• 【注意力缺陷/多动障碍患者的药物使用与高等教育入学考试成绩之间的关联。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.1472 复制DOI
    作者列表:Lu Y,Sjölander A,Cederlöf M,D'Onofrio BM,Almqvist C,Larsson H,Lichtenstein P
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Importance:Individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at greater risk for academic problems. Pharmacologic treatment is effective in reducing the core symptoms of ADHD, but it is unclear whether it helps to improve academic outcomes. Objective:To investigate the association between the use of ADHD medication and performance on higher education entrance tests in individuals with ADHD. Design, Setting, and Participants:This cohort study observed 61 640 individuals with a diagnosis of ADHD from January 1, 2006, to December 31, 2013. Records of their pharmacologic treatment were extracted from Swedish national registers along with data from the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test. Using a within-patient design, test scores when patients were taking medication for ADHD were compared with scores when they were not taking such medication. Data analysis was performed from November 24, 2015, to November 4, 2016. Exposures:Periods with and without ADHD medication use. Main Outcomes and Measures:Scores from the higher education entrance examination (score range, 1-200 points). Results:Among 930 individuals (493 males and 437 females; mean [SD] age, 22.2 [3.2] years) who had taken multiple entrance tests (n = 2524) and used ADHD medications intermittently, the test scores were a mean of 4.80 points higher (95% CI, 2.26-7.34; P < .001) during periods they were taking medication vs nonmedicated periods, after adjusting for age and practice effects. Similar associations between ADHD medication use and test scores were detected in sensitivity analyses. Conclusions and Relevance:Individuals with ADHD had higher scores on the higher education entrance tests during periods they were taking ADHD medication vs nonmedicated periods. These findings suggest that ADHD medications may help ameliorate educationally relevant outcomes in individuals with ADHD.
  • 【阿托莫西汀的神经相关性可改善患有注意力缺陷/多动障碍的未成年人的抑制控制和视觉加工。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1002/hbm.23683 复制DOI
    作者列表:Fan LY,Chou TL,Gau SS
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Atomoxetine improves inhibitory control and visual processing in healthy volunteers and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, little is known about the neural correlates of these two functions after chronic treatment with atomoxetine. This study aimed to use the counting Stroop task with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) to investigate the changes related to inhibitory control and visual processing in adults with ADHD. This study is an 8-week, placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized clinical trial of atomoxetine in 24 drug-naïve adults with ADHD. We investigated the changes of treatment with atomoxetine compared to placebo-treated counterparts using the counting Stroop fMRI and two CANTAB tests: rapid visual information processing (RVP) for inhibitory control and delayed matching to sample (DMS) for visual processing. Atomoxetine decreased activations in the right inferior frontal gyrus and anterior cingulate cortex, which were correlated with the improvement in inhibitory control assessed by the RVP. Also, atomoxetine increased activation in the left precuneus, which was correlated with the improvement in the mean latency of correct responses assessed by the DMS. Moreover, anterior cingulate activation in the pre-treatment was able to predict the improvements of clinical symptoms. Treatment with atomoxetine may improve inhibitory control to suppress interference and may enhance the visual processing to process numbers. In addition, the anterior cingulate cortex might play an important role as a biological marker for the treatment effectiveness of atomoxetine. Hum Brain Mapp 38:4850-4864, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
