To investigate the effects of hyperinsulinemia on the myocardial vessels, long acting insulin (mixtard, a combination of 30% regular human insulin and 70% NPH human insulin) was injected daily for 8 weeks, intraperitoneally, in two strains of rats, normotensive WKY and hypertensive SHR. There were four groups in all, a control group, and an insulin-injected group in each strain. The drinking water contained 10% glucose to prevent hypoglycemia in the insulin-injected rats. At the end of the 8 weeks experimental period, after measuring blood pressure and taking blood for the determination of glucose, urea, creatinine, and insulin, the rats were killed. The organs were fixed in formaldehyde. The blood glucose levels were higher at the end of the experiment, in both the placebo- (saline)-injected and the insulin-injected rats. Blood pressure rose significantly only in the insulin-injected SHR. The intramyocardial arterioles in the insulin-injected SHR had a significantly thicker vascular wall than the placebo-injected SHR, as represented by the vessel wall to lumen ratio, because of hypertrophy of the media. When compared with the placebo injected WKY rats, there was a higher wall/lumen ratio of the intramyocardial arterioles in the insulin-injected WKY, but the difference did not reach significance. Heart weights factored by body weights was significantly higher in insulin-injected as compared with placebo-injected SHR. Myocardial infarctions were observed in four of eight rats in the insulin-injected SHR group despite the fact that there were no signs of atherosclerosis or intimal thickening. It is possible that the increase in heart weight and the probable increase in metabolic activity resulting from hyperinsulinemia, together with the increased oxygen demand of the myocardium and the arteriolar narrowing, may have contributed to the occurence of myocardial infarctions in the absence of atherosclerotic coronary occlusion.


为了研究高胰岛素血症对心肌血管的影响,每天向两个大鼠正常腹膜内注射长效胰岛素(混用,30%普通人胰岛素和70%NPH人胰岛素的混合物),持续8周。高血压SHR。每个菌株共分为四组,即对照组和注射胰岛素的组。饮用水中含有10%的葡萄糖,以防止注射胰岛素的大鼠出现低血糖。在8周实验期结束时,在测量血压并抽血测定葡萄糖,尿素,肌酐和胰岛素后,将大鼠处死。器官固定在甲醛中。在实验结束时,在注射安慰剂(盐水)和注射胰岛素的大鼠中,血糖水平都较高。血压仅在注射胰岛素的SHR中显着上升。注射胰岛素的SHR中的心肌内小动脉的血管壁要比安慰剂注射的SHR的血管壁厚得多,这是由于介质肥大所致。与安慰剂注射的WKY大鼠相比,注射胰岛素的WKY的心肌内小动脉壁/管腔比率更高,但差异无显着性。与安慰剂注射的SHR相比,胰岛素注射的体重受体重因素影响显着更高。尽管没有动脉粥样硬化或内膜增厚的迹象,但在注射胰岛素的SHR组的八只大鼠中有四只观察到了心肌梗塞。高胰岛素血症引起的体重增加和代谢活动可能增加,以及心肌需氧量增加和小动脉变窄,可能在没有动脉粥样硬化性冠状动脉闭塞的情况下促成心肌梗塞的发生。 。

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