Gala and Winter Banana apples are important commercial crops in Azurduy and Lima Bamba, which are located in the Department (state) of Chuquisaca, Bolivia. White or bot rot (causal agent Botryosphaeria dothidea (Moug.:Fr.) Ces. De. Not. [anamorph Fusicoccum aesculi Corda]) and black rot (causal agent B. obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker [anamorph Sphaeropsis malorum Berk.]) have not been reported previously from Bolivia. Both fungi were isolated from apple fruit and branch cankers in Azurduy, but only B. dothidea was isolated from rotted fruit and limb cankers in Lima Bamba. Both fungi also were isolated from rotted Gala and Winter Banana fruit purchased in the markets in Sucre, Bolivia. Symptoms on fruit consisted of light-to-dark brown lesions that ranged from 3- to 8-cm in diameter. Cankers on limbs were sunken and reddish brown and ranged from 2 to 25+ cm in length and 0.5 to 3 cm in diameter. Neither pathogen produced pycnidia in lesions on rotted fruit, but they often developed in branch cankers. Pseudothecia of B. dothidea and B. obtusa were not observed. Identification of both pathogens was based on descriptions of their anamorphic stages (1). To fulfill Koch's postulates, four healthy Gala apple fruit were inoculated with two isolates of each pathogen by wounding the opposite faces of surface-disinfected fruit with a 5-mm-diameter cork borer and inserting mycelial plugs of the pathogens. Plugs were obtained from the margins of cultures growing on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Wounds were made on the opposite sides of each fruit, a mycelial plug of one of the pathogens was inserted in one wound, and on the opposite side, a plug of sterile PDA was inserted as a control. Each plug containing fungal mycelium or sterile PDA was covered with a plug of trimmed apple tissue, and the apple fruit were incubated in a moist chamber at 17 to 20°C for 10 days. Six branches on two young apple trees growing outdoors in a nursery were inoculated in a similar manner with one isolate of each pathogen: bark was wounded with a 5-mm-diameter cork borer, and the wounded area was inoculated with a plug of PDA containing the pathogen or a plug of sterile PDA for the control. The inoculated sites were wrapped with masking tape to prevent dehydration. Within 10 days, all fruit wounds inoculated with isolates of each pathogen developed brown lesions up to 5 cm in diameter. Each pathogen was reisolated from tissues in which it had been inoculated, but not from any of the noninoculated control sites. Within 6 to 8 weeks, all but one wound on branches inoculated with each pathogen developed depressed canker lesions up to 2 cm in length. Each pathogen was reisolated from the canker produced by inoculation with that pathogen, but not from any of the control sites. Reference: (1) T. B. Sutton. White rot and black rot. Pages 16-20 in: Compendium of Apple and Pear Diseases, A. L. Jones and H. S. Aldwinckle, eds. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN, 1991.


:Gala和Winter Banana苹果是Azurduy和Lima Bamba的重要商业作物,它们位于玻利维亚Chuquisaca的省(州)。白腐病或腐烂病(病原体Botryosphaeria dothidea(Moug.:Fr。)Ces。De。Not [anamorph Fusicoccum aesculi Corda])和黑腐病(病原体B. obtusa(Schwein。))鞋匠[Anamorph Sphaeropsis malorum Berk。] )以前尚未从玻利维亚报道。两种真菌均从苹果果实和Azurduy的树枝状溃疡中分离出来,但仅B. dothidea从腐烂的水果和肢体鳞茎中在利马班巴中分离出来。两种真菌也均从玻利维亚苏克雷市场上购买的腐烂的联欢晚会和冬季香蕉果实中分离出来。水果的症状包括直径从3到8厘米不等的浅棕色至深褐色的病变。肢体上的溃疡呈凹陷和红褐色,长度在2至25厘米之间,直径在0.5至3厘米之间。两种病原体均未在腐烂果实的病斑中产生粘虫病,但它们通常在分支溃疡中生长。没有观察到假双歧杆菌和钝双歧杆菌的假性皮病。两种病原体的鉴定均基于其变形阶段的描述(1)。为了满足科赫的假设,通过用5毫米直径的软木塞打伤表面消毒过的水果的相对表面,并插入病原体的菌丝体塞,在四种健康的嘎拉苹果果实中接种两种分离的每种病原体。从在马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(PDA)上生长的培养物的边缘获得塞子。在每个水果的相对侧制作伤口,将一种病原体的菌丝体塞插入一个伤口中,并在相对侧插入无菌PDA塞作为对照。每个装有真菌菌丝体或无菌PDA的塞子都用修剪过的苹果组织塞子覆盖,并将苹果果实在潮湿的室内于17至20°C孵育10天。用每种病原体的一种分离物,以相似的方式接种在苗圃中生长在室外的两棵年轻苹果树上的六个树枝上:用直径5毫米的软木塞打伤树皮,并用装有PDA的插头接种伤处用于控制的病原体或无菌PDA的塞子。接种部位用胶带包裹,以防脱水。在10天之内,接种了每种病原体的所有水果伤口都出现了直径达5厘米的棕色损伤。每种病原体都是从已经接种过的组织中分离出来的,而不是从任何未接种的对照位点中分离出来的。在6至8周内,除接种了每种病原体的树枝上的一个伤口外,所有伤口均出现了长达2 cm的凹陷性溃疡病。从通过接种该病原体产生的溃疡病中分离出每种病原体,但没有从任何对照位点中分离出病原体。参考:(1)T. B. Sutton。白腐和黑腐。第16-20页,在《苹果与梨病简编》中,A。L. Jones和H. S. Aldwinckle编辑。美国植物病理学会,明尼苏达州圣保罗,1991年。

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