    背景与目标: : 阿托莫西汀改善健康志愿者和患有注意力缺陷/多动障碍 (ADHD) 的成年人的抑制控制和视觉处理。然而,对于长期使用阿托莫西汀治疗后这两种功能的神经相关性知之甚少。这项研究旨在使用功能磁共振成像 (fMRI) 和剑桥神经心理测试自动电池 (CANTAB) 的计数Stroop任务来研究ADHD成人与抑制性控制和视觉处理相关的变化。这项研究是一项为期8周,安慰剂对照,双盲,随机临床试验的阿托莫西汀在24名未用药的ADHD成人中进行的试验。我们使用Stroop fMRI计数和两种CANTAB测试研究了与安慰剂治疗的对应物相比,托莫西汀治疗的变化: 用于抑制控制的快速视觉信息处理 (RVP) 和用于视觉处理的延迟匹配 (DMS)。阿托莫西汀降低了右下额回和前扣带回皮层的激活,这与RVP评估的抑制性控制的改善有关。此外,阿托莫西汀增加了左前肌的激活,这与DMS评估的正确反应的平均潜伏期的改善有关。此外,治疗前的扣带回激活能够预测临床症状的改善。用阿托莫西汀治疗可以改善抑制控制以抑制干扰,并可以增强视觉处理以处理数字。此外,前扣带回皮层可能是阿托莫西汀治疗效果的生物学标记。Hum Brain Mapp 38:4850-4864,2017。©2017威利期刊公司
  • 【社交焦虑症的认知疗法: “自我关注的注意和安全行为实验” 对治疗过程的影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1017/S1352465813000672 复制DOI
    作者列表:Schreiber F,Heimlich C,Schweitzer C,Stangier U
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Several studies have shown that cognitive therapy is an effective treatment for social anxiety disorder (SAD). However, it remains unclear which of the complex interventions are associated with an anxiety reduction during the course of treatment. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of the intervention referred to as the "self-focused attention and safety behaviours experiment" on treatment outcome. METHOD:This study was part of a randomized controlled trial including 16 sessions of either individual cognitive therapy (CT) or interpersonal therapy (IPT) for SAD. Of particular importance, a concomitant time-series analysis was used to investigate the impact of the self-focused attention and safety behaviours experiment on subsequent social anxiety (1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks after the intervention) in 32 patients with SAD, who are receiving cognitive treatment. RESULTS:The results revealed a significant reduction of social anxiety after the self-focused attention and safety behaviours experiment during the subsequent month of treatment. CONCLUSION:The findings of the current study confirm current cognitive theories of SAD and demonstrate the importance of interventions that target self-focused attention and safety behaviour in cognitive therapy for SAD.
  • 4 Adiponectin: starving for attention. 复制标题 收藏 收藏

    【脂联素: 渴望得到关注。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.cmet.2007.06.008 复制DOI
    作者列表:Steinberg GR,Kemp BE
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Maintaining energy balance involves the dynamic control of appetite and energy expenditure. A new study from the Kadowaki laboratory (Kubota et al., 2007) shows that the adipocyte-derived hormone adiponectin increases appetite and reduces energy expenditure by stimulating AMPK in the hypothalamus.
    背景与目标: : 维持能量平衡涉及食欲和能量消耗的动态控制。来自Kadowaki实验室的一项新研究 (Kubota等人,2007) 表明,脂肪细胞衍生的激素脂联素通过刺激下丘脑中的AMPK来增加食欲并减少能量消耗。
  • 【注意缺陷多动障碍青年的辅助多奈哌齐: 病例系列。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1089/10445460050167322 复制DOI
    作者列表:Wilens TE,Biederman J,Wong J,Spencer TJ,Prince JB
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Despite well-documented improvement in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in youths with the available single and combined pharmacologic agents, a number of youths remain with residual symptomatology causing impairment in multiple domains. Recent work has suggested a potential cognitive-enhancing role of cholinergic agents in ADHD. We describe five cases of ADHD youths aged 8-17 years being treated for ADHD with the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor donepezil (Aricept), all of whom demonstrated improvement.
