• 【自奥地利切尔诺贝利事故以来的食品污染调查。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.apradiso.2004.03.008 复制DOI
    作者列表:Schwaiger M,Mueck K,Benesch T,Feichtinger J,Hrnecek E,Lovranich E
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :In a large-scale investigation the decrease of the activity concentration of 137Cs in foodstuffs after the widespread Chernobyl fallout was determined. At different times after the deposition in 1986 more than 1000 samples of various foodstuffs in Austria were taken and investigated with regard to their activity concentration. The investigation showed that in the first year after deposition, the activity concentration decreased to about 6-10% (milk, fruit), and 3-6%, respectively (grain, potatoes, vegetables) of the values in the fallout maximum. The calculated effective half-lives are significantly shorter than observed after nuclear weapon test series and result in a smaller long-term exposure than estimated before. The effective ingestion dose in the 50 years following of a one-time nuclear fallout amounts to about 1.3 times of the first year ingestion dose. In 2002, the ingestion dose in Austria amounts to 2.24 microSv (adult), or 0.88 microSv (5-year infant) respectively, which is less than 0.5% of the ingestion dose of the first year and amounts to 0.7% of the ingestion dose from natural radionuclides.
    背景与目标: : 在大规模调查中,确定了广泛的切尔诺贝利事故后,食品中137Cs的活性浓度降低。在沉积1986年后的不同时间,采集了奥地利1000多种食品的样品,并对其活性浓度进行了调查。调查表明,在沉积后的第一年,活性浓度下降到约6-10% (牛奶,水果) 和3-6% (谷物,土豆,蔬菜) 的最大沉降值。计算出的有效半衰期比核武器试验系列后观察到的要短得多,并且导致的长期暴露比以前估计的要小。一次性核辐射后50年内的有效摄入剂量相当于第一年摄入剂量的约1.3倍。2002,奥地利的摄入剂量分别为2.24 microSv (成人) 或0.88 microSv (5岁婴儿),小于第一年的摄入剂量的0.5%,并且等于天然放射性核素的摄入剂量的0.7%。
  • 【奥地利医疗保健资源的分布-不同时间点不同医疗保健资源的不平等评估。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1177/0020731419893058 复制DOI
    作者列表:Sommersguter-Reichmann M,Reichmann G
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :A major objective of health policy in many countries is to avoid inequality in the distribution of health care resources. Our goal is to provide initial insight into the inequality in the regional distribution of different health care resources per capita and the variation of the inequality over time in Austria to provide starting points for policy recommendations and international comparisons. We also aim to examine whether the type of inequality measure and need-adjustment has an impact on the results. The findings reveal that inequality in the distribution of GPs with contracts with social health insurance is comparably small, but we observe an increase in inequality from 2002 to 2014. In general, there is a clear trend toward private physicians, of whom private specialists preferably open their practices in densely populated areas. Despite considerable reductions in public hospital beds between 2002 and 2014, the distribution across regions remains almost constant. The use of different inequality measures and need-adjustment provides additional insights so that custom-made policies to reduce inequalities can be developed.
    背景与目标: : 许多国家卫生政策的一个主要目标是避免卫生保健资源分配的不平等。我们的目标是初步了解奥地利人均不同医疗保健资源的区域分布不平等以及不平等随时间的变化,从而为政策建议和国际比较提供起点。我们还旨在检查不平等措施和需求调整的类型是否会对结果产生影响。研究结果表明,具有社会健康保险合同的全科医生分布的不平等程度相对较小,但我们观察到2014年2002年的不平等程度有所增加。总的来说,私人医生有明显的趋势,其中私人专家最好在人口稠密的地区开设诊所。尽管公立医院床位2002年和2014大幅减少,但各地区的分布几乎保持不变。使用不同的不平等措施和需求调整提供了更多的见解,以便可以制定定制的政策来减少不平等。
  • 【[奥地利预防自杀 (同上): 实施国家预防自杀计划]。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s40211-012-0025-7 复制DOI
    作者列表:Haring C,Sonneck G
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Suicide Prevention Austria (SUPRA) is a package of measures which should help the Austrian ministry of health to realize an evidence based suicide prevention program. That such a program is indispensible can be seen on the fact that suicide is on the second position as cause of death in male Austrians up to the age of forty. The concept itself summarizes successful national programs which fit to the Austrian situation. In the meantime the Austrian ministry of health established an office for coordination of the SUPRA program and a commission of experts which is responsible for the first activities of the national Austrian suicide prevention program.
