Emerging diseases are those which have shown an increased in humans over the last 20 years. Re-emerging diseases are those which have reappeared after a period of significant decrease in incidence. The etiological agents of these diseases in the Western Hemisphere are viruses (HIV, dengue, oroupuche, sabia, guanarito, or hanta), bacteria (Vibrio cholera, Borrellia burgdorferi, Legionella pneumofila, Eseherichia coli 0157:H7, or other bacteria with a new pattern of antibiotic resistance), or parasites (Cryptosporidia, Cyclosporidia or drug resistant Plasmodium falciparum). Due to the widespread geographical distribution of these infectious diseases in the Americas, and an increasing number of travellers (more than 87 million persons within the region in 1997), there are many opportunities to contract an infection when travelling in developed or undeveloped countries. The infection may present with symptoms during the trip, or following the traveler s return to his or her place of origin. However, too often practicing physicians do not inquire about the travel history of their patients and, when they do, they often lack the information about diseases relevant to travelers. From the regional perspective, the emerging or reemerging agents that pose a higher risk to tourists or travelers are: 1) those that cause enteric infections; 2) sexually transmitted diseases; and 3) vector-borne diseases, including those present in ecotourism areas. Emerging and re-emerging diseases that physicians may encounter in their clinical practice while caring for travelers returning from different countries of the Western Hemisphere are briefly described (Lyme disease, legionellosis, dengue, yellow fever, P. falciparum malaria, cyclosporidiosis and cryptosporidiosis). This report attempts to draw attention to the fact that new clinical and etiological entities are present in several geographical areas of the Americas; to place each of these entities into an epidemiological context; and to end the misconception that only travel to poor countries carries a risk of acquiring an infection. By knowing which infectious agents occur in each area and the incubation period of each disease, the treating physician can often treat patients successfully. Health care professionals must be aware of the organisms circulating in the region so that they have them in mind during their clinical practice.


新兴疾病是指在过去20年里人类中出现增加的疾病。重新出现的疾病是指在发病率显着下降一段时间后重新出现的疾病。西半球这些疾病的病原体是病毒 (HIV,登革热,oroupuche,sabia,guanarito或hanta),细菌 (霍乱弧菌,博氏弧菌,肺炎军团菌,大肠杆菌0157:H7或其他具有新的抗生素耐药性模式的细菌),或寄生虫 (隐孢子虫、环孢子虫或抗药性恶性疟原虫)。由于这些传染病在美洲的广泛地理分布,以及越来越多的旅行者 (1997年区域内超过8700万人),在发达国家或欠发达国家旅行时,有许多感染传染病的机会。在旅行期间或旅行者返回原籍后,感染可能会出现症状。但是,执业医师常常不询问患者的旅行史,当他们这样做时,他们通常缺乏与旅行者有关的疾病的信息。从区域的角度来看,对游客或旅行者构成较高风险的新兴或重新出现的病原体是: 1) 引起肠道感染的病原体; 2) 性传播疾病; 3) 媒介传播的疾病,包括生态旅游地区的疾病。简要介绍了医生在照顾从西半球不同国家返回的旅行者时在临床实践中可能遇到的新出现和重新出现的疾病 (莱姆病,军团菌病,登革热,黄发热,恶性疟原虫,环孢子虫病和隐孢子虫病)。本报告试图提请注意以下事实: 美洲的几个地理区域都存在新的临床和病因学实体; 将这些实体中的每一个都置于流行病学背景下; 并消除误解,即只有到贫穷国家旅行才有感染的风险。通过了解每个区域中发生的感染因子以及每种疾病的潜伏期,治疗医师通常可以成功治疗患者。卫生保健专业人员必须了解该地区的生物,以便在临床实践中牢记这些生物。

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