The effect of lentinan administration on monocyte function in the peripheral blood were examined in 33 patients who underwent resection of gastric cancer. As parameters of monocyte function, IL-1 production, C3b receptor, Fc gamma receptor and monocyte ratio were determined every 4 weeks for a maximum of 24 weeks. Among patients who were taking combined therapy with lentinan, an increase in IL-1 beta production of more than 50% was found 8 weeks (2 months) after the initiation of therapy in 8 of 12 patients given 2 mg at 2-week intervals, and in 11 of 16 patients given the same dose at 4-week intervals. This increase was particularly clear in stage II or more advanced cases. There were no significant changes in the other parameters studied. It has been considered that lentinen is effective when administered once a week. The results of the present study, however, suggest that lentinan given every 4 weeks also stimulates monocyte function enough to maintain immunological activity.