    背景与目标: : 奥地利自杀预防 (同上) 是一揽子措施,应帮助奥地利卫生部实现基于证据的自杀预防计划。从自杀在40岁以下的男性奥地利人中处于第二位的死亡原因这一事实可以看出,这样的计划是必不可少的。该概念本身总结了适合奥地利情况的成功国家计划。同时,奥地利卫生部设立了SUPRA计划协调办公室和专家委员会,负责奥地利国家预防自杀计划的首次活动。
  • 【[医生处方行为以奥地利全科医生及其药品处方为例]。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1055/s-0030-1255081 复制DOI
    作者列表:Müller M,Meyer H,Stummer H
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:In extramural setting, general practitioners serve as gatekeepers and therefore control the demand for medical treatment and pharmaceuticals. As a result prescription habits are of major interest. AIM:The aim of the present study is to identify sample characteristics in the prescription behaviour of the general practitioners that allow one to differentiate between the individual and the basic population. METHODS:The prescription behaviour of 4 231 general practitioners was operationalised by means of the two variables "quantity" and "price". Outliers in those categories, that indicate a doctor prescribing too many or too expensive drugs, were identified using Chebyshev's inequality. RESULTS:We found a statistically significant linear relationship between the individual characteristics of the medical doctors and their prescription behaviour (0.54≤ r ≤0.89) as well as between the variables "quantity" and "price" (r=0.86). Particularly notable seems to be the correlation between the number of the consultations and the quantity of the prescribed drugs. The average prescription amounts to approximately 1.8 pharmaceuticals per consultation. The quantity of drugs prescribed correlates with the demand for the physician's service. Only a few general practitioners deviate from this coherence. The tendency to prescribe disproportionately expensive drugs (average costs amount to € 18.4 per drug) especially applies to those general practitioners who, in addition to their occupation as a physician, are allowed to dispense the pharmaceuticals directly to the patient within their privately owned pharmacies ("Hausapotheke"). In addition to this attribute, the variables "number of patients" and "number of consultations" intensify the effect. The risk to be identified as an outlier is 7 times higher within the group of general practitioners who own a "Hausapotheke" and account for an above average number of consultations as within the group that does not incorporate those characteristics. CONCLUSION:The strong coherence between the quantity and the demand is inherent to the health-care system and explains 79% of the variance of the prescribed quantities. Only 21% of the variance is determined by outside influences such as state of health of the patients. Physicians who have a monetary benefit from also distributing the drugs, however, enhance the prescription of high priced pharmaceuticals.
  • 【奥地利穿孔憩室疾病的外科治疗。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/BF00303274 复制DOI
    作者列表:Hold M,Denck H,Bull P
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Perforated diverticulitis is a much feared complication of diverticular disease and requires immediate surgical therapy to limit the incipient peritonitis and its sequelae. The ensuing surgical approach which could best irradiate the septic focus as well as restore normal intestinal continuity with less morbidity and mortality has been a matter of controversy. In the last ten years primary resection and colostomy has replaced the three-stage procedure in most cases of peritonitis. Primary anastomosis, when peritoneal involvement is well confined, has been shown to give excellent results. To assess the surgical management of perforating diverticulitis in Austria, a questionnaire was sent to leading hospitals throughout the country and information of 241 patients with perforating diverticulitis was compiled. The overall peroperative mortality was 9%, and the highest rate of complication (37.9%) was observed after primary resection and anastomosis with temporary defunctioning proximal colostomy. The mortality, as expected, is directly proportional to the extent of peritonitis; it was significantly greater among patients with generalised peritonitis and lowest among cases of covered perforation.
