The risk of spontaneous abortion and intra-uterine infections in pregnancies associated with an intra-uterine conceptive device (IUD) is well documented. There is a general agreement regarding the desirability of removing the IUD as soon as the pregnancy is diagnosed. When the string is not visible, the proper management is controversial. This study reports the successful retrieval of occult IUD in early pregnancy under ultrasonic guidance in 8 out of 9 women. In the one case where we failed to remove the IUD, the women chose to terminate the pregnancy by legal abortion. Seven women completed their pregnancy, while one experienced a spontaneous abortion. We consider the removal of the occult IUD in pregnancy under ultrasonic guidance to be a useful procedure. :The IUDs were removed with ultrasonic guidance from 8 out of 9 women who desired to continue their unplanned pregnancy, among 120 IUD contraception failures ascertained at the University Hospital of Trondheim, Norway, from January 1981-June 1990. The IUDs were removed without analgesia or anesthesia, by grasping the anterior lip of the cervix with a uterine tenaculum, and inserting forceps without cervical dilatation. The IUD was visualized with a convex electronic 3.5 MHz probe (Hitachi EUB-450). The women ranged in parity from 0-3, and gestational ages from 6-13 weeks. 8 procedures were successful. 1 failed after 2 attempts, as the IUD was located between the gestational sac and the fundus: the women chose legal abortion. 6 women delivered spontaneously at term. 1 had a cesarean section at 35 weeks because of fetal growth retardation. 1 woman aborted 1 week later at 7 weeks gestation. Usually implantation with an IUD in place occurs away from the device, and it is easily removed with the thread. Ultrasonically guided removal was judged a useful way to manage the situation of an occult IUD.


:从1981年1月至1990年6月在挪威特隆赫姆大学医院确定的120例宫内节育器避孕失败病例中,有9名希望继续计划外怀孕的妇女中有8例在超声引导下摘除宫内节育器。用子宫触角抓住子宫颈的前唇,并插入无宫颈扩张的镊子,以进行麻醉或麻醉。用凸形3.5 MHz电子探头(Hitachi EUB-450)可视化宫内节育器。这些妇女的平均年龄为0-3岁,胎龄为6-13周。成功完成了8个程序。由于宫内节育器位于胎囊和眼底之间,因此2次尝试中有1例失败:妇女选择了合法堕胎。足月自发分娩的有6名妇女。 1例因胎儿发育迟缓而在35周时进行了剖宫产。 1名妇女在妊娠7周后1周流产。通常,在适当位置放置宫内节育器的植入是在远离设备的地方进行的,并且很容易用螺纹将其移除。超声引导切除被认为是管理隐匿性宫内节育器情况的一种有用方法。

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