    背景与目标: : 尽管有文献证明,使用可用的单一和联合药物治疗的年轻人注意力缺陷多动障碍 (ADHD) 有所改善,但仍有许多年轻人的残余症状导致多个领域的损害。最近的工作表明,胆碱能药物在ADHD中的潜在认知增强作用。我们描述了5例8-17岁的ADHD青年接受乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂多奈哌齐 (Aricept) 治疗ADHD的病例,所有这些病例均得到改善。
  • 【注意在运动外推中的作用: 运动物体是 “正确的” 还是闪烁的物体通常被延迟?】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1068/p3066 复制DOI
    作者列表:Khurana B,Watanabe K,Nijhawan R
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Objects flashed in alignment with moving objects appear to lag behind [Nijhawan, 1994 Nature (London) 370 256-257]. Could this 'flash-lag' effect be due to attentional delays in bringing flashed items to perceptual awareness [Titchener, 1908/1973 Lectures on the Elementary Psychology of Feeling and Attention first published 1908 (New York: Macmillan); reprinted 1973 (New York: Arno Press)]? We overtly manipulated attentional allocation in three experiments to address the following questions: Is the flash-lag effect affected when attention is (a) focused on a single event in the presence of multiple events, (b) distributed over multiple events, and (c) diverted from the flashed object? To address the first two questions, five rings, moving along a circular path, were presented while observers attentively tracked one or multiple rings under four conditions: the ring in which the disk was flashed was (i) known or (ii) unknown (randomly selected from the set of five); location of the flashed disk was (i) known or (ii) unknown (randomly selected from ten locations). The third question was investigated by using two moving objects in a cost-benefit cueing paradigm. An arrow cued, with 70% or 80% validity, the position of the flashed object. Observers performed two tasks: (a) reacted as quickly as possible to flash onset; (b) reported the flash-lag effect. We obtained a significant and unaltered flash-lag effect under all the attentional conditions we employed. Furthermore, though reaction times were significantly shorter for validly cued flashes, the flash-lag effect remained uninfluenced by cue validity, indicating that quicker responses to validly cued locations may be due to the shortening of post-perceptual delays in motor responses rather than the perceptual facilitation. We conclude that the computations that give rise to the flash-lag effect are independent of attentional deployment.
    背景与目标: : 与移动物体对齐闪烁的物体似乎落后于 [Nijhawan,1994自然 (伦敦) 370 256-257]。这种 “闪现” 效应可能是由于在将闪现的物品带入感知意识方面的注意力延迟 [·蒂切纳,1908/1973关于感觉和注意力的基本心理学的讲座1908首次出版 (纽约: 麦克米伦); 1973再版 (纽约: 阿诺出版社)]?我们在三个实验中公开操纵注意力分配,以解决以下问题: 当注意力 (a) 在存在多个事件的情况下集中在单个事件上,(b) 分布在多个事件上,以及 (c) 从闪烁的物体转移时,闪光滞后效应是否会受到影响?为了解决前两个问题,提出了沿圆形路径移动的五个环,同时观察者在四个条件下专心跟踪一个或多个环: 磁盘闪烁的环 (i) 已知或 (ii) 未知 (从五个集合中随机选择); 闪光盘的位置 (i) 已知或 (ii) 未知 (从十个位置中随机选择)。通过在成本效益提示范式中使用两个移动对象来研究第三个问题。70% 或80% 有效性的箭头提示闪烁物体的位置。观察者执行了两项任务 :( a) 尽快对闪光发作做出反应; (b) 报告了闪光滞后效应。在我们使用的所有注意条件下,我们都获得了显着且不变的闪光滞后效应。此外,尽管有效提示的闪光的反应时间明显缩短,但闪光滞后效应仍然不受提示有效性的影响,这表明对有效提示位置的更快响应可能是由于运动响应中感知后延迟的缩短而不是感知促进。我们得出的结论是,引起闪光滞后效应的计算与注意部署无关。
  • 【非自愿和自愿注意力的年龄相关变化反映在事件相关潜力 (ERP) 的组成部分中。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/s0301-0511(00)00054-5 复制DOI
    作者列表:Kok A
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The present paper provides an overview of age-related changes in both involuntary and voluntary attention in adult subjects as manifested in scalp-recorded ERPs. A decline in orienting with old age was inferred from a substantial reduction with age in the magnitude of deviance-related ERP components like MMN, target as well as nontarget P3s, novelty P3 and N400. A review of focused attention studies further suggested that old and young subjects do not differ substantially in the quality of attentional operations. In old subjects early selection processes, as reflected in their selection potentials, have a somewhat slower onset than in young subjects, especially in conditions in which selection is based upon complex discrimination of stimulus features. Furthermore, the global pattern emerging from visual and memory search studies is that search-related negativities in the ERPs are smaller and of longer duration in old than in young subjects over the central and anterior scalp sites. These effects could indicate that controlled search is less intense or takes more time per search operation in old than in young subjects. At more posterior scalp sites there was tendency towards an enhanced search-related negativity that could reflect a specific difficulty (or compensatory increase in mental effort) of old subjects in spatially locating targets in complex visual fields.