    背景与目标: : 穿孔憩室炎是憩室疾病的一种令人担忧的并发症,需要立即手术治疗以限制初期腹膜炎及其后遗症。随后的手术方法可以最好地照射脓毒症灶,并恢复正常的肠道连续性,降低发病率和死亡率,这一直是一个有争议的问题。在过去的十年中,大多数腹膜炎病例的原发性切除和结肠造口术已取代了三阶段手术。当腹膜受累受到很好的限制时,原发性吻合已被证明具有出色的效果。为了评估奥地利穿孔憩室炎的外科治疗,向全国各地的主要医院发送了一份问卷,并收集了241例穿孔憩室炎患者的信息。总的围手术期死亡率为9%,并且在一次切除和吻合术合并临时近端结肠造口术后观察到最高的并发症发生率 (37.9%)。如预期的那样,死亡率与腹膜炎的程度成正比; 在全身性腹膜炎患者中,死亡率显着更高,而在覆盖穿孔病例中最低。
  • 【优化器官捐赠: 来自奥地利,德国,西班牙和英国的专家意见。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.12659/AOT.921727 复制DOI
    作者列表:Becker F,Roberts KJ,Nadal M,Zink M,Stiegler P,Pemberger S,Castellana TP,Kellner C,Murphy N,Kaltenborn A,Tuffs A,Amelung V,Krauth C,Bayliss J,Schrem HH
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :BACKGROUND Organ donation-rates using deceased donors and organizational approaches to organ donation differ drastically between countries at a similar level of health care as measured by the Euro Health Consumer Index (EHCI). MATERIAL AND METHODS Expert opinions from intensive care nurses, physicians, transplant coordinators and transplant surgeons from Austria, Germany, Spain, and the U.K. were obtained in semi-structured interviews followed by qualitative content analysis. Results were reported back to all interview partners to identify potential controversies and consensus recommendations. RESULTS No controversies could be detected. On a variety of beneficial factors an interprofessional consensus between interview partners could be reached: A) The relevance of standardization of the screening for potential donors, the family approach and training; B) standards and best-practice procedures should be regulated and supervised by state authorities; C) full transparency and the prevention of scandals is essential; D) overburdened intensive care unit (ICU) doctors need to be supported by full-time in-house special nurses who organize donor evaluation, transport logistics and pastoral care, if required; E) public awareness campaigns are helpful; F) a broad public consensus on the concept of donation after brain and cardiac death is essential; G) incentives for the reporting of potential organ donors are inappropriate; H) an opt-out system alone is not sufficient. CONCLUSIONS Expert opinions from different professional backgrounds from different European health care systems reach a broad consensus on the most relevant issues for the improvement of organ donation.
