Several genetic polymorphisms in metabolic activation or detoxification enzymes have been associated with susceptibility to therapy-related leukemia and myelodysplastic leukemia (TRLIMDS). We analyzed gene polymorphisms of NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQOl), glutathione S-tranferase (GST)-MI and -TI, and CYP3A4, the enzymes of which are capable of metabolizing anticancer drugs, in 58 patients with TRL/MDS and in 411 patients with de novo acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Homozygous Ser/Ser genotype of NQOl at codon 187, causing loss of function, was more frequent in the patients with TRLIMDS (14 of 58, 24.1%; OR = 2.62) than in those with de novo AML (64 of 411, 15.6%), and control (16 of 150, 10.6%; P = 0.002). Allelic frequencies of NQOJ were different between TRL/ MDS and de novo AML (P = 0.01). In GST-MJ and -Ti, the incidence of homologous deletion was similar among the three groups. The polymorphism of the 5' promoter region of CYP3A4 was not found in persons of Japanese ethnicity. These results suggest that the NQOJ polymorphism is significantly associated with the genetic risk of TRLIMDS.