EBCOG and ESCRH are committed to work with UNFPA- EECA Region to reduce high maternal mortality, preventing unwanted pregnancies, improving adolescent health, reducing the burden of STDs including HIV, safeguarding and protecting sexual health and achieving gender equality to achieve the objectives of ICPD 25 as agreed in Nairobi on 12th November 2019. Both organisations will provide technical assistance to support the development of country level SRH strategies to achieve these objectives as outlined in this joint position statement. We advocate policies developments for knowledge transfer from west to the east to address the unmet need for effective contraceptive methods, to reduce the rates of teenage and adolescent pregnancy rates. All this can be achieved by developing a work force fit for purpose to support the implementation of national SRH strategies. We urge upon international and national funders to work with us to develop sustainable models of care in the Eastern Europe and Central Asian Region.