    背景与目标: : 背景器官捐赠-根据欧元健康消费者指数 (EHCI) 衡量,在医疗保健水平相似的国家之间,使用已故捐赠者的比率和器官捐赠的组织方法差异很大。材料和方法在半结构化访谈中获得了来自奥地利,德国,西班牙和英国的重症监护护士,医生,移植协调员和移植外科医生的专家意见,然后进行定性内容分析。结果已报告给所有访谈合作伙伴,以确定潜在的争议和共识建议。结果未发现任何争议。在各种有利因素上,可以在面试伙伴之间达成专业间共识: a) 筛选潜在捐助者的标准化,家庭方法和培训的相关性; B) 标准和最佳实践程序应由国家当局管理和监督; C) 充分透明和预防丑闻至关重要; D) 负担过重的重症监护病房 (ICU) 医生需要得到全职内部特殊护士的支持,这些护士在需要时组织捐助者评估,运输后勤和牧区护理; E) 公众意识运动是有帮助的; F) 对脑死亡和心源性死亡后的捐赠概念达成广泛的公众共识至关重要; G) 报告潜在器官捐献者的激励措施是不合适的; H) 仅选择退出系统是不够的。结论来自欧洲不同医疗体系的不同专业背景的专家意见在器官捐献改善最相关的问题上达成了广泛共识。
  • 【在奥地利,德国和瑞士的牙科学校进行后路复合材料的当代教学。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103321 复制DOI
    作者列表:Kanzow P,Büttcher AF,Wilson NHF,Lynch CD,Blum IR
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:To investigate current teaching and operative techniques for posterior composite resin restorations in dental schools in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. METHODS:Data on teaching, including operative techniques applied in the placement of posterior composites, were collected by means of a 25-item validated questionnaire sent to the Heads of Department of Operative/Restorative Dentistry at all 38 dental schools in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Responses were compiled in Excel and analysed. RESULTS:Thirty-three schools responded to the survey, resulting in a response rate of 87 %. All dental schools indicated teaching of 2- and 3-surface posterior composite restorations. About one third only of the preclinical teaching is assigned to teaching posterior composite restorations, while the vast majority of posterior restorations placed by students in their clinical instruction are composite (89.6 ± 9.3 %). Most dental schools teach few contraindications to posterior composites, except for adverse reactions such as allergies. All dental schools consider moisture control to be important, while approaches to the management of exposed dentine differ. CONCLUSIONS:The teaching of the placement of posterior composite restorations is common to all the dental schools in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland which participated in the present study. Most aspects of the teaching were found to be consistent amongst the schools. However, marked variations were observed in respect of operative techniques for the placement of posterior composites. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE:Graduates from dental schools in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland may be found to have received theoretical, preclinical, and clinical instruction in posterior composites, but do show some variation in approach to the management of exposed dentine.
  • 【英国,奥地利和澳大利亚的幼年型胰岛素依赖型糖尿病患者的柯萨奇B,腮腺炎,风疹和巨细胞病毒特异性IgM反应。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/s0140-6736(85)91843-4 复制DOI
    作者列表:Banatvala JE,Bryant J,Schernthaner G,Borkenstein M,Schober E,Brown D,De Silva LM,Menser MA,Silink M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Patients from England, Austria, and Australia with recently diagnosed juvenile-onset insulin-dependent diabetes (type 1) mellitus (IDDM) and matched controls were tested for specific IgM responses to Coxsackie B1-5 viruses. 37 of 122 (30%) patients aged less than 15, but only 15 of 204 (6%) controls, were positive (p less than 0.005). Differences in Coxsackie B virus specific IgM responses between patients and controls were statistically significant for patients in England and Austria (p less than 0.005). Coxsackie B virus specific IgM responses were detected in only 3 of 31 patients aged greater than 16. Virus-specific IgM responses were directed against a single serotype, usually Coxsackie B4 or 5, in 23 of 37 (62.5%) children aged less than 15; 10 of 13 (77%) of children aged less than 7 had monotypic responses. Among families of Austrian patients with IDDM, 8 of 79 (10%) siblings had Coxsackie B virus specific IgM responses, 1 of whom subsequently had IDDM, but none of the 80 parents was positive. In contrast, there was no evidence of recent infection by mumps, rubella, or cytomegalovirus (CMV), since mumps-virus specific IgM was present in only 2 of 100 children with IDDM and 5 of 139 controls; no rubella or CMV specific IgM responses were detected in 60 sera from patients with IDDM.