    背景与目标: : 本文概述了成人受试者的非自愿和自愿注意的年龄相关变化,如头皮记录的erp所示。随着年龄的增长,与偏差相关的ERP组件 (如MMN,target和非目标P3,新颖性P3和n400) 的数量随着年龄的增长而大大减少,可以推断出随着年龄的增长而定向的下降。对集中注意力研究的回顾进一步表明,老年和年轻受试者的注意力操作质量没有太大差异。在老年受试者中,早期选择过程 (反映在他们的选择潜力中) 的发作速度比年轻受试者要慢一些,尤其是在选择基于刺激特征的复杂区分的情况下。此外,视觉和记忆搜索研究得出的全球模式是,与年轻受试者相比,erp中与搜索相关的负性在中央和前头皮部位较小,持续时间更长。这些影响可能表明,与年轻受试者相比,老年人的受控搜索强度较低或每次搜索操作花费的时间更多。在更多的头皮后部部位,倾向于增强与搜索相关的负性,这可能反映出老受试者在复杂视野中空间定位目标时的特定困难 (或智力的补偿性增加)。
  • 【注意缺陷多动障碍儿童的药物治疗和人口统计学特征,瑞典。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.euroneuro.2013.07.009 复制DOI
    作者列表:Bahmanyar S,Sundström A,Kaijser M,von Knorring AL,Kieler H
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :The aim of this study was to describe the pediatric population with ADHD and their pharmacological treatment. Using the Swedish National Patient Register and the Prescribed Drug Register we identified individuals below 19 years of age who were diagnosed or medically treated for ADHD for the first time 2006-2007. The unique patient identifiers were used to link information from the two registers to describe demographic characteristics, hospital care and drug treatments. Logistic regression model estimated the association between age, sex, frequency of hospitalization, diagnosis or treatment for other mental disorders and risk of gap in the treatment. Totally the study included 7931 patients of whom 74% were males. The mean age at first diagnosis was 12 years. Some 84% were medically treated for ADHD and approximately 90% received methylphenidate as the first substance. Combination therapy was rare and the most common combination was methylphenidate and atomoxetine. More than 55% of the patients, which could be followed up for two years after start of treatment, had at least one treatment gap of six months. Older age at diagnosis, lower number of hospitalizations and comorbidity with other mental disorders increased risks of gaps in medication. Approximately one fifth of the patients recorded in the National Patient Register as diagnosed with ADHD did not receive pharmacological treatment. Medication adherence seems to be low, when measured as gaps in treatment.
