Paper投稿成功只是第一步,胆战心惊的等上两三个月,收到期刊Editor的回信。回信不外乎三种情况:直接拒稿(Reject), 修改(Revision)和接收(Accept)。只有极少数作者享受过直接被Accept的喜悦。
Revision是一种更常见且对论文最终发表有益的结果。Revision大致可以分为三种情形:小修(Minor Revision)、大修(Major Revision)和拒稿再投(Reject and resubmit)。
此文为大家策一策,如何有礼有节进退自如的写一篇Response Letter!
一、 不要和审稿人争执
和Reviewer发生争执是非常不明智的,也是非常不理智的。如果审稿人提出的意见正确自然不用说,如果提出的意见存在问题,也无需在回复信中冷嘲热讽。避免出现:We totally disagree....或 The referee obviously does not know this field一类的话,建议采用:“We agree with you that...., however, ......”的句式。
二、 Response Letter格式很重要
Response Letter中在逐条回复审稿人之前,先总体回复下,感谢Reviewers审阅稿件花费的时间和精力,同时说明你已阅读审稿意见,并对文章进行了认真的修改。方便期刊编辑和Reviewers重新阅读你的稿件。在这分享一则模板:
Response Letter
Dear Dr/ Prof 主编姓名(Editor in chief or Editor who issued the decision letter,写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重),
Thank you for your letter and your comments. Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper. We have revised the manuscript, and would like to resubmit it for your consideration. We have addressed the comments raised by the reviewers, and two versions of the revised manuscript (changes tracked and cleaned) for your further assessment. Point-to point responses to the reviewers’ comments are listed clearly in this letter. The revised manuscript has been edited by Elsevier language editing service.(如果审稿意见提出paper需要润色,需要加上此句)
We hope that the revised manuscript is now acceptable for publication in your journal. Thank you again for your consideration.
Best Regards,
E-mail: XXX
三、 合理修改和把握Argue分寸
当Reviewer给出较多审稿意见时,Argue是难免的。在Argue时,一定是建立在分析审稿人意见后,列出相应结果的基础上,可以加一些参考文献作为佐证。对于观点的Argue,需要引证足够的,权威代表的文献,有条理的阐述,并按照正文参考文献格式规范。举个栗子:Question: What is the basis of the lysozyme as a biomaker?Reply: Thanks for the question. We described the basis or reasons for choosing lysozyme as a biomarker in this study. The detailed information and related references are clearly list in the revised manuscript.
对于Reviewer提出的修改意见,需要逐条回复意见(Point-to point response), 并注明修改的内容文字,在原稿件中的哪一页哪几行。举个栗子:Question: The reference #12 is missing from the Introduction but used much later in the paper. Should these be in order used in the manuscript?Reply: Thank you for your comment. The missing reference has been added in the revised manuscript. Please refer to page xxx.逐条回复审稿意见会让审稿人看的清晰,给Reviewer提供方便。此外,Reviewer提出的审稿意见问题,不论大小,都要全面回复。
五、 需补充实验但客观条件上不允许怎么办
首先,应该对审稿人的意见表示赞同:We agree that more study would be useful to understand details of interaction and enhancement.然后,应该对实际情况进行说明:At this point we do not have the necessary tool-set to study the structure/interaction in the proposed amorphous bimetallic (hydrated) oxide.
请注意,这里仅针对确实没有办法获得相关实验结果的情况,如果有可能,审稿人提出需要补充实验,一定按照审稿人的要求进行补充。进一步表明态度,指出哪些方法可能可以解决审稿人提出的问题,并表示后期会进行相关研究:We hope, in the future, to employ synchrotron X-ray techniques to determine the local coordination of Fe in the putative mixed Au-Fe oxide phase. This study is beyond the scope of this report which focuses>
实验上暂时无法提供数据来回答审稿人的问题,就一定需要从文献中找到依据来说明:We note also that since submission of our manuscript there has been apublication by Alex Bell and Martin Head-Gordon at Berkeley showing that Fe>
对于SCI如果是Major Revision(大修),很多杂志会给出2个月的修稿时间,论文修回后还需送到之前的审稿人手里,重新进行“Under Review”步骤。建议作者认真处理审稿人的意见,千万不能掉以轻心,大修后被拒的情况常有发生。一般Major revision的稿件建议修改时间不少于3-4周将稿件修回。而对于Minor Revision的稿件,意见只有寥寥数行,很多作者一天或几天就修改完成。对于修好的稿件建议稍微放一放,多检查几遍有无语法错误等细节性的小问题。太快返回修改稿会让编辑大大觉得你敷衍了事哦!