    背景与目标: : 测试了来自英国,奥地利和澳大利亚的最近被诊断为青少年发作的胰岛素依赖型糖尿病 (1型) (IDDM) 和匹配的对照组的患者对柯萨奇B1-5病毒的特异性IgM反应。年龄小于15岁的122名 (30% 名) 患者中有37名阳性,但204名 (6% 名) 对照中只有15名阳性 (p小于0.005)。在英格兰和奥地利的患者中,患者和对照组之间柯萨奇B病毒特异性IgM反应的差异具有统计学意义 (p小于0.005)。在31名年龄大于16岁的患者中,只有3名检测到柯萨奇B病毒特异性IgM反应。病毒特异性IgM应答针对单个血清型,通常是柯萨奇B4或5,在37 (62.5%) 名15岁以下的儿童中,有23名; 在7岁以下的13名儿童中,有10名 (77% 名) 有单型应答。在奥地利IDDM患者的家庭中,79 (10%) 兄弟姐妹中有8个具有柯萨奇B病毒特异性IgM反应,其中1个随后具有IDDM,但80个父母中没有一个呈阳性。相反,没有证据表明腮腺炎,风疹或巨细胞病毒 (CMV) 最近感染,因为腮腺炎病毒特异性IgM仅存在于100例IDDM儿童中的2例和139例对照中的5例; IDDM患者的60份血清中未检测到风疹或CMV特异性IgM反应。
  • 【奥地利的 [心理治疗培训: 来自心理治疗研究协会治疗师培训和发展兴趣科的基线和社会人口背景数据。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.13109/zptm.2019.65.4.341 复制DOI
    作者列表:Löffler-Stastka H,Gelo O,Pleschberger I,Hartmann A,Orlinsky DE,Rønnestad MH,Willutzki U
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Objectives: Description of the qualifications of psychotherapy-training candidates in Austria at the beginning of their training. Methods: Psychotherapists in training in Austria were interviewed at the beginning of their training concerning their socio-demographic background and prior education. These background data were collected using the Trainee Background Information Form (TBIF), which was designed by the Society for Psychotherapy Research Interest Section on Therapist Training and Development (SPRISTAD). Results: The group of 197 psychotherapy trainees from Austria consists largely of women, of persons with high school education and with a satisfactory, financially secure life situation. One-third of them show a "second career" pattern, which is in line with the predominantly part-time training programs in Austria. A high percentage of the candidates have previous professional experience in the psychosocial field. Conclusions: As this is a pilot study, results can be seen as a starting point for further research in psychotherapy training and competence development. In discussing the findings, both national conditions and opportunities for future interdisciplinary research are considered. :Zusammenfassung Fragestellung: Betrachtung der Voraussetzungen von Psychotherapieausbildungskandidaten8 in Österreich durch Befragung zu Beginn ihrer Ausbildung. Methode: Psychotherapieausbildungskandidaten in Österreich wurden zu Beginn der Ausbildung bezüglich ihrer soziodemographischen Hintergrunddaten und ihren bisherigen Bildungswegen befragt. Diese Hintergrunddaten wurden im Rahmen der internationalen Studie zu Training und beruflicher Entwicklung von Psychotherapeuten (Society of Psychotherapy Research Interest Section on Therapist Training and Development (SPRISTAD)) mit der Trainee Background Information Form (TBIF) erfasst. Ergebnisse: Die Gruppe der 197 befragten Psychotherapieausbildungskandidaten aus Österreich besteht zu einem Großteil aus Frauen, aus Personen mit hoher Schulbildung und mit zufriedenstellender, finanziell abgesicherter Lebenssituation. Bei einem Drittel der Befragten zeigt sich ein „second career“ Muster, welches zum vorwiegend berufsbegleitenden österreichischen Ausbildungsangebot passt. Die Kandidaten weisen einen hohen Anteil an beruflichen Vorerfahrungen im psychosozialen Feld auf. Diskussion: Da es sich um eine explorative Studie handelt, können die Ergebnisse der Hintergrunddaten als Ausgangspunkt für weiterführende Forschung im Bereich Psychotherapieausbildung und Kompetenzentwicklung gesehen werden. In der Diskussion wird sowohl auf nationale Bedingungen als auch Möglichkeiten für zukünftige interdisziplinäre Forschung eingegangen.