    背景与目标: : 这项研究的目的是描述患有ADHD的儿童人群及其药物治疗。使用瑞典国家患者登记册和处方药登记册,我们确定了2006-2007年首次诊断或接受ADHD治疗的19岁以下个体。唯一的患者标识符用于链接来自两个寄存器的信息,以描述人口统计学特征,医院护理和药物治疗。Logistic回归模型估计了年龄,性别,住院频率,其他精神障碍的诊断或治疗与治疗差距风险之间的关系。该研究总共包括7931名患者,其中74% 名是男性。首次诊断时的平均年龄为12岁。一些84% 接受了ADHD的医学治疗,大约90% 接受哌醋甲酯作为第一种物质。联合治疗很少见,最常见的联合是哌醋甲酯和阿托西汀。超过55% 的患者在开始治疗后可以随访两年,至少有一个治疗间隔为六个月。诊断时年龄较大,住院人数减少以及与其他精神障碍合并症增加了药物治疗差距的风险。在国家患者登记册中记录的诊断为ADHD的患者中,约有5分之1没有接受药物治疗。如果以治疗差距来衡量,药物依从性似乎很低。
  • 【外部关注重点和自主性支持指令下的点球优化。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1080/17461391.2020.1720829 复制DOI
    作者列表:Makaruk H,Porter JM,Bodasińska A,Palmer S
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Penalty kicks often play a decisive role in the most prestigious international football tournaments. The present study investigated whether shooting performance of the penalty kick in football would be improved by providing specific attentional and motivational instructions. Twenty-four experienced male volunteers were asked to kick a ball at one of four targets located in a regulation-sized goal. Using a goalkeeper-independent strategy, subjects performed the penalty kicks under external focus (EF; targets in the goal), autonomy support (AS; choice of target order), combining external focus and autonomy support (EF/AS), and control conditions (C). A goalkeeper tried to save the ball during each attempt. The mean number of scored goals and kicking accuracy of goal scored were used to determine penalty kick performance. The EF/AS combination enhanced the number of goals scored compared to the C condition. No other significant differences were observed between the conditions in the number of goals scored. The EF/AS group displayed greater kicking accuracy of goals scored relative to the AS and C conditions. Also, the kicking accuracy of the EF condition was significantly better than the C condition. Additionally, the results demonstrated that the EF/AS condition resulted in fewer missed shots compared to the C condition. There were no significant differences in blocked shots between the conditions. The findings suggest that promoting an external focus of attention and autonomy support collectively may enhance penalty kick performance.
    背景与目标: : 在最负盛名的国际足球比赛中,点球往往起着决定性的作用。本研究调查了通过提供特定的注意和动机指导是否可以改善足球中点球的射门表现。要求24名经验丰富的男性志愿者向位于规定大小的目标中的四个目标之一踢球。使用与守门员无关的策略,受试者在外部焦点 (EF; 目标中的目标),自治支持 (AS; 目标顺序的选择),外部焦点和自治支持 (EF/AS) 和控制条件 (C)。守门员在每次尝试中都试图保存球。得分目标的平均数量和得分目标的踢球准确性用于确定点球表现。与C条件相比,EF/AS组合提高了进球数。在进球数的条件之间没有观察到其他显着差异。相对于AS和C条件,EF/AS组显示出更高的射门准确性。而且,EF条件的踢球精度明显优于C条件。此外,结果表明,与C条件相比,EF/AS条件导致的错过投篮次数更少。两种条件之间的盖帽没有显着差异。研究结果表明,共同促进外部关注和自治支持可以提高点球的表现。
  • 【正常双相情感障碍的绩效监测和注意力的执行控制: 采用cpt-ax范例。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.psychres.2013.06.039 复制DOI
    作者列表:Robinson LJ,Thompson JM,Gallagher P,Gray JM,Young AH,Ferrier IN
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Reduced cognitive test performance has been demonstrated in patients with bipolar disorder (BD), even when euthymic. Several studies have explored aspects of attention, including sustained attention, and reported patients show lower accuracy compared to controls. It is necessary to modify existing attentional paradigms to fully characterise such deficits. The present study sought to examine if there are changes in the profile of performance and error-types during a sustained attention task in BD. Twenty-two euthymic patients with DSM-IV diagnosed BD and 21 healthy controls were recruited. Participants completed a modified CPT-AX paradigm with a high proportion of target trials (70%) with cues and probes presented at continuous intervals. This modification increases the demands on response inhibition and permits the deconstruction of attentional/executive deficits previously described. Overall, BD patients showed significantly poorer target discriminability compared to controls. In block one (first quarter) of the task, patients showed no significant differences to controls, but by the final fourth block (last quarter) they made significantly fewer hits and more errors (both 'AX' misses and 'BX' false alarms). BD patients completed initial stages of the task similarly to controls, but as demands on the attentional system continued difficulties emerged, consistent with problems in context-maintenance.
