The almost simultaneous emergence of new biotypes in Kerala and Sri Lanka during 1985-1988 was most probably coincidental, because these biotypes are not closely related. AFLP fingerprints were also able to detect sexual dimorphism in the DNA of adult gall midges and to distinguish gall midge from its major parasite Platygaster oryzae.

    背景与目标: 扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)分析用于评估谷物中最重要的二倍体害虫之一亚洲稻mid(Orseolia oryzae Wood Mason)的生物多样性。在五个亚洲国家的15个地点收集了幼虫和collected,并保存在95%的乙醇中,以便使用十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)进行储存,运输和DNA提取。尽管从单个或幼虫中仅提取了约1微克DNA,但以多种组合使用几种AFLP引物意味着该DNA量足以允许每个人制作许多DNA指纹。指纹具有足够的可复制性,尤其是在选择性扩增过程中,可以表征田间种群的遗传多样性。从20种昆虫的池中提取DNA产生了AFLP指纹,其中牺牲了个体之间的差异,有利于检测种群之间的差异。对于每个位置,用三个引物对扩增合并的DNA。共为45个指纹鉴定了261个不同的AFLP带。通过非加权对组方法(UPGMA)进行的聚类分析将总体分为两个不同的组。第一组包括来自中国南方广东省的两个人口,以及印度东北部的老挝和伊姆珀尔各一个,而第二组包括印度其他地区(阿萨姆邦,奥里萨邦,中央邦,安得拉邦和喀拉拉邦)和尼泊尔和斯里兰卡。 AFLP分析提供了有关胆mid生物型起源的见解。 1992年,Imphal中流行的生物型从印度的生物型3变为新的生物型3M。我们的数据表明,生物型3M属于I组,并且不是由属于II型的3型生物最近的突变引起的。相比之下,印度的生物型2和4可能由于最近的突变和选择而发生了分化,而中国的生物型1和4也是如此。1985-1988年期间,喀拉拉邦和斯里兰卡几乎同时出现了新的生物型,因为这些生物型不是密切相关的。 AFLP指纹还能够检测成年胆mid DNA中的性二态性,并将胆mid与其主要的寄生虫Platygaster oryzae区别开。

  • 【智利中部高安第斯山脉的原生蜜蜂(膜翅目:Apoidea):生物多样性,物候学和Xeromelissa Cockerell新物种的描述(膜翅目:Colletidae:Xeromelissinae)。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.7717/peerj.8675 复制DOI
    作者列表:Henríquez-Piskulich P,Villagra CA,Vera A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :High-altitude ecosystems are found in mountain chains and plateaus worldwide. These areas tend to be underrepresented in insect biodiversity assessments because of the challenges related to systematic survey at these elevations, such as extreme climatic and geographic conditions. Nonetheless, high-altitude ecosystems are of paramount importance because they have been seen to be species pumps for other geographic areas, such as adjacent locations, functioning as buffers for population declines. Moreover, these ecosystems and their biodiversity have been proposed to be fast-responding indicators of the impacts caused by global climate change. Bees have been highlighted among the insect groups that have been affected by these problems. This work used bees as a proxy to demonstrate and reinforce the importance of systematic surveys of high-altitude ecosystems. Here, field collections were undertaken and an updated review was conducted for the native bee biodiversity of the high-altitude ecosystem found at the Andes system of central Chile, including the phenological trends of these insects during the flowering season. Of the 58 species that have been described for this location, we were able to confirm the occurrence of 46 of these species as a result of our sampling. In addition, thanks to these recent collections, a new species of Xeromelissa Cockerell is described in the present work. These findings highlight the need for further high-altitude insect surveys of this biome, which include both temporal and spatial complexity in their design, to allow for accurate assessment of bee species diversity and compositional changes in these mountain regions.
    背景与目标: :全球各地的山脉和高原地区都发现了高海拔的生态系统。这些区域在昆虫生物多样性评估中代表性不足,这是由于在这些海拔高度进行系统调查(例如极端气候和地理条件)所带来的挑战。但是,高海拔生态系统至关重要,因为高海拔生态系统已被视为其他地理区域(例如,邻近位置)的物种泵,起到了人口减少的缓冲作用。此外,已提出这些生态系统及其生物多样性是全球气候变化所造成影响的快速响应指标。在受这些问题影响的昆虫群中,蜜蜂已成为人们关注的焦点。这项工作以蜜蜂为代表,以证明和加强对高海拔生态系统进行系统调查的重要性。在这里,对田野进行了采集,并对智利中部安第斯山脉系统发现的高海拔生态系统的本地蜜蜂生物多样性进行了更新评估,包括这些昆虫在开花季节的物候趋势。在此位置描述的58个物种中,我们能够通过采样确定这些物种中有46个物种的发生。此外,由于这些最新的收藏,本工作中描述了一个新种Xeromelissa Cockerell。这些发现突出表明,需要对该生物群系进行进一步的高空昆虫调查,包括其设计的时空复杂性,以便准确评估这些山区的蜜蜂物种多样性和组成变化。

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