  • 【街头海洛因的纯度与与毒品有关的紧急情况和/或与毒品有关的死亡之间是否存在关系?来自奥地利维也纳的分析。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2007.00507.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Risser D,Uhl A,Oberndorfer F,Hönigschnabl S,Stichenwirth M,Hirz R,Sebald D
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :This study examines the quality of street heroin seized in Vienna in 1999 and whether there was a relationship between the purity of street heroin and the number of heroin-related emergencies as well as the number of heroin-related deaths. Street heroin confiscated by the Viennese police, run-sheets of drug-related emergencies, and postmortem reports of drug-related deaths in Vienna in 1999 were analyzed. A total of 415 retail samples with a total weight of 128.02 g contained a median percentage of 6.5% diacetylmorphine (range: 0.0-47.0%). All the samples contained a diluent, mainly lactose, as well as adulterants, such as caffeine and/or paracetamol. During the study period, 75 heroin-related deaths and 387 heroin-related emergencies were registered in Vienna. Time-series analysis revealed no statistically significant relationship between the rate of heroin-related incidents and the diacetylmorphine concentration of street heroin samples confiscated in Vienna in 1999. The widely held belief that the number of heroin-related deaths could be explained simply through fluctuations in the purity of street heroin could not be substantiated, even though the results of this study do not rule out an association between the purity of heroin and heroin-related deaths/emergencies.
    背景与目标: : 这项研究调查了在维也纳1999年缉获的街头海洛因的质量,以及街头海洛因的纯度与与海洛因有关的紧急情况以及与海洛因有关的死亡人数之间是否存在关系。分析了维也纳警方没收的街头海洛因,与毒品有关的紧急情况的运行单以及维也纳1999年与毒品有关的死亡的尸检报告。总共415个总重量为128.02克的零售样品含有6.5% 二乙酰吗啡的中值百分比 (范围: 0.0-47.0%)。所有样品均含有稀释剂,主要是乳糖,以及掺杂剂,例如咖啡因和/或扑热息痛。在研究期间,维也纳登记了75例与海洛因有关的死亡和387例与海洛因有关的紧急情况。时间序列分析显示,与海洛因有关的事件发生率与在维也纳1999年没收的街头海洛因样本的二乙酰吗啡浓度之间没有统计学上的显着关系。人们普遍认为,海洛因相关死亡人数可以简单地通过街头海洛因纯度的波动来解释,尽管这项研究的结果并不排除海洛因纯度与海洛因相关死亡/紧急情况之间的关联,但这一观点无法得到证实。
  • 【评估奥地利的初级保健: 改进的空间。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1093/fampra/cms067 复制DOI
    作者列表:Stigler FL,Starfield B,Sprenger M,Salzer HJ,Campbell SM
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:There is emerging evidence that strong primary care achieves better health at lower costs. Although primary care can be measured, in many countries, including Austria, there is little understanding of primary care development. OBJECTIVE:Assessing the primary care development in Austria. METHODS:A primary care assessment tool developed by Barbara Starfield in 1998 was implemented in Austria. This tool defines 15 primary care characteristics and distinguishes between system and practice characteristics. Each characteristic was evaluated by six Austrian primary care experts and rated as 2 (high), 1 (intermediate) or 0 (low) points, respectively, to their primary care strength (maximum score: n = 30). RESULTS:Austria received 7 out of 30 points; no characteristic was rated as '2' but 8 were rated as '0'. Compared with the 13 previously assessed countries, Austria ranks 10th of 14 countries and is classified as a 'low primary care' country. CONCLUSION:This study provides the first evidence concerning primary care in Austria, benchmarking it as weak and in need of development. The practicable application of an existing assessment tool can be encouraging for other countries to generate evidence about their primary care system as well.