    背景与目标: : 即使在正常的情况下,双相情感障碍 (BD) 患者也已证明认知测试性能降低。几项研究探索了注意力的各个方面,包括持续注意力,据报道,与对照组相比,患者的准确性较低。有必要修改现有的注意范式,以充分描述这种缺陷。本研究试图检查BD中持续关注任务期间的性能和错误类型是否发生变化。招募了22例dsm-iv诊断为BD的正常胸腺患者和21例健康对照。参与者完成了改良的cpt-ax范例,其中高比例的靶标试验 (70%) 具有连续间隔的提示和探针。这种修改增加了对反应抑制的要求,并允许解构先前描述的注意/执行缺陷。总体而言,与对照组相比,BD患者的目标辨别能力明显较差。在任务的第一个块 (第一季度) 中,患者与对照组没有显着差异,但是到最后第四个块 (最后一个季度),他们的命中次数明显减少,错误更多 (“ax” 未命中和 “bx” 错误警报)。BD患者完成任务的初始阶段与对照类似,但是随着对注意系统的需求不断出现困难,这与上下文维护中的问题相一致。
  • 【不宁腿综合征和铁缺乏对儿童注意缺陷/多动障碍的影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.sleep.2007.04.022 复制DOI
    作者列表:Konofal E,Cortese S,Marchand M,Mouren MC,Arnulf I,Lecendreux M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: OBJECTIVE:Increasing evidence suggests a significant comorbidity between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and restless legs syndrome (RLS). Iron deficiency may underlie common pathophysiological mechanisms in subjects with ADHD plus RLS (ADHD+RLS). To date, the impact of iron deficiency, RLS and familial history of RLS on ADHD severity has been scarcely examined in children. These issues are addressed in the present study. METHODS:Serum ferritin levels, familial history of RLS (diagnosed using National Institutes of Health (NIH) criteria) and previous iron supplementation in infancy were assessed in 12 ADHD+RLS children, 10 ADHD children and 10 controls. RLS was diagnosed using NIH-specific pediatric criteria, and ADHD severity was assessed using the Conners' Parent Rating scale. RESULTS:ADHD symptom severity was higher, although not significantly, in children with ADHD+RLS compared to ADHD. The mean serum ferritin levels were significantly lower in children with ADHD than in the control group (p<0.0005). There was a trend for lower ferritin levels in ADHD+RLS subjects versus ADHD. Both a positive family history of RLS and previous iron supplementation in infancy were associated with more severe ADHD scores. CONCLUSIONS:Children with ADHD and a positive family history of RLS appear to represent a subgroup particularly at risk for severe ADHD symptoms. Iron deficiency may contribute to the severity of symptoms. We suggest that clinicians consider assessing children with ADHD for RLS, a family history of RLS, and iron deficiency.
  • 【通过扩张和注意力引导的残余学习进行多视角乳腺密度分类。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1109/TCBB.2020.2970713 复制DOI
    作者列表:Li C,Xu J,Liu Q,Zhou Y,Mou L,Pu Z,Xia Y,Zheng H,Wang S
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Breast density is widely adopted to reflect the likelihood of early breast cancer development. Existing methods of mammographic density classification either require steps of manual operations or achieve only moderate classification accuracy due to the limited model capacity. In this study, we present a radiomics approach based on dilated and attention-guided residual learning for the task of mammographic density classification. The proposed method was instantiated with two datasets, one clinical dataset and one publicly available dataset, and classification accuracies of 88.7% and 70.0% were obtained, respectively. Although the classification accuracy of the public dataset was lower than the clinical dataset, which was very likely related to the dataset size, our proposed model still achieved a better performance than the naive residual networks and several recently published deep learning-based approaches. Furthermore, we designed a multi-stream network architecture specifically targeting at analyzing the multi-view mammograms. Utilizing the clinical dataset, we validated that multi-view inputs were beneficial to the breast density classification task with an increase of at least 2.0% in accuracy and the different views lead to different model classification capacities. Our method has a great potential to be further developed and applied in computer-aided diagnosis systems.
