Quality of the numerical modelling (MCNP code) of the spectrometric neutron-gamma benchmark experiment, performed at the Polish Calibration Station BGW in Zielona Gora for quantification of the main rock elements: Si, Ca, Fe and H, is considered. Elemental concentrations obtained from the measurements and simulations, for the rock models with water-filled boreholes, are in good agreement. For chlorine present in the borehole, the quality of the numerical reproducibility of the measured elemental concentrations depends on the cross section library used for the Cl(n,gamma)Cl reaction. The standard evaluated nuclear data library ENDF/B-VI Release 2 supplies imperfect data for photon production from thermal neutron capture in Cl. The improved cross sections for Cl(n,gamma)Cl are included in the ENDF/B-VI Release 8 library. Superiority of this new compilation over the previous one is shown in the paper. The accuracies for the Si, Ca and Fe determination have been improved by about 36%, 19.9% and 21.4%, respectively, when the ENDF/B-VI Release 8 library has been used for Cl.