  • 【为德国、瑞士和奥地利的医学生提供支持和教师指导方案。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1046/j.1365-2923.2000.00406.x 复制DOI
    作者列表:Woessner R,Honold M,Stehr SN,Steudel WI
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVES:To study what is being done at German-speaking universities regarding the counselling and tutoring of students, we carried out a survey among the deans of medical faculties in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Our main concern was if any such projects were already available to the medical student or whether efforts to this purpose were under way. DESIGN:We focused in particular on faculty mentoring programmes, a continuous tutoring by designated members of the faculty on a person-to-person basis. SETTING:German, Austrian and Swiss medical faculties. SUBJECTS:Medical faculty deans. RESULTS:The return rate was 80%. While general student counselling is, if required, available at nearly all of the faculties, faculty mentoring programmes are offered by only 36.1% of the medical schools, and individualized career counselling by 30.6%. CONCLUSIONS:Compared to other countries, such as the United Kingdom or the United States, counselling and tutoring programmes, e.g. career planning or faculty mentoring, are not generally available to the German medical student. Regional differences are evident, which can be attributed to differences in the universities' legal and financial situation. The medical faculties at German-speaking universities should make it their priority to offer these services to the student on a permanent basis.
  • 【意大利北部博尔扎诺省的人偏肺病毒基因型与意大利和奥地利周边地区的菌株比较。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI: 复制DOI
    作者列表:Larcher C,Pagani E,Rossi P,Amato B,Pescollderungg L,Campanini G,Percivalle E,Huemer HP
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The epidemiology of the genetic sublineages of human metapneumovirus (hMPV) and their clinical relevance are not fully understood. We compared hMPV genotypes isolated in the province of Bolzano in Northern Italy with strains from nearby Italian and Austrian regions by sequencing of NP- and L-gene fragments. Our results suggest that similar strains cycle through adjacent geographic areas, with the respective subtypes replacing each other on a seasonal basis.
    背景与目标: : 人偏肺病毒遗传亚系 (hMPV) 的流行病学及其临床相关性尚未完全了解。我们通过对NP和L基因片段进行测序,比较了在意大利北部博尔扎诺省分离的hMPV基因型与附近意大利和奥地利地区的菌株。我们的结果表明,相似的菌株在相邻的地理区域中循环,各个亚型在季节性的基础上相互替换。
  • 【第九届传染病和热带医学大会摘要。2月27日-2008年3月1日。奥地利因斯布鲁克。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1007/s15010-008-1001-9 复制DOI
    背景与目标: -2
  • 【奥地利1980年和2012年脑外伤导致的死亡。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.3109/02699052.2014.904522 复制DOI
    作者列表:Mauritz W,Brazinova A,Majdan M,Rehorcikova V,Leitgeb J
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:To investigate changes in TBI mortality in Austria during 1980-2012 and to identify causes for these changes. METHODS:Statistik Austria provided data (from death certificates) on all TBI deaths from January 1980-December 2012. Data included year/month of death, age, sex, residency of the cases and mechanism of accident. Data regarding the size of the age groups was obtained from Statistik Austria. Mortality rates (MR; deaths/10(5) population/year) were calculated for male vs. female patients and for different age groups. Changes in mechanisms of TBI were evaluated. RESULTS:The MR decreased from 28.1 to 11.8 deaths/10(5) population/year. Traffic-related TBI deaths decreased from 62% to 9%. This caused a significant decrease in TBI deaths in younger age groups. Fall-related TBI deaths (mostly geriatric cases) remained unchanged. Falls became the leading cause; its rate increased from 22% to 64% of all TBI deaths. Thus, the mean age of fatal TBI cases increased by 20 years and the rate of cases aged <60 years decreased from 71% to 28%. Another important cause was suicide by firearms; its rate increased from 10% to 23% of all TBI deaths. CONCLUSIONS:These findings warrant better prevention of falls in the elderly and of suicides.

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