PURPOSE:Polymeric micelles have been used for solubilization of insoluble drugs and as carriers for drug delivery applications. Here we evaluated an application of the synthetic polymeric micelles in experiments designed to improve the handling and stability of membrane proteins targets.
METHODS:Particle sizing by dynamic light scattering was performed in a Zeta Plus Photon Correlation Spectrometer at 532 nm. UGT1A1 activity has been measured in fluorescent assay using scopoletin as a substrate. COX-2 activity has been measured in a fluorescent assay using Amplex Red. Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) was monitored using either 463 nm excitation wavelength (the emission range 500-600 nm) or 395 nm excitation wavelength (the emission range 500-600 nm).
RESULTS:Incorporation of membrane proteins into PreserveX-QML polymeric micelles resulted in improved homogeneity and stability of the preparation and in reduced light scattering. Stabilization of the biological activity of micelle-incorporated membrane proteins, such as the human UGT1A1 and COX-2 both during extended incubations at room temperature and during multiple freeze/thaw cycles, has been achieved.
CONCLUSION:PreserveX-QML polymeric micelles help to homogenize and disperse membrane proteins preparations and stabilize the biological activity of the proteins making it more suitable for pharmaceutical assays and applications.