    背景与目标: : 乳房密度被广泛采用,以反映早期乳腺癌发展的可能性。由于模型容量有限,现有的乳房x线密度分类方法要么需要手动操作步骤,要么仅达到中等的分类精度。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种基于扩张和注意力引导的残差学习的放射组学方法,用于乳房x线摄影密度分类。将所提出的方法实例化为两个数据集,一个临床数据集和一个公开数据集,并分别获得了88.7% 和70.0% 的分类精度。尽管公共数据集的分类精度低于临床数据集,这很可能与数据集大小有关,但我们提出的模型仍然比朴素残差网络和最近发布的几种基于深度学习的方法取得了更好的性能。此外,我们设计了一种专门针对分析多视图乳房x线照片的多流网络体系结构。利用临床数据集,我们验证了多视图输入对乳房密度分类任务有益,其准确性至少提高了2.0%,并且不同的视图导致了不同的模型分类能力。我们的方法具有很大的潜力,可以在计算机辅助诊断系统中进一步开发和应用。
  • 【注意的自我调节是酒精使用障碍患者情绪失调和成瘾行为的关键保护因素。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.106317 复制DOI
    作者列表:Cavicchioli M,Ramella P,Vassena G,Simone G,Prudenziati F,Sirtori F,Movalli M,Maffei C
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) and other substance use disorders (SUDs) frequently show co-occurrent behavioral addictions (BAs) (i.e., gambling and compulsive sex) and other inflexible behaviors (IBs) (i.e., compulsive buying and dysfunctional eating behaviors). The covariation of these conditions might be explained by a role of emotion dysregulation (ED) and executive dysfunctions. This study aims at investigating whether ED and self-regulation of attention (SRA) could be common processes that underpin BAs and other IBs among individuals with AUD. The study hypothesized that SRA should represent a key protective factor for the relationships between ED and BAs/IBs. The research included 319 treatment-seeking individuals with a primary diagnosis of AUD. Five independent multiple parallel mediational models were tested. Self-report instruments were administered in order to assess ED, BAs and other IBs, which represented independent and dependent variables respectively. SRA was self-report assessed and, it was considered the key mediator variable. The analyses highlighted significant total effects of ED on the severity of BAs and IBs. SRA fully mediated the relationships between ED and BAs/IBs, with exception of gambling. ED and SRA should be considered common dimensions that explain the covariation of BAs and IBs among individuals with AUD. SRA represents an adaptive form of emotion regulation that sustains the engagement in goal-oriented behaviors. Future neuroimaging and longitudinal studies are recommended in order to demonstrate the role of ED and SRA on development, maintenance and treatment of BAs and IBs among individuals with SUDs.
