OBJECTIVE:Our purpose was to determine whether the incidence of postoperative endometritis and wound infection is associated with the method of placental removal at the time of cesarean section.

STUDY DESIGN:Parturients undergoing cesarean delivery were prospectively randomized to have the placenta removed manually or spontaneously. Patients were excluded from participation if they had received intrapartum prophylactic antibiotics or had been determined to have chorioamnionitis. After delivery of the infant women in the manual group had the placenta extracted by the primary surgeon, whereas women in the spontaneous group had the placenta delivered by gentle traction on the umbilical cord. All study subjects received perioperative prophylactic antibiotics. The primary outcome variable was a postcesarean infection, defined as postecsarean endometritis or wound cellulitis requiring drainage and antibiotic therapy.

RESULTS:A total of 333 women were enrolled in the investigation, with 165 assigned to the manual removal group and 168 allocated to have spontaneous removal. There were no statistically significant differences in mean gestational age, frequency or duration of ruptured membranes, frequency or duration of labor, or mean number of vaginal examinations between the two study groups. Postoperative infections occurred in 25 of 168 (15%) women in the spontaneous delivery group compared with 44 of 165 (27%) women in which the placenta was manually extracted (relative risk 0.6, 95% confidence interval 0.4 to 0.9, p = 0.01). Subset analysis of patients delivered with ruptured membranes similarly demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of postoperative infections with spontaneous placental removal compared with manual extraction (20% vs. 38%, relative risk 0.5, 95% confidence interval 0.3 to 0.9, p = 0.02). There was a similar trend toward a reduction in postdelivery infections associated with spontaneous placental removal in women with intact membranes; however, this difference did not attain statistical significance.

CONCLUSIONS:Spontaneous delivery of the placenta after cesarean delivery is associated with a decrease in the incidence of postcesarean infections.


目的 : 我们的目的是确定术后子宫内膜炎和伤口感染的发生率是否与剖宫产时胎盘摘除的方法有关。
研究设计 : 进行剖宫产的产妇被随机分配给人工或自发摘除胎盘。如果患者接受了产时预防性抗生素治疗或已确定患有绒毛膜羊膜炎,则被排除在参与治疗之外。分娩后,手动组的婴儿妇女由初级外科医生提取胎盘,而自发组的妇女则通过脐带上的轻柔牵引来递送胎盘。所有研究对象均接受围手术期预防性抗生素治疗。主要结局变量是剖宫产后感染,定义为剖宫产后子宫内膜炎或需要引流和抗生素治疗的伤口蜂窝织炎。
结果 : 共有333名妇女参加了调查,将165分配给手动移除组,并将168分配为具有自发移除。两个研究组之间的平均胎龄,破裂的频率或持续时间,分娩的频率或持续时间或阴道检查的平均数量没有统计学上的显着差异。自发分娩组168例 (15% 例) 妇女中有25例发生术后感染,而人工提取胎盘的165例 (27% 例) 妇女中有44例发生术后感染 (相对危险0.6,95% 置信区间0.4至0.9,p = 0.01)。类似地,对患有破裂膜的患者进行的子集分析表明,与手动拔除相比,自发胎盘的术后感染发生率在统计学上显着降低 (20% 与38%,相对风险0.5,95% 置信区间0.3 0.9,p = 0.02)。在具有完整膜的女性中,与自发胎盘摘除相关的分娩后感染减少的趋势相似; 但是,这种差异没有统计学意义。
结论 : 剖宫产后胎盘的自发分娩与剖宫产后感染的发生率降低有关。

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