    背景与目标: : 患有酒精使用障碍 (AUD) 和其他物质使用障碍 (SUDs) 的人经常表现出共同发生的行为成瘾 (BAs) (即赌博和强迫性行为) 和其他不灵活的行为 (IBs) (即强迫购买和功能失调的饮食行为)。这些情况的协变可能由情绪失调 (ED) 和执行功能障碍的作用来解释。这项研究旨在调查ED和注意力自我调节 (SRA) 是否可能是AUD患者中BAs和其他IBs的共同过程。该研究假设SRA应该代表ED与BAs/IBs之间关系的关键保护因素。该研究包括319名主要诊断为AUD的寻求治疗的个体。测试了五个独立的多并行中介模型。使用自我报告工具以评估ED,BAs和其他IBs,它们分别代表独立变量和因变量。对SRA进行了自我报告评估,并被认为是关键的中介变量。分析强调了ED对BAs和IBs严重程度的显着总影响。除赌博外,SRA完全介导了ED与BAs/IBs之间的关系。ED和SRA应该被认为是解释AUD个体中BAs和IBs协变的共同维度。SRA代表了一种适应性的情绪调节形式,可维持以目标为导向的行为。建议进行未来的神经影像学和纵向研究,以证明ED和SRA在患有SUDs的个体中BAs和IBs的发育,维持和治疗中的作用。
  • 【注意缺陷多动障碍 (ADHD) 儿童血浆脑源性神经营养因子 (BDNF) 水平升高。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1016/j.pnpbp.2008.08.005 复制DOI
    作者列表:Shim SH,Hwangbo Y,Kwon YJ,Jeong HY,Lee BH,Lee HJ,Kim YK
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: BACKGROUND:Recent reports have suggested a pathophysiological role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We evaluated the plasma levels of BDNF in patients with ADHD. METHODS:Plasma BDNF levels were measured in 41 drug naive ADHD patients and 107 normal controls. The severity of ADHD symptoms was determined by patient scores on the ADHD rating scale (ARS) and the computerized ADHD diagnostic system (ADS). RESULTS:ANCOVA with age and gender as covariates showed that the mean plasma BDNF levels were significantly higher in ADHD patients than in normal controls (F=16.968, p<0.001). There were also significant differences in plasma BDNF levels of ADHD patients and those of normal controls for males and females (Mann-Whitney U-test, p=0.001 and 0.041, respectively). We also found a significant correlation between plasma BDNF levels and omission errors in ADS outcome-variable T-scores (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS:Our study suggests that there is an increase of plasma BDNF levels in untreated ADHD patients, and that plasma BDNF levels had a significant positive correlation with the severity of inattention symptoms. Further studies are required to elucidate the source and role of circulating BDNF in ADHD.
  • 【外源性和内源性注意对跨偏心率的对比敏感度函数的不同影响。】 复制标题 收藏 收藏
    DOI:10.1167/jov.20.6.11 复制DOI
    作者列表:Jigo M,Carrasco M
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: :Both exogenous and endogenous covert spatial attention enhance contrast sensitivity, a fundamental measure of visual function that depends substantially on the spatial frequency and eccentricity of a stimulus. Whether and how each type of attention systematically improves contrast sensitivity across spatial frequency and eccentricity are fundamental to our understanding of visual perception. Previous studies have assessed the effects of spatial attention at individual spatial frequencies and, separately, at different eccentricities, but this is the first study to do so parametrically with the same task and observers. Using an orientation discrimination task, we investigated the effect of attention on contrast sensitivity over a wide range of spatial frequencies and eccentricities. Targets were presented alone or among distractors to assess signal enhancement and distractor suppression mechanisms of spatial attention. At each eccentricity, we found that exogenous attention preferentially enhanced spatial frequencies higher than the peak frequency in the baseline condition. In contrast, endogenous attention similarly enhanced a broad range of lower and higher spatial frequencies. The presence or absence of distractors did not alter the pattern of enhancement by each type of attention. Our findings reveal how the two types of covert spatial attention differentially shape how we perceive basic visual dimensions across the visual field.
    背景与目标: : 外源性和内源性隐蔽空间注意力都增强了对比敏感度,这是视觉功能的基本指标,基本上取决于刺激的空间频率和偏心率。每种类型的注意力是否以及如何系统地提高跨空间频率和偏心率的对比敏感度,是我们理解视觉感知的基础。先前的研究已经评估了空间注意在各个空间频率下以及分别在不同偏心率下的影响,但这是第一项针对相同任务和观察者进行参数研究的研究。使用方向判别任务,我们研究了在广泛的空间频率和偏心率范围内注意力对对比度敏感性的影响。单独或在干扰物中显示目标,以评估空间注意力的信号增强和干扰物抑制机制。在每个偏心率处,我们发现,在基线条件下,外源性注意优先提高了高于峰值频率的空间频率。相比之下,内源性注意力同样增强了广泛的较低和较高的空间频率。干扰物的存在与否不会改变每种注意力类型的增强方式。我们的发现揭示了两种类型的隐蔽空间注意力如何不同地塑造了我们在整个视野中感知基本视觉尺寸的方式。

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